Mar 22Liked by Steven Beschloss

Those of us who grew up in the NYC area always knew he was a fraud. These are strange days indeed.

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Mar 22Liked by Steven Beschloss

Exactly! Us too. We had a couple of short and very unpleasant run ins with him, back in the day, and never liked him…there was that time when he snapped his fingers at Marla, bc he wanted to leave and she was still being gracious to some little kids..pathetic piece of losing garbage since the day he was born…

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New Yorkers indeed remember Donald The Con Man! Years ago I knew Tony Schwartz occasionally who wrote the first book about Trump, “The Art Of The Deal”. It allegedly was co-authored by Trump himself with profits to be shared 50/50 with the real author Tony.

But Tony told me years later that Trump probably hadn’t even read the book! When Tony presented the final draft copy to Trump to read and edit, Trump took a few days and returned the draft with one small minor change in ink but only on the very first page of many chapters. But nothing was changed in the interior of each chapter! So the Con Man even pretended to read “his own” first to be published book probably without even reading it? Sounds likely?—indeed!

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Nancy.. I’ve known ..having lived in

Manhattan (NYC) on the upper east side that Trump was Never thought

Of as anything but a bankrupt

Failure over and over not paying

His debts..he was a fraud and he

Remains a fraud … thanks ..loved living in NY from 1965 for forty

Years… NYC never respected him.Steven thank God writes and

Speaks …truth to power …..and

Is the Best most consistent person

Telling all of America the Truth

And trying to save our democracy

Please VOTE BLUE to save our freedoms for our grandchildren✅

Gratefully, Marsha

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Those of us who grew up on the West Coast didn't find out until much later. It took me until the early 1990s.

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Yes! Exactly! Even when he was riding high in the early Eighties he always gave off the air of a guy with too many balls in the air and too determined to show off rather than keep juggling. Nobody in or around NYC took him seriously—I was shocked at how many people elsewhere were taken in by his transparent aura of tasteless desperation.

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Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief.

Trial, conviction, prison, American relief.

The succession of donald john trump's life map.

Would that he someday, need apply for SNAP !!

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Rita … BRAVA you truly nailed it

Thanks, Marsha

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It is with great glee that I see him twist in the wind. Of course nothing will be sweeter than seeing him in prison. However I’m not sure something will not happen by the deadline. Some country like Saudi Arabia or Russia will come to his aid. I’m also reading that Ivanka and Jared might swoop in. He’s just too slippery.

If a country literally bails him out, who owns him at that point ? Up till now we know he’s corruptible for his own benefit, but then? Does it become a campaign talking point? Lots of unanswered questions.

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Mar 22Liked by Steven Beschloss

Donald is Lonesome Rhodes in the movie “A Face in the Crowd”. A loudmouth fraud artist who self destructs. His MAGAs and endorsements will evaporate.

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Honestly, at this point I think anything that smacks of consequences for his terrible behavior will be played up to the hilt by his MAGA enablers. The ONLY thing that could bring Trump, our present-day Minotaur down is responsible and powerful Republicans serving in Congress defecting from the MAGA island…and speaking out loudly and clearly, coupled with the right wing media echoing that truth. These people could be saved from their folly, and our Democracy USA ship, which is listing badly, might right itself. At the moment, they are trimming their sails, when what they need to do is adjust them, especially as we approach the choppiest and most turbulent political seas of our time. Greek mythology is full of heroes who embody the characteristics that can exhort us to accept these existential challenges. We may not recognize it, but we all have the “Mythopoetic” impulse…a recognition of beauty and the sacred in all things. Even the MAGA crowd has it. They’ve just buried it beneath the waves of authoritarianism. If we all pull together, we might be able to once again deliver ourselves and our democracy from the brink.

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Thank you Steven!

It appears AG James may start with TFG’s Westchester NY golf course and the 7 Springs Estate property there as well. Wonder how a split screen in real time between TFG and the Sheriff/Marshal padlocking the property will play with his base? Meanwhile, maybe with his base, TFG is in the GO FUNDME part of his campaign? While possibly having no effect on the cultists, maybe this will impact independents and the undecided? Another question, how does TFG run a campaign AND comply here? Stay tuned!

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Trump is a poster boy for pathological lying on steroids. That he has become a celebrated player on the world stage fawned over by much of the MEDIA tells a sad story about him; and, us.

Here is one refresher: “Just to state this: Justice Kennedy’s son gave a billion-dollar loan to Trump when no one would give him a dime, and Justice Kennedy has been ruling in favor of the Trump Administration position for 2 years as the Court decides 5-4 case after 5-4 case.”

— Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, in a tweet, June 29, 2018

Trump's path of corruption reached into the highest judicial branch of our republic. Ah! But what's a little grift here and a little grift there? Money, money everywhere. Boast and bombast are intrinsic to Trump's character. He is the perennial "look at me, look at me" guy. What is more saddening and sickening about all of this is how many continue to follow, support and fawn over Trump. What will they do once that patina has worn off?

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Yes, some of these followers may need outreach programs for ptsd, depression, addiction, anger, etc. It is sad and sickening. I appreciate your comments.

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Mar 22Liked by Steven Beschloss

When did the sense of smell replace vision or taste for perception? The odor of losing here? The odor of mendacity in Georgia? My vote is still for 'schadenfreude.'

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Thank you @StevenBeschloss for a great topic to end the week. We remember from Hamlet, and I paraphrase, the quote that the lady doth protest too much. If 45 (you all know by now that I can't use his name) really had all of that wealth, whe wouldn't have to talk about it so much. It would be so obvious for all to see. To my way of thinking, the fact that he has to keep taking about it and repeating it to anyone who will listen is partly because he is trying to convince himself, partly because if no one else is stroking his ego then he has to do it, and partly because he needs to repeat it over and over again to try to make it a reality and convince others. People with real wealth, and class (which 45 has neither) don't talk about it. They live their lives, they donate (some anonymously, which in my faith is the highest form of charity, and they let their class and their dignity and their actions speak for themselves. 45 does none of that. He is a wanna be rich man. Then this morning he announced on his social media platform that he has the $500 million. However, as he is always stumbling with words and the truth, it seems to be that the real truth is that he has made that money over the course of the successful part of his career (ignoring all of his businesses which ended in bankruptcy). He doesn't actually have the cash or he could just write a check or give it to an insurance copy to give him a bond. I shutter that he went to the same university that I attended, though I was accepted on merit, whereas I think it is very likely that his father's money bought him an acceptance, Wealthy people do donate to universities to get their children accepted, sometimes asking for buildings to be named after them, and sometimes just to make the gift as a quid pro quo for acceptance. We all must remember the college acceptance scandal of a few years ago. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. 45 doesn't have the3 money or this matter would be settled. There is no reason for him to wait until the Monday deadline to hand it over. If he does it today, rather than talk about it, he would have a free and clear weekend. I praise Letitia James for starting the process of how she will go about seizing his properties if he doesn't pay what he owes for his crimes. I probably shouldn't say that photos on the front page of The Post of padlocks on his Westchester home compound, or Trump Tower or 1 of his many hotels in NYC, or his Wall Street building would be a sight for sore eye; but it would be for my sore eyes, not that I read that newspaper, but it will be shown on the news. Of course, even that may not cause any alarm among his cult followers, though he does seem to be concerned about declaring bankruptcy and the effect that might have on his base. One can only hope that some in his base re beginning to wake up, or will wake up before the election and see this fraud for what he is. As I think of this situation, I often think about the movie The Wizard of Oz, when everyone gets to the Emerald City and pulls back the curtain, and there is a phone behind it. 45 is that phone person. Enjoy the weekend everyone. And follow the money. Or not if there isn't really $500 million to follow. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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The bombast will come around to sting him. His new book, The Art Of The Con is proposed to publishers who all turn it down because he cannot find a co-writer! Disney will buy Trump Tower at a bargain basement price and turn it into an amusement park. He’ll continue to cry “Witch hunt!”, but a covey of witches will put a curse on him. These are a few of my favorite outcomes as he lies his way to defeat in November.

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Mar 23Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven Beschloss you amaze me…as far

As relaxing …when I return home from

Hospice grief counseling… your words

Touch my heart because you’re working

To inspire each of us to save our country..

With your words my heart knows that

Together We Can Save Our Country..🌹

I also do Tai Chi and get Thai massages

Blessings and heartfelt gratitude,Marsha

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Thank you, Marsha.

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Mar 22Liked by Steven Beschloss

Everything tfg touches is really fool’s gold; crappers and all.

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Hey, Americans: "The Emperor has no clothes!" Thanks, Steven, for another great newsletter.

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Steven, we have to win the election. Focusing on Drumpf doesn’t help. An even greater disappointment than the attention paid to him is the clear evidence that our systems and “guardrails” are impotent. Courts move at slower than a snail’s pace. A corrupt judge like Aileen Cannon can trash a “slam dunk” case like the documents case. The Supreme Court is anything but honorable.

We have one hope: a resounding victory in November. All of the energy and focus has to go there.

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Agree on all counts, except to say that it's necessary to understand what Trump and his networks of enablers are doing and have in store. That's part of the way to clarify and motivate people to understand what's at stake if Biden doesn't retain the White House.

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Pardon my anger. On the eve of my 85th birthday I am beyond frustrated that our beautiful country is dealing with the sour taste of Drumpf and the grifting that he is imposing on so many people who should know better. Worse yet are the Republican apparatchiks using his con game for their own nefarious purposes. They are worse than Drumpf. It is a lethal combination. And, it is disgusting!

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Understood and agreed.

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the immediate horizon has the Truth Social merger looming on it. It raises some interesting questions.

Trump (or anyone) is not supposed to be able to sell stock OR PLEDGE it for 6 months after the merger. Say he does somehow (through an intermediary?) and plunks the half billion in to court or pledges the stock to a surety who writes the bond. That would probably stop James from pursuing her collections even if it happens a week from Tuesday.

But what happens if his maneuver is illegal? Can those funds IN the court, or even paid to James upon winning the appeal, be clawed back? What about pledged to a surety. I am sure there are surety lawyers out there right now madly researching ways around the "no sell or pledge" to see whether any of them could work, or if they all involve issues of clawback.

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