Here's hoping the Supreme Court will be on as fast a track as you are on that train .🚂

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When Trump first asked the court to basically make him a dictator with no rules no laws maybe someone should've considered a psychiatric evaluation instead of a long, never ending court battle

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It would be a favor to the country if SCOTUS refused to hear an appeal on today’s decision and allowed justice to proceed with all deliberate speed!!

* Unfortunately, the House may decide to put on an impeachment part 2 episode. A Rep was quoted as predicting it in the next month or two. There were 4 GOP votes showing as “no” during the live vote. Apparently a Rep from Utah decided at the last minute to vote no. Steve Scalise was having a cancer treatment and wasn’t there to vote. They are hoping for 1 to switch a vote & with Scalise, they would have enough.

* “Engoron asked the lawyers to respond by 5 p.m. Wednesday” on the issue of Weisselberg and potential perjury before he issues his decision in the Little Donnie Desperate fraud penalties. A lot of penalties are on the table including losing the ability to do business in NY & the prosecutor asking for $370M. Not looking pretty with the recent unfavorable monitor’s report & now possibility that Weisselberg may plead to perjury. https://apnews.com/article/trump-weisselberg-engoron-perjury-civil-fraud-4d598852ee1cafa7ef9976452b42e6a2#

* Frankly, the penalties are adding up: $400M last month to NYT for “frivolous” lawsuit, attorney fees. This is without old cases like assets of the frauds family foundation being divided among charities & the payout to trump (not a) university students and so on. He could be over a $1Billion in no time.


E Jean Carroll verdicts $5M and $83M.

Not to mention the interest that accrues as he appeals and all his attorney fees.

(So much winning!)

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Theater of the Absurd. We are going through some strange times, hoping my grandchildren keep what’s happening in their minds as they get to vote in free and fair elections that have little to do with the clown show of these last 8 years. I’m counting on the rational, intelligent people of our nation to help make that happen.

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If we work hard to support all the effective GOTV orgs and do all we can, we might not have to rely on hope.

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I am going to with the positives here and am wrapping myself up in the good news today that justice was served to us. SCOTUS should not hear the case…at all. Denying Trump to manipulate the courts is what is needed to stop him in his tracks. This appellate court’s decision was precise in reviewing the case and they had an answer for him, similar to Judge Chutkin’s which was (paraphrasing) “a President is not King”.

Steven, have a wonderful and safe trip.

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Thank you!

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Why we can't have nice things in USA. My friends from France when they come to visit cannot believe how backwards it is here and the lack of nice things for the general public.

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Thank you Steven!

The DC Circuit decision is wonderful.

Same can be said for the Impeachment Fail.

The Border/Ukraine show the R’s unserious non-governing nature. I hope Biden can use the plan with Greece to get money/goods to Ukraine.

I’d be in favor of more efficient high speed rail as a resident of Northeast Corridor.

Fingers crossed for accountability for TFG.

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It is indeed encouraging what has happened in the courts regarding “Phlegm”(former Pres.). But , also very upsetting to read of the continual cowardice and hypocrisy the R-Party perpetuates by not fulfilling basic responsibilities to the majority. The majority of us who care about what is happening in other parts of the world such as Ukraine or Gaza. I do remain Hopeful, as always. Thanks Steven, enjoy your travels wherever they may lead. Bullet Trains are truly an engineering marvel!

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Nothing compares to the trains in Japan. I lived there for two years, and could not get enough of them. I remember popping off the train at different stops to buy a Bento box and popping back to find some amazing surprise in those little boxes.

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Forget all this disfunctional bullshit. I loved that ride. The Bento boxes were fantastic and the older women who pushed the carts down the aisles were so polite and gracious.

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@steveBeschloss, when you said bullet train ,y mind went to that famous statement 45 made that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he could still run for election and he wouldn't be prosecuted and wouldn't lose any vote. Now let me clear my head. One minute Ronna is in and the next minute she is out. Does she not know the rule of absolute loyalty to 45? I guess mot. And Stefanik, hard for me to read and write her name just after breakfast when the food hasn't even settled yet. Could she run any harder for the VP slot? Trick question. The answer is no. And yay immunity to 45 or any president was denied by an appeals court that has a very conservative judge. So there !!! Does SCOTUS dare to give a different opinion? Then there's the corder. All of a sudden this crisis that the GOP has been whining about for months has found its way into a bi-partisan bill. But now the GOP House won't sign it, giving lame excuses that it is not good enough. Half a loaf is better than one. Let's face it. 45 has bullied them into voting down that bill because 45 doesn't want to give Biden a victory and 45 wants to use the border as an election issue. Buy the way: where is the wall that he was going to build in his first term with money that Mexico was going to give to pay for that wall? And @SteveBeschloss, enjoy Japan; but please get back to this country quickly. Our country is falling apart; and it is 45 that is making every attempt he can to knock it down. And yes, btw: he wants to start debating Biden, though he wouldn't debate Haley. Does he not know that the conventions have not yet been held, that we are in primary season, and not yet in general election season. and he should take some history courses before he debates, or at least read some newspapers. Haley wasn't in charge of the national guard on the day of the insurrection. Hayley wasn't even in office. Pelosi was Speaker; but if was up to 45 himself, who unfortunately held the office of president of the US, who had the ability to quell the insurrection by calling the national guard. Also, on my mind, how are things between 45 and Pence these days? Since 45 was watching the insurrection on tv in the White House dining room, asking for more catsup for his french fries (bad food for a person his age - too much fat and cholesterol - and 45 must have seen the gallows and heard the chants of "Hang Mike Pence". Oh, I feel so much better for having vented to you @StevenBeschloss and this great America America group.Now I can get on with my day. Just 1 last thing. I sat down to breakfast as a s news story was just finishing on tv. So, what did Tucker Carlson say in his interview with Putin. Apparently the Kremlin isn't happy. and why was Tucker interviewing Putin anyway? the 3 amigos: 45, Tucker & Putin. Men who are out to destroy the world. Now I must end positively. Let's get out and support Biden who stands for democracy; and we MUST VOTE in November, for Biden =Harris and keep our country democratic. God Bless America 🇺🇸 And let's now forget. It's the anniversary of the Beetles landing in America. Oh how I yearn for the good old days of the Fab 4. 🎶

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I would like to hear “every day we are striving to improve and solve our immigration processes and humanitarian enforcement at our Southern border” from President Biden! Surely we can achieve better results and better messaging than we have now. The best way to mute the MAGA rabble is to address the issues head-on, using the power of the incumbency to achieve a reputation for competence in an area where the reputation is the opposite. Once again: DO SOMETHING!

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"It's likely that SCOTUS won't address this request until after the election, potentially paving the way for another Trump victory. This manipulation of our legal system seems to be Trump's modus operandi. Unfortunately, our judicial system often favors the wealthy and powerful, leaving the average person at a disadvantage.

It's been nearly four years since this corrupt individual attempted to seize control of our country by force, yet he still hasn't faced trial. Dictators around the world are swiftly brought to justice, but here we are, mired in legal battles over trial dates. When Trump was indicted four times, I hoped our judicial system would safeguard our democracy. Now, it's evident that justice is elusive. Back in 2016, Comey managed to conclude an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails in less than two weeks. Yet today, despite mounting evidence and multiple trials against Trump, we're still stuck in legal limbo, grappling over trial schedules."

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You & Joyce keep me from having a nervous breakdown....yesterday I worried that if tfg won immunity he would go after Obama... he knows he can't win but he sure as hell can play with the cloak... may the supremes refuse to take this one up

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Nothing that happens in the House matters. They are useless. Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars. The republicans that voted no will be subjected to verbal assault by trump and their fellow republicans into submission. Gaetz is an unindicted insurrectionist. Stefanik is immoral and is not fit to be in the House along with most of the republicans.

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I think we might want to consider referring to the Republican Party, from here on out, as the Children's Party as there are no adults present.

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