That is how you take down Donald Trump—calmly, coldly, and not letting him get away with anything.

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It is hitting the bully in the mouth, as we all learned on the playground. He was incoherent and unhinged and frankly presented as a repulsive looking and sounding old man. The only thing he did not utter was “get off my lawn”.

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😊 Especially when she said if he got in the WH, Putin would eat him for lunch.

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It was such a joy to watch. I had tears in my eyes. From the moment she had to chase him down behind his own podium to shake his clenched fist as she introduced herself with a smile and a firmly correct pronunciation of her name; she was Presidential. And he was nothing more than the self serving bully who knows how weak he truly is. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at her. The whole night. You could see this ticker tape running across his forehead “I cannot believe I have to stand on this stage with a black (grimace) WOMAN (double grimace) as if she is my equal” (I could SEE him thinking it … and simultaneously knowing deep down, that this black woman IS all that he pretends to be…. a smart, powerful, liked, strong leader).

So much work to be done.

But what a glorious night.

And that post-debate Taylor Swift endorsement signed :

‘Childless Cat Lady’ was the icing on top of a delicious evening of hope and of joy.

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"ticker tape running across his forehead"


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The emperor has no clothes. (Now that’s what I call a real dressing down.)

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my favorite book and for good reason - it represents the truth today!!

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The unforced errors into which the Trump Creature blundered were truly remarkable. There was no need for him to raise that thoroughly-debunked nonsense about illegal immigrants eating pets. He did that all by himself. He just couldn't help himself.

Another moment that literally made me laugh out loud was in regard to his healthcare plan, when DT said "they" (whoever "they" might be but possibly referring to his minions) were thinking about the concept of a plan. You can't make this stuff up.

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I too shared your LOL about his healthcare plan. Remember the big, 4” white notebook, his healthcare plan, that was nothing but blank pages and a total ruse? It’s so weird what sticks in my mind these days but that surely did. Life is stranger than fiction on any day ending in y.

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The interesting thing about that debate was that Kamala Harris expertly used what Donald Trump tries loudly to do but fails, at least with Harris so far, was to dangle bait which Trump immediately, predictably lunged at.

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Ah, very much like how Susan Del Percio described it. (A GOP analyst, strategist) Only she held her arm and hand in the air as one does when offering a doggie treat. The gist of it was that VP Harris offered him a treat, he took it. She offered another, another and another and he continued to gobble (my word) all of them.

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It was an amazing experience watching Kamala Harris deliver her platform and reveal her caring for us while delivering prize fighting barbs to the lying disgusting unqualified former guy.——

Almost artistry!


Thank you for this essay and this:⬇️

“But after this night—not simply a debate but a demolition derby—it would make sense for Trump to begin making serious plans for retirement. Because it’s increasingly clear: His days are numbered if all of us do the hard work of getting out the vote.”

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A big IF - we all need to do all we can to GOTV - sign up new voters, show support IRL with signs and rallies, send postcards, write letters to the editors, etc!

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She ran circles around him and helped him hang himself over and over. But to me the most important distinction between the candidates is the energy—the vibration. There’s joyful and hopeful policies and personable engagement with the viewers and even the opponent, versus anger, fear, blame, doomsaying and name calling.

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"Hoist by his own petard" is how Shakespeare might put it. In this case, a long red tie. Maybe the guy will finally kill the power tie. It's so 80s, like the guy himself.

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Future President Harris was brilliant last evening by totally destroying Traitor Trump! Who was in the spin room desperately trying to clean up his mess of a debate? Hint, it was Orban’s favorite candidate! I like my presidents to love freedom rather than tinhorn dictators!!!

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So true. Orban’s praise was the best response this “reality” candidate could muster after being told that world leaders talk to his opponent and laugh at him; that military leaders tell her he is a disgrace.

I noticed it cut to his core. It shook him. Otherwise despite the laughing on video at the UN General Assembly and reports from the G-7 (?) plus books and statements by his own former military leaders, he would have denied it was true.

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Thank you Steven. Because I cannot abide one minute of tRump talking and playing the accordion with his tiny hands, I did not watch the debate. Your summation of the debate is what I thought was going to happen and happily it did. He showed voters just who he is, a vindictive bully with no real facts or leadership abilities .

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We have been credibly told that when he accordions he’s lying and I have observed this to be true.

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Since he's ALWAYS lying, I guess that's why he's always playing his accordion.

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I have read every available column on the debate. Yours is the most perceptive, the most insightful, simply the best. Thank you, Steven.

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Thank you, John!

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Basically, there was nothing but an orange stain left after the debate.

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First of all - fantastic post!

Second: “ But after this night—not simply a debate but a demolition derby—it would make sense for Trump to begin making serious plans for retirement. ”

Ha! That’s what he’s trying to avoid because if he loses he’ll be spending his retirement in jail unless he escapes to some country without extradition but which is willing to put up with harassment from the US to return him for his punishment.

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Thanks for putting this together so well. I actually felt like I should see about framing it! VP Harris did such a well constructed job of putting him on display so he could obviously then feel free to do what he does best, denigrate and insult, lie and avoid answering direct questions given by the two good moderators. I feel rejuvinated and as if the bricks are restacked in order rather than in chaos. I think we all needed this public shaming ("You are a disgrace.") to take place after so many years of him getting away with his painful, deplorable behaviors. A man such as he has to be outwardly corrected if he can't control himself and now - we take a deep breath and get on to better and more honorable activities for rebuilding our country.

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Arrgh! To go: 55 days, 7.9 weeks, 1.7 months. It will be here in the blink of an eye.

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9/20/24: 46 days / 6.6wks / 1.4mo Yikes!

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I couldn't watch it, so thanks for watching on our behalf. Couldn't stand to hear his voice and lies for 90 seconds, much less 90 minutes. But what would retirement look like? Ballots are being printed with his name at the top. Would it be JD and ... MTG? Would it be like a rare baseball game that is conceded, as the White Sox Demolition Disco game?

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So true. The sound of his voice just sets me on edge. I did watch it. But I so much appreciate the summary.

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I can't stand his voice and his constant lies either. I managed to sit through the entire debate, but it took two fairly stiff drinks to be able to do so -- and I almost never drink!

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Tim, Eliz, kd, Lydia: Right there with ya. I'll try a video if it's really short (like >2m) Sometimes just muting and enabling Captions works. If all else fails, I just grab my handy-dandy TrumpSwater. Seriously! It's one of those telescopic/extendable ones. My BP meds don't have ta work so hard. (plus the language I use while swatting really helps)

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"TrumpSwatter" -- LOVE IT!!! Now, if someone had started using that on him when he committed the evil things he is reported to have done as a child, perhaps he wouldn't have become the monster he is today. (BTW, I am utterly opposed to physical punishment, and never once slapped or hit my child in any way. Still.....)

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I stood it for 50 minutes, and then was so nauseated that I had to leave. After a half-hour away, I went back. There was another 20 minutes to go at that point, so I stayed. I was interested to see how much Harris had relaxed, to the point that it was actually fun to see her deflate the orange monster.

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Your patience was worth it then! Good job kd !

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Thank you. I confess to missing some points while watching, so frustrated and angry at the “golden idol”, worshipped by many and far too unable to articulate anything.

On healthcare - which only he still calls “Obamacare” hoping to revert to his “not born here” issues about Pres Obama - he has a plan for a plan IF it will be affordable and he cannot provide one word of it.

Onward to a great big blue wave!

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After 9 years (as Harris pointed out) all the poor addled dear could say was “we” have concepts for plans.

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And since plans are just more fleshed out concepts, I guess he has concepts of concepts. Maybe.

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