It is not simply arrogance, but a sense of entitlement as if they are spoiled rotten children who have never had to face any consequences for their actions up to this point in their lives. The petulance and narcissism is fed by all the sycophants who are in desperate hope of getting something for nothing...nothing but selling their souls. And the rest of the hangers on are just insecure and angry people who look to MAGA as a source of belonging and shared grievance for what they themselves have failed to achieve and, a sick nihilistic pleasure in tearing down others who have managed a better life.
For me it's clear. We are witnessing the evolution of American fascism. Every event is a planned and orchestrated performance with one destroy American Democracy. This is really about the soul of America; will it live or die?
And the media gets played at every turn, and can't get enough of it, while giving him the attention he wants. Disgusting.
I am incredulous at the Republican congressmen, who, to sycophantically advocate for their king, are maintaining that there is a two-tier justice system, headed by President Biden, of course. One for BLM and Antifa protesters and another for the Trump slugs. To claim that somehow Blacks get an easier ride from the justice system than rich white folks borders on the obscene.
Trump follows his criminal mentor’s Roy Cohn’s mantra, never admit anything. Fight until the end. Trump looks like a character from Zoolander in that mugshot. A cartoon figure.
I’ve never seen a more posed “mug shot.” Trump obviously prepared for this as if he were preparing for a photo-shoot, and chose just the right expression to convey his readiness to fight. It’s going to become an icon among followers. It would have been better for him to not have the opportunity for a mug shot—because opportunity is just what he made of it.
My take on the Great Leader's spectacle last night is that it should have never happened. Why did the Fulton County Sheriff allow this spectacle - for what? To have this idiot's show in prime time, no less. It was despicable and totally unnecessary. How many of you have ever driven through Atlanta on any day, day or night, and have not had congestion, and they close major Interstates and major side streets for the clown and his retinue with what, sixteen motorcycles and a trail of black SUVs as if it were a real presidential motorcade! What a joke! He should have been brought in under the cover of night, and if they were serious about a mugshot, and his personal information (really, 230 pounds or whatever it was!?!) taken properly, and someone should have told him to get real for the picture. I have worked in a county jail and have viewed many being processed in, and this was an unspeakable travesty! Shame on the Sheriff in Fulton County and the missed opportunity to stop kowtowing to this narcissist buffon.
First. This quote: All we have to do is find 11, 780 votes. That’s one more than we need. So obviously trying to pressure elected officials to tamper with the real election results, overturn the election and to give Trump the victory his narcissistic personality needs. I challenge anyone to tell me how this was a perfect phone call. And light, camera, action at the Atlanta airport after his arraignment. Is this material for his next unreality tv show. It must have been ugly inside that jail where he was weighed, and forced to sit for a mug shot and be fingerprinted. However, everyone charged with a crime in GA goes through the same process. Trump is a citizen of this great country. He is given the presumption of innocence; and he also has to follow the same laws as every other citizen. He also has to follow the same procedures as everyone else who is charged with a crime in GA. Those who claimed that 2 weeks wasn’t enough time to get a plane flight to GA show their arrogance and ignorance. Go on the computer and you can get a flight to Atlanta, one of the busiest airports in the country, from anywhere in quick time. It is so infuriating that these cult people think they deserve special, better treatment. We are all equal under the law. Now Trump has his own plane. So he didn’t have the “I can’t get a flight” excuse. Actually, if he was a nice guy, he could have picked up his co-conspirators wherever they live and flown them all down to Atlanta with him. I say with sarcasm: look at what he did for poor former America’s mayor Giuliani. Not pay his legal fees with his own ill-gotten money. No. He organized a fundraiser so that other people could help out the impoverished mayor by getting other people to give their money for that cause. Now I am waiting to see how much tampering with witnesses, how much public sharing of evidence that he was ordered to keep private and how much incitement of a crowd that he keeps calling angry and loving while they tried to destroy our Capital and our democracy he is going to be able to speak before the DA enacts a gag order or puts him in jail. Any other citizen of this great country would already have had bail revoked and would have been put in jail for constantly breaking the rules of a person charged with a crime. Arrogance as has been shown by this band of accused with plenty of evidence brothers is making our great country worse than it ever was. Those hats with that famous slogan and the MAGA people wearing them should be grateful every day that they are getting privileges that other citizens who commit crimes in this great country don’t get. So let’s put a lid on this speech which goes beyond the Constitutional definition of free speech. Treat these arrogant cult people like every other citizen. Have a great weekend everyone. God Bless America 🇺🇸
I hope one or both of the prosecutors ask for him to be banned from social media. His posts are inflammatory. There are enough people out there who are deep enough into the cult to commit violence against someone because "Trump told them to." Just like January 6th.
Note the photos of the Scowling Twins! Wow. How far they have fallen! Yet, sadly, they are clueless about that. When one lacks a soul and a moral compass, all legitimacy surpasses their capacity to comprehend and understand; or the will to honor and follow the rightful path. They are ruthless and contemptuous. Yet, their toxicity flows freely among those who continue to support Trump and his law-breaking allies.
The voices of reason are being drowned out by the semi authoritarians who have and are successfully using the tactics of the Fascists they wish to emulate. How do we do a better job of getting our message to more clearly and more forcefully show the pitfalls that most assuredly wait the innocents who are easily led by cult leaders?
I rarely check 'twitter' anymore but found this yesterday - says it better than I ever could:
from 100-year-old Holocaust survivor on trump - "when I hear Trump speak, I hear Hitler again. When I see his rallies, is like what I saw in Nazi Germany. Trump is like a dictator. He's crazy like Hitler was." by Ruth Rozanski, Delray Beach FL. I thank God for people like her, & all of you, willing to speak up, speak out. Tried to paste in comments so you could see her pix., obviously did not work.
Donald J. Trump Crime Syndicate has wrapped itself in an armor of delusion and denial. We the people have deserved so much more, and received so much less. But, with their iconic heroes such as Putin, Orban, Lukashenko and Xi one could expect nothing else. The Republican platform is formed on domestic terrorism, hate, and lies. There is a national bleeding of the body politic that demands and requires more than a mere tourniquet. Our country is NOT in a good place. Anyone who thinks or believes this is a mere “blip” on the screen of life in the United States, that person is dangerously naïve and in denial of the crisis we are in. True patriotic Republicans, Democrats and Independents MUST vote. The 46% who sat out the latest election should take note: Failure to vote is a failure to preserve and protect our democratic republic.
I am sorry they did not include his number at the bottom as is usually done. I wish they had taken a side view that would have shown his old neck, a picture that he hates. Note he positioned himself so that light shines brightly on his fake hair as if being blessed from above.Shame on the media showing all the regular size planes arriving, then zeroing in on the monstrous, ostentatious, bigger than a bread box super ego trump ship. No UFO for sure. TRUMP emblazoned on it that may have been seen from India's Chandrayaan-3. A big plane carrying a little man. "proudly be arrested," he said. Well how about the old proverb "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall?" Franklin Graham, put that in your pipe and smoke it !
What did Clark expect to do if the judge would not meet his demand? Perhaps we should revisit America's mayor-perhaps he wasn't. Just hype. He says this is an attack on the American people. No sir-flying into the World Trade Center towers was an attack on the American people. Actions have consequences, Mr. Giuliani.
Giuliani puts me in mind of a little toad, begging for help from a big frog. Meadows walks around , head held high, guilty of nothing , assuming the role of king maker, bowing to no one, let alone a black district attorney from Georgia. Georgia happens to be a state formed for which to send England's criminals, law breakers. Returning to its roots?????
If I say Hit the road, Jack, I mean for him to keep going toward sending these reprobates to perdition. I know appeals will keep them free, maybe forever, but wouldn't it be great to see a group picture of all 19 dressed in stripes with a barbed fence in the background. I'll stay young at heart and hope the dream comes true. May God watch over the United States of America and keep her free.
It is not simply arrogance, but a sense of entitlement as if they are spoiled rotten children who have never had to face any consequences for their actions up to this point in their lives. The petulance and narcissism is fed by all the sycophants who are in desperate hope of getting something for nothing...nothing but selling their souls. And the rest of the hangers on are just insecure and angry people who look to MAGA as a source of belonging and shared grievance for what they themselves have failed to achieve and, a sick nihilistic pleasure in tearing down others who have managed a better life.
All born of white privilege
All too true.
For me it's clear. We are witnessing the evolution of American fascism. Every event is a planned and orchestrated performance with one destroy American Democracy. This is really about the soul of America; will it live or die?
And the media gets played at every turn, and can't get enough of it, while giving him the attention he wants. Disgusting.
I am incredulous at the Republican congressmen, who, to sycophantically advocate for their king, are maintaining that there is a two-tier justice system, headed by President Biden, of course. One for BLM and Antifa protesters and another for the Trump slugs. To claim that somehow Blacks get an easier ride from the justice system than rich white folks borders on the obscene.
Trump follows his criminal mentor’s Roy Cohn’s mantra, never admit anything. Fight until the end. Trump looks like a character from Zoolander in that mugshot. A cartoon figure.
Perhaps the most thoughtful piece I’ve read on what we are seeing unfold before our eyes. Thank you.
Thank you.
Most discouraging are the frequent “men in the street“ interviews with delusional Trump followers. They all sound like zombies.
I’ve never seen a more posed “mug shot.” Trump obviously prepared for this as if he were preparing for a photo-shoot, and chose just the right expression to convey his readiness to fight. It’s going to become an icon among followers. It would have been better for him to not have the opportunity for a mug shot—because opportunity is just what he made of it.
Zoolander pose
Couldn't agree more. Like a prize fighter mugging for the camera.
I write a Haiku every day. That mugshot:
A two-year-old boy
An orange helium balloon
With a long red tie
My take on the Great Leader's spectacle last night is that it should have never happened. Why did the Fulton County Sheriff allow this spectacle - for what? To have this idiot's show in prime time, no less. It was despicable and totally unnecessary. How many of you have ever driven through Atlanta on any day, day or night, and have not had congestion, and they close major Interstates and major side streets for the clown and his retinue with what, sixteen motorcycles and a trail of black SUVs as if it were a real presidential motorcade! What a joke! He should have been brought in under the cover of night, and if they were serious about a mugshot, and his personal information (really, 230 pounds or whatever it was!?!) taken properly, and someone should have told him to get real for the picture. I have worked in a county jail and have viewed many being processed in, and this was an unspeakable travesty! Shame on the Sheriff in Fulton County and the missed opportunity to stop kowtowing to this narcissist buffon.
First. This quote: All we have to do is find 11, 780 votes. That’s one more than we need. So obviously trying to pressure elected officials to tamper with the real election results, overturn the election and to give Trump the victory his narcissistic personality needs. I challenge anyone to tell me how this was a perfect phone call. And light, camera, action at the Atlanta airport after his arraignment. Is this material for his next unreality tv show. It must have been ugly inside that jail where he was weighed, and forced to sit for a mug shot and be fingerprinted. However, everyone charged with a crime in GA goes through the same process. Trump is a citizen of this great country. He is given the presumption of innocence; and he also has to follow the same laws as every other citizen. He also has to follow the same procedures as everyone else who is charged with a crime in GA. Those who claimed that 2 weeks wasn’t enough time to get a plane flight to GA show their arrogance and ignorance. Go on the computer and you can get a flight to Atlanta, one of the busiest airports in the country, from anywhere in quick time. It is so infuriating that these cult people think they deserve special, better treatment. We are all equal under the law. Now Trump has his own plane. So he didn’t have the “I can’t get a flight” excuse. Actually, if he was a nice guy, he could have picked up his co-conspirators wherever they live and flown them all down to Atlanta with him. I say with sarcasm: look at what he did for poor former America’s mayor Giuliani. Not pay his legal fees with his own ill-gotten money. No. He organized a fundraiser so that other people could help out the impoverished mayor by getting other people to give their money for that cause. Now I am waiting to see how much tampering with witnesses, how much public sharing of evidence that he was ordered to keep private and how much incitement of a crowd that he keeps calling angry and loving while they tried to destroy our Capital and our democracy he is going to be able to speak before the DA enacts a gag order or puts him in jail. Any other citizen of this great country would already have had bail revoked and would have been put in jail for constantly breaking the rules of a person charged with a crime. Arrogance as has been shown by this band of accused with plenty of evidence brothers is making our great country worse than it ever was. Those hats with that famous slogan and the MAGA people wearing them should be grateful every day that they are getting privileges that other citizens who commit crimes in this great country don’t get. So let’s put a lid on this speech which goes beyond the Constitutional definition of free speech. Treat these arrogant cult people like every other citizen. Have a great weekend everyone. God Bless America 🇺🇸
I hope one or both of the prosecutors ask for him to be banned from social media. His posts are inflammatory. There are enough people out there who are deep enough into the cult to commit violence against someone because "Trump told them to." Just like January 6th.
Note the photos of the Scowling Twins! Wow. How far they have fallen! Yet, sadly, they are clueless about that. When one lacks a soul and a moral compass, all legitimacy surpasses their capacity to comprehend and understand; or the will to honor and follow the rightful path. They are ruthless and contemptuous. Yet, their toxicity flows freely among those who continue to support Trump and his law-breaking allies.
The voices of reason are being drowned out by the semi authoritarians who have and are successfully using the tactics of the Fascists they wish to emulate. How do we do a better job of getting our message to more clearly and more forcefully show the pitfalls that most assuredly wait the innocents who are easily led by cult leaders?
MUG SHOT = Devil Incarnate
I rarely check 'twitter' anymore but found this yesterday - says it better than I ever could:
from 100-year-old Holocaust survivor on trump - "when I hear Trump speak, I hear Hitler again. When I see his rallies, is like what I saw in Nazi Germany. Trump is like a dictator. He's crazy like Hitler was." by Ruth Rozanski, Delray Beach FL. I thank God for people like her, & all of you, willing to speak up, speak out. Tried to paste in comments so you could see her pix., obviously did not work.
Donald J. Trump Crime Syndicate has wrapped itself in an armor of delusion and denial. We the people have deserved so much more, and received so much less. But, with their iconic heroes such as Putin, Orban, Lukashenko and Xi one could expect nothing else. The Republican platform is formed on domestic terrorism, hate, and lies. There is a national bleeding of the body politic that demands and requires more than a mere tourniquet. Our country is NOT in a good place. Anyone who thinks or believes this is a mere “blip” on the screen of life in the United States, that person is dangerously naïve and in denial of the crisis we are in. True patriotic Republicans, Democrats and Independents MUST vote. The 46% who sat out the latest election should take note: Failure to vote is a failure to preserve and protect our democratic republic.
I am sorry they did not include his number at the bottom as is usually done. I wish they had taken a side view that would have shown his old neck, a picture that he hates. Note he positioned himself so that light shines brightly on his fake hair as if being blessed from above.Shame on the media showing all the regular size planes arriving, then zeroing in on the monstrous, ostentatious, bigger than a bread box super ego trump ship. No UFO for sure. TRUMP emblazoned on it that may have been seen from India's Chandrayaan-3. A big plane carrying a little man. "proudly be arrested," he said. Well how about the old proverb "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall?" Franklin Graham, put that in your pipe and smoke it !
What did Clark expect to do if the judge would not meet his demand? Perhaps we should revisit America's mayor-perhaps he wasn't. Just hype. He says this is an attack on the American people. No sir-flying into the World Trade Center towers was an attack on the American people. Actions have consequences, Mr. Giuliani.
Giuliani puts me in mind of a little toad, begging for help from a big frog. Meadows walks around , head held high, guilty of nothing , assuming the role of king maker, bowing to no one, let alone a black district attorney from Georgia. Georgia happens to be a state formed for which to send England's criminals, law breakers. Returning to its roots?????
If I say Hit the road, Jack, I mean for him to keep going toward sending these reprobates to perdition. I know appeals will keep them free, maybe forever, but wouldn't it be great to see a group picture of all 19 dressed in stripes with a barbed fence in the background. I'll stay young at heart and hope the dream comes true. May God watch over the United States of America and keep her free.