This gives me hope. The man must be held accountable. He killed people. I love your Substack posts.

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Thank you. Glad to hear.

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Thank you and exactly right. Multiple counts of manslaughter.

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Again, out of the park, Steven. Your work brings me peace. Have a glorious weekend while wearing a mask!

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Thank you.

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Thank you

The crimes of the former guy can, should, must never be forgotten

American democracy must be reconstructed for the sake of the nation and the world

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A great summary of Trump’s dereliction of duty and criminality with regard to the pandemic. Two of this article’s highlights for me are 1) this line: “Whatever might be your darkest thoughts about what drives this man, it’s likely worse than that.” 2) the inclusion of Glenn Kirschner’s remarks. He is tough, knowledgeable and fair. As he says: “Justice Matters”.

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Spot on Steven. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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I do hope that the former guy will see consequences, but history & politics seem to minimize what those may be & if he’ll even live long enough to suffer them. Hopefully we have leaders brave enough to make the changes that ensure the extent of this corruption doesn’t happen again.

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Seems to me the republican caucus has some liability too, but I doubt they’ll be held accountable. Plus what about the jerks at FoxNews? They doubled down on pretty much every stupid thing Trump said & didn’t label it as ‘opinion’ either. Surely there’s liability for their negligence. They had a duty to their viewers to not broadcast false information that could kill them, but that’s exactly what they did.

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Wow, sounds like a love letter to Biden and a hater letter to Trump.

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Dear Steven, your recitation of the facts include many assumptions. Not interested in debating you for that reason. But do wonder about your thoughts of Biden allowing thousands of Covid positive people to be shipped to unknowing communities. About schools that are still not fully open... Follow WHAT science, Joe’s science fiction? Kids in cages AGAIN (remember 2014?)?? Do you think this one sided rhetoric is helping heal US? I took Biden at his WORD of unity. Seems a far greater lie in the first days of his administration than Trumps crowd size lie. SILENCE on Biden’s and President Harris’s misgivings. WHY? Where’s the vaccine credit for President Trump?

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Excellent post! I am hoping that psychopath will be held accountable. And Kushner, too Another psychopath.

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Truth is what was repugnant must be rebuked.

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I think we should look back with a fierce determination to get to and expose the truth, and speak the unspeakable. Involuntary manslaughter is not, given his deliberate policies, sufficient. Second-degree, depraved-heart murder. Criminal liability.

Sharpen the language. Bring back into ready use the hard-nosed reality of what facts, and words, mean.

If we are kind to a murderer and a thief, we are unkind to the next victims.

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The issues that are important from your presidential historian perspective are what I want to see: The good & bad that are important now & historically. I’m confident your posts will never be trivial, petty, or partisan, unless you’re sharing a moment of humor. Bc we can always use a good laugh😘

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Would hope to see Trump charged with war crimes

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