May 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

The longer it takes for the judicial process to act, the stronger the forces agst our democracy become. Look at all the states that are trying to pass restrictive voting rights laws & laws allowing motorists to run over peaceful protesters. FL governor has signed that bill. Using your car to harm people? Who thinks like that? Terrorists do. As we have learned so vividly over the past 5 years, reality doesn’t matter, it’s people’s perception of reality that matters. To combat this, all leaders of this democracy must speak out and tell the truth. They are not to the degree needed. All that’s left is our judicial system.. I have faith in our system but the longer it takes to indict, prosecute, the stronger these domestic terrorists become, including those in political office. There must be consequences for stoking & carrying out unConstitutional behaviors. It needs to be swifter then what we are expereiencing

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May 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Ok, went to fix that misspelling & poof it posted….experiencing at the moment. I’m fearful that this is going to hurt us in the 2022 election cycle. But, other than that things are peachy!

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The conspiracy against Democracy itself, these Seditionists, must not fester in our Body Politic, poison to the surrounding healthy tissues. They must be Expelled

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