"And the laughter of the aggrieved, desperate to cling to power, goes on." Yes, Steven, that creepy laughter is so telling! I appreciate that you focused on this today and linked it to the over-turning of affirmative action. It's sure not funny to me! Thanks!
Excellent write up. Probably the most despairing part of all of this is that the disgraced twice impeached criminally indicted sexual predator fraud narcissist would never have been in the position to screw us all over we’re it not for both Russian meddling and James Comer.
As an older American, it is devastating to watch our country devolve into minority rule and Christofascist nationalism. The experience has forever changed who we are. All we can do is support voting in any way possible.
I really don't think it was Comey all that much, it was Russia's influence and TFG related to white Americans filled with fear of losing their whiteness instead of embracing diversity. After all, Clinton won the popular vote.
I guess we’ll never really now. Thanks to the Libby app, I’ve read all available books on the subject of TFG’s ties to Russia and on the sociopath in general. I just finished Russian Roulette by David Corn and Michael Isikoff. Everything I have read points to James Comey as a major factor. He broke established precedent.
It seems this precedent shouldn’t hold for all of Trump’s criming but that’s just my humble opinion.
I agree with your final comment wholeheartedly. Obama being black was a huge factor and TFG knew how to tap into the aggrievement and hatred of others, nonwhites specifically, especially by undereducated white males, like no one else.
The Divider n Chief was a great book as well as anything Robert Woodward authored or co authored for more expertise on the matter. So many excellent books on these subjects.
The right wing politicians, donors, Federalist Society, Megadonors want this and want our country to be white, Christian, male-centric. We are fighting people who have a lot of money, a large network of worker bees. We have to do the same to fight for our rights, everyone’s rights.
God forbid we give an “advantage” to students whose entire lives have been shaped by disadvantage. Instead, the advantage goes to those whose parents can jam-pack their children’s lives with advantages in the form of private schools, travel, sports camps, tutoring, college prep classes and exposure to every enrichment opportunity imaginable. We have truly lost our way as a country that claims to value liberty and justice for all of its citizens.
Persist....agitate...vote. “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel
Affirmative action must be codified by a Super Majority in Congress to be safe from this hate filled Supreme Court. I will continue to stress this fact leading up to the 2024 general election
We need an overwhelming blue vote to save this country.
This sickening backward moving SCOTUS decision is further evidence of the GOP's attempt at segregating America's education. The way they are pushing privatization of our education system is one more example their selfishness, greed and ruthlessness. As a retired public school elementary teacher, this is infuriating to me!
This piece really hits home with me this morning. I still believe that you (and others) are speaking for the overwhelming majority of Americans who are not laughing; but are deeply troubled by the behavior and actions of our leaders and judges who do not believe in the founding principles and values which have made America, America. And the fight for the Soul of our country continues.
To give them credit, Leo and his allies have done a great job of capturing the Court. But I think they went too far. That's always a danger with radicals. Now there will be more and more pressure to reform the court. There will certainly be a code of ethics, with enforcement. There will be more pressure to add Justices, or rotate Justices from the other Courts. There will be more pressure for term limits. Leo and Co. have won for now, but that may be their downfall.
This really went straight to my heart. The laughter in that tape said everything about them. It made me sick to my stomach. Liz Cheney was right, they are on the wrong side of history. Now we have a rogue SC packed by a criminal president who has power to push extreme views. Impeach them.
It perplexes me that President Biden doesn’t plan to do anything about this. He could increase the size of the court and alleviate these problems. He certainly has a right to do it. After-all Merrick Garland’s seat was stolen. And Amy Coney Barrett was named just days before the next election. What gives Joe what are you afraid of?
U.S.A. For Africa - “We Are the World” may be the ideal song for the Democratic Party in 2024. Recorded 38-years ago, the words reflect what democrats stand for. If you haven’t listened to it since 1985, give it a listen. If you agree great! If not, at least you had an opportunity to listen to one of the greatest compilations of rock, country, jazz, hip-hop, Motown... musicians to create a great piece of music. Enjoy!
"And the laughter of the aggrieved, desperate to cling to power, goes on." Yes, Steven, that creepy laughter is so telling! I appreciate that you focused on this today and linked it to the over-turning of affirmative action. It's sure not funny to me! Thanks!
Excellent write up. Probably the most despairing part of all of this is that the disgraced twice impeached criminally indicted sexual predator fraud narcissist would never have been in the position to screw us all over we’re it not for both Russian meddling and James Comer.
As an older American, it is devastating to watch our country devolve into minority rule and Christofascist nationalism. The experience has forever changed who we are. All we can do is support voting in any way possible.
We must be the change agents.
I really don't think it was Comey all that much, it was Russia's influence and TFG related to white Americans filled with fear of losing their whiteness instead of embracing diversity. After all, Clinton won the popular vote.
I guess we’ll never really now. Thanks to the Libby app, I’ve read all available books on the subject of TFG’s ties to Russia and on the sociopath in general. I just finished Russian Roulette by David Corn and Michael Isikoff. Everything I have read points to James Comey as a major factor. He broke established precedent.
It seems this precedent shouldn’t hold for all of Trump’s criming but that’s just my humble opinion.
I agree with your final comment wholeheartedly. Obama being black was a huge factor and TFG knew how to tap into the aggrievement and hatred of others, nonwhites specifically, especially by undereducated white males, like no one else.
The Divider n Chief was a great book as well as anything Robert Woodward authored or co authored for more expertise on the matter. So many excellent books on these subjects.
Yeah, Comey didn't help for sure, but HRC won the popular vote. I despise the Electoral College. Thx for the book recs, too!
The right wing politicians, donors, Federalist Society, Megadonors want this and want our country to be white, Christian, male-centric. We are fighting people who have a lot of money, a large network of worker bees. We have to do the same to fight for our rights, everyone’s rights.
God forbid we give an “advantage” to students whose entire lives have been shaped by disadvantage. Instead, the advantage goes to those whose parents can jam-pack their children’s lives with advantages in the form of private schools, travel, sports camps, tutoring, college prep classes and exposure to every enrichment opportunity imaginable. We have truly lost our way as a country that claims to value liberty and justice for all of its citizens.
Your "advantaged" people are, in reality, few and far between. Would only apply to the richest among us.
Persist....agitate...vote. “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel
Affirmative action must be codified by a Super Majority in Congress to be safe from this hate filled Supreme Court. I will continue to stress this fact leading up to the 2024 general election
We need an overwhelming blue vote to save this country.
This sickening backward moving SCOTUS decision is further evidence of the GOP's attempt at segregating America's education. The way they are pushing privatization of our education system is one more example their selfishness, greed and ruthlessness. As a retired public school elementary teacher, this is infuriating to me!
This piece really hits home with me this morning. I still believe that you (and others) are speaking for the overwhelming majority of Americans who are not laughing; but are deeply troubled by the behavior and actions of our leaders and judges who do not believe in the founding principles and values which have made America, America. And the fight for the Soul of our country continues.
Thank you for sharing.
The laughter was chilling. It was the nervous laughter of those that are worried about what is happening in the moment and if it will splash on them.
I found a paper that does some comparison between 50's South Africa & our American apartheid.
"The United States needs a way to remedy the racism that is still prevalent in its
The United States can learn from South Africa and use truth and reconciliation to help heal the wounds of the past.
Whether the South African TRC(Truth & Reconciliation Committee) was
successful will be addressed later in this paper, but truth and reconciliation can be
an effective way to ease racial tensions and resolve disputes in the United States."
Unentitled by Lynn Geri
Today my spirit hangs
like a frayed rag
pinned to a wire
clothesline in a lightning
storm—dripping rain
flapping in the wind—
of voices who profess
belief in a Santa Claus
who will bring them
happiness with a gift:
not telling blue from green
or a life from all viable cells.
Their child like
thoughts written into laws
devoid of humility
in a vast universe of possibilities.
The clouds court a sense
Of tombstones over our heads.
But her emails.....
We are paying the price and will continue to do so. Sigh
To give them credit, Leo and his allies have done a great job of capturing the Court. But I think they went too far. That's always a danger with radicals. Now there will be more and more pressure to reform the court. There will certainly be a code of ethics, with enforcement. There will be more pressure to add Justices, or rotate Justices from the other Courts. There will be more pressure for term limits. Leo and Co. have won for now, but that may be their downfall.
This really went straight to my heart. The laughter in that tape said everything about them. It made me sick to my stomach. Liz Cheney was right, they are on the wrong side of history. Now we have a rogue SC packed by a criminal president who has power to push extreme views. Impeach them.
It perplexes me that President Biden doesn’t plan to do anything about this. He could increase the size of the court and alleviate these problems. He certainly has a right to do it. After-all Merrick Garland’s seat was stolen. And Amy Coney Barrett was named just days before the next election. What gives Joe what are you afraid of?
U.S.A. For Africa - “We Are the World” may be the ideal song for the Democratic Party in 2024. Recorded 38-years ago, the words reflect what democrats stand for. If you haven’t listened to it since 1985, give it a listen. If you agree great! If not, at least you had an opportunity to listen to one of the greatest compilations of rock, country, jazz, hip-hop, Motown... musicians to create a great piece of music. Enjoy!
What you don't know sometimes WILL hurt you.