I'm 76 years old and still going strong! Unfortunately, ageism is still very much with us. Yes, our mental faculties may have slowed a bit, but we have the wisdom and experience to compensate. Go Joe!!

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One of the reasons I love Biden because he embodies never give up, you’re never too old, and it’s never too late. Ageism is so nefarious and pernicious because the discriminator is aging at the very moment they’re discriminating based on age. In case people don’t realize Biden is saving us. The perfect person at this moment of crisis in our country.

I’m 63, very short, Italian descent, Catholic and female so I have a lot of strikes against me. Biden is telling us don’t let the strikes get you, keep getting up to bat. I’m convinced he will be judged among the greatest Presidents, with FDR.

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He’s disproving every day those “pernicious” assumptions about age. Thanks for sharing.

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I’m about to turn 83. And while I can’t run like I used to, I can walk fast! Joe is the best person for the job and I think his approval rating is way too low. It should be over 70%.

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Steven, thank you! I have followed you for what seems like ten years on twitter. Your writing is awesome! ❤️

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Thank you!

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Always! Stay in the light, on the right side of history. 81.2 + million Americans have your back! 🇺🇸💪❤️

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Your words and these replies are inspiring. I'm still teaching for a local University at age 70. I love the daily interaction with people 50+ years younger than me. They give me hope that the world I leave behind will be in good hands. They're intellectually curious and working far harder than I ever had to when I was attending higher education. Nearly universally, they accept my contributions of age and experience as part of their educational journey. The ageism I keep seeing comes from (sadly) a few people who are a bit younger than me who lack the self-esteem to accept their own aging process with grace and recognition of the opportunities it brings. As someone wise (my dad) once told me about growing older "it beats the alternative." He taught me to look at life with a strong sense of humor and a willingness to keep learning. I see all of those qualities in President Biden. He's not "old"--not really.

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Thank you for that. All of us are aging—if we’re lucky. You give reasons for optimism.

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At age 76, I sold a 3 family house that I had lived in for 52 years. My husband was ill so I packed the whole house myself including a basement full of tools screws, nails, paint, paint brushes. I painted the ceiling of the basement, I had a new wall to wall rug installed. I cleaned out the crawl spaces, I than moved to the 2 car garage that had 52 years of stuff. I managed to get rid of most of it. So yes, us old folks are in good shape, have great organization skills and know how to negotiate. I got a really good price for the house and an even better price for the new home we retired to. Joe's gonna kick butt.

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Thanks for sharing your story.

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"What then? Shall we sit idly down and say

The night hath come; it is no longer day?

The night hath not yet come; we are not quite

Cut off from labor by the failing light;

Something remains for us to do or dare;[/i]

Even the oldest tree some fruit may bear;

Not Oedipus Coloneus, or Greek Ode,

Or tales of pilgrims that one morning rode

Out of the gateway of the Tabard Inn,

But other something, would we but begin;

For age is opportunity no less

Than youth itself, though in another dress,

And as the evening twilight fades away

The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day."

H W Longfellow

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Apr 26, 2021
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A good idea. You might check an earlier post of mine, The Sociopathy of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. It includes a short interview with Mary.

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