America has become a cesspool of hating Republicans and a media industry. There is no respect for the President of the United States or the elected members of the senate and house. The disdain for government has seeped into state and local politics. We no longer believe in our courts, federal or state government agencies, that have been ballooned with appointments for political payback. With people without any shred of knowledge for the appointment they are heading up. Our country is in decline. Yes our number of nuclear weapons makes us powerful, but that is not what defines a great country. (Any citizen of a autocracy will tell you that.) A great country cares about all of its citizens, and preserving the land for future inhabitants. A government does not have a favorite group of people who benefit a better life over everyone else. The Romans rules for a thousand years; American will soon be 250 years old, we are not going to make it as a great civilization.

It is past time for us to put our differences aside and work together to build a brighter future for America and the world. We must use our collective power to create a better America for all.

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True words, but there will be no change in direction unless we all do what President Biden did last Tuesday, get on any public or private platform where we can espouse common sense and the benefits of sharing equally in the richness of of our country and the benefits of Democracy.

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Joe is reckless, politically, culturally and economically. He talks inclusivity while he divides. The collective power of the cultural elites on the coasts telling the little guys what to do and where to go to “ create a better America “. Virtue signaling at its finest. Joe.

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Do you know the definition of gaslighting? In case you don’t, here it is: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

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The rich are buying up farmland. Why? So the rest of us starve in a future famine?

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To creat an inclusive better America one needs to listen to the whole. Even the Deplorable half.

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The ones wearing a dozen guns into grocery stores? Even those crazies?

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It's one thing to be forced to watch a group of juveniles chide the President for outlining the reality of his administration's efforts to level up this nation's treatment of its citizens, and another to watch a pompous group of know nothings acquiesce to the nauseating spectacle brought to you by the Republiicons who wormed their way into Congress. As this sickness of spirit and concern for their fellow Americans continues to disfigure our shared future, I fear the next two years will not be the amusing daily lunacy that our major media seem bent on exploiting but rather an ever growing potential end to representative government.

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Well said, MB. Consider how few Republicans stood up and demanded that George Anthony Devolder Santos (did I get all his names?) step down from his position as lawmaker, upon learning about his litany of lies and debauchery. Too many seemed to ignore the self-admitted impostor in their ranks. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy even gave Committee assignments to the GOP charlatan, though Santos stepped aside, due to bad press and public pressure. It is dispiriting to see bad actors get elected like MTG and Boebert who represent the Crazyland, USA faction.

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Santos should be gone

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văp′ĭd, vā′pĭd


Lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull.

Lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat.

Having lost its life and spirit; dead; spiritless; insipid; flat; dull; unanimated.

Also see: Greene, Marjorie Taylor, et al.

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Thank you, Steven, for this 100%, spot-on, analysis. What is most scary to me is that this sort of extremism is appealing to so many of our fellow Americans. All of the Republicans you cited were voted in by the public. Thankfully, that doesn't reflect the majority of our country, as of now, but it is still a very alarmingly large minority. Thanks again, Steven, for this terrific analysis!

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Thank you, Andy!

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Only watched the first three minutes of the crazy governor’s venom filled speech. She left me wondering if they have any schools in Arkansas.

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States of the Union rated by Academic levels, Arkansas is in the bottom tier. Washington, DC is continuously ranked as the most educated region in the country, with 63% of the population receiving a Bachelor's degree or higher as of 2021. Elected officials should be held to this standard.

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Steven, it requires a tempered approach to deal with what you aptly describe as 'the bonfire that is the GOP and its downward spiral into extremism and performative outrage'. The GOP 'fatalists and fighters' are heaping verbal kindling on the fires they start. They are foolishly pouring kerosene on their rhetoric, replete with insults and innuendos. It is just a matter of time before they are overcome by the smoke screen of their own obsessive deception. Level headed and informed members of the public have no use for their antics. The Republicans have definitely carved out a place for themselves as fodder for late night TV, with SNL, the Daily Show, Steven Colbert and others, mocking the GOP's rude and infantile behaviour. The many-storied-George-Santos has renewed the need for media fact-checkers. And following her outbursts during President Biden’s State of the Union address, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene became an instant meme. An MSNBC host labelled her “Tonya Harding in a fur coat” . The GOP are destined to implode in a metaphorical self-induced coma of delusion and denial, with figure-head House Speaker Kevin McCarthy totally unable to keep his herd in check.

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In the meantime, the damage that is happening is incalculable..Yes, "a tempered approach", but one with the will to take the action necessary to cut off the head of the serpent and force the body to wither..These people must be dealt with now, because the madness that you accurately characterize as fodder for late night TV and essays such as this one is working..

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When exactly did GOP lose their grip on reality? Behaving like juvenile delinquents is unseemly & unacceptable!

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Well done Steven, as usual..If I could write like you I’d have a career..

But here’s the rub..all that crazy we see coming from the GOP is working..more not less unfit morons are in Congress and the ones that were there were sent back..All the while the left leaning defenders of Democracy talk and write about how fucked up these people are, they are pushing forward..

Desperate times, Desperate Measures..Where is the action necessary to remove these TRAITORS from the equation?

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DOJ seems to be in a coma!

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More not less with significant help from gerrymandering and voter suppression. Congress is not adequately representative of America.

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Hillary Clinton was right on target when she called Trump followers "deplorable," and some of them proved that on Tuesday night with their empty heckling. I loved the way Joe took them down in real time! And later, James Carville lamented the "white trashdom" running the Republican party. Sarah Sanders' so-called rebuttal to the speech was a self-congratulatory litany of lies -- but I expected nothing less, given her performance as press secretary to TFG. The next generation of young Republican leaders is every bit as scary as the old guard -- no, scarier.

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When people age, others become condescending. Women are called young lady ,dear, sweetie, honey. Like they have reverted to childhood, owners of 10 cats. Men suddenly become senile, unable to use a credit card without help. The other day a man said to me, hello, young lady. I replied , hello, old man.His face immediately turned a shade I would call sun burnt red. An 85 year old friend could ride his bicycle 20 miles a day until some young driver cut him off and ruined his back. And so, we have 80 year old President Biden. He walks a little slower but still bounces down those Air Force One steps, He waxed eloquently, showed great enthusiasm giving his State of the Union speech. No "sleepy Joe" he!! He called many times for bipartisanship, ways to make life better for all Americans. In return, he got booed, called a liar by whom James Carville called white trash, that Georgia Peach. We have Paul Gosar whose relatives disown him. Mat Gaetz who is full of himself, a conceited ladies man (we can tell). Jim Jordan,still willing to wrestle with anybody and a would be acolyte of Putin if given the chance. Lauren Boebert who loads her children up with guns and takes their picture in front of a Christmas tree. Andrew Clyde handing out assault rifle pins after cowering behind an officer on Jan.6th. And Kevin McCarthy who would, and did, sell his soul to be House Speaker (3rd in line to be president - yikes ! )

All bullies. And there are more in the making, youngsters in training. Think of the 14 year old school girl who was so bullied at school, she took her own life recently.

My opinion of a rebuttal is to reiterate what the opposition proposed and argue against it.

Miss Daddy's coattails' reply did not relate to the President's speech at all. It was sheer ignorance. It is evident that she would never have made a high school debate team.

And so, the political battle that never ends, will soon show these crazies walking down clown

alley, perhaps all holding white balloons that say Let's Go Brandon, spouting lies and made up nutty stuff, making us look like fools to the world.These people were elected, some by a landslide. They are the darlings of the media. Will Joe Biden win in 2024 if he runs? I am not concerned about his age, only if he can win again. Are there others who would have a better chance?

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Rita, thank you for adding some valuable perspective. I learned in my Performance Horse industry, to acknowledge and respect my peers. Most of the leading exhibitors have logged many years in the saddle; often many decades. They earned their way to the top, through hard work, dedication and commitment. The older competitors are designated as Select, which is not demeaning. I had the privilege to learn from some of the best, and never judged them by their age. It is not a barrier. Experience and ability win out every time. Overall, I see a great need for respect and civil decorum to prevail in government. If someone heckles or speaks out of turn in a Court of Law, they are warned, declared to be in contempt and expelled from the Hearing. Four years with TFG in the White House, demeaning, critiquing and openly threatening people, particularly women, opened the floodgates for a low standard of bad behaviour, which is NOT OK. America is better than that.

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Experience does not mean obsolescence -it brings wisdom

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The Democrats have to say this until the electorate gets the message: the GOP has no message; has no platform except to get Trump back in and enrich further their donors and keep the dictators in power. They have nothing to offer 99.9% of Americans even though they have brainwashed at least 30% of them into thinking they do - by using racism, immigration which is also racism, homophobia, misogyny and sexism.

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It is indeed a sad comment on the Republican Party, that they would even consider having Donald Trump as their Party leader. # 45 proved his ineptitude at every level. I remember watching him in the Covid-19 special briefings, where he would try to dominate the podium and downplay the seriousness of the virus which he initially called a hoax. Despite knowing that Covid was a severe, life-threatening respiratory virus, Trump claimed the cases would soon drop to zero. Over 1 million Americans died from Corona virus, and Trump was infected as well. I also remember TFG saying that he 'didn't KNOW there were so many countries in the World.' The platform of President should not be the alter for such a self-serving, flawed and uninformed individual.

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I watched the real time insanity of Trump saying "maybe you could put bleach in your veins" I mean come on the man is a loon a dangerous dangerous loon!

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You are right and every word you write is true about TFG - he is an uninformed, uneducated person who nurses grudges like babies and uses his supposed wealth like a cudgel. He is the last person who should be in the Oval Office and I say that knowing who else is trying to get there…

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It’s a good study in psychology to try to understand why the above detractors of the President’s speech as well as to your thoughts on the subject are all unable to offer better alternatives. So, do I then deduce that craziness is their way for our government to go? Authoritarianism, Fascism, every man for himself are any of these alternatives what they want?

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“The R Jackass Wing Pulled The Usual Stunts” is the story? Come on, man.

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Nearly all of the non-personality disordered people in the RNC have been driven away by the loonies, but here’s what scares me the most--the loonies are creating a alternate reality. I used to be confident that at some point the majority of mainstream Americans would eventually shout them down and

vote them out. But that’s not happening so far. So I started thinking seriously about what all the lying, gaslighting & extreme faux outrage is for, because they’re so diligent about it.

It dawned on me there is indeed a purpose for it beyond catering to their base voters. I think they are creating a false reality they intend to actually act on at some point. That kind of gaslighting is exactly how Putin manages Russia. The Russian people rarely get an honest explanation for anything their government does.

Here in America a few right wing extremists keep saying Biden should be impeached. It wasn’t that long ago that I completely blew off such rhetoric because I’m confident President Biden hasn’t engaged in any impeachable behavior. But I don’t blow it off anymore, because they could conceivably

build a case based 100% on their lies and manufactured evidence. Another reason I don’t blow it off anymore is because the so-called “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court have taken a one-way trip to La La Land with Marge & Bobo as their tour guides. They certainly won’t rescue America in the name of the U.S. Constitution that they’re openly ignoring.

I almost hate to bring this up...but if Merrick Garland had done his job and indicted all of the members of Congress who participated in any way with Trump’s insurrection, we wouldn’t be dealing with this nightmare right now, because Article 14, Sec. 3, says,

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

It disqualifies them from holding office. It doesn’t

have any requirements, for example, that they must be convicted of participating in an insurrection. There’s no burden of proof requirement at all. All that’s required is that they participated in some way in the insurrection. Off the top of my head I can think of several members of Congress who shouldn’t have been seated in this new Congress because they violated their oath of office. The fact that they were seated makes a mockery of their oath of office. Obviously there’s a reason Art.14, Sec.3 is in the Constitution so why is it being ignored?

Then there’s Foxnews. There are several reasons it should have been legally shut down years ago. Please understand that when I say something about

the law, it’s because I’m an attorney. My experience as a litigation attorney gives me good reason to say

Foxnews should have been taken off the air. I may be wrong, but I’m not just whistling Dixie either. If the powers that be disagree, the least they could do is

create problems about Foxnews content, especially

when they were giving out false information about Covid. There’s no doubt in my mind that hundreds, if not thousands of people are dead specifically because of them. It may not be provable, but in my opinion the government should have at least tried, if for no other reason than to send a message that they had better be more careful in the future.

In closing, I didn’t intend to indulge in a rant, but I did. I guess my point is that we had better start taking this current crop of republicans seriously.

Sometimes if you give people enough rope they will hang themselves, but I don’t think that applies here

because we keep giving them more & more rope.

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Thanks for your comments, Susan. Every time I write a piece that details some of the GOP craziness, I wonder why I need to do it again; is it really necessary to document their foolishness that's so visible for all to see? But as you suggest, we have to take this seriously. They are on a path to destroying American democracy. And, honestly, the failure of Garland and the DOJ to act faster to protect our country from all the criminality is unforgivable.

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McCarthy should've been arrested and charged immediately when he gave all those tapes to Tucker Carlson for crying out loud! Evidently national security is no longer an issue do Republicans????

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I agree Sam, that the Republican madness has pushed past the boundaries of tolerance, and needs to be stopped. The pattern of bad behaviour in their Party shows no signs of easing up. Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the integrity or strength of character to get his members under control. He gave prime Committee assignments to MTG, apparently oblivious to the fact that she only supported his bid to be Speaker, to augment her standing in Congress.

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Houston - we have a big damn problem

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Apologize if I struck a cord. I am a senior too.

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