Every voting age adult should see the photos. I don't know how it should be done. I really would have thought congress had seen them...maybe not.

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Perfectly stated and proposed. Thank you for raising this issue.

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It's tragic to think there are , supposedly, intelligent human beings in our country that justify these weapons of WAR. And fight for the right? To own one, two, three and more. Hiding behind an Amendment ratified at a time when most of the US was wilderness. It appears as if they would relish returning to a time filled with ignorance. Then, again, their thoughts and prayers describe people with no morality or intelligence, let alone the spirituality to be as they claim, GOD fearing Christians. Alas, I'd prefer a moral and just ATHEIST.

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TV ads that show sick ,shivering dogs and cats with one eye certainly grab the emotions of viewers, so I believe pictures of mangled, bloody people, both adults and children would tug at hearts even more. My concern is the effect they would have on school children , so many of them already suffering from anxiety and depression due to estrangement during covid for two years and the trauma of needing to practice hiding in closets and under desks or going through metal detectors wondering if they will be alive to go home that afternoon. Remember the little girl who asked which of her pictures would her mother hold up. Many are seeing doctors and taking medicine to calm them. What would seeing a picture of another child with its head blown off do?

I doubt it would affect a Ron Johnson or his kind to do anything.

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Americans are not children and we have to stop treating American adults like they are children. Enough of "snowflake" mentality and trying not to hurt feelings. Children are exposed to so much inappropriate material through television, movies, and video games; but, they believe it is all fantasy. It is time to make us all face the destruction that the "right" has wrought upon us. Maybe it will activate more people to take action against their agenda.

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I am not talking about adults being children. And listen to what doctors say about tending to the dead that have been destroyed bodily. It is even unbelievable to them. My concern is real children who are already having nightmares & some so distraught, they cut themselves.

They don't see what we are talking about on TV. They see sanitized shooting & sex.

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Have we reached that point though? It seems to me we are moving backwards.

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Absolutely YES !!! I used to think it was unseemly to circulate images of the carnage. But maybe that's why we have to do to bring home the point to those who think otherwise that it is time to ban assault rifles for civilians in our country. They have no purpose in civilian life. They are not used for protection. They are only used to kill others, innocent Americans, including our most vulnerable, our children. And it's time for this to stop !!!

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Remember that part of what created a turn with the Vietnam war was when Life Magazine published the faces of every soldier killed in a particular week. With our current problem, publishing the faces does not do enough. It is time to take photographs of the injured children, even grisly photos, and put them in front of every Republican legislator on the state and federal level. Force them to look at it. These people are so lacking in empathy that only a strong confrontation will help.

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Realistically, just who would do this job and how?

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Yes. Just as the photos of the Vietnam Conflict raised Americans' awareness of war, so will photos of destroyed bodies in the U.S. wake many up to the reality of mass shootings. We have coddled the right wing for so long, and it has only brought defiance and hatred to our society. The time for coddling is over, we must make Americans face the truth. Talking heads are not enough, alarms are not enough, grieving families are not enough. Let's try tough love and help people to face reality.

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I reflect on this often. As a person deeply vested in the Performance Horse Industry, I have seen my share of injuries, ranging from barb-wire skin lesions to hoof nail punctures; from breach births to entwined foals who did not survive. Yet just the thought of people being blown apart by assault-style rifles, is overwhelming. I concur with Rita Richards Newhouse's statement below, that individuals like Ron Johnson and his ilk, can and would merely disregard the shocking reality. There seems to be a virtual 51st State; and that is denial. This trait is deeply embedded in some people's psyche, as a defence mechanism to avoid accountability and responsibility. That in itself is the travesty of American society. Until there is an over-arching respect for human life and 'Primum non nocere' (first, do no harm) mandate, and no access to military-grade guns for citizens, change will be difficult to achieve.

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