Good Morning! 4:23am here! Good to wake up to wonderful writing!

One of my favorite excerpts from your observations:….//….

“See what Harris did? She didn’t let Trump define the conversation. She took control of the narrative by emphasizing what Trump’s despicable behavior illustrates. She refused to be dragged into his tired, repetitive efforts to incite a racist fight. She focused on the kind of leader that America needs. And she made Trump look like a loser, a candidate who’s running scared and only able to employ his worn-out routine.”


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Thanks for this. This is so true. This is Kamala's super power. It is how she, as a woman of color, has navigated a seemingly impassible terrain to become the accomplished politician and leader that she is. She knows this path and will find it even in the darkest times. She follows it as if by somatic memory or instinct. It is not a put-on act. It is who she is.

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Thank you.

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"...our differences don't divide us, they are the source of our strength."

Diversity can and should enrich us. I mean, when people go to a picnic, they don't ALL bring potato salad, everyone contributes a different dish, otherwise, how boring picnics would be! We should look at our wonderful mix of cultures here the same way.

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I appreciate that you highlighted those lines, Martha. They are so important.

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The intelligent, accomplished, happy person is the candidate I will vote for. She is great.

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There is room under Kamala's umbrella for everyone in this country.... the country I dream of and the country that we were much closer to becoming before Putin handed us this disgraceful human being, aka Trump.

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Absolutely great essay, you said it perfectly. Simple plain words are the ones that stick. “We’re not going back!” That is the theme of the whole campaign and it fits perfectly.

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Thanks, Linda.

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Best explanation of why the description “weird” has made MAGA lose their shit is because it is easily understood but also casts them as outsiders and far from the norm (thanks to Noah Smith for this). And they are now fixated with trying to refute that but each time they do they double down on their weirdness. It is a running theme on Twitter (X) and only gaining momentum. The great part about “weird” is it does not sound alarmist and overly dramatic like “racist” “authoritarian” because Americans have no knowledge or experience with that. But “weird”? We all see that and know about and have experienced it.

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Tired old weird trump is probably tearing his artificial, Ivanna-like hairdo out with the spotlight no longer shining on him. VP Harris with her plain talk is following advice known by good authors. As George Orwell counseled, never use a long word where a short one will do. Hemingway was known for simple words, short sentences. Mark Twain said If i had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.

So, Harris' plain talk -- Say it to my face, America deserves better, We're not going back--is rememberable & delightful. As was President Biden's answer to trump's criticism on the exchange --Why didn't he do it when he was president?

Why say dihydrogen oxide when you can say water ?

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I guess I should have been surprised and outraged by Trump's behavior during the interview at the NABJ, but I wasn't. He sat there and showed the world that he is still the same racist a$$ that came down the escalator in 2015. There is no low for this man. And Kamala Harris' response was perfect.

And what a joyous day for the US when those Americans, who were wrongfully detained in Russia, came home. It was a triumph of Joe Biden's diplomacy and strength in foreign relations, especially among our NATO allies. But what did we see Trump and Vance do? Instead of being happy like the rest of Americans and grateful for the efforts of the Biden administration, they made it all about Trump, implying Putin released these hostages because he's afraid of Don-old Trump getting back into power. They are such small and pathetic people, and they are really flailing as the Harris campaign is running on all cylinders.

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It is hard to believe it has been less than two weeks since Joe Biden stepped aside and let Vice-President Harris take center stage. I am still giddy with enthusiasm and optimism for America's future. It is unlike anything I have ever seen in 50 years of being a politics junkie.

The Vice-President is taking the fight to the opposition in a way no one has ever dared. The concept of "wierd"-ness seems to be getting under their skin without being mean or divisive. She then pivots to the real future - not the future that relies on bringing back a not so perfect past. "We are not going back!"

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Donald Trump did not recently just happen to turn orange. He has been orange for as long as I have been aware of him. He seems to be unwilling, perhaps unable, to perceive and understand the experience, needs and dreams of other colors and hues. Sadly, he is a weirdly limited being.

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It is hard to feel compassion for Trump when he and his ilk are still a real threat. But knowing how limited he is in normal human interactions, how abnormal he is, does help me to not hate. Just work to keep him and his champions away from power. He is a pitiable human being, but no less dangerous for that.

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I don’t hate cockroaches but I refuse to allow them to inhabit my living space. I do what I can to create an environment that they find unwelcoming.

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They certainly don't like humor and laughter and direct questions

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Great essay, Steven. I love the way you explain things … plainly, logically and not at all weirdly! I feel like the Dems have been energized almost overnight!

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Thank you.

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Not going back.

Not to the 1960s. Not to the 1950s. Not to the 19teens, Not to the 1920s.

And while we're at it, not to 1775 and not to 1619...

We have hope with you, Kamala. We are going forward.

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I think you’re right. Rude manipulators rely on provoking a response in kind. They use vague and vaporous incantations of crudely insulting tropes designed to “trigger” outrage and reciprocated anger, then they sit back and say, “See how you are? I knew it.”

It is an ancient, childish, obvious game. It is always rich when DJT, the crown prince of rudeness, “stands on ceremony” for how someone may address him.

Vice President Harris has apparently thought about this a little, and decided to treat DJT as what he is: a crude, rude, not especially smart, and generally cowardly criminal.

Why Americans (some only, or any at all) ever saw him as anything better than what he has always been will mystify historians for ages.

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Steven what a great piece this morning. One thing I'm sure of; Kamala is smart, calculated, and will be two steps ahead of DJT at every turn. I don't think he has any idea what's coming his way. He and his sick followers have attacked and desecrated our Democracy for the last 8 years. Beware, the giant is awakening and we will not go back!

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Fiction becomes fact. “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell

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I never understood why any people would think that just because the color of their skin they should be less than the other. People are who they are because of their actions not the color of their skin. That’s the distinction for me how you treat others.

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