Just trying to figure out how to mentally and emotionally survive Republicans’ fealty and Trump’s candidacy. When he was elected the first time, I cried off and on for a week before I was able to wrap my head around it. I never thought we’d have to take a second ride on that horror-filled roller coaster. When you asked before what was the horror movie that stuck with us the most, the 2016 election is near the top...because it was REAL..a remake of Rosemary’s Baby. She says, at one point during the movie (when the devil is raping her) “This is no dream! This is really happening!!”

This, Donald Trump, as candidate for president and director of the republicans in Congress at this moment...is really happening...and we have nowhere to go but to the ballet box and then under the bed to wait for the storm of either election denialism or the next four years to pass.

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I thought I could hold my nose for four years and that he would monumentally screw up and not be reelected. And yet, here we are with a blip of four years in which the media have put him upfront and foremost without deserving a single word or second of coverage. He needs to be convicted someplace for us to stand a chance.

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Richard, at this point I don’t even know if a conviction would move the needle!

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I was literally comatose for 3 days and stayed in bed until my husband convinced me to get up and do something! I did...I joined Indivisible!

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Great idea! Done!

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Thanks for expressing how I feel.

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Most close friends have expressed that they won’t breathe a full honest breath until after the election.

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In John Bolton's book, The Room Where It Happened, he predicted Haley would run with the hope of becoming trump's VP. He had no time for her, accused her of nebbing in where she had no business & was always looking for photo ops.

Disgusting that CNN gave them all air time.

One hopes when many of the fearful, boasting trump followers stand in secrecy behind the voting curtain that they will, with their underlying good sense, vote blue.

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Hope springs eternal.

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By any definition, this is insanity. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

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The whole R nomination process exemplifies how cravenly disorganized the party is. Remember, all but Christie raised their hands at a debate for Trump: that they would support him no matter what, and the party still will. The other issue is, the R’s want to rule, not govern;,they are blind to Trump and this is all about naked power at ANY cost. It is correct to say this will be a difficult year for us all.

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When I read this, it makes me want to puke. Is there any reason for hope moving forward?

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Of course. The Republicans are a minority and their madness must motivate Democrats and independents who want a better future.

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Even if every registered Democrat and Independent voter shows up, what chance have they of making a difference in Congress with all of the gerrymandering? I will most definitely vote for Biden/Harris. At the same time, I fear another 4 years of exactly what we are experiencing now - complete dysfunction in Congress. We need billboards and constant media coverage of Trump’s horrendous 2025 plan. Plaster it everywhere so the voting public’s knows what’s in store if we not only resoundingly defeat Trump but also resoundingly vote in a Dem majority in both houses of Congress.

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NY is in the midst of a do-over on its Congressional map. Their current map was the straw that broke the House majority. It was tossed. Mike Johnson’s state, LA, just approved a new map to conform to a court order in defiance of Speaker Johnson. It creates a 2nd Black voter district from the existing 7. NC is moving in the other direction. All this is hard to project.

An average of 40% of registered vote don’t show up; more in stay home in “off year elections; 90% and sometimes more in local special elections).

If all this is upsetting, take comfort in the heartburn McConnell and GOP strategists are feeling. Or a moment to enjoy this new Biden ad which is being reported outside the US too:


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Thank you. ❤️

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I am not sure that the GOP has any money that is not connected to Trump.

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Yes, so how does she square that with saying Donnie is a danger? Oh, she blames it on his age not his policies and paints Donnie & Biden as the same. 🙃

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I am not surprised at any of this, but it is repulsive and alarming.

Just as watching any cult hit its peak and then implode is - which they all eventually do.

One question I have.

How is trump going to avoid debating Haley?

Can you even imagine what that would look like? All I recall is his stalking of Hillary on the stage when they debated.... back when he was more lucid, but still insane.

We are in for a wild ride and I hope democracy survives it.

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Not a day goes by without my getting a text email or DM from friends and acquaintances, far and wide -all over the world. No intelligent person can understand what the hell is happening in the USA.

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I think one of the explanations of what’s happening is that the GOP (I recoil at calling them that) is that they are desperately courting the Evangelical Christian extremist’s vote. There was Haley, a vision of purity in her state-of-grace White. Nobody is copping to it outright but there is much prevarication when answering questions on abortion and the rights of women. They know the Evangelicals will never be disloyal to Trump, or whatever candidate can most likely give them their ticket to rule.

The ‘Christian’s’ can almost taste their coming victory and they are revving their engines.

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Christian is the word the fascists use instead of fascist.

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Follow the money. And not Trump’s, assuming he is spending even a penny of his supposed fortune. Who is running his campaign and where is the big money coming from? In the case of the Republican push for total government control, Trump is merely the circus ringmaster – the guy in the red coat and top hat in the spotlight. It’s those lurking in the shadows, paying for that spotlight and costume that need to be revealed.

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But the Christian Soldier class has been persuaded that Trump is the one who will lead them to the Rapture. A holy man. The second coming.

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It’s worth it to look up The Rapture and investigate it a bit.

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The Christian’s money along with Clarence Thomas and his buddies.

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Let’s all do what we can to stop tfg: donate, volunteer, be nice to your fellow citizens.

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I have never really doubted that trump will win the nomination and that his "opponents" will kowtow to him. I wish the press would stop giving all this steam to the primaries. The headlines should be : Ho Hum, trump won the cult again, with perhaps a note at how FEEBLE his win was in Iowa. Or possibly--"trump wins despite his overt desire to be dictator. The question is why people think that's a good idea."

Its more of the frickin' free advertising. The bandwagon effect is a serious problem.

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That’s the message we need to keep delivering to the media outlets that continue to act as his lapdog.

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yeah. I do write to the major papers about egregious stuff, particularly vastly misleading headlines, not that I ever get a response. I've been thinking of writing to the actual writers of the piece when their point is misrepresented by the headlines. Surely many of them are really pissed about how their point is being manipulated.

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Agree but it is not only misleading headlines in the Newspapers that we see tilt the balance to tRump and GQP but the placement of the articles. Articles about Biden’s accomplished are few. Often there will be a large photo of tRump on the front page, or the Republican Primaries which makes it look like a battle with the all too often insults made to propagate seemingly endless coverage. Secondly, all networks but especially MSNBC needs to stop showing “presidential-looking” photos of the Orange Menace; lest it be a small one with his mugshot and the sheriff’s ink mark and a large one of President Biden with a list of his accomplishments.

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Steven's guidance and level-headedness are invaluable to me. I can't imagine where I would be without his inspiration, hope, and courage.

If you want to help President Biden, Katie Porter, and all our Democratic candidates, navigate over to CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER.


Jessica's Substack is a sacred space, a whiteboard that holds the wisdom and knowledge needed to ignite change in the upcoming 2024 elections. It is a platform where the power of information and action converge, where the importance of getting the vote out is passionately emphasized.

In a world where voices often go unheard and the significance of civic engagement is overlooked, Jessica's Substack stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It serves as a guide, a roadmap that navigates through the complexities of the political landscape, providing invaluable insights and strategies to mobilize communities and ensure that every voice is heard.

Just as the ancient proverb reminds us to "chop wood, carry water," Jessica's Substack embodies the essence of diligent work and unwavering commitment. It recognizes that change is not achieved through mere wishes or passive hopes, but through the persistent effort to educate, inform, and inspire.

With each article and post, Jessica's Substack paints a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It delves deep into the intricacies of voter turnout, unraveling the complexities and shedding light on the importance of active participation in the democratic process.

But it doesn't stop there. Jessica's Substack goes beyond mere information-sharing. It fosters a sense of community, a collective spirit that unites individuals with a shared vision. It encourages dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, recognizing that true change is born from the collective efforts of many.

Through her Substack, Jessica becomes a trusted guide, a mentor who empowers her readers to take action. She provides practical tips, actionable steps, and resources that equip individuals with the tools they need to make a difference. She reminds us that the power to effect change lies within each and every one of us, waiting to be unleashed.

As readers peruse the pages of Jessica's Substack, they are not just passive consumers of information. They become active participants in a movement, a force that strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society. They are inspired to engage, to educate, and to mobilize, knowing that their actions have the potential to shape the future.

So, let us embrace the wisdom of Jessica's Substack, let us heed the call to action. As we chop wood, carrying water, let us also champion the cause of voter engagement, knowing that our collective efforts can pave the way for a brighter, more democratic future.

Join me in winning the 2024 elections!



@Jessica Craven

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What annoys me most is the contact that Trump has with the Republicans who serve in the House and Senate. What he says, goes. What the heck?

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That seems particularly true with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

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The depth of cowardice…

I also, Steven, have for some time now found it intolerable to listen to a word, ANY WORD, that comes from the mouths of these “enablers”. I could tell in a sentence, or two(I’ll give the benefit of the doubt), whether these people are genuine or not. Genuine in the sense they really care. Care beyond some imagined party line that allows devision amongst the very people they’ve chosen to serve, understand what they are committing their very lives to, and just what it means to represent the best of Democracy, it’s People, to the rest of the world. It’s too late now for me, personally, to have any faith in anything the Republican Party has to say. All of them are complicit to what Phlegm has done. If only our Justice system will prevail, have Phlegm behind bars, and manage to change the minds of many, MANY, deniers who still won’t accept what their very senses tell them.

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Read an article in today’s WAPO about why dogs wag their tails. There was one thread of comments that caught my eye:

1. Yes, but why did DeSantis wag his tail when he endorsed Trump?

2. His tail was between his legs.

3. Same reason, he sniffed his butt.

A delightful vacation from the seriousness of today’s political ramblings.

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I saw that article also but thought it was lame. My dog barks and wags her tail at the same time because she’s happy. DeSantis is so stiff, so awkward, that his tail doesn’t move.

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It was Trump all the time. DeSantis, Haley and whats his name never had a chance, they are all little Trumpers - Haley even tell you so up front with her pardoning the criminal ‘to help the country return to normal’..is she dumb or just naive? Anyway, Republican voters knew all of them were Trump supporters, so why bother to vote for them..might as well go for the real thing, Trump!

And all the while, not a beep about his long list of crimes, including the one against the nation. The media has short memory and so has the Republican Party. They are now all endorsing Trump. History repeats itself but this time the end may not be what they expect. Republicans have not learned a thing from the first Trump term - how their adoration or subordination to Trump’s will has destroyed the reputation of their party, they keep shooting themselves in the foot by trying to reelect the source of their problem. If they get their wish, sadly they will drag America in a place it never was before, in the company of dictatorial regimes. So VOTE without fail, they must be defeated!

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She is a chameleon. She couldn’t see racism until she did and now she doesn’t. She’d have signed an abortion ban while governor but suggests “compassion”. She’d pardon trump for normalcy (!!?), pledged to support him as the nominee but says we can’t risk “the danger” of him as president.

(Blames it on his age to lump in Biden as the same. Biden had the last laugh.)


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Great column

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Thank you, Patricia.

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