American voters should be very wary of a candidate who, as governor, dictates what people can read, dictates what teachers can teach, dictates what human beings can do with their own body, is trying to dictate how Disney conducts their business, has his own election police, hides how he spends tax payer money, misappropriated Federal funds. He should never be allowed a wider target.

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Yesterday on Judd Legum's Substack "Popular Information" he provided more detailed information on the book boycotts in Escambia County. There is a new federal lawsuit against Escambia County. To quote Judd's report: "The lawsuit, filed by Penguin Random House, five authors, two parents of children affected by the bans, and the non-profit group PEN America, alleges that the school board's actions violate the United States Constitution." There's also DeSantis threats against free speech, his attacks on the LGBTQ community, and the regular hate-filled "don't say Gay" diatribes. Then there is the voter intimidation and voter suppression. The busing of migrants and those granted asylum, not just to Martha's Vineyard, but also to the Chicago area and New York City is ongoing and huge burden on those northern, deep blue cities. Why isn't any of this being investigated by the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ and Homeland Security? I think I know the answer. The former president drastically cut funding for those departments. Isn't the busing of migrants and those granted asylum considered human trafficking? (But that is off topic.)

Maybe DeSantis, Abbott in Texas and those other neo-nazi red state governors would not survive on the national stage. However, their fascist tactics and deeply cruel hate speeches and actions encourage more hate and more violence. All of this really makes me believe this country will never heal. It's tragic and frightening.

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DeSantis rules on fear, though it is not clear how this happens as even members of his own party detest him personally. But that can be overlooked when it is about the grift.

As a UF grad in history and economics, phi beta kappa, I am utterly flabbergasted at how many associated with UF are going along with this anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge streak. It will kill one of the best public universities in the country. It will kill the economy, it will cause the best and brightest to flee the state. You know it is bad for universities when a well established highly respected professor says he will feel more open moving to Indiana! Yes, IU is a great school, but growing up in Indiana I never would have thought that would ever be the case.

DeSantis is clearly all about ignoring facts, data, evidence. I do not care he went to Yale or Harvard! That does not make him smart. If anything, he is insecure as hell, cannot handle tough questions, and thus knows he is not was his resume says. He makes up for it with bluff and bluster and his malignant narcissism that has been fed to him his entire life

Of being coddled and never criticized until now.

But we are hitting back. In direct ways (see the lawsuit in Escambia County) and what has happened with Disney in Brevard County. The Alachua and Broward county school boards have stood up to him. Jacksonville elected its first D mayor in 40 years. DeSantis trades on fear and intimidation. There is no fear and intimidation now. The bully is being bloodied and we will eventually get our state back to where it was when the likes of Bob Graham, Lawton Chiles, Claude Pepper and Bill Nelson were larger than life figures who helped ordinary people.

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The ivys have produced a lot of politicians. Many are disreputable- not great thinkers. What went wrong?4.0 does not indicate decency!

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Education and knowledge comes from more than where one is educated. It is about live experience, being open to new ideas and thinking, traveling and learning from other’s experiences, it is willing to engage in synthesis, analysis, and evaluation (apologies to Maslow). Intelligence is the ability not just to take tests, but to reason and apply logic and thinking to new problems and a changing world. Clearly, DeSantis and his ilk have no real intelligence as they shirk and avoid applying reason and logic to the changing world. Hence the reason they want things to never change.

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When did the respect for basic human dignity become “elitist?” Nothing more fundamental than respecting one’s right to exist.

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The people who vote for these policies are of deep concern. Our media and civil societies must take seriously their roles in supporting an informed public instead of both-siding these candidates.

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Trump, Desantis, Jordan, Gaetz, Greene, Bobert etc. are hateful despicable individuals. The cream of the Republican Party (if they exist) has not risin’ to the top, the scourge has taken over the party. They rule by fear and intolerance! What is truly frightening is the number of Americans who follow these people. Far to many American’s have become selfish, mean spirited, and self centered.

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Very clear and direct, Steven. I have been terrified since 2015. Nobody would listen back then. Here’s my worst fear, based on the fact that Putin and other Russian leaders want a chaotic and weak USA: First, we drop out of NATO. Russia prepares for war with all of Europe. Around the same time, people in red states and blue states decide they can’t live with each other and, with, or without war, decide to separate. This gives the Russians,a large foothold in the middle of North America leading to horrors in North America. Certainly, if they accomplish this, the US is done and Canada and Mexico are at risk. Russia and authoritarianism beginning to take over the USA inspires authoritarians all around the world and... well, I don’t think I need to continue. Everyone has enough imagination for what the world would be like. I know this is terribly frightening and will seem to many to be over-the-top, but people don’t like to see predictable dangers early on because they’re so frightening. And that’s how we got to the place we’re in now. Those of us who foresaw all of this have constantly been told we are exaggerating and too pessimistic. And the few people I’ve told this worst fear to, even now with Abbott and DeSantis and Trump doing what they have done, Jan 6, and the red states finding fake electors, etc. etc., are again telling me I’m too pessimistic and this fear is an exaggeration. But it is all so predictable if we do not stop this hurtling toward destruction.

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Aspiring dictators have never been subtle have they? They can’t be. Perhaps they alone grasp that whoever it is they perceive as their ‘people’ lack the capacity to discern intent.

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DeSantis is planning on being president before all of the Disney decreases in Florida state spending and employment. It will be fun to watch him beg Disney to change paths when he doesn't get the primary nomination.

Florida prior to Disney was a hot state with nothing to do but lay in the sun in the winter months. Disney saved the state from economic ruin. The GDP in Florida prior to Disney was Florida's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1968 was approximately $26.9 billion before Disney.

After Disney, In 2022, the real gross domestic product (GDP) of Florida was about 1.07 trillion U.S. dollars. Disney’s tax revenue is Disney World has disclosed that it has paid $1.146 billion in taxes. Disney is the largest single taxpayer in Central Florida. Disney is Florida’s largest employer. America must be aware that DeSantis will do the same to the entire county is he were ever elected President.

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Another dangerous demagogue who must be defeated to save democracy

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I think it was yesterday I read some comment from him that this was all about protecting family virtues and making our country safe for our children. The typical slop politicians feed us when they want to make unpopular changes. Protecting the planet for the future of our kids doesn't matter. Protecting our kids from mass shootings is low on his radar. Setting up our country to be on the leading edge of innovation and technology for our children isn't his thing. The children of our future will be looking at food insecurity if the climate keeps getting worse and they will be under employable if they can not complete scholastically. DeSantis thinks leaving them a legacy of a dominant white race that puts more faith in their church than in their government and who are armed to take the limited resources that will be available is a good vision.

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DeSantis is a total kkkreep. Ego rules him. Not decency or humanity

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DeSantis /Trump true believers are frightening. Undereducated, uneducated, unread, uncouth.

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He wants to “Make America Florida”.

This country is finished if he comes anywhere close to succeeding.

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DeSantis is saying the quiet part out loud; and to those of us who want a better, more educated, more enlightened, kinder, more just and more democratic America, his words are an affront to the ideals of Democracy. It is beyond my understanding as to why he would want to hold Americans back, direct that they hold antiquated views and withhold knowledge and understanding from Americans. It may work in FL. Maybe he thinks it is a way of snagging the base of the 45th president. However, it is not the America of our founding fathers; and we will not it it better the America of the future. Knowledge is power. Enlightenment elevates society. Let's have justice and freedom for all. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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I wonder if we ought not welcome the possibility of a DeSantis nomination for President by the Republicans. His actions speak volumes and I believe that an opposition to his possible election would be provide a trouncing greater than any Presidential election including that of poor old Mondale.

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