You are such a role model for the world. It’s easier to talk solutions and ideas when you feel strong and energized. But you reach out to us today with calm and effort to give us hope when you yourself aren’t feeling healthy. That is exactly what we need to do , is dig down deep in our heart and keep up the fight to guide the world to a better place. There is no time for a day off or pause because the evil is strong with our opposing side and we can’t weaken. I will share your words and efforts a little more often today in conversation so you might rest. I admire your attitude and your words always lead to a path of “we can’t give up”. Thank you sending you energy , plus wisdom and hope you’ll feel better quickly.

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Thank you for your very generous words, Patricia.

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Heal quickly and fully!

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Thx, Al!

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Please take care of yourself. Everyone in my family has had breakthrough COVID, including my son-in-law. He's a research scientist working on vaccines but feels he received it from someone he supervises.

I feel the most urgent threat to our country is the rise of fascist-authoritarian governments in states such as Florida, Texas, Idaho, Mississippi and other red states. The Justice Department, including the Civil Rights Division, were gutted by the previous president. It's up to Elias Law Group, NAACP, ACLU and other organizations to protect voting rights. It's also up to outside groups such as Penguin-Random House, PEN America, teachers, and parents who have united to fight the bans on free speech and free press in Florida. Their lawsuit against Escambia County was filed last week. If the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ was not so badly understaffed this case could have been brought be them with our taxpayers dollars.

Take the week off! We will still be here. Thank you for all of the support your provide for all of us.

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I appreciate your message of hope today, and also hope you recover quickly.

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Hope and despair are parallel twins. I am reminded of Frank Sinatra's song, Love & Marriage - you can't have one without the other. I read many Republicans hope something will happen to trump, but meanwhile, there he remains, claiming to be the only one who can stop WW III. trump polls higher than DeSantis, but polls are now showing DeSantis could beat Biden.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. We hoped for Dianna, we got Camilla.Drought ridden California one year causing high prices endures terrible flooding in another, still causing high prices. Our hope was fulfilled with a vaccine for covid yet even those with the shots can still get it, and hundreds are still dying from it. I hope my son who rides his bicycle 30 miles a day will be safe, yet a friend who did the same was hit by a car, flew over the hood and landed on his face on the pavement. Wilson's hope for making the world safe for democracy was answered by the defeat of the League of Nations and WW II. I hope the 2nd Amendment will be recognized as a call for militia to save the state, but it is used by gun owners to justify the quantity owned leading to fear of attending any crowded activity or sending your child to school.

To write a silly, petty, unimportant fact (sorry) many women are now having awful looking thick eyebrows tattooed on their faces, permanent features, yet Tom Brady's ex wife, the famous model Gisele Bundchen is now sporting thin ones of old movie stars and Kim Kardashian and others, names known more than our vice president's, are bleaching, even shaving them off.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Hoping that you will soon recover from what trump ignorantly called the China virus but dispairing that many suffer long covid. But not you. You have promises to keep and miles to go in your life's unfinished work.

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Please feel better soon. I had my first run-in with COVID myself lately and also felt grateful to be getting it only now and not earlier on. Thank you so much for your commitment to truth and hope.

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Thank you for this timely reminder that taking helpful action can come from grief we experience. It especially resonated with me today. I am a volunteer with Citizens' Climate Lobby. We also have discussions about how to remain optimistic as we go about our work of "building the political will for a livable world." I dare to hope that we will be successful. I draw support from the volunteers and staff I work with, the training and experience we share, and perspectives they offer. The Inflation Reduction Act, if we can keep it, contained much support for climate action to sustain a safe and stable climate. We are working now to defend those provisions and we are drawing new volunteers. Best wishes to you.

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Sending you healing thoughts and wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. We need you and your voice!!

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Very kind.

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A great and useful perspective! Thank you

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Rest. Drink lots of fluids. And - most importantly - Heal!!! 🤗

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A wiser soul than mine told me that when she was given a choice between hope and despair she decided that hope was the better choice. It is.

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Feel better soon, Mr. Beschloss!

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Peace, comfort & healing. This too shall pass.

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Please get well quickly, you are a national treasure!

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My best to you as you battle Covid. Your voice is needed.

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Thank you.

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Beat wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

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