Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

Biden must repeatedly do this.

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yes, this is the message. But, inroads must be made into news and information sources which the unconvinced solely rely on for their "news". More "high profile" citizens need to be directly involved in getting this message out there. Sadly, I guarantee most of these persons did not ingest the Biden speech.

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I didn't evem know about it until a snippet came across my YouTube feed, so—yeah.

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

This was a good speech. He rightly denounced Trump and his attempt to overthrow our government. I hope others in the administration go on TV to help amplify this message. They also need to emphasize the danger of the state anti-abortion laws, and call for a Federal guarantee to the right SCOTUS has taken away.

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

Apparently today trump called for the release of the Jan6 insurrectionists from prison! It will get worse and worse day by day so buckle up and pitch in.

Steve, how about calling for a "National Day Affirming Our Democracy " with a huge March on The Capital in September (so that students can attend too)? Each State with a Delegation? Obama, Bush and other mainstream Rs in attendance and briefing speaking with Obama as the keynote? Every woman's organization in the Nation. Black, Brown, Latino etc etc? What do you think? Will you help organize it?

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Interesting idea. Will think more.

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I think it could be separate from a national march for abortion rights which I believe women's groups are planning...perhaps the National Day Affirming Our Democracy March should be to each State Capitol which would be easier for all and give it a really national flavor even in red states????

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Also include mainstream Rs in red and blue states--perhaps linked to Obama keynote speech by giant TV simultaneously by timezone?

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

If we get past this moment in our history and are able to look back, relieved that the attack on democracy failed, that law was applied to the so called high and low, I will be grateful. For our children, for the country, for this imperfect but evolving democracy, and for the world. I paused momentarily at adding ‘the world’ but only for a second. The precept that impelled the signers of our constitution were dreamers that exist everywhere.

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Has just taken so long and here we are again, with Trump's awful message on the airways again. Good comment.

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We will outlast his bullshit.

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for boiling this down to the essentials: "In the 2020 election, it was clear that it was a race between an empath and a sociopath." The 2024 election presents us with the same choice.

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Jan 8Liked by Steven Beschloss

Just want to say on President Biden's behalf that he did call out trump by name, reportedly 39 times. Up from zero his first year.

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Biden's speech at Valley Forge was excellent. And the location was apt for the moment. I wonder about the absence of the rest of the DNC. And the media's addiction to the outrages/eyeballs of the Trump World cultists. The failure of the Fourth Estate to blow up the Big Con.

Reading a little Montesquieu (and Locke) last night. The balance/separation of powers idea, adopted by the framers of the Constitution, came from his "Spirit of Law" (1748). After the influence of Locke (1687) and Britain's constitutional monarchy, Montesquieu concluded there are three forms of government.

Monarchy. Rule by a king/queen, with power limited by a legislative body. (And in practical terms, from the example of King John, power is also moderated by the will of the people at large.) The guiding principle in Monarchy is Honor.

Republic. Rule by an elected leader, with power limited by a legislature and a judiciary. Three branches of government, balanced to keep any one branch from attaining despotism. The guiding principle of a Republic is Virtue.

Despotism. Rule by a total dictator or monarch. No power moderation. No Honor or Virtue. The guiding principle of the Despot is Fear.

Montesquieu, following Locke, believed that the natural state of man is personal freedom. Freedom to live without being bossed around by anyone else. Graeber & Wengrow in "The Dawn of Everything" observed the influence of a Native American, Kandiaronk, to describe this "natural state" of individual freedom to European thinkers. Kandiaronk travelled to Europe in the 1650s and criticized the monarchic forms of government there. His influence on The Age of Enlightenment is mostly overlooked. Indeed, if we follow the thread, the Founding Fathers were inspired, indirectly, by a Native American, natural freedom, egalitarian philosophy.

Now we are faced with the prospect of Despotism in America. We had a Monarch ruling over us from 1609 to 1776. We have had a Constitutional Democratic Republic from 1789 to today. Will we hand over the Republic to a Despot in 2025?

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MSNBC broadcast Biden’s entire speech. They did show DJT on the screen today talking as their analysts discussed his lawsuits. They’re judicious in how much they cover DJT or quote him. I doubt many of his cultists watch unless they need an anger boost.

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Certainly! I concur wholeheartedly. I've been engrossed in an insightful article concerning President Biden's inner circle, alongside a cadre of spirited Democrats demanding more decisive action.


His address on January 6th marked a pivotal moment, aligning with their sentiments. In my opinion, it's imperative that Biden and the Democratic leadership abandon their cautious approach and embrace a more aggressive stance, emulating the fervor exemplified by Eric Swalwell in his Twitter X daily diatribes. The time for tempered diplomacy has passed; it's the era for bold action.

We need to fight for Democrats and our Democracy on two occasions: day and night.

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In suggesting a fresh perspective for President Biden's campaign speeches, it's evident that modern audiences seek relevance beyond historical references. People yearn to grasp not only Biden's divergence from Trump but also his distinctive accomplishments and, more crucially, his forward-looking vision.

As a steadfast Democrat, my current dissonance with the President stems from his stance in the Middle East, notably concerning Israel and the Palestinian conflict. Despite reaching out to his office thrice, the absence of a comprehensive explanation for his defense of Israel's actions against the Palestinian people remains disconcerting.

There's a pressing need for Biden's cabinet members to traverse red states, spotlighting the administration's achievements and illuminating how Republican governors and legislators have, regrettably, obstructed progress by eschewing funds provided by the Biden administration. The critical messaging isn't resonating with the populace, leading to a deficit in communicating a clear vision for the future.

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I watched Biden’s speech on Friday and I dare say that it was the best one since his inauguration. He showed appropriate anger and called out TFG with formidable conviction and disgust on a number of occasions. The American people need to see this more often as it will serve to separate the goon from those who have respect for the role of POTUS, not only in the US but in the world.

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Question for @StevenBeschloss. Just heard on news that Trump is again signaling violence. Suggesting that there will be violence if the court cases don't go his way. Trump chooses his words carefully, as on 1/6 he didn't exactly say be violent at the Capitol, he said we have to fight like hell to take your country back. Is Trump's current prediction of violence a signal to his cult that they should get violent is court decisions go against him? Our country is in trouble. Justice ism threatened because we have to fear that violence will result. How do we address that?

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I totally agree with you. Taking the high road and speaking of the important of sustaining our country s a Democracy and doing what is correct and speaking the truth, and holding free and fair elections, and respecting people and respecting our government, is not enough. President Biden must start to mention 45 by name (even though I can't) and talk about how 45 has tried and continues to try to destroy the fabric of our country, our Democracy, our decency, how 45 is not running to make our country better for all Americans, because he has shown repeated bias, e.g. there were good people on both sides, how 45 doesn't care about governing, how he just wants to win so that he can pardon himself and his followers who were actually on the goround at the Capitol committing the insurrection. For 45, it is all about revenge. It is all about keeping himself out of jail. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. Those are not qualities that will restore America to be the shining star on the hill. I urge President Biden to continue to take th high road, but to always and often remind Americans how much is at stake in this 2024 election. While the cult followers may think 45 is running to help them, he is really only running for himself, his ow ego, his get out of jail free card, and his desire to take our country fro a Democracy and remake it into a dictatorship, with himself as dictator. This has to be said; and hopefully if it is said often enough, enough people will realize that 45 is not the person to lead our country to better days for all of us and for the world. Every 4 years many say that this is the most important election of our lifetime. Well, in 2024, more than ever, this really is the most important presidential election of our lifetime. Please vote your conscience and not play follow the misguided leader. Think your neighbors, think of your children and grandchildren. What kind of Amnerica do we want to leave to future generations. I vote that we want to leave our country as a strong democracy, with liberty and justice for all. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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I think "democracy" is not the dog whistle that Biden hopes it is. I think his speech writers should engage local celebrities to elaborate on the idea and publicize that. I feel like elective failure will be because the message is not getting through the MAGA wall of finding owning the Dems/Liberals as a humorous thing.

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Mr. Beschloss , I have not received this article nor any other recent ones. My subscription is still valid

Wondering, I found it under Substack..Please rectify this error. Thank you.

R. N.

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