The utter depravity of these actions, perpetrated by these actors, demonstrates the inhumanity of these so-called public servants. We cannot let these pass, or refuse to protest, resist, and vote them out. The fact that Texans reelected this man is mindbending.

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I still cannot believe Beto O’Rourke did not win Texas. He should have by 20 or more points.

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Timely reminder with the revelations that George Santos admits to lying about college and work history yet no one expects the GOP majority not to seat him in Congress Jan 3. Not only is the party filled with reprobates, the supposedly good ones won’t stand up for those who aren’t. Why don’t enough voters care about character to get rid of these scoundrels?

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Steve, sadly, because some of these sociopaths are dumbing down and Whitening and “religifying” (I may have made up this word) the educational system in many states and locales, I fear this will get worse until there is absolute disaster. Good people attract good people to work around them, and sociopaths attract sociopaths and can only recruit and hire sociopaths. I fear that until there is absolute disaster, large segments of our population will not realize that they have been electing sociopaths. And by that time, we may not have democratic elections anymore.

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I like your word "religifying" but not what it signifies.

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Thank you for this excellent and timely newsletter today. We need to use the appropriate language to discuss these sociopaths that are inhuman under the pretense of Christianity. Thank you, again!

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Notice that White Evangelicals are the driving force behind the hatred.

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Thank you for clearly stating what I have been thinking. One of the Republican’s major tools is gaslighting and making people like me question whether I am the crazy one or if it is the Republicans who are crazy. Your article helps reassure me that I am not the crazy one.

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This is precisely why they call us bleeding heart liberals; we are appalled that they do this and call themselves Christians…

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As always, Steven, you've hit the nail on the head. For the life of me, though, I cannot understand why people will continue to vote for leaders who are hellbent on hurting them? But then I'm not a politician.

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Thanks, Homi. The Republicans have figured out the code for convincing people to vote against their own interests—unless it’s always an interest in punching down on the vulnerable that makes too many aggrieved people feel better about themselves.

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My awakening to people voting against their own interests came when the they re-elected Shrub (as the inimitable Molly Ivins called George W. Bush).

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It’s all about the voter! Possibly in four years a democratic star can rise from the ashes and defeat the Christian bigot. But until that happens, I am doing my part by avoiding the purchase of products manufactured in Texas or if their headquarters is in Texas. It was one of those impulsive decisions and I haven’t looked back.

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“If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone”

~Michael Corleone

The Godfather Part II, art imitating life..

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As Kevin Drum wrote the real horror lies in plain site. Washington DC and other northern cities of blue ilk would be happy to accommodate the refugees if they knew they were coming. Stunts!

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This particular sentence in your article--

“As much as the blame rests with Abbott, change won’t happen with men like this until a majority of voters stand up and say they’ve had enough.”

brings up a lingering question for me and that is, how do those of us who live in states so gerrymandered there is no way for us to vote the Abbots, Jim Jordans and the like out of office? We are all voting like crazy but it does no good...Congress needs to fix this. 🙏🏼

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I had hoped that this behavior would lessen over the years, but I must admit I didn't understand how deep the threat was years ago...it is really telling that so many things have been tainted in my daily life. My neice is in high-school living in VA. She is having huge mental health issues, because she was having gender identity questions. She has been so demonized by her school, some teachers, other staff, alot of mean kids, and she ended up having inpatient intervention for suicidal ideology. There are more situations i personally know of where the rhetoric infecting politics is affecting people personally in major ways.

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The aim of sanctuary cities is to keep residents safe. They discourage informing ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, about people who may be illegal, support them , do not require place of birth information, welcome their children into their schools. Republicans have long complained, berated them. Look what they are doing now: sending immigrants to them. A policy reversal. sending people who have nothing, probably few of whom even speak English, to northern cities in the midst of winter storm , have no idea where they are, what they will eat, where they will lay their heads for the night. We see pleas on TV to help poor dogs left alone , shivering, hungry. How can those in command do this to human beings?? And some of them expect to run for President.

Title 42 enacted by trump to safeguard Americans from covid carrying immigrants was today extended by the Supreme Court. I have mixed feelings about this - one good thing about Democrats is that they don't accept one man's beliefs but can think for themselves and have disagreements. In all probability, most of those trying to cross our border have not gotten the vaccine. So, perhaps they are a health risk .On the other hand, I think it was enacted just to keep people out, period.It might be just the opposite, citizens may be a risk to the immigrants. Covid and flu are on the rise this winter, people still have not been vaccinated, parents are even rising up against shots for measles, chicken pox, etc. required for school entrance. In Walmart this afternoon, I saw only one other person besides myself with a mask.

Disagreement over immigration and failure to solve the problem presented by it is part of US history.There were desirables , primarily European, white , Protestant, skilled, and then the others-Chinese, Japanese, Catholics, Italians., unskilled, sick. Don't forget FDR refused to allow the ship carrying European Jews to land here to escape the Nazi regime.

This is a federal problem that needs solved once and for all by mutual agreement of those in power.Why do we always need a war or a depression to bring opposing forces together? It should not be a state problem. So far this year, Texas has had 1,091,761 illegals enter. Would Biden want that for Delaware? There has to be an answer beyond a busload of frightened people sent by sociopaths and psychopaths. There is a need for lots of answers in this country. Will 2023 be more accommodating?

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Sharon, I have observed this situation from across the border, here in Canada. My take is that there has been a lack of holding many political actors accountable, a flaw that exists in my country as well. If any of us ignored a Congressional subpoena to appear before the House Judiciary committee, we would be held in contempt of Court and apprehended. Former AG Bill Barr did so, and then casually asked Nancy Pelosi if she was going to have him arrested. He negotiated prior to agreeing to testify before the January 6th Special Committee, no doubt to present himself in a good light. As I see it, power players 'run the table' in the political arena. They have a self-serving agenda, and are often far removed from the people they were elected to represent. I see promoting higher education as the key to enlightenment, with a major emphasis on the study of Civics. Knowledge is power.

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Especially knowledge that opens minds to new ideas!

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Have any of those rich old snobby racist White guys noticed who is manicuring their golf courses??  It is not white frat boys!

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I believe the outlier (or should I say out-liar) Republicans have regressed to a depth of sociopathic depravity, with their disregard for the rights and feelings of others. Governor Greg Abbott's action of 'shipping' migrants to Democratic States is beyond conscience, and a very sad political stunt, revealing his prejudicial view of people. The GOP representatives display a self-serving, holier-than-thou attitude, where their political careers are the number one priority. Donald Trump launched an era of political INCORRECTNESS and obfuscation, which his followers seemed only too happy to buy into. After all, there were few consequences for making threats, critiquing others and particularly demeaning women. The consensus was that if Trump could behave this way as a President, then so could they. It is a sad comment on the Republicans who were willing to support the machinations of an unbalanced individual #45. Deep down in his dark, depraved soul, Governor Abbott probably harbours resentment for his paraplegic condition, sustained after being crushed by a falling tree, while jogging. His 'Christian faith' is merely a mask he dons, to garner the support of Evangelicals. There is a path to better purpose for America, but it will require clearing out the political impediments which block the way forward. 2023 can be a time of reckoning. I can see it.

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We have to find a way to educate voters about who these people are. I don’t mean that we need to educate people about how despicable they are- that’s usually obvious at some point if they’re in public office, I mean we need to talk about how to spot them before they get elected to Congress.

Sociopaths can be charming, outgoing personalities, the kind of people who are fun to talk to, but they are “fun” because they’re manipulative. They almost always have an ulterior motive for paying attention to an individual and it’s usually for malicious reasons.

It’s also key to understand that sociopaths can spot people who are vulnerable & who’ve been abused. They gravitate toward those people like flies to feces. As soon as you feel on the verge of being overwhelmed by someone you barely know, you should immediately stop paying attention to them and make an excuse to move on.

As for sociopaths who are running for office, what do any of you lovely people writing here in response to Steve’s comments think? How do we spot these people? What do you think we should we look for?

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Ok, I’ll go 1st. George Santos--the guy who was just elected as a republican rep. is very likely a sociopath. I’m not saying he IS a sociopath, but someone who lies about his entire life, including his background, job history & education, probably isn’t someone who should be in Congress because he isn’t trustworthy. If he lied that much to get elected how will we know when he’s being honest?

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Tweets from former fbi employee Peter Strzok

heavily imply Santos is a Russian asset.

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