Democracy, especially Free and Fair elections. The current US House was gerrymandered to create a Republican majority, according to national experts. State legislatures, which created those US House maps, are themselves gerrymandered. Fair districts and fair voting procedures are two sides of the same coin: Free and Fair elections. If Congress and state legislatures truly represented their constituents, we would not be seeing radical legislation attacking basic human rights. (For experts' view on US House gerrymandering, see this video from March: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2vmUVNYTA8)

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Absolutely this. Without free and fair elections, the true will of the people can never be known. It all begins with “We the People. . .”

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Definitely, Free and Fair elections! Our vote equals our voice and is fundamental in keeping our democracy. Precision gerrymandering is dangerous and unfair. Making it difficult to vote for already disadvantaged groups (or anyone) is unconstitutional. Without Free and Fair elections we are unable to adapt change for many inequalities that exist in our society today.

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100%! Absent a true democracy, with truly competitive districts and races, nothing else matters. This is the necessary condition for economic, social, cultural freedoms that can tear down the economic oligopolies/monopolies, and de facto political monopolies in so many states. How do we start? D’s winning majorities in the house and senate, 4 more of years of Biden. Only then can the foundations be put in place (13 federal court districts, 13 Supreme Court justices, a house member for every 200,000 of population or 1650 house members, statehood for DC and PR at minimum and maybe even US VI (PR has greater population than 18 states! DC is larger than 2 states at least). Election for President by popular vote.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So much can be done but we need to get D’s elected. Everywhere.

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There is only ONE goal for 2024. Democrats must win Elections. President, House, Senate, State legislators, Governor.

Without winning, all policies are meaningless because they have no efficacy.

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I agree 1,000% Doug!

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Thanks Al.

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Democracy will once again be the number one issue.

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Eliminating gerrymandering and voter suppression. With these fixes in place, the majority would fix many existing problems.

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I see loss of reasonable personal freedoms: speech, assembly, bodily autonomy, privacy, clean air-water-food, housing, education and information as one issue. Those who request less regulation for business-banking-crypto-GUNS, less accountability in govt ethics, campaign spending, policing, and more regulation of teachers, librarians, parenting as witting or unwitting accessories to dismantling of liberty and democracy (including “Democratic Republic”). Therefore Biden hit right messaging for me.

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My response is to some degree "vague": Saving our nation is my priority issue. The fabric and fiber of the United States is being torn and ripped by right-wing ideologues, Republican fascists (most of whom are) and militant vigilantism. The soul of our nation is being tested at limits that I have not seen in seventy-nine years. Salvation comes in many forms, and those of us who really care must really fight and push back against our domestic enemies (starting with House Republicans and psychopaths like MT Greene and Boebert). Democrats also must muster up the courage and spine to step to the front of the line, rather than incessantly navel-gazing, pondering "What to do, what to do?", while believing every matter can be talked into or out of. Fascism is on the rise and our REAL liberty is at full risk. We are collapsing into a minoritocracy, where the few will ride roughshod over the many. We are at a critical and dangerous tipping point. Salvation comes out of strength; not out of weakness or indifference.

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I think you imagine us to be weak in responding to this onslaught of our ‘domestic enemies’. I do not see democrats as weak or spineless at all. You may feel weak as many of us do because this is new to us. But don’t project that onto the nation of patriots who are the democrats who will fully win our country back because of all the efforts they have put in and continue to add every single day.

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Apr 29, 2023
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Hello, Jack! Thank you. 😊 Oh, yes, I remember the fake super-moralist Gingrich, that pile of human waste who served divorce papes to his first wife while she was in an oncology unit. As to Nixon, I shamefully admit that I voted for him. Talk about feeling a sense of betrayal as a 24-year-old who two years earlier had exited USAF with three written commendations. But, as you note tangentially, Nixon was just the beginning. What's that old cliche, "Put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig?" (No offense to pigs!) Reagan took hold of this trajectory and made it soar.

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Maybe we are, Jack. But keep sounding it anyway.

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The citizenry can be not very well informed but still be woke. I’m not a brilliant political scholar, at all, but I want my democracy, and kindness, or if not that then tolerance. I want a fair playing field for all. I want to work bare knuckled to reverse climate breakdown. I want the US, China and all major polluters to lead the way together and support all up and coming nations to do the same.

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Apr 30, 2023
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Okay. I want to seriously ask why. Why? And who are they?

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Gun control, number one. Then LGBTQ rights. Then an end to book banning. In all, everything the GOP is doing to wreck our democracy.

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Maybe most important of all, making it convenient for ALL Americans to vote.

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Hold the seditionists in Office to account. Reform SCOTUS. It's become corrupted by oligarchs. Citizens United has corrupted the entire legislative process (see Joe Manchin). Corporations are CLEARLY not endowed with individual rights. Reverse Heller and enact gun control legislation. We cannot be held captive by a gun-crazed MINORITY. Our children are being slaughtered. The Republic will not stand until these people are held accountable for their treasonous activities. They continue their seditious acts daily (Jims Comer/Jordan).

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My top issue--bar none--is voting rights. If every citizen is allowed, no, encouraged to, vote, all the other issues will fix themselves. We are having a radical minority trying to curtail the rights (abortion, gun control, history, fragile communities) of the majority. They are able to do this because of voter suppression.

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Biden has it right- Genuine democracy and accountability. Gerrymandering, non responsive legislatures, unaccountable Supreme Court and all the other valid issues noted in this discussion are all anchored on fair elections and holding authority accountable.

A close second is freedom- the Republican Party has a become N autocratic Handmaiden’s Tale. The list of freedoms they seek to restrict and “values” they seek to enforce on everyone needs to be constantly highlighted.

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Voting rights, the end of gerrymandering, fair and free elections and putting an end to the independent legislature theory once and for all.

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Restoring and maintaining democracy, fighting the creeping fascism of the GOP

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1. Free and fair elections

2. Equal rights

All current political fights will center on these two issues until the Republicans win cascading victories or bear the humiliation of protracted defeat. Only at that point can their electoral strategy change.

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Yep - first and foremost to me is guns. Close second is climate. Third would be LGBTQ rights, women's rights, voting rights. Also, the Supreme Court.

I guess Biden will have a ton to do.

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With out a question: women’s right to control their own bodies!

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Vote suppression is now the number one issue, IMHO, because by engaging in it, Republicans are able to control all aspects of political decisions.

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Or attempt to. Still, it is concerning. The gerrymanderers should be indicted for attempted grand theft. Or whatever is appropriate for those very bad black hats.

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John Lewis voting rights act. Everything depends on that.

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Signed on to say voting rights are the most important rn, thanks to the people before me who said it so well.

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There really are too many dependencies to pick a single one.

If the RW disinformation continues, there will be violence.

If guns are not regulated, there will be violence.

If the robbing of public schools in the red states continues, the people will be ignorant enough to follow RW disinformation, there will be violence.

If voting rights are further eroded as whites shrink in numbers, there will be violence as some states will embrace apartheid.

If the military does not screen applicants for neo-Nazis, there will be greater violence & security leaks.

If the corrupt, partisan Supreme Court continues to try and turn back the clock on hard-won rights, there will be violence.

I think political violence will be the issue.

The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence - Adolf Hitler.

The GQP was backing him before WW2 and went into the closet until the Civil Rights Act. Now his teachings seem to be the guiding philosophy of todays party.

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Yes. Absolutely.

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We've got to clean out the judiciary the Congress & the military -all seditionists need to be charged and tried. Especially if their name is Trump

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The victory of truth over deceit, of enlightenment over ignorance, of compassion over cruelty, of common sense over superstition.

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Concise and right on the money.

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Get money out of Politics. (Citizens United) Somehow.

Then democracy. To fight for our rights and that includes a livable planet.

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Winning back the working class to the Democratic Party should mean a focus on finally fixing labor laws, so that Amazon and Starbucks workers are allowed to negotiate contracts, which so far they haven’t been meaning that nobody else will try to organize unions, and inequality will get worse.

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talk of "freedom" rings hollow for workers with insecure jobs and paychecks and no healthcare. pretending everything is great in the country is a disservice to the miseries around us, from climate-caused typhoons to opioid addiction; please don't let the Republican party own these problems. Speak about the epidemic of femicide and the unsolved problems of ALS and cancer, these touch all of our lives.

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Taxing the wealthy. When we have the money to spend on infrastructure, housing, education and healthcare, when there's more to go around and people aren't feeling pinched economically, there will be less division and anger.

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Yes because not paying their fair share is incongruous and bizarre. I’d love to see them want to contribute that way. Maybe many do. I would never know. We should recognize them if that’s the case.

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I agree about voting rights but add that we can't ignore the lack of controls on political contributions.

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Don't confuse the top issues for governing with the top issues for getting elected. Freedom from government intrusion is a key conservative core value. By framing the issues in terms of freedom Biden can attract lots of non-Maga conservative voters. This is one of the rare times when republican political advisors Are actually doing brilliant messaging. See Jonathan Haight's book, The Righteous Mind.

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Sorry, that should have said democratic political advisers. I don't know how the word Republican came out. I blame my iPhone.

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Freedom from government intrusion used to be a

key conservative core value. But, it no longer is, as evidenced by certain republican majority state legislatures that made abortion illegal. Apparently

those state legislatures didn’t bother to consult with

obstetricians or gynecologists before deciding what

women can/can’t do with their bodies. If they had,

they would have realized their laws endanger womens’ lives. Not only that, they’ve managed to

put physicians into a permanent state of terror about what will happen to them if they provide desperately needed care to save women having miscarriages.

While women are bleeding out and/or developing massive, life-threatening infections from carrying a dead fetus in their bodies, physicians will be on the phone with their malpractice insurance carriers, criminal defense attorneys & the hospital admin. that may also have liability in those situations.

You’re right Richard. By framing these issues as “freedom” it will probably attract a certain segment of old-school republicans.

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We will see.

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Biden’s got it right.

Also, please everyone, can we please cut the ageism crap?!

It’s horrible - what, 30-40 year olds never die? Everyone doesn’t age?? Some people don’t live to be 100 with sharp minds??

Gimme a break! 🙄🤘

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Any voter frustration with the Democrats’ handling of the economy and crime was mitigated by voter disgust for the Republican rollback of abortion rights and undermining the integrity of our elections. The midterm results suggest that voters are not angry about the economy to such a degree that they deprioritize all other concerns.  And Biden will win reelection because of these concerns.

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My thoughts on what must be addressed in the election in '24:

A.campaign finance reform. Address the Citizens united ruling which has nearly destroyed our elections.

B. Expand the Supreme Court to 13 or even 15. Actually enact a real requirement for Justices to follow ethics rules with a regulatory body to rule on ethics violations. Must be non partisan.

C. Overhaul Federal tax law while instituting a flat tax of 50% of earnings above $300 million. Adding a wealth tax of 30% on all wealth.

D. Pass a gun registration and ownership law that treats gun ownership like automobile ownership with licensing, evidence annually of insurance and safe harbor for all guns. Completely ban the sale and ownership of any assault style weapon no matter what the purpose intended ( hunting big game).

There are just a few of my desires Steven.

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To me, these suggestions make total sense.

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I agree with the president. Freedom is the overwhelming umbrella that we must protect. I am a senior, and I want the freedom to be able to purchase my drugs at a reasonable price. I want my daughters and granddaughters to have the freedom to choose what they want to do with their bodies. I want the freedom for my children and grandchildren to be able to live on the planet that is sustainable. I want the freedom for everybody who by law can vote should be able to vote. I could go on and on, but I believe President Biden‘s use of the word freedom is very fitting.

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To me, the top issue. which drives all others, is Republican voter suppression. If everyone really has the right to vote, I think all other issues would resolve themselves in time. After all, poll after poll confirms that many, if not all, of the Republican positions are unpopular with the majority of Americans. Our voices need to be heard, loud and clear.

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Absolutely democracy. Our republic is hanging in the balance.

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Gerrymandering! Gerrymandering!! Gerrymandering!!! All freedoms derive from the will of the people. ALL the people! What happened to Eric Holder's promise to work on this issue after he left the White House?

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Steven, these leap to mind: Voting rights and eliminating the Electoral College and pushing for the popular vote, like they have all over the world; Women’s Health Autonomy and Defense of the LBGQT communities; Healthcare for All and Housing priorities for All as a basic component of Health. There are so many other pressing needs, but these are the ones I would like our nation and our people to focus on in the coming 500+ days before the next election. OMG. Thank you for all you do to help preserve democracy and sanity.

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Climate! Leave it in the ground. (And ALL the other things...)

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Homogenization: a vice grip on creativity and self expression. Why learn if only to fit into some cookie cutter job? Citizens united

Corruption that follows. A few people have power and so can easily manipulate the economy and thus the motivations of people. Better watchdogs and more fair enforcement

An end to institutionalized racism and investment in a whole segment of the population whose gifts have been exploited and squandered.

Courage to disturb the peace which has been bought by discarded potential and artificial order.

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I was going to say something about the election process, but I came late to the table, and clearly everyone knows that. So I think the key to that is to get out the vote, and make sure we retain the White House and Senate, and regain the House.

Right now it's hard to think past the debt ceiling crisis that's looming.

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The top issue is democracy but the issue that will define turnout will be abortion

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Yes, that for sure and I bet the youth vote is strong on racial and gender fairness too.

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I think the top issue is preserving and enhancing democracy. The MAGAs and far right are trying to limit or diminish it. This is true at the state level as well as the national level. That means we need to be active in electing Biden as well as electing local officials who will protect democracy.

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So many to choose from...

On guns, I would say the recent spate of trigger happy gun owners shooting randomly at anybody shows the need for gun owners to pass a test, like for driving, that shows they understand gun laws and safety protocols. All of these recent shootings show a level of ignorance common among gun owners.

A lot of comments have pointed out that with fair election laws the majority could sort out most of the problems the country is having. This is true. The Freedom to Vote Act will be presented to Congress again in the near future, as I understand it, and I recommend that everyone concerned with voting rights read the text of the bill. It covers things like gerrymandering and access. The right will complain about drop boxes and ballot harvesting, rules of which vary by state, because in their ignorance of election and legislative procedures, they've been taught to fear our excellent voting system. It's important to educate all voters on election law, but especially those on the right so they won't fear things like drop boxes and ballot collection.

Reaching lower income rightwing voters is important, but not a subject I'll say much about as far as strategy, since I don't have enough coffee in me for that right now!

Overall, the fight for democracy will still be the most effective message with voters, with good handling of the specific issues helping to cement the overarching message. That's my opinion.

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When I vote I always wonder, will it be counted? Will it get to where it’s supposed to go? Does the system work? I get verification that yes, my vote was received and counted. There’s a sense of great relief. It’s because of Trump. He shook my confidence that voting would be working as usual and I despise him for that.

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Voting rights, dark and corporate money in politics, trump in jail.

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Yes indeed.

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My overwhelming concern is for ridding the country of weapons of war & easy access to all guns without restrictions in red states. And one half step behind is the abortion issue! We need to keep men in positions of power away from our medical issues!

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Please let’s not ignore the 2023 off year elections. Local government is what impacts people and is an opportunity to register voters. School boards are more important than ever.

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Protecting the right to vote

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Climate Change aka Global Warming. We can't do much else if we go extinct in 25 years

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Democracy, for sure. I think Biden's phrasing it as "Freedom" probably is a more clear message for most people. Without democracy, none of our other problems will be solved, as the oligarchs will command our legislatures by uniting with the Christian Right/Christian Nationalists, and all the frightened people. I hope one day the US can get money out of the system so that legislators cannot be influenced by money. But that will never happen without a democracy.

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Americans want the freedoms offered in the founding documents. They want people who are registered to vote to be able to vote. They want to stop hearing hateful speech that offers nothing but division between family members, friends, and neighbors. They want their children to grow up and not be gunned down. They want their government to run by taking in taxes and use them to help people in need. They want healthcare as a right because without healthcare their lives are at stake. They want help to solve the problem of climate change as it begins to affect the world. And they want their President to participate is world affairs as a leader of a great nation.

Repubs don’t want any of this. They say only people who look like them should be able to vote. They consistently voice hurtful and freedom denying legislation. The fully support guns and offer prayers for victims of the violence they inflict. They want to curtail spending of tax dollars on people in need. They say healthcare is a commodity, that if you have the money you can buy it, but unlike commodities you cannot return a healthcare program when it doesn’t work. They refuse to acknowledge climate change and work against helping businesses that are bringing sustainable energy to the forefront, while giving subsidies and assistance to oil companies.

It is not difficult to see how the 2024 election will turn out. Even if it isn’t exactly what people want but electing any Repubs is like pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire

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Not only protecting voting rights, but expanding the time to vote. Tuesdays are probably the worst days to vote. Why not several days over a weekend, and increase polling places making it easy for everyone. To get this we will need a much larger majority than now. It must be done because voting is the only non-violent way to protect our democracy.

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Also, let’s make it easy for voters to get their required ID’s.

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And they should only need one, such as an address on a utility bill, anything as long as they can only vote once. Our systems are capable more than ever to prevent voter fraud.

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It’s pretty simple really - everything the republicans want to do and are doing the solution is the exact opposite.

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