I really believe the Republican Party is fringing itself into oblivion. I believe it’s going to be quicker than originally thought.

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I agree wholeheartedly since we are reading Steven and going, uh huh, how is that working out for you losers so far? Cheney isn’t doing enough but, she never will. She is Dick’s daughter to the end. She won’t go Independent like Justin Amash did and then walk away for the good of the country. No, she wants a return to the America that , was when her father was in the WH. There is no going back. It’s the demographics and the economy, stupid. The clown rodeo will sputter out. They backed a loser horse. He caved at the finish line.

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Americans are inherently a centrist people and America is getting tired of the tyranny of the minority.

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As a Nation we are proving djt & minions can Sedition with impunity. The Big Lie is criminal -- charge people

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We can’t depend on the Rep /Manchin to do the honorable thing. They are too far down the rabbit hole. Power means more than what’s best for Americans. We can watch as spectators as justice attempts to nab a few but really the only thing we can do is vote them out. The 2022 midterms are coming. We need to turn up in numbers so huge AND we must vote out all down ballot Reps. This is very important. The state legislatures and governors are the ones coming up with these Jim Crow voting requirements. We must get a significant amount of seats in the Senate to fight McConnel’s #1 priority of refusing to work with Pres Biden. Encouraging Reps to vote for Biden is difficult. I hate & run from confrontation. I have started working on my narrative to speak with female Reps. Especially moms. My goal is to get 6 women to vote Dem that have either not voted or voted for Rep in the past. As time passes maybe we will get some good news on the judicial front to use as part of our narrative. We can’t be spectators. We must be diehard, organized participants until we cast out all those trying to destroy/rewrite our democracy. Have a good week!

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Well said!

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Sometimes, US politics seems like an episode from the Twilight Zone with our two-party system transformed into two differently perceived realities that simultaneously exist. I am not sure if there is a political solution to the GOP's persistent delusional Big Lie, support for a very violent attempted coup and increasingly enthusiastic intent to derail democracy through suppression of voting, freedom of expression and the rule of law. At times, psychiatric solutions seem more appropriate. In the end relentless repetition, fact-checking and court cases against those politicians that intentionally and repeatedly lie to undermine democracy may be the only means available to directly counter the current politics of the absurd. More indirectly Biden's programs for Recovery/Relief and Infrastructure/Employment may eventually help re-set the delusional mindset of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump. Last but not least, Trump needs to be relentlessly prosecuted for his numerous transgressions. The US must go on record in courts of law to clarify unequivocally that such transgressions are crimes that will be punished and that no President is above the law. Time and a carefully crafted strategy are of the essence.

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