Oct 7, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Wonderful piece - beautifully written and incisively argued. Thank you for skewering the moral facade hiding the attempt to destroy American democracy.

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Thank you, Lee.

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“It is very nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind.” ― James Baldwin

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Beautifully stated. Truth is ALWAYS a powerful tool.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

This writing is outstanding, Steven. 'Winning at any cost' always comes at a cost. There is nothing grand about the GOP. The Republicans have chosen to follow a distorted and misguided path, characterised by moral and ethical disintegration. Apparently NO sacrifice is too great for them, even undermining the United States. Democracy matters, because without it, there is NO country.

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Thank you, Audrey.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Shame, shame, shame

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As a Ph.D. in Psychology, I have a slightly different take. I don't think it is power in the sense of wielding it. I think it is power to gain criminal freedom for their individual selves without empathy for anybody else. These are sociopaths and psychopaths. (They don't care about the Republican Party but respect other sociopaths as dangerous).


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Sociopathy is spreading.

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Geo. Wash.'s Farewell Address main theme by the way is NEVER VOTE FOR A DIVISIVE LIAR. For the cause of Sociopathy (later in life turning into Psychopathy), a great read, that nobody reads, is

ML Weems 1804ish biography of George Washington with the Cherry Tree. Weems accurately notes that becoming a (pernicious) liar is upbringing. Sociopathy and Psychopathy are adnormal personalities. Unlike schizophrenia, for example, which tends to be inherited, or dementia that has a physical cause in the brain ... sociopathy is more how you are raised. Although Trump is a mix. (Nobody is perfect). Here is Trump's diagnosis:


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Actually, it's not. In Psychology we think generally there is a fixed percentage of people, say, 1/3, are sociopaths (chronically without empathy) and 1/10 psychopaths (murderiously without empathy -- they don't think twice if it kills you). What is spreading is that it is allowed, but it will reach a limit in terms of the number of people who have this abnormal personality. What grows without limit is their effect. More sociopaths are given positions of power. In a position of power one person wields decisions for more than just himself, but potentially many more people. So what is spreading is the allowance of sociopaths and psychopaths into positions of greater power. A tell is that a sociopath will divisively lie. That is why it is so important to NEVER VOTE FOR A DIVISIVE LIAR. (As the Economist said). Sociopathy is incurable... Another finding in abnormal psych known for at least 50 years). Putting sociopaths in power is not incurable.

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I am not so sure that the Grand Old Party was so family oriented. There was a president named

Warren Harding a century ago.

Why does one want power? For some who were perhaps neglected or mistreated when little, it means safety, no one to hurt them again. But for the majority, it is an ego trip usually by people with low esteem who derive pleasure from controlling/hurting others. It compares to a circuit breaker that trips when there is an electric power problem that could cause damage to the circuit. Life's circuit going along pretty smoothly, then appears trump who has caused a cascade of troubles that endanger our America. The tripping must be an overwhelming vote for Democrats.

Power, like money, is addictive, insatiable and all about me, me, me.

McConnell had polio as a child, a helpless condition, was considered a nerd in school, few friends, but ambitious , wanting to be president of student council. His method was to flatter popular football player and cheerleaders. So even then, at a young age, not so on the up and up.

Society has lost its underpinnings of morality. More young couples just live together than get married

No one blinks an eye when celebrities and others brag of their affairs or illegitimate children. DeSantis is demanding that checks be kept on Florida girls' menstrual periods so he will be able to tell if they have an abortion, Everyone uses the F word or screw, uncaring that they originally meant disrespect, even injury, to women. Biden no exception,

3/4 of sex scandals since 2000 have involved Republicans - and there go Gaetz, , Gingrich, Hastert, Thomas, Kavanaugh., and for sure donald j trump with his 14 accusers. Is it built into a man's genes to inherently wish to reproduce?

And there is something about star football players besides concussions. Used to cheering crowds, big salaries,media coverage, they become very special in their own minds, thus we have Brett Favre who stole welfare money to build a volley ball stadium, Michael Vick who ran a dog fighting ring. And how about O J?

Christianity is about Christ, not Herschel Walker, a seemingly violent man capable of making life miserable for others and exactly as you have described him. Any prayer that he makes would be Now I lay me down to sleep, for he is mentally uncapable, even for that, let alone a position in government.

Perhaps, out there somewhere, there is another Lamont Cranston who can fight crime and save mankind. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows !!

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