You cannot called us a free society when 51% of us- the ones with the uteri are told that we no longer have autonomy of our own bodies. This is pure insanity. To have crazy old white guys making medical decisions for women? No no no it's wrong -it's unethical- undemocratic and it's got to stop.

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And these people are also conservative theocrats who have no education in health care whatsoever. Apparently they do not understand separation of church and state.

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Let those you love know it...regularly and often.

Re Ex-POTUS...this is what he’s always been. Shame on so many of us...

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Raising the child tax credit seems like such a little thing to do with huge benefits in the long run. Let's take care of our future.

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It is unconscionable that most Republicans will not support President Biden in his desire to help families and children. Their concern for the latter is only as a fetus whether conceived thru rape, incest, whether it cannot survive or endangers the mother's life. These who pretend to be so concerned about the national debt but were willing to spend $20 million/ mile on trump's 400miles built wall. 738 miles had been his intention.

Their latest ploy is to call us Marxists, Communists for wishing to help. Just an attention getter, another way for them to "stick it to Democrats." Meanwhile, true fascism moves ahead.

The world has been a patriarchal society from the beginning. Not to be sacrilegious , for I have a deep believe in the Creator, the Bible was written by men and their interpretation of passages has been the superiority of men, that women should obey their husbands, be led by them.In the Gloria Patri, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit--men. If all taken literally, Adam came first and made woman. But what was written was based on individual , personal acts which happened in history, not God's intention. Yet, throughout time, men have ruled. A Jewish friend told me she took a trip somewhere on a bus, all Jews, and a curtain separated men from women; and that the men will not touch women during their period. All of our presidents, the Czars, prime ministers, lawyers, doctors, even veterinarians-men. What do expecting couples hope for? A boy. Priests can only be men. When family in car, men drive. So many men harass and assault women sexually. Their desire is to dominate, to procreate, to enjoy while the women suffer the pain of child birth.

Growing up, the belief of my generation and those before , was that girls could only be nurses, teachers, or secretaries. I was amazed that the girl in the dorm room next to mine, was going to be an accountant.

There is no significant difference in general intelligence between the sexes.. But studies show women, in many tasks, process information five times faster than men.

It is getting better.At least one party is working toward that end. Yet, in the media, it still pays to be blonde, blue eyed and 20. Sadly . . . .World without end, Amen

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mistakenly touched heart myself, so 3 wrong.

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If Republican politicians cared one whit for mothers - as opposed to making empty, annual genuflections to them on Mother's Day - they would rid our homes, schools, streets, our places of worship and entertainment of guns.

If Republicans cared one whit for mothers - as opposed to issuing empty platitudes on Mother's Day - they would see to it that mothers could live free from the fear of having to bury the remains of their children who have been shredded by weapons of war in schools.

If Republicans cared one whit for mothers, they would stop trying to enshrine their medieval religious beliefs as laws that are entirely antithetical to the healthcare of women and girls.

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Re: the grouper-in-chief - as my grandkids would say - eeeeewwwwwwiiiiiiiieeeee. There also should be Family Day since as you say, it’s very hard to raise children without help from family. It doesn’t have to be much just something - the added benefit is your children being close to their family - understanding where you and your spouse came from. It not only takes a village, it takes a nation that values families and it’s clear that the GOP for all their talk DO NOT VALUE FAMILIES and certainly do not value women and children. They are perfectly ok with children being massacred in their schools and doing nothing about it. They blithely pass laws against abortion and reproductive care. They are prepared to try women for murder if they have an abortion. This is a war on women and children. I hope I hear this for the next year from the Democrats.

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My comment Saturday was all Mother’s Day and descendants of slaves. I hope you saw it.


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You almost feel sorry for someone whose only pleasure in relationships comes from leering at or assaulting young women. He is imprisoned by his emotional handicaps.

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Thank you, Steven, for this outstanding article. As disturbing as a person like Trump is, to me it is much more disturbing that, when presented with such a clear choice between an individual of compassion and character and a pathologically evil person, Americans are, basically, split right down the center. We must not only defeat Trump, but also Trumpism

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Here is the crux of Biden's message and I wish we could post it on billboards and have PSAs on tv every hour of every day: " ...we can reduce child poverty and increase child opportunity ..." I want every American to know that children are our greatest resource, that what we teach our children and how we lift them up will determine the success of future generations. Respect for children, women and men is key to maintaining a successful, thriving and positive society. Amen.

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