Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

Shameful choice by NBC:MSNBC.

In the name of access journalism, an insurrection/election denier is platformed and normalized. This will not bring more MAGA viewers. If Trump is elected, MSNBC will be in his sites anyway. Another reason to fear we are Weimar America. The choice is still: Biden or Dictatorship.

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Young people still continue to go to journalism school to learn the craft and be honest decent Creative inquiring minds. And then NBC does what the hell??

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NBC News has chosen to replace ethics and credibility with a presumed “perspective. The executives of NBC News have made a tragic mistake. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop credibility and only an instant to destroy it.

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What we need is more Pro Publica and Substack, less NBC and MSM.

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

As journalists, we know that credibility is our single most important asset. I can point to journalists who, caught in a lie, saw their careers stall or blow up. Suddenly the reporter who sat at that desk no longer is there. Gone. Editors and publishers -- and owners -- guarded credibility as the most important asset.

Here’s a solution. Cut a check for $300,000 and hand it to Ms. McDaniel along with a box of any person crap found in what was her NBC office and show her the door. Today. As for Ms. Brown, perhaps an immediate and lengthy tour of NBC’s South American bureaus would be a good idea, including the one rumored to be at the headwaters of the Amazon.

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We've already had too much "both-siderism" from multiple media outlets. We need truth. Hiring Ronna McDaniel damages any trust that this network has had.

Of course, the Jan 6 complict congress people are still in office, and tffg is still walking around free, so the lesson here is that lying makes money. Capitalism at its best. ☹️

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MSNBC and NBC need a giant house cleaning at the top of their organization. Including the new hire. Or maybe with her astute organizational capabilities she should take over? NOT. The fox has entered the hen house.

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for spotlighting this incongruously stupid move by NBC, Steven! The loss of trust in NBC is incalculable! Who in management would waist $300,000 a year by hiring a major purveyor of MAGA Trump lies, and a person with potential criminal conduct in the Fake Elector plot? This unconscionable act would be as bizarre as if President Biden invited Mark Meadows to be his Chief of Staff! I have lost all faith in NBC’s accountability and honesty, because of this idiotic hiring of Ronna McDaniel! They went from 100 to 0 in a heartbeat!

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Here we go again. MSM complicit in accepting and hiring people who push lies and nonsensical 'alternative facts'. I do believe people can change, but it does not appear to me that she has. Thank you Chuck Todd for finally speaking up.

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

I needed to hear this so very much this morning. This isn't the first time NBC put Welker in an untenable position, either. She's a loyal employee...I wouldn't be as pliant.

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Welker is a pushover for the liars!

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Meidas Touch is the answer for this crap

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

There must be some number of Republican insiders who were not involved in trying to undo my vote in a national election, or who do not have consistent challenges with accuracy when talking about public policy. NBC could've picked one of them. What was the meeting like where this idea to have Ms McDaniel join the NBC News platform? Placing Trump/MAGA/anti-democracy people inside major media news outlets is looking like the strategy du jour under the guise of presenting "insider" points of view. The news channels are becoming cluttered with junk.

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The comic strip character from a time past, Pogo: "I have seen the enemy and he is us." NBC has shown its true colors. Score one for the enemy. The proverbial fox is now in the hen house, so to speak.

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Oh, where to start? How about journalistic credibility? First MSNBC decried the lying by Republican Party leaders regarding January 6th and then they lend credibility to its former leader. Second, how will MSNBC “journalists” utilize this person? As a source or a punching bag? I cannot see Rachel Maddow handling her with kid gloves and wouldn’t that fly in the face of executives who made “The Big Hire” of a big lier? This is just so troubling. Unless the hosts decimate this person’s credibility I will strongly consider finding a new news source.

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

We are shocked and amazed when Badness demands our respect. Humans like Donald and Ronna lie and cheat for their own gain. They disrespect the honorable. And then they demand we honor them with our respect. Astounding.

Quiet note to the Fourth Estate: If you continue to prop up Donald and Trump World, he will destroy you. He declares, over and over, that you are his enemy. Believe him.

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

"...it’s also a reminder that she is just one of thousands of enablers who exploited their positions for personal gain." The next time the moral right wants to condemn some poor exploited woman walking the streets, selling her body to survive, they might look at their tribe members. When the selling is sex it is evil. When the selling is freedom and democracy it is rewarded with multi $100K contracts. Go figure!

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Mar 25Liked by Steven Beschloss

Not surprising, yet I’m still livid, regarding the recent(Monday) decision to both lower, and postpone, citizen Phlegm’s(former president) bond. Is it really no wonder that so many “have nots” don’t bother to involve themselves in this “system”. Especially when one is reminded over and over again the discrepancies in our Justice system that persist in favoring the wealthy. God Help Us!

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That decision by the appeals court is appalling.

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Perhaps my use of “wanton disregard” is a bit much. I was hopeful that one Judges’ decision (Engoron) would suffice. I like him… and, Judge Juan M. Merchan, appeals to me as well. Any Judge that does not tolerate “nonsense” from attorneys, and won’t put up with lies about his character or his involvement in some type of conspiracy, is more to my liking. This is serious business here! Let the professionals with integrity prevail.

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