This week begins the third year of "America, America." I remain committed to speaking truth to power, addressing what's broken, advocating for democracy and justice—and building this community.
I am entering my 2nd year on your incredible platform. It is a great place for discourse on the important issues you mentioned ion your writing today. I am so grateful have this opportunity to share thoughts and read the shared thoughts of everyone in this group. Like you, it is 2+ years since the insurrection that AG Merrick Garland voted to investigate. I gave him a pass on the length time because there was so much involved, so much research and investigating to do The work has to be done correctly or the accused would look for a basis to appeal. Then there were the 2022 elections approaching and it is policy not to announce indictments before an election.Now it is 3 months after the 2022 election, a special counsel is in place. Where is AG Merrick Garland now? Why isn't he yet ready to mete out justice and how those who committed the crime accountable. I have run out of excuses for him. Due diligence is important; but with his staff and the staff of the special counsel, I find no excuse why due diligence has not yet resulted in any action by the DOJ. It boggle my mind that AG Merrick Garland would let January 6 slide so long that he will then present his ext excuse: that candidates are already declaring for the 2024 presidential election. Maybe I was wrong to think that he was being carful not to damage the investigation, that the was being slow and steady and diligent and doing it by the book sop that o one could claim bias in the aftermath of his presenting his results, which I believe should result in indictments of some of this highest people who were n the last administration, including the former occupant of the WH. I'm beginning to lose total faith in AG Garland. And to let January 6 slide into a non-prosecutable offense would, in my opinion, be an ethical and moral mistake, and would do great damage to our country. The esteemed public servant is failing all of us. He is failing our country. He is failing our democracy. And, I can't end my post without the outrage that is making my head explode this morning: MTG wants the country to have a divorce into red states and blue states. Didn't the Civil War bring us to the brink of finding out that a nation divided against itself cannot stand? What about: One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We know MTG didn't study the Holocaust. No I'm wondering if she went to high school and studied American History. Thank you, Steven, and the 25,000 people in this group. It is wonderful to be among you, to learn from you, to share thoughts with you, all in a respectful way. God Bless America. With gratitude for America, America.
I consider you my personal beacon of sanity amidst the madness, Steven. I am sure others feel similarly. Heartfelt thanks for what you do -- and for doing it so beautifully and passionately.
Steven, I didn't find you at the beginning, but am glad I eventually did. I appreciate the clarity and elegance of your writing, and you always seem to express what I've been thinking but haven't yet articulated. You make me feel that I'm not a crazy screaming liberal partisan, but someone who cares deeply about America and what she stands for. Following you is far preferable to Twitter! Thank you for your insights.
Steven I enjoy that you bring us the facts and allow us to ponder what should be done in a sane and human way rather than screaming at the top of your voice for revolution. Although those ate my sentiments exactly. Revolution in thought and habit change instead of guns.
Thank you for sharing the evolution of your America, America writing, Steven. What you have created stands as a paramount platform for sincere and informed discussion. It is a testament to your ability that the subscription base is large and ever-expanding. As you wisely said: "It’s about forging a community of people who care about democracy and justice, and whose shared voices in conversation with each other would help advance knowledge and strengthen the body politic.' I appreciate being in such good company, and thrive on the input of other members. In contrast, Elon Musk laid off dozens more employees this week, in his metaphorical off-with-their heads fashion. Some staff were informed via text message; others couldn't sign in. Characterised as 'cost-cutting measures', the Twitter workforce has declined from 7,500 to 2,000 +/-, leading me to wonder how it will function with a 70+ % reduction in staff? Musk's cost-cutting methods may well lead to the company's denouement. In comparison, I see America, America as the place to be, and I look forward to reading and learning from future submissions.
Congratulations on your success!! I have always thought if one got paid for going to school, that would have been my vocation. Your column reminds me of going to class, thinking of other than the mundane, researching for term papers.
Keep writing Steven - I saw this today on Snopes - it was true in 1986 and too true today: Rock musician Frank Zappa once said, “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Regan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”
Congratulations, Steven, on the two year anniversary of America, America. During the disheartening years of Trump's presidency, when it seemed that the idea of right and wrong and basic decency had been turned on their head, your comments on Twitter were a beacon of light and hope that there were still those who believed in goodness and decency, and who would speak out for it eloquently----thank you! As you said so well, our democracy still very much hangs in the balance and so the importance of your voice, amplified through America, America, is greater than ever. Thank you for being a voice for decency and doing the right thing for the right reasons....and being a champion for the America that this community wishes to see.
Steven, I'm glad you didn't call it “Silence is Not an Option," because there would have been an error in that the word “is” is not a conjunction, article or preposition and should be capitalized in headers and titles. Nevertheless, it is apparent that for all of us, silence is not an option, which is why I thank you for "America, America" and for your honesty. I am glad to be among this community of your readers.
Okay, Merrick Garland, why the delay? As is commonly known, justice delayed is justice denied. Please don't confirm that by not acting on your own promise to pursue the leads "wherever they take us." We know where that is. Please show us that you do, too.
I’m subscribed to a few SubStack feeds but I must say that there’s something unique about yours, that delicate balance between telling it like it is as well as not losing hope that I find so refreshing. Thank you so much and looking forward to future postings.
Well said and just as important today as it was two years ago to shed consistent light on the truth.
Thank you, Steven.
*Standing Ovation* Well done! Onward!!
Thank you, Jayne.
Glad to have found your feed, Steve. It’s helped make the insanity bearable if still not tolerable.
Good to hear, Al. Thanks.
I am entering my 2nd year on your incredible platform. It is a great place for discourse on the important issues you mentioned ion your writing today. I am so grateful have this opportunity to share thoughts and read the shared thoughts of everyone in this group. Like you, it is 2+ years since the insurrection that AG Merrick Garland voted to investigate. I gave him a pass on the length time because there was so much involved, so much research and investigating to do The work has to be done correctly or the accused would look for a basis to appeal. Then there were the 2022 elections approaching and it is policy not to announce indictments before an election.Now it is 3 months after the 2022 election, a special counsel is in place. Where is AG Merrick Garland now? Why isn't he yet ready to mete out justice and how those who committed the crime accountable. I have run out of excuses for him. Due diligence is important; but with his staff and the staff of the special counsel, I find no excuse why due diligence has not yet resulted in any action by the DOJ. It boggle my mind that AG Merrick Garland would let January 6 slide so long that he will then present his ext excuse: that candidates are already declaring for the 2024 presidential election. Maybe I was wrong to think that he was being carful not to damage the investigation, that the was being slow and steady and diligent and doing it by the book sop that o one could claim bias in the aftermath of his presenting his results, which I believe should result in indictments of some of this highest people who were n the last administration, including the former occupant of the WH. I'm beginning to lose total faith in AG Garland. And to let January 6 slide into a non-prosecutable offense would, in my opinion, be an ethical and moral mistake, and would do great damage to our country. The esteemed public servant is failing all of us. He is failing our country. He is failing our democracy. And, I can't end my post without the outrage that is making my head explode this morning: MTG wants the country to have a divorce into red states and blue states. Didn't the Civil War bring us to the brink of finding out that a nation divided against itself cannot stand? What about: One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We know MTG didn't study the Holocaust. No I'm wondering if she went to high school and studied American History. Thank you, Steven, and the 25,000 people in this group. It is wonderful to be among you, to learn from you, to share thoughts with you, all in a respectful way. God Bless America. With gratitude for America, America.
Thank you for the kind words and sharing your thoughts, Janet.
I consider you my personal beacon of sanity amidst the madness, Steven. I am sure others feel similarly. Heartfelt thanks for what you do -- and for doing it so beautifully and passionately.
That’s very kind, Sue. Thank you.
Steven, I didn't find you at the beginning, but am glad I eventually did. I appreciate the clarity and elegance of your writing, and you always seem to express what I've been thinking but haven't yet articulated. You make me feel that I'm not a crazy screaming liberal partisan, but someone who cares deeply about America and what she stands for. Following you is far preferable to Twitter! Thank you for your insights.
It’s not partisan to care deeply about democracy. Thank you, Diana.
Steven I enjoy that you bring us the facts and allow us to ponder what should be done in a sane and human way rather than screaming at the top of your voice for revolution. Although those ate my sentiments exactly. Revolution in thought and habit change instead of guns.
Thank you, Al.
Thank you for sharing the evolution of your America, America writing, Steven. What you have created stands as a paramount platform for sincere and informed discussion. It is a testament to your ability that the subscription base is large and ever-expanding. As you wisely said: "It’s about forging a community of people who care about democracy and justice, and whose shared voices in conversation with each other would help advance knowledge and strengthen the body politic.' I appreciate being in such good company, and thrive on the input of other members. In contrast, Elon Musk laid off dozens more employees this week, in his metaphorical off-with-their heads fashion. Some staff were informed via text message; others couldn't sign in. Characterised as 'cost-cutting measures', the Twitter workforce has declined from 7,500 to 2,000 +/-, leading me to wonder how it will function with a 70+ % reduction in staff? Musk's cost-cutting methods may well lead to the company's denouement. In comparison, I see America, America as the place to be, and I look forward to reading and learning from future submissions.
Thank you for the kind words, Audrey.
Congratulations on your success!! I have always thought if one got paid for going to school, that would have been my vocation. Your column reminds me of going to class, thinking of other than the mundane, researching for term papers.
Thank you. 😀
Thank you for the kind words, Rita, and to your contributions here.
Keep writing Steven - I saw this today on Snopes - it was true in 1986 and too true today: Rock musician Frank Zappa once said, “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened during the Regan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”
Too true.
Congratulations, Steven, on the two year anniversary of America, America. During the disheartening years of Trump's presidency, when it seemed that the idea of right and wrong and basic decency had been turned on their head, your comments on Twitter were a beacon of light and hope that there were still those who believed in goodness and decency, and who would speak out for it eloquently----thank you! As you said so well, our democracy still very much hangs in the balance and so the importance of your voice, amplified through America, America, is greater than ever. Thank you for being a voice for decency and doing the right thing for the right reasons....and being a champion for the America that this community wishes to see.
Thanks for your kind words, Andy. Much more to do!
Steven, I'm glad you didn't call it “Silence is Not an Option," because there would have been an error in that the word “is” is not a conjunction, article or preposition and should be capitalized in headers and titles. Nevertheless, it is apparent that for all of us, silence is not an option, which is why I thank you for "America, America" and for your honesty. I am glad to be among this community of your readers.
Okay, Merrick Garland, why the delay? As is commonly known, justice delayed is justice denied. Please don't confirm that by not acting on your own promise to pursue the leads "wherever they take us." We know where that is. Please show us that you do, too.
Thank you for your thoughtful and fact-filled missives. I started following you on Twitter and this is much better!
Thank you, Sharyn.
Incredibly disheartened by attorney general’s lukewarm response! I simply don’t get it!
None only is Donald Trump still "at large" he's still looms over us like a giant toxic black cloud.
I’m subscribed to a few SubStack feeds but I must say that there’s something unique about yours, that delicate balance between telling it like it is as well as not losing hope that I find so refreshing. Thank you so much and looking forward to future postings.
Thank you, John. I appreciate your thoughts here.