Aug 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

OMG! What a contrast in the words and core values of three very different people. I am inspired reading the words of my President Joe Biden and Representative Liz Cheney and then confused and distressed by the ramblings of the former guy. Thank you for this comparison, Steven Beschloss.

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Thank you, Charlayne.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

What a contrast! Not lost on me. Thank you!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

This is absolutely superb. Thanks very much, Steven!!!

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Thanks, John.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Jesus H is all I have to say.

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There was once a TV program that did just that; put together people of different eras for discussion. I don't remember its name, nor can I find it. It was not You Are There,

At any rate, I don't believe these three could get together and converse. trump makes no contribution; everything he says is about him and everybody against him. ME, ME, ME. Not one idea of substance. In fact, not one idea.

Liz Cheney, according to Newsweek, voted with trump 93% of the time. It was only the catastrophe of January 6th that turned her into a critic of his it would seem. She is a Republican conservative who voted against all that the Democrats proposed to march this country forward. She is no hero to me.

No president, she.

Which leaves Biden the only forward looking person with a plan to make the country better for its citizens , with concrete plans to do so.

Might as well have Peter Doocy, Dan Rather, and Mit Romney in a room. Result would be the same.

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What happened at the Capital on Jan. 6th was that brave patriots fought to take our country back.

What happened at the Capital on Jan. 6th was the FBI were the rioting provocateurs trying to make Trump look bad. So which is it to MAGA? Jan. 6th was a great thing done by great people or Jan. 6th was a bad thing done by evil agents of the Deep State? They can’t both be true yet MAGA espouses both viewpoints on different days or sometimes on the same day. That’s how inchoate MAGA is.

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Makes me aware that I haven't seen anything like this in my 68 years.

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Firstly, brilliant Steven, just brilliant..Here is what it is for me. The President is getting things to happen and delivering for the American people. The Inflation Reduction Act, Chips bill, the Pact Act, infrastructure the Covid recovery and more. Liz Chaney voted against the IRA and PACT. Though a staunch opponent of Trump, Due to Jan 6th. Liz Chaney can only be defined by this: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Once out of Congress she is likely to be very outspoken against Trump and Democrats..As she sits on the Jan 6th Committee she has spoken publicly that Democrats are baby killers. So draw your inference from that. Trump is the whinny victim making everything about him as he always is. However, I invite all here to take a look at “The Warning” authored by Steve Schmidt. The rise of an authoritarian movement in this country is real, on the move and dangerous as hell! I encourage everyone to take a look at steveschmidt.substack.com.

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