America's greatest strength is an (as yet unrealized) astonishing Enlightenment ideal: that all people are created equal and are entitled to equal protection under the law and equal access to her resources and privileges. Sadly, this ideal has continued to remain "only" an ideal and not a reality throughout her history -- both in terms of her own citizens, and in terms of her view of the rest of the world. It is an ideal worthy of our very best efforts. But we fail. That said, if we stop trying to live up to that ideal, we are well and truly done for as a nation. Personally, I am pretty pessimistic these days regarding our ability to rise to the work at hand.

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America is unique among the nations of the world in that it consists almost entirely of people of all colors and religions who originally came from somewhere else.

Before America, every major nation (England, France, Germany, China, Japan, Russia, etc.) originated in an internally consistent ethnic or religious group. What makes American special is not our color or religious creed, but our common commitment to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution: "inalienable rights", freedom of opportunity, the rule of law, free speech, freedom of religion, a free press and more.

No other country on Earth was created based on those principles.

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Well said.

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our people

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“a global beacon of democracy, a shining example of self-governance?” I think we were once this, but now I’m not so sure.

“Is it still a land of opportunity?” Well, in the minds of many this depends on the color of your skin or your ethnicity. A thorny subject at this crossroads of our Union, as not all believe our past sins remain intrenched in our present day life.

"One nation under god with liberty and Justus for all”. This implies the Rule of Law prevails over all else, I am uncertain that this is still the case. It may have been once.

I am cynical about these sorts of things of late, I feel pandered to and see little significant action in the recent face of an Authoritarian movement that has yet to be dealt with in a way to make it turn tail and run for its life.

I put this quote from “Unthinkable” in a tweet recently, it sticks in my head:

“If you make yourself a sheep, the wolves will eat you.”


We are in desperate times…where are the desperate measures?

When will the so called defenders of our Democracy stop being sheep and be the wolves we need them to be?

I am unable to answer this question with any solid conviction at the moment, so my remarks above will have to due..

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Responding to this question takes some hard thinking. I am torn on some of the ways to answer. I would not wish to be anything but American, but we have problems.

We have built up over the years to become Hemingway's To Have & Have Not.Around 10% of US households are occupied by millionaires+, their wealth rising by 70% during the pandemic. They own 70% of the wealth, 89% of stocks.They are primarily executives, company managers,owners of real estate.Elon Musk is the richest man in the world-$239.3billion,he gives only 1% to charity.

Where does this leave 297,000,000- the rest of us? The 2021 poverty income was $26,246 for a family of 4. To be considered middle class, the median income is @$69,000/year.Let's say a cashier makes $11/hr, above the $7.25 min.wage. It is part time so company doesn't have to pay health benefits. This would be $12,672/year, usually women, often single mothers. The poverty level lessened due to pandemic relief checks from the gov't, but that's over, and once again, income is down. The gov't brags that678,000 jobs were added in Feb. I check job lists-receptionists, dishwashers, dementia sitters, delivery routes,maids, cooks, waitresses, hotel hosts, janitors, store clerks, etc. And it is a vicious cycle: to get a better job means improving the situation i.e. more education, but can't afford that until get a better job. The US ranks #1 in best system of education. But does that mean the people are best educated or that they could be if given the chance? The avg IQ in America is 98. We rank 24th, the top 6 are Asian. Something wrong here.

Out of 146 nations that are the happiest, US ranks 19th.Happiest:Finland,Denmark,Sweden,Iceland,

Netherlands,Canada,New Zealand,Switzerland(closest example of democracy in the world) & Austria. Among their attributes: higher incomes, low crime, free education, free health care,excellent welfare programs, liberal social progress. Sounds like Bernie's proposals, and although we already have socialist programs in the US-infrastructure maintenance, police, firemen, medicare, social security, food stamps, education on & on, but, heavens, socialist is a dirty word. Except it makes those countries happy. well, and educated.

We brag that our country is the best in the world. It could be. But, unfortunately we speak in platitudes, often meaningless rhetoric to placate our egos. And with the rampant, senseless division that has been mainly wrought by a man who should never have attained national status, it will take many decades to again unite in common goals and common sense.

I do, however, have confidence in the saying "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Things have to get better because as Hemingway's bell tolls for one, it tolls for us all.

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America's greatest strength was was a nation that other nations looked up to. The 45 POTUS diminished our reputation rather quickly. Biden has single handedly strengthened our world standing, despite Afghanistan (it was always destined to be chaotic).

Americans have got to find a way to meet in the middle of our current political chasm. Celebrate the victories in all sectors of our lives: academics, science, research, and more. Mourn the losses but find solutions. We used to be more collaborative.

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It used to be ingenuity and invention: think Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Hedy Lamarr. But personally, I think America's genius is arts and entertainment, and will offer up an example of how one environment that didn't serve the artist was fulfilled by a move to the U.S. around 1914: Charlie Chaplin. His native England afforded him only poverty and hardship. Between 1914 and 1918, after arriving in America and working the burgeoning West coast film studios, he was able to soar and go on to create United Artists. Amazing story that makes me proud to be an American.

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Capitalist economy. Yes it needs to be mitigated by society. It’s still the best economic system ever devised.

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Right now I don’t think America has any strengths. With our country so divided, it weakens us tremendously. We have a major party who is actually on Putin’s side with a tv station acting like Putin’s state tv. After seeing how positive Ukrainians are, I have become disgusted with America.

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Our diversity, our rapidly changing demographics and the simple truth that our youngest generation is also our most progressive, they will get things done we boomers only dreamed of.

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America’s greatest strengths are the good people and our democratic institutions working to make and maintain America greatness for all its citizens… that’s my answer.

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I would truly love to visit with you about four Air Force brats who graduated in 1965-66 at an Air Firce base in Alaska during the heights of the Vietnam War. 57 years later we still talk (now via FaceTime). Our experiences were the American experience of those years. Civil rights, race and war. Four Kids: One Black, one Brown and two White that grew to love one another more and more through the years. I think you’d appreciate and enjoy.

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One more thought if I may. Throughout all of these past 6yrs the following piece of fiction keeps managing it’s way into my mind. Fiction to be sure, but most certainly based on factual history. It is just how it is done with these kind of people. It is how the fictional singer/actor Johnny Fontaine from the first Godfather movie became the star that he became. It is the band leader story that Michel tells Kay at Connie’s wedding reception. The story that brought us that infamous quote, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can refuse.” The problem with our current political circumstances is the GOP will do anything to win, the Dems for one reason or another don’t have the stones to take that on in a way that will yield results. They can’t seem to make them an offer they can’t refuse.

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Steven, I think I have an answer for your question on what gives America its greatest strengths. As I travel through “Unthinkable” I get to know Rep. Jamie Raskin just a bit more intimately then knowing who he is on the periphery of my mind as a member of Congress. I now believe it is the Jamie Raskins of the country in all their forms, shapes and sizes that gives it its greatest strengths. The enormously principled among us, those who we want to hear, model and show to our children. However, in these times, with the seemingly unchecked forward motion of a TRAITOROUS GOP in and out of Congress, (yes I said “Traitorous”) and the Authoritarian movement it greedily embraces, it feels like we are sending the Raskins among us through the door without back up. Like I said in my earlier post, we are in desperate times, where are the desperate measures? Where is the back up? For example: The Jan. 6th Committee send invitations first without leading with subpoenas. Merrick Garland appears to be dragging his feet in whatever effort he is endeavoring in to put Trump et al in prison. The Manhattan DA appears to be so less interested in their case against Trump than his predecessor that the two lead attorneys have resigned in protest. Those at the top must be held accountable for the treason they have committed..We must come down on these cretins with a swift hammer not polite gestures.

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I agree with your comments .. justice must prevail because when they say “No justice, no peace” I feel like that means exactly what it says! I haven’t read Raskin’s book yet, I’m over halfway into Peril and Midnight in Washington (Adam Schiff) is next. These men .. are truly some of our strengths! Truly. God bless them.

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Thank you Debbie, I believe they are men that have the countries best interests in the forefront of their missions. However, when I read that the Jan 6th. committee, where both of these men sit is considering not subpoenaing those members of Congress who are known to be party to this insurrection I must admit, it gives me pause..

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I think our greatest strength is our lawful constitution. The three separate branches, which are held in check by one another hold the country in balance. I must say I paused when answering this because my heart has been wrenched watching the trump presidency pull and twist all 3 branches until they almost snapped; forever irreparable. But the people came out in Nov. 2020, and we who had held our disdain in for 4 years until we could finally use our Only tool to right the corruption..we voted.

During trumps presidency, it was as if everyone forgot the values and principles, the tact of speech, eloquence, depth of manners and decent etiquette. It was as if our great respect for one another went out with a horrific storm. We surged forth through it... through Covid fears, grieving, masked, outrage suppressed and we watched as the government found satchels full of mail-in ballots undelivered to precincts to be counted. But the soldiers marched on, demanding the people’s voices be heard. Lawsuits were filed against counting them! Audits .. multiple and unending as chagrined election officials stood helpless. But the laws stood and the fraudits found nothing but more votes for the duly elected new president. It’s astonishing how many people came out to vote .. and I believe many were praying as was I. The lawful edicts of our constitution must be upheld. Equal justice for all men must be our goal.

I liked what you said about our nation helping others. We should remember we are all in this together. It’s global. It’s not America first .. it’s women and children first. It’s let the wounded Vets go first, board the handicapped, the wheel chair bound .. first. That’s a spirit of doing unto others as you would have done to you. Putin never learned the golden rule. He and those like him; learned it’s ‘be strong or you get trampled on, be on offense or you will be beaten’

Steven, if we can just pause and remember the golden rule, we will always come out better, even if we have to have our face shoved in the dirt to stand up for others ... well we should still stand up. Graciousness, integrity, decency and yes Biden is restoring the soul of our nation.

I am in prayer for the Lord to smite the evildoer and protect the innocent.

There is something horrible about watching the atrocities of a man bent on invading, eradicating and exterminating. It wakes people up.. and it also brings us together in our collected outrage. I hope it stops soon.. so many people being murdered and for what? Power? A larger border? Rich wheat and a great economy? It sickens me and I hope that many who support Trump are sickened as well and can identify the correlations of a tyrant and a selfish authoritarian. Our America will never be strong or great under such a leader! Thank God the majority understands that. God bless the USA. Amen

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