This has been a tough period in our collective life—and, honestly, it’s hard to see how it won’t get tougher in the weeks and months ahead. That includes elected Democrats debating internally and in the media at this late date about whether Joe Biden should continue to lead the nation for another four years. We also will continue to struggle with a MAGA Republican Party led by a deeply unwell man who has turned that faction into his own image—an endless outpouring of grievance and hostility toward our democratic institutions and the diverse people, policies and principles that conflict with their desired white Christian nationalist future. Throw into that troubled stew: a partisan Supreme Court no longer committed to justice and legal precedent, but a corrupt supermajority determined to strip away rights and turn the country backwards.
Yes, that’s a lot. And the Republican National Convention—which just wrapped up with a numbingly boring, historically long and predictably familiar collection of grievances and cruelty by Trump—vividly illustrated that their dark hunger for deportation and destruction of progressive achievements will only grow stronger as the election nears. Meanwhile, the Democratic National Convention looms in four weeks, its shape and outcome uncertain.
But rather than dig deeper into the political machinations of this moment, I’m urging us to reflect on what it’s all for. What do we want to achieve? What America do we want? On this Saturday, rather than dwell on the internal conflicts of Democrats and the despotic hostilities of an arrogant Republican faction, let’s remind ourselves of the better country that we are working to build. Let’s be nourished by that.
What are we really fighting for? Perhaps you want to focus on institutions like the Supreme Court actually pursuing justice and securing rights. Maybe you’d like to consider democratic procedures like free and fair elections in which poll workers need not worry about intimidation or violence, just ensuring the widest and fairest vote. Perhaps you’d prefer to emphasize American values and principles like freedom and equality—social, economic and racial—and the democratic promise of inclusion and greater well-being. Maybe you want to remind us of the need for positive, compassionate leadership and the continuing responsibility to help restore peace globally and create stronger alliances and more harmony.
As always, I look forward to reading your thoughts and observations and to this community learning from each other. Please do be respectful in your remarks. Trolling will not be tolerated.
I hope you’ll consider becoming a paid subscriber for $50 a year or just $5 a month, if you’re not already. This helps sustain and expand the work of America, America, keep nearly all the content free for everyone and give you full access to the comments sections.
Anna?, a CNN commentator who used to be Republican, but is no longer due to the Party being kidnapped by Trump made this comparison last night on some TV panel: (This is paraphrased by me.) "We have the choice between an old man who is crazy with narcissistic power surrounded by other men who are equally wanting an autocratic government they alone would run, uncaring of other Americans, and an old man who has given his life in service to Americans of all colors, religions, and social standing who has surrounded himself with men and women who are talented, bright, and dedicated to a democracy of the people, for the people, and by the people. So which one should we choose? We should choose the latter."
Indeed, it's self destructive to switch candidates so close to the election. With few exceptions I have been absolutely amazed at the number of great things Joe Biden and his team have done. He deserves to stay in the race, and in the WH. Such talent should not be wasted. Democrats need to stop self destructing, which has always been their worst habit.
I’m extremely disappointed in our elected Dems in how they’ve been urging Biden to step aside. Also, I feel that they are feckless, and don’t, or won’t do what it takes to fight these MAGA clowns. Play dirty. Get credible, undeniable information with receipts on these people, and make them an offer they can’t refuse. That’s what you do in this case. They can be the party of virtue after that. 🇺🇸😎
Instead of backing our president, they want to throw him under the bus even though the polls haven't budged in months. They act like our ship is sinking, but they are the ones who want to sink it.
I am sorry to repeat myself from previous comments but I think it likely that I am the only one posting that is the daughter of Holocaust Survivors
I know exactly what we are fighting for: FREEDOM!
Freedom from Tyranny, Freedom to Vote, Freedom to Love, Freedom To Live Authentic Lives, Freedom to Choose, Freedom of Speech & the Press, Freedom of & from Religion, Freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water & eat safely. Finally the Freedom not just to survive but to thrive
My mother hid in The Netherlands with her two siblings during WWII
My grandfather was taken and killed by the Nazi’s
Fortunately, for me: my mother and the rest of the family survived!!
This time is a scary time and it has been sad to see individuals trying to “oust” Joe Biden our presidential nominee-not to mention the Newspapers and TV cable news shows!!
We need to hang together people and push forward!!!
AMEN!! Quit the public trashing of Biden and now Harris. (we never intended for Harris to continue--I heard today). We need both of them together. His knowledge and skills match her energy and ability to speak beautifully.
Mom from Czechoslovakia, dad from Germany. Mom went to Auschwitz in May 1944, only full sibling to survive. Dad (18), sister (17), mom and boyfriend left Germany for Shanghai in January 1939. Came to the US in 1947
I too, am the daughter of Holocaust victims who were so grateful to enter the US as their relatives were gassed or shot. They worked hard and thrived, teaching their daughters to do the same. I have tried to instill in that ethic in my millennial daughters but it’s different for them. They want a home. They can’t have it because the rates are high and the down payments, exorbitant. Their rents are high. They have no job security so they’ve created their own pension plans. They do not want to be saddled in student debt. They do want peace. They sympathize with the Israelis and the Palestinian people but hate their leaders, as I do. One thinks Biden is too old and incapable to lead us. The other is all for Joe.
Project 2025 needs more public exposure. Use trump's image and voice repeating over and over what he wants to do on Day One. It will reach the independents and the rest of the fence-sitters if democracy is worth saving. Everyone freedoms are at stake now!
We should make “Project 2025” and what it would do a central, repetitive talking point and hammer it incessantly every day between now and November. Take a page out of the Republican playbook (But her emails!) and turn it right back on them.
Indeed Bob I also have implored everyone I know to read Project 2025 and i feel like we are in pre World War II where no one believes someone can be this insane. To watch Trump parade his granddaughter and women across the stage this weekend and they state that he is different in private with them is disturbing and disgusting. Keep up the good fight!
Jennifer, I have two of those people in my world: a good friend and a son. I've tried every way I can to enlighten them, but nope . . . I think my friend drank the kool-aid and is too far gone. My son is very rich and probably wants the tax cuts for the rich to be extended. I want them both in my life, so I've shut my mouth.
We all know DJT is lying about not knowing any details of Project 2025. And we have receipts. Trump was briefed on it as reported during the primary season when the Heritage Foundation bragged about who they had briefed & whose staff was briefed.
NYT, April 20, 2023 included this paragraph in a long article entitled “Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration.”
• Heritage and its project partners have already briefed Mr. Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and their teams, Dr. Roberts said, as well as staff members for other current and potential candidates, including Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations; the entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy; and former Vice President Mike Pence. They plan to give private briefings to all conservative candidates.”
Deseret reported it while focusing on the DJT staff involved in the project.
• “While Heritage has briefed Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley on their plans, several individuals familiar with the initiative expressed that Trump would be best-suited to implement Heritage’s policy agenda. The makeup of Project 2025’s advisory committee reflects this: John McEntee, one of Trump’s closest White House aides, is a senior adviser, and one of its largest cheerleaders is Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist.”
There’s an awful lot that needs fixing. We need to get rid of Citizens United. We need to completely overhaul our entire election process and implement a system where candidates declare, campaign for six weeks, and we vote. Our voices don’t matter when elections are decided by money. We need a national primary day so all citizens in all states matter. I live in (still) blue Oregon and between our primary in May and that it’s not a swing state, candidates don’t even bother to come (except to donor parties to collect more money).
The courts, and not just SCOTUS, are a disaster. Say what we will about the vile Mitch McConnell, but he gets a round of applause for his patience, taking decades to position the makeup of the courts to satisfy the Federalist Society’s dreams (our nightmares) of a theocracy. We live under minority rule and having one person choose judicial appointments means so long as one side cheats (looking at you, republicans), minority rule gets extended into the next generation(s).
Last night I posted on Threads that I’m angry and tired and sad. I’m just a nobody senior citizen with no real voice, but that comment resonated with more than 500 people. We need to join our anger and tiredness and sadness and UNITE to not only save this country, but help her finally achieve her dream of being that great beacon of light for all.
Dear one, you sound like I feel. I live just across the river. I am also a senior feeling angry, tired, and sad. I can't stand seeing the Democrats publicly trashing Biden and Harris.
I grew up in Eugene. It helped me to become a a centrist Democrat. My family is VERY Republican and happy in Grants Pass (where the case to arrest homeless people began). Family reunion there this summer and I got to see that beautiful park filled with tents and outhouses. They had a supportive community that met their needs until some hard right idiots decided they should be locked up. Not a doubt my brother was one of those behind that should be their fate.
Thank you for reading and commenting Susan. Yes, the young and some of us old goats still have hope, still believe the US Constitution is the best hope for the Earth's/Life's survival... if the rats don't get us.
I'm fighting for a world in which truth matters, and debate is civil. A world in which our children and grandchildren can understand and support human dignity. A world in which 'drill, drill, drill' is not a rallying cry, but simply a vestige of an unfortunate chapter of human greed. A world in which idealism is not a sign of weakness, but a symbol of strength.
I'm fighting for the 60-70% of registered voters that occupy the reasoned, reasonable center-left to center-right that doesn't have a voice in the electoral process. Our binary sorting system + WAY too much money + extremist ideology has run the process aground.
Thank you for your comment. I’m center-left. But I live in Texas and my vote never counts in presidential elections. Also I don’t have representation in Congress or in state legislatures. But I keep voting every chance I get.
Center left in California. It disturbs me that the Republicans have taken an extreme right swing. It disturbs me to see the pull to the extreme left many in my Democratic Party are urging. I think of a bell curve, where the majority is the middle ground. That’s where Joe Biden is and why he was my first choice in 2020. He’s accomplished so much good from his ability to govern for ALL Americans. I’m ridin with Biden AND his accomplished team!
All one needs to do is look back to 1930’s Germany and the atrocities of WWII to see that it is all happening again with the policies of Trump and the GOP with Fascist Project 2025. We are fighting to crush this! And fighting to preserve the rights ushered in by FDR, and the Civil Rights Act, made possible by LBJ. We are fighting to restore women’s rights in Roe v. Wade. We are fighting to remain a Democracy and not become Fascist state! But we must stop bringing a knife to a gun fight, a concept the Democrats have yet to grasp.
It was evident to me post Jan 6th when all of the necessary actions failed to be deployed against that act of war and the events of that day were treated like a run of the mill bank robbery. Those failures were harbingers of the mess we find ourselves in today. Democrats are operating by a set of rules, while Republicans will and are literally doing anything to get and keep power. I know nothing of the nuances and inside baseball of politics. However, this much I know.
I'm not much younger than Mr. Biden and I know that I'm fighting for our beautiful country to remain a beacon of freedom, diversity, the rule of law, and liberal ideals. Always work to be better. Always help your neighbor. Always do your best each day for yourself and your country.
I have been a passionate advocate for democracy my entire life - a legacy from my Marine grandfather who took me on annual trips to places like the Freedom Trail, and Lexington & Concord. I am, quite simply, fighting for the same thing as those farmers in Lexington - to protect my family & community, and their fundamental right to make their own choices free of any dictator, be it king, corporate billionaire, or religious fundamentalist like Project 2025.
We need to end this Tyranny of the Minority. Once we get past this election, we need to build a critical mass to fix the electoral and legislative systems allowing this to happen. The prescription in the book, “The Politics Industry” (written by Gehl and Porter) seemed to be a good starting point!
So did I. I woke up realizing that the worm had turned and Adolf trump is having a field day, happily thinking he can have carte blanche to continue his destruction of our beloved democracy. WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE.
I’d like an America where flying the flag is a patriotic symbol, not a political act; where the flag is not disrespected by a politician hugging it or superimposed with his portrait, or worn as clothing by his supporters. An America where the flag represents the struggles and successes of the past, the accomplishments of the present, and the promise of the future, and for all citizens not just a select few. I want to say “ I am an American “ and know my statement is respected, not feared, or a cause for embarrassment. I’d like an America where hope, optimism, and hard work go hand in hand to continue this great experiment in democracy.
That’s the flag I grew up with. Heartbreaking to see what one party has done to our flag. Flying a flag today is almost seen as a political statement. I have a 3 percenter three houses down the block from me. How do I know? He hangs a US flag and his 3 percenter flag 24/7. Creeps me out.
Calling Trump "deeply unwell" is like calling the bubonic plague a cold. Stephen, you don't have to smooth out your words so as to muddy the truth. Trump is a borderline psychotic who will destroy this country because he loves flattery and power. He's a menace to the whole world.
If we don't speak honestly about Trump, we will see him get back into the WH. Many psychologists and psychiatrists have opined that Trump is dangerously sociopathic.
Re "free and fair elections in which poll workers need not worry about intimidation or violence, just ensuring the widest and fairest vote." I live in a remote rural area in a very spread-out county. When I worked, I drove an hour and a half each way. Getting home in time to vote meant taking time off work. Then our state turned to mail-in ballots. Our lives changed. The county and state publish voter's pamphlets we can read and study. For judge positions, I call friends in the legal profession who actually know these judges. We discuss the election as a family, around the table, and why it's important to vote in every single election, including school bond levies where one vote can save a school's budget. Under the former president, who appointed someone to run the US Mail, and that person then announced mail would be slowed down during the election, we drove our ballots one hour to the county seat and dropped them directly into the ballot box. In this election, we feel safe to drop them in the mail; postage is free for ballots. We've observed the vote count, as is an option, and how carefully monitored it is. I took yoga with the person in charge of that! Looking at the graphic of people standing in line - and knowing some stand in line for hours and are still turned away - makes me sad. So yes: free and fair elections so people feel safe and healthy and happy and grateful to vote. Thanks for the question.
I am thinking about how character matters, how integrity matters, how "giving one's word" and knowing that another's word can be trusted...the power of a handshake that used to mean something could be trust and honored. I am thinking how words, the actual words we use, matter so much...whether those words are used to build up, to repair what has been broken, to inspire hope, to create a vision of what is possible...whether those words include and honor other people who are different...whether those words convey compassion for those who struggle with more brokenness than any person should have to endure...whether those words confront injustice and stand with those who are excluded and truly victimized through no fault of their own. So many words we use suggest there are only black/white, right/wrong ways of seeing; so many words are wasted on blaming the "other side" when we need to use our words to create a way toward consensus.
I am grieving my loss of trust in the Supreme Court; I am grieving the Democratic party buy-in to media who have decided Joe Biden cannot win... The Supreme Court justices used to be people I held in high honor, but I cannot even pretend the institution is respectable now. I did not start out being a Biden fan, but I have come to appreciate his honor, his integrity and his unfailing hope. He has kept us from both nuclear war and from a world war, he has built alliances with other countries where none existed or had been weakened, in his humble and quiet way he has made our country stronger and more resilient than we have been in years. If we believe honor and truth and character matter, if we believe the words we use matter, we need to stand behind the person chosen by thousands of people in the primaries...and then we have to say the words that put in clear contrast the choices before us.
It won’t happen soon, but I wish to hear more publicity about the fact that we need TWO THIRDS of both houses to implement the changes needed to have our democracy progress.
Ignorant of civics (eliminated from teaching along with Latin) too many people are unaware of this requirement. Elimination of taxes for the rich by the minority party caused by gerrymandering and voter suppression needs to change. Education needs to be free. When I went to college, my books cost more than my tuition. Education is the most important, and is sadly become a profit center Healthcare for everyone. I’m a capitalist, hedge fund guy- not a socialist. There are plenty of ways to make $$ Besides off the backs of the middle class and the poor. Building infrastructure, taking care of the environment, using the power of the sun instead of oil and coal, eliminating monopolies and attempting to check greed. Basic necessities should be not for profit.
We can bemoan what the Trumplicans are planning to do, or we can attack their message to almost half the population, and the billionaires guiding them--and siding with Trump. Elon Musk summed up their grievance in the NYT today--"if the Democrats win, "illegal aliens' over the next 4 years be registered to vote and democracy as we know it today is over". Trump's message is purely racist, and that draws 90% of his base, but Musk has filtered through that to understand the true danger to he and his "friends". This is the attraction as well to JD Vance--a Yale educated elitist and accolyte of billionaires from Thiel and Musk to Wynn and the Kochs. This helps explain the militancy around immigrants. This needs to be discussed, and either exposed and cleaned up, or debunked. "Illegal aliens" or "immigrants" are pseudonyms for future Democrats who will vote the demise of the ultra wealthy as we know them. THAT'S what we're running against, and the undercurrent of the robust effort against the Democratic Party.
It’s absurd. You can’t vote or get social security as an immigrant. Those pushing this nonsense know it. But you are correct. They know eventually they will become citizens and will increase the Democratic base. And they know their uninformed and racist base believe they are voting now after having murdered and raped some poor soul. Vile lies.
Thanks for your strong will to guiding the message of democracy. The conflicting reporting of nonsense needs to be ignored and we need to consistently and strategically go for our goal! Nothing and no one will stop us!
Collectively we have been thoroughly convinced in American Exceptionalism and that what happened in Nazi Germany could never happen here. That what happened in 1970s Iran, could never happen here. In 2016 everyone said we can put up with Trump for 4 years, like we tolerated Nixon. All of it was incredible short-sighted, smug and naïve and I include the Democrat party ruling class. Why didn't you codify Roe V Wade into Federal Law when you had both majorities? Why did you insist on appeasing the increasingly strident and unhinged McConnell/Gingrich/tea party right during the Obama administration? And why now are you, Pelosi, Schiff, unqualified but moneyed Hollywood types, ignoring the existential danger to fuss about a man whose voice is not as robust and gait not as confident but who ACTUALLY ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS in the debate? These open convention discussions means that you are setting up favored candidates for 2028, not a victory in 2024. How smug, how short sighted, how utterly infuriating.
What we are fighting for is a wiser country who realizes that Democracy is nothing more than an agreement between like-minded people and that it is terribly vulnerable to people with bad intent, such as a completely corrupt Supreme Court, those thirsting for Christian Nationalistic theocracy, and those whose wealth and riches depend on a poor underclass to exist.
We are fighting for the next generation to have a country worth preserving. I say that as someone who has a complicated relationship to the colonizing forces that shaped this country. I do not think it was founded in heroism and freedom, and was intended to be an oligarchy, but regular people stopped it. And we have to remember we are the regular people who can stop the craziness now. The craziness from the right and the utterly contemptable Democrats who have betrayed us at this time.
I agree with your list, and lists by others, of the issues we face in these dangerous times. It seems to me that an important common denominator feeding all of the social and political divisions and conspiracies swirling through our population is concentration of news media ownership in the hands of a few self-serving, unscrupulous owners. Fox and Sinclair jump to mind. It would be a strong step toward a better informed population, thus a stronger democracy, to curb media monopolies and implement rules like the late lamented Fairness Doctrine. Rules with meaningful penalties for violators. I recognize how touchy a subject this — not to stifle opinion and differing interpretation of fact.
I think we’re here to fight for fairness and fellowship, as much as freedom. I think FDR articulated his vision of it best in his 1944 State of the Union, that guaranteeing the rights to healthcare, education, housing, living wages, jobs, a fair market without monopoly, a worthwhile return on crop sales, and social security would make America more free to pursue the good life. “Necessitous men are not free men”, he said. (I’d note that he was still the president who interned Japanese Americans, turned back Jewish refugees, and got buy-in from Southern Democrats for the New Deal; he was unfortunately a man of his time.)
De Tocqueville had somewhat similar sentiments about how much small town democracy in America had been enriched amid the industrial policy of the 1830s, and deplored slavery as well. (He was also unfortunately a man of his time; he was a colonialist aristocrat who thought assimilation was the best way to deal with Native Americans.)
The collective spirit of ‘76 is embodied in the Declaration’s last line: “We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”, written by someone deeply suspicious of monopolies as well as monarchy. (Though, again, an owner and assailant of enslaved people; a man of his time.)
The left and the center can tangle all they want about productivism, the role of labor, antitrust vs. national champions, and so on. What we should fight for in common is, as Rorty put it, achieving our democracy, in both political and economic spheres of life, simply because Jefferson and de Tocqueville and Roosevelt were immensely flawed men who still had neat and hopeful visions of the common good supporting freedom.
Timothy Snyder’s book "On Tyranny" provides a remarkably practical guide to preserving our freedoms. In the second of twenty lessons the eminent historian draws from the rise of authoritarianism in early 20th century Europe (“Defend Institutions”), Mr. Snyder explains:
“The mistake is to assume that leaders who came to power through institutions cannot change or destroy those very institutions. Sometimes institutions are deprived of vitality and function, turned into a simulacrum of what they once were, so that they gird the new order rather than resisting it."
And the lesson he teaches in Chapter Two is this:
“It is institutions that help us to preserve decency. They need our help as well. Do not speak of “our institutions” unless you make them yours by acting on their behalf. Institutions do not protect themselves. They fall one after the other unless each is defended from the beginning. So choose an institution you care about — a court, a newspaper, a labor union — and take its side.”
Inspired by Mr. Snyder, we at have chosen the House of Representatives to defend. Feathers of Hope is a network of ordinary citizens who have joined together around a shared commitment to diminishing the power and influence of MAGA extremists in the People's House.
I used to defend "newspapers", but the ones I used to trust (NYT and WaPo) have been bought and local papers have disappeared or become fishwrap. So I support Substacks and hyper-local journalists. But the vetting is exhausting. We used to be able to count on fact-checking by others, but no more.....
Therefore we seek more honest reporting. We all come to choose those we read and find they are in step, not with us, but what is really taking place, pointing out the enemy within, doing their best to reinforce our grasp on reality. Let's do what we can to support them. They are our Thomas Paines and Ben Franklin's. Now we see their value to society, that part that seeks to be informed.
When the Trump administration was first inaugurated, Steve Bannon met with corporate and industrial interests to explain that Trump had their back and that the "deconstruction of the administrative state" was on their agenda. That is, they mean to cripple democracy. The deregulation of business, commerce, industry, and finance. Remove all services and protections for citizens.
We saw their first efforts, but maybe some of us were too busy to take notice.
We have seen the corporate owned media fail to inform the public and not push back on some of the most agredious actions from Trump, GOP, and SCOTUS. There is nothing wrong with being "woke" If that helps us to understand what is happening to our Republic.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” - George Bernard Shaw
Thanks for this timely article, Steven. I like what Bono says.....that America is not just a country but an idea. And in my view, what we are fighting for is a fair, just and kind country that also is a leader and example for justice throughout the world. I strongly agree with you that Trump and his MAGA cult following, and his normal Republican enablers, are dangerous enemies to such a vision of justice. I hope that the Democrats can get their act together, unite and attract independent allies to defeat this dangerous MAGA movement
If it makes anyone feel better, my young grandson, ages 11 and 15, are more aware of what's going on than I expected. They both have good insights and can't understand why anyone would want Joe Biden to quit at this stage of the game. They both think trump is nuts.
I agree but you forgot to mention that at the same time we must battle the moneyed interests that are driving the efforts to reject our VOTES for the Biden/Harris TEAM of candidates.
They, especially President Biden have proven themselves trustworthy to the middle classes and EFFECTIVE at getting things done for us, for climate change action, some debt relief and many other policies that most of us had given up ever seeing come to fruition. Every time, the moneyed interests prevailed.
Recently Joe Biden has been touting the taxes on the richest (the ones who shield themselves from almost any tax) that he plans to encourage Congress to pass. They are pissed! They are lying about support for Biden/Harris. They are stewing polls(not hard) they are planting lies via the media (also not hard). Look at all the unattributed bullshit the NYT has been reporting. Why? Because their owners and editors never wanted Biden to begin with, and they’re pissed he got so much done for us!
We need Democrats to get a trifecta and get money out of politics so the rich don’t get to expect to have such a huge amount of influence over our government and its policies.
EVERY time there’s a brokered convention we lose. Joe Biden will not lose. People trust Joe.
Who we don’t trust are the “ power brokers”(read richest donors)telling the voters that Joe can’t win. He can if we support him and anyone who wants to prevent Project 2025 had better vote for our candidates Joe Biden/Kamala Harris.
Debi, I agree completely. Once Joe took a strong stand in support for unions, took actions against monopolies, took a powerful position about environmental issues, and pushed for fair taxation (and a more muscular IRS to catch the cheats), I knew the Corporate Oligarchs would do everything they could to assure he would not secure another four years. And yes, democracy means nothing in comparison to greed and “unleashed” capitalism.
It's so sad what is happening in America. It's your system of government that needs revisions. The way the SCOTUS is chosen, need term limits & ethical standards, election venues must be made safe and protected across the country. No gerrymandering. No convicted felons allowed to run for office, this particularly is an abomination. Age and time limits for Congress people and Senate. How your speaker is chosen. People elected to government with little or no experience or education, there must be a minimum standard. So much must be revised to make it a true and fair government. 🇨🇦
Thank you. I would like to see an end to harassment of election officials and election workers, public denunciation of racist speech and behavior, universal health care, and universal support for public schools, the great leveler and an important way of welcoming immigrants to communities.
You attract eloquent writers. What are we fighting for is the first question to ask and answer. What we are doing about it is the next question.
I recommend that writers conclude every essay giving examples of what they are doing. I have been doing postcards for 2 rural progressive women running for the legislature. I am doing postcards for WI. I also just posted on another substack 10 online sources where you can volunteer, even if you live in a red state, like I do.
I’d be fine, I’m white, have lots of retirement savings and a cheap mortgage. I want my grandchildren to live in a nation with a government ruled by law and not a bunch of cynical, self serving grifters who care not the damage they do.
I believe in democracy, and I'm fighting for it. I know a lot of people are afraid that Biden can't win and want him to drop out, but you know what? We voters chose him overwhelmingly. We knew he was old when we voted for him. We also knew the successes he has had even against the opposition thrown at him by Republicans. IF we really believe in democracy, we need to unite behind the candidate CHOSEN BY THE VOTERS, not chosen by party bosses, other candidates or nervous-nelly elected Democrats. Believe in the system and then make it work! Billionaire donors don't want to donate? Then he won't be beholden to them. He will be beholden to US, the American voter. [steps down from soap box, picks up box and exits stage left.]
Day in and day out, the media, especially our liberal media, promotes, talks about, shows, comments, shows some more of that evil, lie-spewing, would-be dictator instead of talking and showing and promoting our wonderful president! It is endless! Keeping that madman in the news constantly without anything about President Biden except if he should step down or not, only plays into the dirty hands of the Repugnuts.
Sadly, even MSNBC has corporate overlords who have been banging the drum of BIDEN IS OLD AND NEEDS TO BOW OUT since the debate. They’ve lost a ton of viewers in process. We’re trusting substacks and podcasts. Newspapers and television are not much different than the National Enquirer. It’s all about money.
Linda, succinct and correct. MSNBC lost me when some of my favorite and most trusted journalists were literally giddy as they talked about replacing Biden while “covering” the GOP conference. Shameful.
Yes, we are fighting for democracy, equal rights, etc. However, in four words it boils down to we are fighting for THE SOUL OF AMERICA. Agree with others, the P-2025 contents must be made much more public; most do not even know what it is about, what it means if what's his name is elected. And, we have to help all, esp the younger people, understand what P-25 means, that to just not vote is a vote for what's his name.
We need younger, energetic candidates to get this message out - not focusing just on what has been accomplished the last four years but what the future could hold. I wish there was a less than 900-page document that could be easily published/put on a site, used as handout. As Bob L mentioned, VOTE against Trump, that's fat guy's name, AND P-2025.
If Joe decides to bow out and be a strategic consultant to the new team, I would REALLY like to see Jamie Raskin run for President with VP Kamala… and maybe expand the VPs power regarding accountability of the judiciary.
I think Raskin has tremendous knowledge, is very likable, has a fight for his life since he’s a J6 committee person AND he could bring old school conservatives to the table.
I heard voices today saying that they never intended to continue with Kamela. Remember that uppity woman, Hillary, who thought she could be President? Well, the Powers That Be fixed that, and we got Trump. Kamela is another uppity woman who thinks she could be President, but she is black. Let Joe go first. If in a few years, he has to step down, people will be delighted to have someone ready to step into the job. Fair??-no realistic??- I'm afraid so.
Thanks for directing us to the real issue. Without a clear idea of where we want to go, we are lost.
I believe there is only one party willing to work for a better future. One party that can move us toward the principles & ideals of our democracy while pushing back on the forces of authoritarianism. It is our duty to participate support the efforts; to educate ourselves & those we can reach about the dangers and most of all persist.
The Dems need to focus on beating the GOP. And to do this we need to hit hard and hit often. This infighting is only strengthening the GOP and we can’t have that. Biden or someone else. Down ballots count and they count a lot. Let’s not forget that. We need the senate AND the House. Let’s focus on unison not division.
Great piece. Among other things, I’m focusing on the court. Here is a long analysis I posted on the Court’s outrageous rulings and what can be done about it:
To need a supermajority to confirm a justice might hand a lot of power to the minority to misuse. The Court continues to make decisions without a full set of players. How other changes, term limits/vacancies would play out brings to mind McConnell. Surely we can make some changes that will bring balance to the Court. How long can we afford to wait?
I do quibble a little with listing the SCOTUS nominees of DJT as products of Leonard Leo. He is tied to the entire supermajority which doesn’t mean those not chosen weren’t also. All the supermajority members, in one way or another, are ‘ethically challenged.’
Thank you for reading it Ann! Those are all excellent points. You are right about Leo. He has been around long enough to do more damage than he did under Trump. I think one of the keys is killing the filibuster.
I'm fighting for a society able to pursue policy built on science. While we're distracted--necessarily--by the politics of who will run things, the world keeps heating up. The threats to humanity need government to believe in facts and the scientific process to address our myriad existential crises. This is of course tied to freedom. When dissent is repressed so is truth.
I believe in the idea that I am a citizen of this Earth, 🌎, not just America. We have responsibilities for our own welfare and the Allie’s we have in the UN and NATO, and more recent additions in the Indopacific and elsewhere. We must be attentive to the needs at home and to others who support us in times of need. It is essential that we defeat Trump and his dynasty at the ballot box in November to retain/ regain our freedoms. I have restacked an essential piece of reading from Dr. Bandy X Lee that offers enormous insight into Trump the man and TRUMP CONTAGION. To save ourselves from the Trump Dynasty, we must understand our enemy and how we came to this moment in time. I hope you will all study this extensive analysis to guide decision making in the immediate and long term future of our America. With nationalism rising, we are alone in the wider world. We can take lessons as well from recent elections in France, the UK, the Netherlands and elsewhere where threats from the far right have been on the ballot. We should engage in the global efforts to solve immigration crises, climate change, and border conflicts. We must learn from our dysfunctional past and move forward in compassion and dignity for all human life.
Our allies are watching closely and praying for our Democracy. They can’t fathom how we are even in this situation where a felon is even on the ballot.
I’m fighting for what I thought our country was founded on. Weren’t the founding fathers trying to establish a country that was NOT ruled by a king???? Project 2025 is the antithesis of democracy. We need to continue to have conversations with people and inform them of what Project 2025 will do to our country. Do we want a Democracy or a Dictatorship???
The modern idea of the rights of the people from being oppressed by their king/government is 809 years old. Even Bad King John had to yield to the "will of the people". Our Supreme Court has forgotten that the Magna Carta forced the King to abide by the Rule of Law. They believe that an elected public servant now has the right to be immune from crimes committed while in office. This is contrary to 800 years of Anglo-Saxon legal precedent. That is a BIG DEAL!
At the Constitutional Convention in 1788, Patrick Henry warned against the draft Constitution's provisions for the Executive. He noted that in the future a Bad Man who became President could become a King. He also criticized the power given to the minority. That a "contemptible minority can prevent the good of the majority". These provisions are plaguing us today.
What are we fighting for? A return to the Enlightenment principles of self-rule. That the best quality of life is obtained when the government and Bad Men are constrained from interfering and oppressing the individual.
Today we are faced with a conspiracy of oligarchs. Who have little care or concern for the rights of the people. They only care for themselves. They will spend billions to corrupt our government. And they expect a large return on their investment.
Anna?, a CNN commentator who used to be Republican, but is no longer due to the Party being kidnapped by Trump made this comparison last night on some TV panel: (This is paraphrased by me.) "We have the choice between an old man who is crazy with narcissistic power surrounded by other men who are equally wanting an autocratic government they alone would run, uncaring of other Americans, and an old man who has given his life in service to Americans of all colors, religions, and social standing who has surrounded himself with men and women who are talented, bright, and dedicated to a democracy of the people, for the people, and by the people. So which one should we choose? We should choose the latter."
Indeed, it's self destructive to switch candidates so close to the election. With few exceptions I have been absolutely amazed at the number of great things Joe Biden and his team have done. He deserves to stay in the race, and in the WH. Such talent should not be wasted. Democrats need to stop self destructing, which has always been their worst habit.
I’m extremely disappointed in our elected Dems in how they’ve been urging Biden to step aside. Also, I feel that they are feckless, and don’t, or won’t do what it takes to fight these MAGA clowns. Play dirty. Get credible, undeniable information with receipts on these people, and make them an offer they can’t refuse. That’s what you do in this case. They can be the party of virtue after that. 🇺🇸😎
Instead of backing our president, they want to throw him under the bus even though the polls haven't budged in months. They act like our ship is sinking, but they are the ones who want to sink it.
I’m fighting to free America from the ruthless clique of corrupt billionaires running our parties like football teams in a rigged game.
I’m fighting to drain the poisons they’ve injected into our government, media, and civic life.
I’m fighting to stop the GOP from turning the Constitution into a permanent get-out-of-jail free card for Trump and his supporters.
Same here. You’ve stated it perfectly.
From Scott Dworkin: #TrumpVanceIsProject2025
I am sorry to repeat myself from previous comments but I think it likely that I am the only one posting that is the daughter of Holocaust Survivors
I know exactly what we are fighting for: FREEDOM!
Freedom from Tyranny, Freedom to Vote, Freedom to Love, Freedom To Live Authentic Lives, Freedom to Choose, Freedom of Speech & the Press, Freedom of & from Religion, Freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water & eat safely. Finally the Freedom not just to survive but to thrive
My mother hid in The Netherlands with her two siblings during WWII
My grandfather was taken and killed by the Nazi’s
Fortunately, for me: my mother and the rest of the family survived!!
This time is a scary time and it has been sad to see individuals trying to “oust” Joe Biden our presidential nominee-not to mention the Newspapers and TV cable news shows!!
We need to hang together people and push forward!!!
Biden/Harris for the win!!!!
AMEN!! Quit the public trashing of Biden and now Harris. (we never intended for Harris to continue--I heard today). We need both of them together. His knowledge and skills match her energy and ability to speak beautifully.
We intended for Kamala to continue when we elected her Vice President. That is the purpose of having a VP.
I’m the son of a survivor.
Where is your family from? Mine were from Lodz Poland & emigrated here in 1949
Hungary. Mother emigrated in 1947.
I’m the son of two Holocaust survivors. Thank you for your excellent summary of what we are fighting for.
Where were they from?
Mom from Czechoslovakia, dad from Germany. Mom went to Auschwitz in May 1944, only full sibling to survive. Dad (18), sister (17), mom and boyfriend left Germany for Shanghai in January 1939. Came to the US in 1947
I too, am the daughter of Holocaust victims who were so grateful to enter the US as their relatives were gassed or shot. They worked hard and thrived, teaching their daughters to do the same. I have tried to instill in that ethic in my millennial daughters but it’s different for them. They want a home. They can’t have it because the rates are high and the down payments, exorbitant. Their rents are high. They have no job security so they’ve created their own pension plans. They do not want to be saddled in student debt. They do want peace. They sympathize with the Israelis and the Palestinian people but hate their leaders, as I do. One thinks Biden is too old and incapable to lead us. The other is all for Joe.
Project 2025 needs more public exposure. Use trump's image and voice repeating over and over what he wants to do on Day One. It will reach the independents and the rest of the fence-sitters if democracy is worth saving. Everyone freedoms are at stake now!
We should make “Project 2025” and what it would do a central, repetitive talking point and hammer it incessantly every day between now and November. Take a page out of the Republican playbook (But her emails!) and turn it right back on them.
I love this "Reject Project 2025" shirt 👇
I read Project 2025 in March. I have spent my time since then trying to raise the public's awareness of its contents.
I'm heartened to see this effort being taken up by legal expert Joyce Vance, and experienced journalist Thom Hartman.
The Dem's need to come together on this. We need to focus on beating Trump at the ballot box, and we're gonna’ need everyone.
I'm not asking for your support of Biden (He's got mine). I'm asking for you to vote against Trump and Project 2025. That's all.
For those reading P25, this will help:
Indeed Bob I also have implored everyone I know to read Project 2025 and i feel like we are in pre World War II where no one believes someone can be this insane. To watch Trump parade his granddaughter and women across the stage this weekend and they state that he is different in private with them is disturbing and disgusting. Keep up the good fight!
Jennifer, I have two of those people in my world: a good friend and a son. I've tried every way I can to enlighten them, but nope . . . I think my friend drank the kool-aid and is too far gone. My son is very rich and probably wants the tax cuts for the rich to be extended. I want them both in my life, so I've shut my mouth.
We all know DJT is lying about not knowing any details of Project 2025. And we have receipts. Trump was briefed on it as reported during the primary season when the Heritage Foundation bragged about who they had briefed & whose staff was briefed.
NYT, April 20, 2023 included this paragraph in a long article entitled “Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration.”
• Heritage and its project partners have already briefed Mr. Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and their teams, Dr. Roberts said, as well as staff members for other current and potential candidates, including Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations; the entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy; and former Vice President Mike Pence. They plan to give private briefings to all conservative candidates.”
Deseret reported it while focusing on the DJT staff involved in the project.
• “While Heritage has briefed Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley on their plans, several individuals familiar with the initiative expressed that Trump would be best-suited to implement Heritage’s policy agenda. The makeup of Project 2025’s advisory committee reflects this: John McEntee, one of Trump’s closest White House aides, is a senior adviser, and one of its largest cheerleaders is Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist.”
There’s an awful lot that needs fixing. We need to get rid of Citizens United. We need to completely overhaul our entire election process and implement a system where candidates declare, campaign for six weeks, and we vote. Our voices don’t matter when elections are decided by money. We need a national primary day so all citizens in all states matter. I live in (still) blue Oregon and between our primary in May and that it’s not a swing state, candidates don’t even bother to come (except to donor parties to collect more money).
The courts, and not just SCOTUS, are a disaster. Say what we will about the vile Mitch McConnell, but he gets a round of applause for his patience, taking decades to position the makeup of the courts to satisfy the Federalist Society’s dreams (our nightmares) of a theocracy. We live under minority rule and having one person choose judicial appointments means so long as one side cheats (looking at you, republicans), minority rule gets extended into the next generation(s).
Last night I posted on Threads that I’m angry and tired and sad. I’m just a nobody senior citizen with no real voice, but that comment resonated with more than 500 people. We need to join our anger and tiredness and sadness and UNITE to not only save this country, but help her finally achieve her dream of being that great beacon of light for all.
Dear one, you sound like I feel. I live just across the river. I am also a senior feeling angry, tired, and sad. I can't stand seeing the Democrats publicly trashing Biden and Harris.
I grew up in Eugene. It helped me to become a a centrist Democrat. My family is VERY Republican and happy in Grants Pass (where the case to arrest homeless people began). Family reunion there this summer and I got to see that beautiful park filled with tents and outhouses. They had a supportive community that met their needs until some hard right idiots decided they should be locked up. Not a doubt my brother was one of those behind that should be their fate.
I'm sorry.
What a beautiful post. Thank you.
I feel the same way. I am donating. I try to let people know the dangers and find so many have their fingers in their ears.
A Good Earth--a Herculean feat
a rat fat with greed slips past
three snarling dogs and a scrawny boy
rummaging in the trash
weighing piece by piece
the heat each object will raise
a helicopter circles like a bird
with metal talons and dart like feathers
above the rotting methane smells
the boy finds a photo of a large family
drifting on a yacht
a dead yellow cat
lobbed golden apple i-phone
a meteorology textbook
tangle of maggots
on a discarded pig's head
red deer antlers a woman’s girdle
an old weather-beaten world globe
he checks to make sure
America is still visible
hoists earth onto his shoulder
—feels its weight—
wonders how the rats missed this treasure
in this self-serving delicatessen
gauges how he will get earth home
Dark, and evocative.
Going through the scraps of a nation now past.
With hope and action, not prophetic.
Except for many, we are there now.
Thank you for reading and commenting Susan. Yes, the young and some of us old goats still have hope, still believe the US Constitution is the best hope for the Earth's/Life's survival... if the rats don't get us.
This is really good. Thank you.
That's a great poem. I am moved. The imagery is crystalline and stark.
Thank you, Marycat. The forces trashing us ) our country ) and the Earth ) are stark, aren't they?
I enjoyed this.
I'm fighting for a world in which truth matters, and debate is civil. A world in which our children and grandchildren can understand and support human dignity. A world in which 'drill, drill, drill' is not a rallying cry, but simply a vestige of an unfortunate chapter of human greed. A world in which idealism is not a sign of weakness, but a symbol of strength.
Thank you for this thread. You all helped me calm down and remember why we fight.
I'm fighting for the 60-70% of registered voters that occupy the reasoned, reasonable center-left to center-right that doesn't have a voice in the electoral process. Our binary sorting system + WAY too much money + extremist ideology has run the process aground.
Thank you for your voice, Steven.
Thank you for your comment. I’m center-left. But I live in Texas and my vote never counts in presidential elections. Also I don’t have representation in Congress or in state legislatures. But I keep voting every chance I get.
Center left in California. It disturbs me that the Republicans have taken an extreme right swing. It disturbs me to see the pull to the extreme left many in my Democratic Party are urging. I think of a bell curve, where the majority is the middle ground. That’s where Joe Biden is and why he was my first choice in 2020. He’s accomplished so much good from his ability to govern for ALL Americans. I’m ridin with Biden AND his accomplished team!
All one needs to do is look back to 1930’s Germany and the atrocities of WWII to see that it is all happening again with the policies of Trump and the GOP with Fascist Project 2025. We are fighting to crush this! And fighting to preserve the rights ushered in by FDR, and the Civil Rights Act, made possible by LBJ. We are fighting to restore women’s rights in Roe v. Wade. We are fighting to remain a Democracy and not become Fascist state! But we must stop bringing a knife to a gun fight, a concept the Democrats have yet to grasp.
100% 🇺🇸😎
It was evident to me post Jan 6th when all of the necessary actions failed to be deployed against that act of war and the events of that day were treated like a run of the mill bank robbery. Those failures were harbingers of the mess we find ourselves in today. Democrats are operating by a set of rules, while Republicans will and are literally doing anything to get and keep power. I know nothing of the nuances and inside baseball of politics. However, this much I know.
I'm not much younger than Mr. Biden and I know that I'm fighting for our beautiful country to remain a beacon of freedom, diversity, the rule of law, and liberal ideals. Always work to be better. Always help your neighbor. Always do your best each day for yourself and your country.
I have been a passionate advocate for democracy my entire life - a legacy from my Marine grandfather who took me on annual trips to places like the Freedom Trail, and Lexington & Concord. I am, quite simply, fighting for the same thing as those farmers in Lexington - to protect my family & community, and their fundamental right to make their own choices free of any dictator, be it king, corporate billionaire, or religious fundamentalist like Project 2025.
Exactly. Grab your musket, and keep your powder dry.
We need to end this Tyranny of the Minority. Once we get past this election, we need to build a critical mass to fix the electoral and legislative systems allowing this to happen. The prescription in the book, “The Politics Industry” (written by Gehl and Porter) seemed to be a good starting point!
Thank you! Just added it to my audiobooks.
Thank you. I woke up with a heavy heart today.
So did I. I woke up realizing that the worm had turned and Adolf trump is having a field day, happily thinking he can have carte blanche to continue his destruction of our beloved democracy. WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE.
I’d like an America where flying the flag is a patriotic symbol, not a political act; where the flag is not disrespected by a politician hugging it or superimposed with his portrait, or worn as clothing by his supporters. An America where the flag represents the struggles and successes of the past, the accomplishments of the present, and the promise of the future, and for all citizens not just a select few. I want to say “ I am an American “ and know my statement is respected, not feared, or a cause for embarrassment. I’d like an America where hope, optimism, and hard work go hand in hand to continue this great experiment in democracy.
That’s the flag I grew up with. Heartbreaking to see what one party has done to our flag. Flying a flag today is almost seen as a political statement. I have a 3 percenter three houses down the block from me. How do I know? He hangs a US flag and his 3 percenter flag 24/7. Creeps me out.
Calling Trump "deeply unwell" is like calling the bubonic plague a cold. Stephen, you don't have to smooth out your words so as to muddy the truth. Trump is a borderline psychotic who will destroy this country because he loves flattery and power. He's a menace to the whole world.
Point taken. He is so deeply deranged and so much more.
If we don't speak honestly about Trump, we will see him get back into the WH. Many psychologists and psychiatrists have opined that Trump is dangerously sociopathic.
Hey Steven, even that’s an understatement. 😏🇺🇸😎
Re "free and fair elections in which poll workers need not worry about intimidation or violence, just ensuring the widest and fairest vote." I live in a remote rural area in a very spread-out county. When I worked, I drove an hour and a half each way. Getting home in time to vote meant taking time off work. Then our state turned to mail-in ballots. Our lives changed. The county and state publish voter's pamphlets we can read and study. For judge positions, I call friends in the legal profession who actually know these judges. We discuss the election as a family, around the table, and why it's important to vote in every single election, including school bond levies where one vote can save a school's budget. Under the former president, who appointed someone to run the US Mail, and that person then announced mail would be slowed down during the election, we drove our ballots one hour to the county seat and dropped them directly into the ballot box. In this election, we feel safe to drop them in the mail; postage is free for ballots. We've observed the vote count, as is an option, and how carefully monitored it is. I took yoga with the person in charge of that! Looking at the graphic of people standing in line - and knowing some stand in line for hours and are still turned away - makes me sad. So yes: free and fair elections so people feel safe and healthy and happy and grateful to vote. Thanks for the question.
I am thinking about how character matters, how integrity matters, how "giving one's word" and knowing that another's word can be trusted...the power of a handshake that used to mean something could be trust and honored. I am thinking how words, the actual words we use, matter so much...whether those words are used to build up, to repair what has been broken, to inspire hope, to create a vision of what is possible...whether those words include and honor other people who are different...whether those words convey compassion for those who struggle with more brokenness than any person should have to endure...whether those words confront injustice and stand with those who are excluded and truly victimized through no fault of their own. So many words we use suggest there are only black/white, right/wrong ways of seeing; so many words are wasted on blaming the "other side" when we need to use our words to create a way toward consensus.
I am grieving my loss of trust in the Supreme Court; I am grieving the Democratic party buy-in to media who have decided Joe Biden cannot win... The Supreme Court justices used to be people I held in high honor, but I cannot even pretend the institution is respectable now. I did not start out being a Biden fan, but I have come to appreciate his honor, his integrity and his unfailing hope. He has kept us from both nuclear war and from a world war, he has built alliances with other countries where none existed or had been weakened, in his humble and quiet way he has made our country stronger and more resilient than we have been in years. If we believe honor and truth and character matter, if we believe the words we use matter, we need to stand behind the person chosen by thousands of people in the primaries...and then we have to say the words that put in clear contrast the choices before us.
It won’t happen soon, but I wish to hear more publicity about the fact that we need TWO THIRDS of both houses to implement the changes needed to have our democracy progress.
Ignorant of civics (eliminated from teaching along with Latin) too many people are unaware of this requirement. Elimination of taxes for the rich by the minority party caused by gerrymandering and voter suppression needs to change. Education needs to be free. When I went to college, my books cost more than my tuition. Education is the most important, and is sadly become a profit center Healthcare for everyone. I’m a capitalist, hedge fund guy- not a socialist. There are plenty of ways to make $$ Besides off the backs of the middle class and the poor. Building infrastructure, taking care of the environment, using the power of the sun instead of oil and coal, eliminating monopolies and attempting to check greed. Basic necessities should be not for profit.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris & Team
- Ukraine defense of it’s borders
- Israel defense against terror attacks
- Innocent loss of life
- Insulin cap, medicine cost cap, Affordable Healthcare, lessen medical debt & its impact
- Protection of Healthcare Rights
- Healthcare privacy
- Love who you love rights
- Religious freedom for all
- Separation of Church and State
- Voting Rights
- Bipartisan Immigration Plan & Funding
- universal background checks & gun licensing …. renewable like drivers license….
- fund Experts, agencies & staff
- Supreme Court Term Limits, Code of Ethics & Impeachment as needed
- Time limits on Supreme Court decisions
- Spotlight on Dark Money …
- Spotlight on Corporate misbehavior (Price Gouging & Tax Reform)
- Health, Safety & Enforcement… we can do better
What I am Not Focused on
- Trump-Vance
- Rethinking Biden-Harris foolishness
We can bemoan what the Trumplicans are planning to do, or we can attack their message to almost half the population, and the billionaires guiding them--and siding with Trump. Elon Musk summed up their grievance in the NYT today--"if the Democrats win, "illegal aliens' over the next 4 years be registered to vote and democracy as we know it today is over". Trump's message is purely racist, and that draws 90% of his base, but Musk has filtered through that to understand the true danger to he and his "friends". This is the attraction as well to JD Vance--a Yale educated elitist and accolyte of billionaires from Thiel and Musk to Wynn and the Kochs. This helps explain the militancy around immigrants. This needs to be discussed, and either exposed and cleaned up, or debunked. "Illegal aliens" or "immigrants" are pseudonyms for future Democrats who will vote the demise of the ultra wealthy as we know them. THAT'S what we're running against, and the undercurrent of the robust effort against the Democratic Party.
It’s absurd. You can’t vote or get social security as an immigrant. Those pushing this nonsense know it. But you are correct. They know eventually they will become citizens and will increase the Democratic base. And they know their uninformed and racist base believe they are voting now after having murdered and raped some poor soul. Vile lies.
Well, I have helped resettle refugees who became citizens— and I can tell you that a good percentage are not voting Democrat. Sad.
Thanks for your strong will to guiding the message of democracy. The conflicting reporting of nonsense needs to be ignored and we need to consistently and strategically go for our goal! Nothing and no one will stop us!
Collectively we have been thoroughly convinced in American Exceptionalism and that what happened in Nazi Germany could never happen here. That what happened in 1970s Iran, could never happen here. In 2016 everyone said we can put up with Trump for 4 years, like we tolerated Nixon. All of it was incredible short-sighted, smug and naïve and I include the Democrat party ruling class. Why didn't you codify Roe V Wade into Federal Law when you had both majorities? Why did you insist on appeasing the increasingly strident and unhinged McConnell/Gingrich/tea party right during the Obama administration? And why now are you, Pelosi, Schiff, unqualified but moneyed Hollywood types, ignoring the existential danger to fuss about a man whose voice is not as robust and gait not as confident but who ACTUALLY ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS in the debate? These open convention discussions means that you are setting up favored candidates for 2028, not a victory in 2024. How smug, how short sighted, how utterly infuriating.
What we are fighting for is a wiser country who realizes that Democracy is nothing more than an agreement between like-minded people and that it is terribly vulnerable to people with bad intent, such as a completely corrupt Supreme Court, those thirsting for Christian Nationalistic theocracy, and those whose wealth and riches depend on a poor underclass to exist.
We are fighting for the next generation to have a country worth preserving. I say that as someone who has a complicated relationship to the colonizing forces that shaped this country. I do not think it was founded in heroism and freedom, and was intended to be an oligarchy, but regular people stopped it. And we have to remember we are the regular people who can stop the craziness now. The craziness from the right and the utterly contemptable Democrats who have betrayed us at this time.
Excellent points, Laura.
Laura - so well-said! Thank you ❤️
Excellent points. That’s the hard truth. 🇺🇸😎
I want so much!
1. Get rid of electoral college
2. Make gerrymandering illegal
3. Get rid of Citizens United
4. More REAL educators in the Department of Education.
5. Better health care.
6. More money in social services
7. Common sense gun legislation: red flag laws, training, background checks
8. Bring back The Fairness Doctrine
9. Infrastructure (we are so behind Europe!)
10. Allowances for regulations on food costs, gas, etc.
11. Better system of holding wealthy accountable for taxes
12. Rehaul lobbying regulations
13. Codify Roe vs Wade
Did I miss anything?
Yes. I as well. I said, if the felonious fuck weasel gets elected, none of that will occur. We have to win, and win big. 🇺🇸🌊😎
I agree with your list, and lists by others, of the issues we face in these dangerous times. It seems to me that an important common denominator feeding all of the social and political divisions and conspiracies swirling through our population is concentration of news media ownership in the hands of a few self-serving, unscrupulous owners. Fox and Sinclair jump to mind. It would be a strong step toward a better informed population, thus a stronger democracy, to curb media monopolies and implement rules like the late lamented Fairness Doctrine. Rules with meaningful penalties for violators. I recognize how touchy a subject this — not to stifle opinion and differing interpretation of fact.
Agree 100%
I think we’re here to fight for fairness and fellowship, as much as freedom. I think FDR articulated his vision of it best in his 1944 State of the Union, that guaranteeing the rights to healthcare, education, housing, living wages, jobs, a fair market without monopoly, a worthwhile return on crop sales, and social security would make America more free to pursue the good life. “Necessitous men are not free men”, he said. (I’d note that he was still the president who interned Japanese Americans, turned back Jewish refugees, and got buy-in from Southern Democrats for the New Deal; he was unfortunately a man of his time.)
De Tocqueville had somewhat similar sentiments about how much small town democracy in America had been enriched amid the industrial policy of the 1830s, and deplored slavery as well. (He was also unfortunately a man of his time; he was a colonialist aristocrat who thought assimilation was the best way to deal with Native Americans.)
The collective spirit of ‘76 is embodied in the Declaration’s last line: “We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”, written by someone deeply suspicious of monopolies as well as monarchy. (Though, again, an owner and assailant of enslaved people; a man of his time.)
The left and the center can tangle all they want about productivism, the role of labor, antitrust vs. national champions, and so on. What we should fight for in common is, as Rorty put it, achieving our democracy, in both political and economic spheres of life, simply because Jefferson and de Tocqueville and Roosevelt were immensely flawed men who still had neat and hopeful visions of the common good supporting freedom.
Timothy Snyder’s book "On Tyranny" provides a remarkably practical guide to preserving our freedoms. In the second of twenty lessons the eminent historian draws from the rise of authoritarianism in early 20th century Europe (“Defend Institutions”), Mr. Snyder explains:
“The mistake is to assume that leaders who came to power through institutions cannot change or destroy those very institutions. Sometimes institutions are deprived of vitality and function, turned into a simulacrum of what they once were, so that they gird the new order rather than resisting it."
And the lesson he teaches in Chapter Two is this:
“It is institutions that help us to preserve decency. They need our help as well. Do not speak of “our institutions” unless you make them yours by acting on their behalf. Institutions do not protect themselves. They fall one after the other unless each is defended from the beginning. So choose an institution you care about — a court, a newspaper, a labor union — and take its side.”
Inspired by Mr. Snyder, we at have chosen the House of Representatives to defend. Feathers of Hope is a network of ordinary citizens who have joined together around a shared commitment to diminishing the power and influence of MAGA extremists in the People's House.
Everyone reading this is invited to visit or
Whether you join us or not, I urge all to heed Tim Snyder's warning and choose an institution to defend. Our freedoms depend on it.
I used to defend "newspapers", but the ones I used to trust (NYT and WaPo) have been bought and local papers have disappeared or become fishwrap. So I support Substacks and hyper-local journalists. But the vetting is exhausting. We used to be able to count on fact-checking by others, but no more.....
Therefore we seek more honest reporting. We all come to choose those we read and find they are in step, not with us, but what is really taking place, pointing out the enemy within, doing their best to reinforce our grasp on reality. Let's do what we can to support them. They are our Thomas Paines and Ben Franklin's. Now we see their value to society, that part that seeks to be informed.
Yes Yes Yes.
When the Trump administration was first inaugurated, Steve Bannon met with corporate and industrial interests to explain that Trump had their back and that the "deconstruction of the administrative state" was on their agenda. That is, they mean to cripple democracy. The deregulation of business, commerce, industry, and finance. Remove all services and protections for citizens.
We saw their first efforts, but maybe some of us were too busy to take notice.
We have seen the corporate owned media fail to inform the public and not push back on some of the most agredious actions from Trump, GOP, and SCOTUS. There is nothing wrong with being "woke" If that helps us to understand what is happening to our Republic.
“On Tyranny” is an excellent, informative read.
Read this quote today and thought it appropriate.
Agitate, persist, be unreasonable.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” - George Bernard Shaw
Really love this !
Thanks for this timely article, Steven. I like what Bono says.....that America is not just a country but an idea. And in my view, what we are fighting for is a fair, just and kind country that also is a leader and example for justice throughout the world. I strongly agree with you that Trump and his MAGA cult following, and his normal Republican enablers, are dangerous enemies to such a vision of justice. I hope that the Democrats can get their act together, unite and attract independent allies to defeat this dangerous MAGA movement
If it makes anyone feel better, my young grandson, ages 11 and 15, are more aware of what's going on than I expected. They both have good insights and can't understand why anyone would want Joe Biden to quit at this stage of the game. They both think trump is nuts.
I agree but you forgot to mention that at the same time we must battle the moneyed interests that are driving the efforts to reject our VOTES for the Biden/Harris TEAM of candidates.
They, especially President Biden have proven themselves trustworthy to the middle classes and EFFECTIVE at getting things done for us, for climate change action, some debt relief and many other policies that most of us had given up ever seeing come to fruition. Every time, the moneyed interests prevailed.
Recently Joe Biden has been touting the taxes on the richest (the ones who shield themselves from almost any tax) that he plans to encourage Congress to pass. They are pissed! They are lying about support for Biden/Harris. They are stewing polls(not hard) they are planting lies via the media (also not hard). Look at all the unattributed bullshit the NYT has been reporting. Why? Because their owners and editors never wanted Biden to begin with, and they’re pissed he got so much done for us!
We need Democrats to get a trifecta and get money out of politics so the rich don’t get to expect to have such a huge amount of influence over our government and its policies.
EVERY time there’s a brokered convention we lose. Joe Biden will not lose. People trust Joe.
Who we don’t trust are the “ power brokers”(read richest donors)telling the voters that Joe can’t win. He can if we support him and anyone who wants to prevent Project 2025 had better vote for our candidates Joe Biden/Kamala Harris.
Debi, I agree completely. Once Joe took a strong stand in support for unions, took actions against monopolies, took a powerful position about environmental issues, and pushed for fair taxation (and a more muscular IRS to catch the cheats), I knew the Corporate Oligarchs would do everything they could to assure he would not secure another four years. And yes, democracy means nothing in comparison to greed and “unleashed” capitalism.
And mainstream media, being corporate owned, have the same financial interests. Keeping the bottom line in rising numbers.
Therefore they control what is released to the public and what journalists may persue.
It's so sad what is happening in America. It's your system of government that needs revisions. The way the SCOTUS is chosen, need term limits & ethical standards, election venues must be made safe and protected across the country. No gerrymandering. No convicted felons allowed to run for office, this particularly is an abomination. Age and time limits for Congress people and Senate. How your speaker is chosen. People elected to government with little or no experience or education, there must be a minimum standard. So much must be revised to make it a true and fair government. 🇨🇦
Elizabeth, many of us wonder if Canada is the new “America” - and what are your immigration policies….
Thank you. I would like to see an end to harassment of election officials and election workers, public denunciation of racist speech and behavior, universal health care, and universal support for public schools, the great leveler and an important way of welcoming immigrants to communities.
Good list, Pat!
You attract eloquent writers. What are we fighting for is the first question to ask and answer. What we are doing about it is the next question.
I recommend that writers conclude every essay giving examples of what they are doing. I have been doing postcards for 2 rural progressive women running for the legislature. I am doing postcards for WI. I also just posted on another substack 10 online sources where you can volunteer, even if you live in a red state, like I do.
What are you doing…the question for a later Saturday prompt.
I’d be fine, I’m white, have lots of retirement savings and a cheap mortgage. I want my grandchildren to live in a nation with a government ruled by law and not a bunch of cynical, self serving grifters who care not the damage they do.
I believe in democracy, and I'm fighting for it. I know a lot of people are afraid that Biden can't win and want him to drop out, but you know what? We voters chose him overwhelmingly. We knew he was old when we voted for him. We also knew the successes he has had even against the opposition thrown at him by Republicans. IF we really believe in democracy, we need to unite behind the candidate CHOSEN BY THE VOTERS, not chosen by party bosses, other candidates or nervous-nelly elected Democrats. Believe in the system and then make it work! Billionaire donors don't want to donate? Then he won't be beholden to them. He will be beholden to US, the American voter. [steps down from soap box, picks up box and exits stage left.]
Day in and day out, the media, especially our liberal media, promotes, talks about, shows, comments, shows some more of that evil, lie-spewing, would-be dictator instead of talking and showing and promoting our wonderful president! It is endless! Keeping that madman in the news constantly without anything about President Biden except if he should step down or not, only plays into the dirty hands of the Repugnuts.
Sadly, even MSNBC has corporate overlords who have been banging the drum of BIDEN IS OLD AND NEEDS TO BOW OUT since the debate. They’ve lost a ton of viewers in process. We’re trusting substacks and podcasts. Newspapers and television are not much different than the National Enquirer. It’s all about money.
Linda, succinct and correct. MSNBC lost me when some of my favorite and most trusted journalists were literally giddy as they talked about replacing Biden while “covering” the GOP conference. Shameful.
Linda, I totally agree!
I’m fighting for “not Trump”.
And not ‘trumpism.’
Yes, we are fighting for democracy, equal rights, etc. However, in four words it boils down to we are fighting for THE SOUL OF AMERICA. Agree with others, the P-2025 contents must be made much more public; most do not even know what it is about, what it means if what's his name is elected. And, we have to help all, esp the younger people, understand what P-25 means, that to just not vote is a vote for what's his name.
We need younger, energetic candidates to get this message out - not focusing just on what has been accomplished the last four years but what the future could hold. I wish there was a less than 900-page document that could be easily published/put on a site, used as handout. As Bob L mentioned, VOTE against Trump, that's fat guy's name, AND P-2025.
If Joe decides to bow out and be a strategic consultant to the new team, I would REALLY like to see Jamie Raskin run for President with VP Kamala… and maybe expand the VPs power regarding accountability of the judiciary.
I think Raskin has tremendous knowledge, is very likable, has a fight for his life since he’s a J6 committee person AND he could bring old school conservatives to the table.
Why skip over Kamela?
I heard voices today saying that they never intended to continue with Kamela. Remember that uppity woman, Hillary, who thought she could be President? Well, the Powers That Be fixed that, and we got Trump. Kamela is another uppity woman who thinks she could be President, but she is black. Let Joe go first. If in a few years, he has to step down, people will be delighted to have someone ready to step into the job. Fair??-no realistic??- I'm afraid so.
Our cause is freedom.
Education over ignorance.
Enlightenment over superstition.
Happiness over enslavement.
Kindness over greed.
Justice over lawlessness.
We are fighting for our children. And those yet to come.
And sharp as a knife.
Everything you mentioned is on my list. Equality and freedom for all stands out.
Steve, you have put everything into the right perspective for us! We must establish our true values & pursue the correct path to achieve them !
Thanks for directing us to the real issue. Without a clear idea of where we want to go, we are lost.
I believe there is only one party willing to work for a better future. One party that can move us toward the principles & ideals of our democracy while pushing back on the forces of authoritarianism. It is our duty to participate support the efforts; to educate ourselves & those we can reach about the dangers and most of all persist.
The Dems need to focus on beating the GOP. And to do this we need to hit hard and hit often. This infighting is only strengthening the GOP and we can’t have that. Biden or someone else. Down ballots count and they count a lot. Let’s not forget that. We need the senate AND the House. Let’s focus on unison not division.
I was focusing on issues. No mistake, the primary focus is on beating Trump.
Great piece. Among other things, I’m focusing on the court. Here is a long analysis I posted on the Court’s outrageous rulings and what can be done about it:
Thank you for the thoughtful article.
To need a supermajority to confirm a justice might hand a lot of power to the minority to misuse. The Court continues to make decisions without a full set of players. How other changes, term limits/vacancies would play out brings to mind McConnell. Surely we can make some changes that will bring balance to the Court. How long can we afford to wait?
I do quibble a little with listing the SCOTUS nominees of DJT as products of Leonard Leo. He is tied to the entire supermajority which doesn’t mean those not chosen weren’t also. All the supermajority members, in one way or another, are ‘ethically challenged.’
“He advised Trump on the nominations of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Before that, he’d helped pick or confirm the court’s three other conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito.”
Thank you for reading it Ann! Those are all excellent points. You are right about Leo. He has been around long enough to do more damage than he did under Trump. I think one of the keys is killing the filibuster.
I'm fighting for a society able to pursue policy built on science. While we're distracted--necessarily--by the politics of who will run things, the world keeps heating up. The threats to humanity need government to believe in facts and the scientific process to address our myriad existential crises. This is of course tied to freedom. When dissent is repressed so is truth.
I believe in the idea that I am a citizen of this Earth, 🌎, not just America. We have responsibilities for our own welfare and the Allie’s we have in the UN and NATO, and more recent additions in the Indopacific and elsewhere. We must be attentive to the needs at home and to others who support us in times of need. It is essential that we defeat Trump and his dynasty at the ballot box in November to retain/ regain our freedoms. I have restacked an essential piece of reading from Dr. Bandy X Lee that offers enormous insight into Trump the man and TRUMP CONTAGION. To save ourselves from the Trump Dynasty, we must understand our enemy and how we came to this moment in time. I hope you will all study this extensive analysis to guide decision making in the immediate and long term future of our America. With nationalism rising, we are alone in the wider world. We can take lessons as well from recent elections in France, the UK, the Netherlands and elsewhere where threats from the far right have been on the ballot. We should engage in the global efforts to solve immigration crises, climate change, and border conflicts. We must learn from our dysfunctional past and move forward in compassion and dignity for all human life.
Our allies are watching closely and praying for our Democracy. They can’t fathom how we are even in this situation where a felon is even on the ballot.
I’m fighting for what I thought our country was founded on. Weren’t the founding fathers trying to establish a country that was NOT ruled by a king???? Project 2025 is the antithesis of democracy. We need to continue to have conversations with people and inform them of what Project 2025 will do to our country. Do we want a Democracy or a Dictatorship???
The modern idea of the rights of the people from being oppressed by their king/government is 809 years old. Even Bad King John had to yield to the "will of the people". Our Supreme Court has forgotten that the Magna Carta forced the King to abide by the Rule of Law. They believe that an elected public servant now has the right to be immune from crimes committed while in office. This is contrary to 800 years of Anglo-Saxon legal precedent. That is a BIG DEAL!
At the Constitutional Convention in 1788, Patrick Henry warned against the draft Constitution's provisions for the Executive. He noted that in the future a Bad Man who became President could become a King. He also criticized the power given to the minority. That a "contemptible minority can prevent the good of the majority". These provisions are plaguing us today.
What are we fighting for? A return to the Enlightenment principles of self-rule. That the best quality of life is obtained when the government and Bad Men are constrained from interfering and oppressing the individual.
Today we are faced with a conspiracy of oligarchs. Who have little care or concern for the rights of the people. They only care for themselves. They will spend billions to corrupt our government. And they expect a large return on their investment.