I've always had cats, although when I was little my cousins (down the street from us) had a beagle named BB and I loved that dog! In those days there weren't any leash laws and BB was as free as a bird. He would come over to our house every Saturday at noon, because that is when my grandmother would have steak for lunch, and BB wanted his. He would sometimes spend the night, sleeping on my legs and baying at the moon through my bedroom window.

I've had several cats in my (almost) 73 years. The one we have now is 12 years old and we didn't know it when we adopted him, but he was feral. When we first got him he would scratch us and bite us mercilessly, in fact we almost brought him back to the shelter! But we kept him and he turned out to be all right. He'll never be affectionate, and he still tries to bite us every so often, but I know he loves us in his own way.

One cat I had for 20 years, when I was much younger, was what I call my "soul cat". My daughter found him as a stray when she was six years old, and my mother decided to keep him. He was still very much a kitten, around six or seven weeks old, but the vet said he was healthy (except for an infestation of fleas, which called for a flea dip) and he was with us for the next 20 years. I loved him and still miss him to this day. He loved us as much as any animal could. Once my mother went into the hospital for three days, and that cat grieved the whole time and refused to eat until she came home. He loved people food, especially spaghetti. Every time we had spaghetti for dinner we'd put a plate down for him and he would just lap it up, then look up at us with a little spaghetti moustache! He also liked tuna, as most cats do, but not plain out of the can - you had to make it tuna salad, with mayonnaise and onions. He loved that!

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Thanks for launching this thread, Steven. I pity those who have never shared their lives with dogs. Dogs taught me many things, including the meaning of unconditional love. Our 102-pound, 5-year-old Newfoundland, Gracie, follows a long line of Golden Retrievers. She’s sweet, gentle, whip-smart, always ready to play, loves swimming in the ocean (winters included), and extremely people-oriented.

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In 77 we got married.

1 cat

+4 cats. No one chased a mouse in our Massachusetts country kitchen. My father in law chided me...Doug..get a cat!

+1 Rottweiler.. wonderful dog. Saw mouse. Chased mouse. Cats watch. Cats chase mice in pack of 4. Flusher. Turner. Turner. Pipe stopper. Retrieve mouse from vertical steam pipe.

Rottweiler happy.

+3 goats. Nebuchadnezzar of BaaBaaLon. Nibby. Zeuben el Genubi

+1 Akita, Tsumani Toto, the snow queen, who was trained by the Rotty.

+1 English Mastiff. Goofy toy boy for lady Akita. Named Chopin.

+ 3 horses variable times

+1 Dogo Argentino. Rescue from LA. Gang bait dog. He got in the back seat and just slept happy. Went to South LA in 2003, where Cesar Milan..trained us!!


+1 Camel, Calvin 🐪

+1 Donkey, Twiga

+1 Rescue dog.. Gumbi.

All give unconditional love.

A note to animal lovers. Please be KIND to your Veterinarian and their staff. There is a growing shortage of both Vets and VetTechs.

Sadly, Veterinarians have one of the highest suicide rate of any profession. 😥

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We have 2 golden retrievers and they're the loves of my life. Never understood people who got emotionally attached to an animal until we got Maverick and Sparky. Maverick is obsessed with squirrels and is wise and extremely empathetic and bonded with me. Sparky's obsessed with fetching and loves to gently wrestle with our orange tabby cat, George.

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Dogs, dogs, dogs. Though since the pandemic I’m dreaming of goats, sheep, horses….in Italy. Clearly w recent election I’ll have to re-dream the locale. And at my age,

71, it will remain a dream. Thankfully I have my Muffy (shi-tzu rescue) to keep my high blood pressure in check

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Two cats now but we have had dogs also. Love our pets. They are part of the family and give us more than we give them.

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Wonderful, unifying topic! Currently I have a bossy (& way too smart) almost 13 year old Dalmatian named Stella; a goofy, idiosyncratic 12 year old Black Standard Poodle named Lulu, a 10 year old Golden Retriever named Abby who is all sweetness and affection; a 16 year old demanding Chihuahua named Layla who, typical for that breed, doesn’t seem to see herself as tiny. She actually chased a bear that was walking by our cabin in Northern California. Thankfully, the bear was indifferent to the assault — I nearly passed out! History: The Dalmatian was the original then a dear friend asked me to take Lulu because he couldn’t handle a puppy in his 3rd floor condo. She was a year old. The others two dogs I ended up with because their owners had health issues and asked me to “temporarily” babysit. Yeah, right. 7 years later they’re still here. They walk me 3 miles each day so I guess I owe them. I also have two cockatiels, one who is 23 years old and the other who is 12. Our cat is around 17. She was abandoned in the Sierras when she was a kitten and has been with us ever since. I identify with them as personalities, not as dogs, cats or birds. They all are unapologetic beggars. Can’t figure out why…..

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Never having a dog growing up, l was very reluctant at first. Someone we knew was giving away puppies and that became our first. She was a loveable, friendly

Terrier mix who developed allergies, was epileptic and diabetic. I had to learn to give her insulin shots every day. At 7 pushed went into a diabetic coma and died in the vets office. The next day we went to the north shore animal league and adopted a tiny black puppy. What was supposed to be a medium size dog lending up 120 pounds and a great lovable watch dog. When she was 10 we again adopted a three month Samoyed , who was a complete sweetheart. Unfortunately she was diagnosed wrong and died at 7/ from Cushing disease. After losing 2 within 2 years l was finished with dogs until my grandchildren and parents moved in the a coockerpoo Till she had to be put to sleep at 141/2 she also became my dog. After her passing we adopted a dog that was given away at 2. She is a mini golden doodle who so so scared and nervous. She is now six. My husband and l are in our 80’s now and she is the smartest and lovable dog. She is keeping up young and active

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We’ve had five dogs, one we gave away a sweet German Shepherd that just grew too big, a yellow mutt Fresca she was the neighborhood Alpha, back when we lived out in the sticks, she enforced her reign by going straight for the testicles…the next one was a stray we founded out by the Burbank airport, Dizzy because she chased her tail and also ran around our condo like a lunatic, then when we got a house we got Whisky named for her terrier brindle coat, she was so good! All of those lived to be 15. Now we have Ella, a rescue from Bakersfield, half Chihuahua half Rat Terrier, by far the smartest. To keep her company we got a cat Max from the shelter. He’s all cat even though he spent his whole life with Ella.

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Dachshunds...and my pet chickens.

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I’ve got one dog named Dude! He’s the first dog/pet I’ve had on my own, even though I did grow up with them. I grew up with a golden retriever (my first dog) and 2 German shepherd mixes. When I was 16 I started dog sitting for family and friends and that’s really where my love affair began. I wanted a dog for years, but it was never the right time. Then in 2021, it was finally the right time and I found the most amazing puppy! He is truly the sweetest dog and he is beloved by everyone that knows him. We get stopped all the time when we’re out on walks because he’s always so happy and wagging his tail which makes people happy! I feel so lucky to have found such a great dog, but I think we’re also a perfect match 🐶❤️. His birthday is coming up on thanksgiving and my little turkey turns 2. They’re truly the best.

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Fargo, our fourth retired racing Greyhound, completes our home and provides us with endless laughter and joy. I love all dogs, especially the rescue kind.

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I'm a total dog nut and am on my 10th dog rescue as an adult. The most recent girl is a pure bred rough coat collie (yes, a rescue!) named Loulou and she is the most athletic animal I've ever had. She runs like greased lightning if only a pal will give chase and she could beat a greyhound (probably). At my age (73) I was reluctant to get a puppy--it's a lot of work and there's always the concern about "what if...". My husband and I gave it a lot of thought. Besides, we also have another rescue smooth coat collie, who seemed pretty bored and still spends most days on the couch. Loulou challenges him to play, but he isn't very interested. Anyway, I am glad we took the plunge and brought the puppy home. She is now about 15 months and full of fun and a completely sweet partner for all of us. thanks for asking...

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You may have heard a audio used in reels about white women being fearless, adopting pit bulls, putting sweaters on them... Well one of mine doesn't wear a sweater, he wears a harness and is my Service Dog, the other wears anything as long as it's comfortable.

I've had rescued "pit bull" crosses for about 28 years now, plus a couple of demented chihuahuas who passed away ages 18 & 21. Contrary to stories you'll hear my big dogs are highly intelligent, loving, devoted, quick to train and goofballs who snooze their way through life with one eye open ready for fun.

Bobby knew over 300 commands and woke me up training his replacement to open and close kitchen cupboards at 3am.

Jake slept down my back so I couldn't roll over if the power went out. A woman kicked him in the head at the grocery store screaming he was going to eat her children, he wasn't even looking at them.

Doodle is an goofy sneak, always looking for someone's hand to lick or child to wink at, he gets really sad if I don't let him greet his friends and everyone is his friend.

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Boxers...the court jesters of the dog world.

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You asked for animals other than dogs, but first I must say nothing compared to the 2 Shelties I have had-#6 on the doggie IQ list. They had a larger vocabulary than many people I have met. They are beautiful dogs, loving and loyal.

But I have a bunny story. My young daughter and I passed by the window of a pet store and saw a miniature grey bunny, went inside at her request, and she fell in love with it. It even came with registered papers. Oh, please, Mommy, can we get it? Please, please, I'll take care of it by myself, I promise, please Mommy. Well, how does Mommy deny that? We made a big 4 corner chicken wire cage in the basement for it. It used a cat litter, had toys, and decided a little ball of yarn was its mate !

Sometimes, we took it all outside and placed it over a patch of clover. But then, a problem. She was allergic to it. The whites of her eyes tripled in size while the pupil stayed the same, scaring me to death, and 20 sneezes in a row. I knew she was allergic to cats, can't to this day even go in a house that has had a cat. But a bunny? So, guess who took care of it the rest of its life!!

When little, I had one of those small turtles with a flag on its back, but those were outlawed.

Saw a card once with a cartoon like dog on the front. Inside, it said, Every year you're not buried in the yard is a good year.

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My two dogs were relinquished from the same home 11 years ago when we became a family. Gracie is sweet, loves everyone, and loves to eat. My chubby, chubby girl! Kimba is a small, fluffy, Pom mix. Fierce protector of all she surveys and barks in response to anything that concerns her. Comes to my side and licks my nose when she senses my frustration-or I am vocal about it. All 10 pounds. They have my whole heart.

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As a child, it took me 11 years of begging to get a dog. She came from the dog pound & was just incredibly sweet- I still remember crying while I was in grad school at university of Hawaii because my mom said they had to put her down.  I had fish and turtles quite regularly as a kid. Either they were weak or I was a lousy pet parent as they often an early demise.  Because of travel, I don’t have a dog tho someday I would like another one- my daughter raised gerbils off & on for years in elementary school. She would sell them to the pet shop owner or exchange for money or food. 

Recent years, I’ve had beta fish. They usually last about three years.  unfortunately, about a year ago the latest one met a terrible fate when a mouse got it.  There was a dead mouse with a distended stomach on the floor of my kitchen and no fish in the bowl.  I had never seen a mouse anywhere near my house, but this one evidently decided to come in and look for lunch. I love cats but I have a lot of plants.  if anyone can suggest a cat that doesn’t eat plants let me know!!

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I was always a dog lover. We got our present pup 12 years ago. A rescue that was so traumatized by someone (who looked like me, apparently) that I’ve pet her twice in the dozen years she’s been with us. As a result, my wife has 2 cats and a dog. (I’m not a cat person — too allergic. I’ve sneezed through 35 years together.)

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When I lived in Tanzania I had An African Grey parrot who was rescued from the captive Congo trade. "Noah" could not tolerate being covered up at night. First time I saw him demonstrate associating a word with action I was amazed. Anyone doubt9ng this look up "Alex the Parrot" in YouTube!

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Been a dog person up until three years ago when we saved three kittens whose mother had died. We could put all three in the palm of you hands. Of course, they grow up (we had planned to give two of the back to the shelter and keep the Calico, but you know how that goes - we kept them all, and we already had a big tom - all fixed) and now they rule to house. Of course, we still have our five dogs - two multi-breed rescues, two pedigree Border Collies and a pedigree miniature Maltese. Oh, and our love bird just reminded me she is here as well. We've had her for two years, but we lost her mater last year and we were afraid we might lose her as well - they are not good loners (they said - but I don't know they), but she greets us and all the animals everyday and seems to be happy.

You may say we love animals. We actually built a small cat house on our back porch where they can go in and out of the house to do their business and eat, and all of the dogs sleep in the house, but we have a great back yard where they stay most of the time. We love them all and they all love us, unconditionally. It's fun to watch their individual personalities. They all have one and they are all special. Of course, the Border Collies are smarter than most people I know, and they have little patience with ignorance. A real challenge.

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We currently have a 4 year old mini Australian Shepherd named Sheila. She is our 6th dog in 50 years and she has the largest personality. She loves to watch TV, especially animated movies and commercials.

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Dogs have owners, but cats have servants. Zoe has us wrapped around her paws. A rescue, she’s not overly affectionate but will try to snuggle on her own terms. 17 years young, she’s lived in 4 houses, 6 apts, gone on long car trips from Florida to Maine and back several times. And she can still run up and down spiral staircases. Unlike me. She rules.

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My first pet was about a dozen silk warms kept in shoe box and fed with fresh mulberry leaves, my father fetched every morning. Watched them forming a silk cocoon, then butterfly coming out of it and laying eggs for the following spring. It was an amazing cycle. Didn’t keep the eggs, one season was enough. A canary, cat, fish, dog followed up.

Currently, have no pet; when I retire will get a dog again.

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I was named after a dog, a cocker spaniel named Jeanie with the light brown hair. So I come by my love of dogs naturally. My older son says I’m fickle and love all different breeds. I especially love goldens, boxers, basenjis, but now I have a yellow lab named Thor. His uncle, Che, got me through 2016 - the loss of my husband and my country. I can’t imagine living without one!

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Stray dogs followed me home from school & then would disappear that night. So of course I was shocked to learn much later in life that my dad took them & left them near a farm. A kind lady gave me a puppy when my kids were little & then we got another dog & a “tom cat” who did run away on its own. Today I have my own dog to keep me company & both kids also have dogs that are valued members of their families.

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Malamutes are the best, by far.

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I’ve had 5 cats during my adult years - 3 males (Eliot, Ness & Spenser) & 2 females (Lucy & Penny). I adopted all but 1; my 3rd cat, Lucy, adopted me. 😊 All were my fur babies. The last, Penny, was part of the package deal when I married my husband 5 years ago. Want me? Gotta take my cat, too! 😄 Lucy died a year into our married life. I missed her terribly. A year and a half ago we adopted a rescue dog that came up to DE after the February 2021 ice storms in TX. My husband had been wanting a dog for a long time. He was filming for local TV the arrival of these animals. One of the first crates off the plane contained a German Shepherd, with whom he made eye contact. 🤷🏼‍♀️ A text message followed with a picture asking if we could get a dog. How could I say no? Rumor is part of our family and we love her dearly. She’s a bundle of nervous energy, with a big bark that can scare the bejeebers out of you. She likes walks, playing with her many toys, and is a great travel companion. That said, I’d still like to have a cat. 😄

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We love dogs but don't have the space or time for them. We adore cats. We've had our grumpy old man, Buddy, for 15 years. Sometimes he is horrible to my spouse and attacks him. Last March, my beloved aunt died, so we took in her calico cat, Stella. Stella is a sweetheart. She's adjusted well. When Buddy hisses at her, she gives him a terrific side eye.

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