Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

It’s voting turnout. Everything flows from voting. If we get our base to turn out we win every time.

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That would help my primary focus as well. I’m sure the voters, if given the fair opportunity to vote, would decide the right path on all of these important issues.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Voting rights, that’s ground zero. Get the John Lewis Voting act back to the floor.

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The biggest issue of our times is the growing power of the unethical, often criminal, unscrupulous, bad faith, cynical politicians--worldwide--who take advantage of gullible, ignorant and irrational citizens. A large percentage of the world's population. They are easily fooled. There is a commonality of purpose and message of Putin and his admirers in the US and EU. See the common messages on RT.com and the Trumpers. Read Browder. The bad guys have nukes. Unless the world has ethics and accountability at its foundation, no good faith commerce or fair political negotiation can exist. We live in perilous times for humanity.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Our lawmakers have been corrupted by power and money...enact term limits and eliminate PACs and any other sources of dark money...

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Thank you, all, for the thoughtful comments. I’m always nourished by your considered opinions.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

If I had a magic wand and could change one thing in the world, I would connect every human being physically and emotionally. Anyone who inflicted pain on someone would feel the exact same pain they inflicted. If they shot someone, they would feel the steel rip through their flesh and feel the terror knowing they were about to die. If they inflicted sadness, they would feel that sadness. If they inflicted humiliation, they would feel that humiliation. How long would we tolerate the evils of this world if we all felt the results of those evils? How many Trillions of dollars would be available because we were not buying weapons? How long would it be until we would have peace on Earth?

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

jeez...I was simply going to say "climate change", but yours encompasses an empathetic premise that would self-regulate a multitude of ills. Bravo for going big!

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

To my mind, there is one foundational issue that has to be resolved if we are to have a hope of fixing all the other problems, each of momentous weight, that you list. That issue is education. It is the bedrock upon which any civilized society must hope to build.

A sound educational system would cut through the hegemony of religious superstition by allowing rational thought to prevail. How else are we to have a hope of addressing the climate crisis, democracy and voting rights, the gun violence epidemic, racism, the hostility to science, disinformation, radical extremism, a broken Congress, poverty and inequality? The list goes on and on.

But how do we begin to fix the issue of a broken educational system? Tinkering around the edges is not going to do it: there has to be a foundational shift. For a start education (and healthcare) should not be treated as commodities for sale, but as basic human rights.

A digression, if only a slight one: is it any wonder that the Republican agenda is to cut funding for public education? Well, that agenda depends on having a barely literate army of workers who are only fit to work in factories and fight wars.

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It always goes back to education.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Voting rights & election integrity because all other rights flow from that. Democracy & our country's foundation cannot be trusted to the GOP any longer. Once the citizens have trust in the process (again), a functioning gov't can address other concerns. Unfortunately, Dems have squandered (IMO) too much time infighting & scattershot problems. It is the message AND the messengers.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Getting Trump out of the limelight and out of politics. We are at an extremely dangerous level in our politics with all the MAGA endorsed ppl running for office. There needs to be tougher criteria to meet other than being a citizen. We cannot have republicans in majority bc our democracy will die if they are. I’m not sure how many warnings we need but we have to stop the games and get real serious on what’s happening to our country.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Vast income inequality, which underlies so many other societal problems (hunger, homelessness, social unrest, etc.).

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

I would outlaw the lobbying!

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

I would remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as possible by ramping up carbon sequestration technology on all emitting industries. Secondly as I did in my novel Heat Wave, I would ban all coal burning for energy. Can't get rid of gas at the same time but coal is the low hanging fruit. Ban it. Now.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

I would remove the threat to Ukraine and the world of Putin's war. It is an immediate danger, obscuring others. Please join in visualizing a shield of protection surrounding Ukraine, along with all other efforts of protection. Thank you.

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They’re all important; top for me is ending gun violence. I set up my own initiative; and I draw from existing groups working on this issue, plus the book The Violence Project which I will start reading soon. We are perhaps the worst country in the world on this issue. It shakes me to the core each time I hear of a new incident. This has to STOP !!!

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Legal Requirement to vote, without impediment. Democracy depends on the vote.

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Homelessness…I would make homelessness vanish across the country. How you say? A rough spitballing draft:

Incentivize business with the means to build affordable housing to actually do it. Let us not kid ourselves, nothing moves the needle like the bottom line. So we need a financial offer they can’t refuse. I just heard about an investment fund that wants to put resources into climate change. Well what if there were a fund that was devoted to business and programs that move people off the street? Then remove the red tape, laborious rules, regulations and procedural roadblocks in front of people who would participate in programs to get them off the street. Targeted effective funded programs for those in need of mental health help. Once off the street a homeless person who wouldn’t leave their belongings on the street now becomes an employable worker, a job being something that must be mandatory. Which can address the employment conundrum of too many jobs and not enough people to fill them. Mandatory voter registration and voting. Which should be a condition of citizenship anyway. Voting should be the same as a D.L. and seatbelt laws, auto liability insurance and all of the other mandatory things all Americans must do. Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle, even the toughest of the toughest Hells Angels wear a helmet..why? It’s the law! But I digress..The point is you change a persons whole dynamic when you put a roof over their head and the key to the door into their hand. And there must be follow up contact to confirm they are doing well and not slipping. Too often people are left without follow up and a down slide can ensue. But done right, things like self respect, self confidence, brighter outlook can be reimagined. Self loathing, depression, low self esteem can be melted away. All of a sudden the possibilities become way more possible..maybe…

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Healthcare and reasonable drug prices. Get the lobbyist out of politics. If people are healthy then they can work and support themselves

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I would work first to house every woman, child and veteran that is homeless, providing everything they need to get clean and survive. This is a national disgrace

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

If only allowed to address one issue, I would fix the problem of a Congress that is unable to move forward and is entrenched along party lines. I would impose term limits, fix the campaign finance system, only allowing a fixed amount, and would have minimum education and background requirements for anyone who wants to run for Congress (as do most employers). Fixing this system would allow for the resolution of the other issues that need to be addressed by an intelligent group of people with an actual interest in accomplishing things for the greater good.

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None of the problems listed can be addressed unless there is a Democratic majority in Congress. Since there is rampant voter suppression in many states, we must focus on getting out the vote.

Even if you live in a state that is securely blue, you can sign up to write postcards to voters in other states, and participate in phone banks and text messaging efforts.

Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk!

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We are in a race against time so it would have to be voting rights.

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Voting rights. If we can fix that, we can tackle the rest of the problems.

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