Steven, while my views mirror yours, I find that I can reach more of those who do not see the dangers of a Trump election by posting my views on platforms like FB, IN and Instagram. While I still post on Substack I feel like I am “talking to my hand”, we need to reach those who are followers and friends on social sites where they might take a minute or two away from a game or gossip or column about their industry.

I am not trying to reach anyone who is hard right or hard left, I want those whose minds can be influenced in the direction of keeping our Democracy.

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Keep it up, Steven.

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I post on FB, but basically preaching to the choir. I hope my FB friends will share on their pages as they might have more connections to trump followers than I do.

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I make my posts “Public “ not “Friends “ That way you will reach those who might think about what you are saying . Your friends will also see it.

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The problem with that on FB is that I get absolute HOARDS of friend requests from deeply Christian men of high military rank whenever I post publicly. I am not kidding nor exaggerating. Why deeply Christian generals think I have anything in common with them I have no idea. Instead I tell folks to feel free to copy and paste any points I make so their own family and friends can see them.

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Thanks for allowing nonsubscribers to participate and comment. I am a senior on a fixed income and unable to pay sadly. I do want to support what George Galloway said. That's a good idea. Target populations Trump has demonized repeating his exact words. All seniors need to hear his plans for cutting Social Security.

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Good comment about Seniors. I am one.

Here are some Twitter links for Seniors.

I often copy info and send it. Not sure if it does any good but have to try💙🇺🇸









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For decades, television and video games have been numbing people’s sensitivity to violence. It’s hard to find popular entertainment without guns involved. If people haven’t experienced life under a totalitarian regime, or struggling as a refugee, they lack the full comprehension of what life will be like under Trump and his vicious cronies. I’ve heard too many friends say glibly that it can’t be that bad, everything will work out. Other seemingly intelligent friends don’t like ether party and refuse to vote. I ask if they will leave the country if Trump wins and they just laugh. Some say they’ll move to Canada. Why do they think Canada will welcome them? I greatly fear that complacent Americans will have to find out the hard way, like the Iranians who welcomed the Ayatollah.

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The fear of fascism seems to wash over a lot of people. I wonder if the indifference would be cracked by a look at Trump’s economic policies of recent date? His tariff ideas will cost the middle class a great deal of money while making millionaires much better off. This 10% tariff he wants to place on all imports is terrible. Then he wants a flat-rate tariff instead of taxes. That is known as a regressive tax—it hits up people harder the lower their income. So for those not worried by losing their freedoms in the face of authoritarianism, perhaps a pocketbook issue will have some effect.

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To quote Chevy Chase, "I was told there would be no math."

But yeah, good point. Now we have financial advisors and we have always had the business page.

Fascism is trickier to explain, maybe this, streaming on Netflix, a real cinematic-documentary coup:


Chronicles Hitler's ascent to power, his regime's use of propaganda, censorship, and anti-Semitic policies, as well as the eventual downfall of the Nazi leadership. {More}

Back in the early 21st century I ended up with a student's assigned texts for a class on the rise of Nazism, guy lived in my building in Dinkytown / adjacent to U. of Minnesota -Twin Cities.

I read William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as a teenager because my father had the book, I had taken The Faustian Archetype in German Art, Literature and Music while in gradual school (featuring both Goethe's Faust and Doktor Faustus by Thomas Mann, the latter one of the most chilling and genius books I for one ever read, also Billiards at Half-Past Nine:


I think in psychology testing that would amount to "stimulus error," as all this and much more prior prep means I am not the usual target audience member or whatever, but for what it's worth, I enthusiastically recommend the Netflix series, it works, it's serious, it's suitably horrific and deeply moving.


0:02 / 2:37

Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth (Official Audio)

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I too started with a lengthy gradual degree involving Russia. Between the horrors of WWII and that country’s trauma (and its own infliction of same) plus British family members fighting and dying against Hitler, I ended up reading a huge amount of material. I read Shriver repeatedly. It is so painful to see the details of Hitler’s rise mirrored in Trump. I read all those who work on authoritarianism including Anne Applebaum, Masha Gessen, Bill Browder, Ruth Ben-Ghiat and more. The first has raised many concerns about the similar details between Trump and Hitler.

I have been amazed over the past ten or twenty years by how many Russians would tell you Stalin was a swell guy.

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My Volga German grandparents endured Russian wrath in the late 1800s before moving here; so much parallels Ukraine's experience. Like you, I have found out lots that I think I'd rather not know, but which is important for our times.

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It will take facing the facts and exposing lies to the non-cultists. Unashamedly and courageously, with knowledge, responsibility and control.

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Who knew old-fashioned "virtue ethics" has traction? Us I guess.

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I count myself as a disenfranchised former Republican, but a part of the greater independent block that decides elections(hopefully as a group we will). I’m not one who follows conspiracy but the rise of American fascism sure looks like it was planned over multiple years. The NRA preached armed America to help fight off an “unjust over reaching government”. Right wing media continues to polarize and anger half a country now hell bent on retribution on those preached to their listeners/viewers to perceive as their enemies. An entire political party disgracefully and cowardly bowing to someone they would have laughed off 20 years ago. America is ripe for a move to fascism! If America is going to be saved, it will be the voices speaking here, along with others who need to be heard loudly. It’s time for realistic projections of what America will look like over the next fifty years under Trumpism. I say fifty years and not four because fascism once full unleashed on American soil will never give up power peacefully. That’s the message!

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The USA helped pull Europe out from under Hitler and Mussolini but who will rescue us?

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November is crucial in preventing this from happening. MSM needs to start believing and worry that they will be the first to go. Start shining a light on what’s being said and promised and keep repeating that message. Take a page from RWM, repeat (the truth) over and over again. Present scenarios to the American public. Roe V. Wade being overturned is only the beginning to what will be an erosion of rights. Right now the only guaranteed rights will remain with “citizens united” ensuring dark money privilege and the second amendment which is the only one that matters anymore.

To answer your question, no one, we need to rescue ourselves

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I think the GOP rise has been over 40 years. Jim Jordan is a McCarthy clone.

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I am reminded of Martin Niemöller's "The Danger of Indifference". We humans tend to be more reactive than proactive. We tend not to realize what we have to lose until we have lost it.

I focus on your second paragraph. You posit a series of questions which folds neatly into Niemöller's lament. So long as "I" am not affected, what is all the fuss about? Yet, once affected (captured), they cannot wrest free from the tyranny that now holds them captive. Too late to react at that point.

I consider the MEDIA to be a great fault, the epicenter, of so much of Trumpian tyranny and treachery. It appears, at least through my eyes, the MEDIA is more intent on broadcasting Trump's buffoonery without criticism, all the while fussing about Joe Biden's age and missteps. Video clips from Trump's latest rally reveals a man who is totally incoherent. Yet, his audience cheers him on. That audience is the 33%, the percent that put Hitler in office and into power. I realize there is a delicate balance between overstating and understating, but the MEDIA must find that fine line and follow it. Hopefully, we will come through this scarred but not mortally wounded.

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Well said sir

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Thank you. Much appreciated.

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From where I sit, as a Democrat, our party messaging needs to stop being nice. We are the little kids who try to kill a bully with kindness when they need a good ass-kicking. Look at who president biden kept as AG? Garland has been an abject failure. A milquetoast. Unless it's against Hunter Biden. On both sides, I see apathy, disinterest and just plain, "let someone else do the heavy lifting. I want to drink my whatever and watch home improvement shows." However, that being said, I'm scared to really speak out because I just don't know if I or my family will be that next target. So I quietly speak my piece to those who want a good discussion but avoid those who are rabid MAGA. I want to hope the indifference isn't ignorance. The apathy is only a mask. If people truly are indifferent and apathetic, they will wake up on Jan 21 to a country they chose by their indifference. Then we have the right to say, "sucks, doesn't it? It's your fault." And I truly believe the cult followers of MAGA will really suffer the cost of their devotion. They just don't know it yet.

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I agree that the messaging from Democrats has been ineffective. They have let the GOP take control of the national narrative. The Dems' ads are repetitive and generic, sort of like paint-by-numbers. Biden and Harris put out nice social media messages about their accomplishments every day, but I'm afraid these don't reach or influence all those "silent majority" voters out there in middle America. We need to make more of a national impact. I would like to see the Dems invest a chunk of their substantial war chest to bring together the most creative minds from advertising and Hollywood. Come up with some compelling but realistic "mini-movies" involving regular people (portrayed by top-notch actors), use the best Hollywood production values, and distribute widely across national mainstream media outlets. Reclaim the national narrative about what Democrats stand for, and hit hard on the tangible consequences of electing the GOP. The whole national messaging strategy should embody the phrase "a rising tide lifts all boats."

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When I watched this documentary, this quote stayed with me because it feels like this is what people might be thinking now...

Renee Firestone, The Last Days: The story of the Holocaust and Hitler's reign:

"People wondered how is it that we didn't do something - we didn't run away, we didn't hide - well - things didn't happen at once - things happened very slowly - so each time a new law came out - or a restriction - we said, well just another thing - it will blow over."

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I think I heard this from Scott Galloway who said to let young men know that pornography will be criminalized.

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Since I have a disappointing variety of issues regarding my East coast relatives:

1)- Raised in Catholic schools who perhaps did not teach classes about the function and operations of our US Democracy system.

2)-Listen ONLY to Conservative propaganda.

3)-One is a very wealthy commercial Realtor who lives not far from where our Colorado Justice Gorsuch moved in after appointed; and sent me a pic at Thanksgiving of the dinner table loaded with opened and unopened Trump wine bottles!

4)-One lives near Bedminster.

All except one have NO clue about the Truth and danger of Trump.

For Months once or twice a week,

I attempted to share info about our systems and dangers Trump represents and resources. They don’t want to read them and are apparently unhappy with me now.

I can’t give up. I am waiting until after Father’s Day to try another strategy.

I did share on news about Hunter Jury decision and Biden accepting the verdict and saying he will not pardon his son ( my motive being to contradict the Republican lies about the Justice system) and told him this would make my cousin happy- (but without saying so this is proof Repubs are wrong).


5)-You asked about solutions.

Combatting indifference (ignorance) perhaps with repeated concrete examples and even docu-dramas depicting our lives under a dictatorship and loss of Democracy?

6)-As for combatting Indifference of the very wealthy who are aware who apparently believe their wealth will protect them…? Perhaps they need to understand just how much wealth they will be forced to sacrifice to gain favor with a Dictator who will also destroy out of ignorance and greed —our economy? How to convince them? Constant communication?

Thanks for this somewhat cathartic experience…!

God Bless and Help us all.


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Wow, you are the proverbial "adult in the room"!

I enjoy staying in touch with my musical rock and roll / blues roots, but unfortunately you can't run a complex modern society facing global ecocide through art and music only.

You're doing the right thing.

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The media needs to have non stop coverage of what President Biden & Trump did in office and what they have planned for our country. This should include facts, proof & video. No more both sides coverage of reality vs what people believe or feel.

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In the intervening time, other cruel and senseless things have happened.trump had protestors gassed in front of the church so he could hold the Bible upside down. Told Gen. Kelly that Gen. Milley should be executed. Wanted BLM protestors shot. Looters, trespassers killed. Assured corporate bigwigs he would again lower their taxes. Rand Paul says we must get rid of soc sec. Gaetz calls for a flat 5 or 10% tax rate. The Supreme Court is unbelievably considering giving a president complete immunity. And the list goes on.

An example on social media was junior taking stitches out of his knee, and Neanderthal woman in a bathing suit.

I ask people to vote Democrat. Typical answe-trump will lower gas to $1.80. Man willing to trade democracy for a gallon of gas.

I hate reading X, but I answer comments often. Anti trump ones get few likes. People interviewed say they would die for him. One young pretty thing said she would walk over I forget what through a house on fire.

Felony convictions have made.little impact. Even Republicans who are not in line with trump say they will vote for him. Few people read newspapers, so even if they were truthful, would make little difference. So many seemingly smart people otherwise, are ignorant. I had to explain what D Day was to one. $ going to private schools. One county in FL has banned the dictionary!!

Not continual helpful campaigning by DNC.Most news about stumbling, forgetful old Biden. One only picture of trump needing help getting out of car.

No way to predict outcome, but we're in trouble.

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What has lost its sway among tens of millions of Americans is the idea that the Democratic Party will fundamentally improve their material conditions. While you see them as dangerously indifferent to the risk of losing our democracy, they perceive the Democratic Party as coldly indifferent the their hunger (49% of Americans now report that they regularly skip meals in order to pay the rent), or their living chronically on the edge of economic despair. “Let’s finish the job” is hardly the message we should be giving to people who feel every day as if they are drowning. THOSE are the tens of millions of voters whose indifference you don’t understand.

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Marianne, are you aware of this organization? I love their messaging!


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I agree. The Democratic Party needs to speak in a more empathetic, granular way. Young adults are especially hard to reach without an authentic, specific message.

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You are spot on correct! No American should ever go to bed hungry and I agree that is an abomination. However, if tens of million are indifferent to what is happening then the messaging on the part of the Democratic Party is weak or non existent. If these fellow citizens live in despair now, maybe they are not being educated to exactly what despair they will be subjected to.

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Thanks so much for terminating your campaign for president! Biden needs every vote he can get to stop the US slide into fascism.

3rd party candidates are partially responsible for the election of George W Bush and tRump, a corrupt and rogue SCOTUS that has now caused women to lose their reproductive rights, and many, many other devastating consequences.

Until we have ranked choice voting, 3rd party candidates will only encourage the tyranny of the GQP minority.

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I’m doing what I can on the socials, talking one on one with conservative friends and my own Substack. The biggest obstacle is the near unshakable belief that this is a “Christian Nation” and all problems will be solved if we follow the “Word of God”. It’s a tightrope discussing epistemology without damaging friendships.

It’s amazing to me how many friends and relatives I have who love me, and who I truly love, who are convinced my agnosticism will consign me to hell.

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Hello Steven. I believe that we must resource the organizers already on the ground, the community organizers working in their own neighborhoods, the non-profits with staff on the streets talking to and serving people. The communities in swing states should be the focus of course. Provide these folks the resources they need especially staff salaries. These ground troops know the truth about what is happening and that minimizing external threats by voting is an answer. Community organizers and non-profits know what the local issue are and have already built trust. The threat to democracy can be articulated by these people to those who have always been most impacted by a culture that does not serve them. Obama had a winning system. There are ways of making change that can work - people are doing it every day in our communities - they need more help .. that's what we can do. Like many of your readers I am terrified by what has been unfolding in our country, too much of the time it seems hopeless. We must embrace hope, the kind that energizes and sustains us and we do that by having a plan. I tell myself "ok, when Trump loses we have our work cut out for us. We have never had a fair and equitable society and we must build one based on plans originated in community.

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