Two years ago on this day, Russian military forces invaded Ukraine. In the early months, Vladimir Putin’s brutal pursuit was on full display, filling the news programs, shocking the conscience with its savagery, binding Americans and our Western allies with the need to stand by Ukraine and its courageous president Volodoymyr Zelensky to help save their democracy and independence. When an early plan was plotted to assist Zelensky’s evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, he memorably stated, “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”
President Joe Biden’s ability to pull together NATO and American support has been inspiring, gaining the commitment for Russian sanctions, leading to the expansion of NATO and, in the U.S. case, contributing more than $75 billion to Ukraine’s defense efforts. He and Zelensky succeeded in motivating American will, to make Ukraine’s bloody war America’s cause; they helped Americans understand and care for the Ukrainian peoples’ democratic impulse and their determination to maintain their territorial integrity in the face of a Russian aggressor that to date has sacrificed more than 350,000 of its own soldiers to serve Putin’s violent ambitions.
In those early months, Biden emphasized that America was not acting alone: “For months, we’ve been building a coalition of partners representing well more than half of the global economy.” And Zelensky highlighted why his country’s war was not theirs alone: “This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules and peaceful coexistence.”
But as the war has continued to grind on with no clear end in sight, the death toll and destruction mounts, the on-the-ground news reports dwindle and pro-Putin Republicans chip away at American resolve, the American public’s commitment (and its notoriously short attention span) has begun to wane. In August 2022, 24 percent of Americans said the U.S. was doing too much. Now 41 percent say that, with a major jump in this attitude just since June of 2023 (from 29 to 41 percent). That resistance to do more includes 62 percent of Republicans and just 14 percent of Democrats, according to the Gallup poll released in November.
The refusal thus far of Republicans in Congress to pass an additional aid package of $60.7 billion, as Ukraine’s ammunition supply shrinks, raises serious questions about what the future holds—and not just for Ukraine. As Zelensky summarized early in the war, "If Putin does not pay the price for his death and destruction, he will keep going. And the costs to the United States—along with our NATO Allies and partners in Europe and around the world—will rise."
In the first weeks of Russia’s invasion, I wrote about the “abject depravity that motivates the Butcher of Moscow” and the “utter polarity between the world that many of us long to build and the hateful violence that drives someone like Vladimir Putin.” I was encouraged then that the democratic impulse and the bravery of the Ukrainians and its leader would sustain American support. I still anticipate that more support will emerge after the Congressional reluctance and despite the Trump-inspired Putin backers.
But what does the current climate tell you? What would it say if America forsakes Ukraine? And what do you think could be the long-term consequences if America doesn’t stay involved and Russia refuses to end its exhausting war of attrition?
As always, I look forward to reading your comments and the opportunity for this community to hear from each other. Do know that trolling or other disrespectful remarks will not be permitted.
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*Photo from Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on Feb. 22, 2024, by Narciso Contreras/Anadolu via Getty Images.
It makes me very angry that ONE ultra "christian" speaker of the house can refuse to present the Ukraine aid package for a vote and then COWARDLY call a house recess. Too many times lately we have seen ONE person or a MINORITY hold up bills that the American voters want.
"St. Michael" learned well from Mitch when the latter was Senate Majority Leader and pulled unimaginable (to those with any sense of ethics) underhanded tricks to get his way.
McConnell has done more to destroy our democracy than any other single person. He is a shameful example to all of us, and needs to be gone from government.
Be careful what you wish for. Odds are the next one won’t be better. This is the state that sent Thomas Massie & James Comer to the House and Rand Paul to the Senate.
I agree about Mute Mitch & his girlfriend Lyndsay! THEY are just as guilty as Thump, if not more! Because those guys knew better and still supported him! Where is their accountability??! ✌️💙
He is afraid of being ousted like McCarthy. Meanwhile, this supposed Christian will allow thousands to die and Democracy to destroyed. What is Christian about that?
The most Ultra Christian was Jesus Christ and he weren’t up in heaven at the right hand of his Father celebrating Eternal Christmas he would be down here on Earth fighting for Ukrainian Democracy. And one day he will return and restore Democracy to his most precious Slavs and smite the evil Russians.
Plus the fact that he holds prayer sessions in the middle of the House of Representatives!!! THAT is as UN AMERICAN! We are not a Christian state! the Founders FIRST Amendment says separate religion and state affairs! These religious Judges and justices and representatives and Senators and Governors that we have all have to go or their churches have to start paying taxes period.
I would despair for our country. I would say that we have forsaken our ideals and have doomed democracy and freedom around the world. What happens in Ukraine has such major implications, and the Trump/MAGA forces don’t care because they want to end democracy.
No one is lining to themselves. Ukraine needs to continue the fight to stay democratic. Would you rather they stop, argue to amend their bylaws, set up a vote (how), you know Russians will be on the ballot and people will be killed trying to get to the voting booths. And yes I read the article. You just conveniently missed some parts. Maybe we should supply them with what they need so they can finally end this war and have their election safely.
Ukrainian legislation bans elections during martial law that has been in place since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022. The country would need to amend the law if it decided to hold the vote.
Under Ukrainian law when martial law is declared suspension of elections are legal.
"Ukrainian legislation bans elections during martial law that has been in place since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022. The country would need to amend the law if it decided to hold the vote."
No where did the article mention taking people off the streets and sending them to the front.
Solid points, but the folks cheering on this pointless bloodbath in Ukraine aren't worried about freedom and democracy, nor are they worried about the people of Ukraine (whose youth are being slaughtered wholesale), nor are they worried about the people of Russia and they are even less concerned about what's good for America. Their tribal loyalties lie elsewhere, and they nurse an ancient ethnic hatred towards slavic people. They like to dress their exhortations up in the language of liberty and justice, but it's all bunk, as can be easily seen when you scrape the bottom of their ridiculous rationalizations and they reply by simply doubling down on their demands.
Unfortunately, that hateful violence has found a sympathetic audience here in the US. That, and the greed for power and money on the part of many in the Republican Party, is showing the rest of the world that we are untrustworthy and can be bought. As much as I miss my parents (my Dad was a WWII veteran), I am glad that they are not here to see this shameful turn of events.
I wish more Americans knew the history of pre-WWII America. Rachel Maddow’s “Prequel” is a recent book that tells the story of the rise of a fascist movement in the US, funded and guided by Hitler’s Nazis. US senators and congressmen used their franking privileges to distribute (on the taxpayers’s dime) propaganda urging isolationism and Christian nationalism. Democracy found no justice against these criminals in the court system. It’s an appalling story, and it mirrors what is happening today. Only entering the war effectively bled support from the movement. Many people have to experience a threat personally before they acknowledge it. This makes me very concerned.
I’ve been carrying the banner for Rachel’s book because it carefully outlines what has happened in our country and suggest history is repeating itself. It shouldn’t be that the loudest voices get all the attention, but that’s the state of MSM these days. More reasoned voices need to take control and see that anyone in Congress who has joined the Speaker, and apparently Trump too, to stonewall important aid to Ukraine should be challenged in their reelection campaigns for betraying the Constitution and contributing to creating an imbalanced World order through inaction.
There is no limit to the number of young white Southern men I’m prepared to sacrifice for Ukraine.
MAGAts want you to forget how on his deathbed George Washington held young Abraham Lincoln’s hands and said to him with tears in his eyes, “that flag that waves yonder- its fifty stars and thirteen stripes will gleam in freedom’s light but so long as the nation o’er which it waves shall defend democracy in Ukraine.”
And just as Lincoln fought the Nazis of the Confederacy and Roosevelt fought the Axis of Trumpers, so too must we all be willing to give all to restore the 1991 borders of Ukraine, if not restore the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Intel in the mid-1960s. Two uncles served in the U.S. Army during WW2. My distant paternal grandfather fought with the Virginia 9th Line during the American Revolutionary War. I share those facts because I believe my family, like so many others, can lay claim for our republic. Never, ever would I have believed our country would see one of our political parties become the enemy of our republic.
That Speaker Mike Johnson has become the obsequious servant to Donald Trump tells a very sad tale about our U.S. Congress and how our so-called "leaders" have compromised our country. If Ukraine fails, we will have failed the world; the democratic world. It amazes me -- stuns me -- how many people are so willing to subvert themselves to a government; and, to tyrants. If the Republican Party wins the White House this November, the average American will give witness to acts and behaviors they heretofore could not even have imagined. Those who have followed blindly the "orange" tyrant will soon imagine the unimaginable.
Though I served in the Air Force Reserve, I specifically remember my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the US. Supposedly every member of Congress takes this oath every two years. As does the President and Vice President. And numerous others. So why do we let these cretins get away with this stonewalling and pathetic ass-kissing the former President who has lied his way to the favor of so many voters? Time to boot them all to the side of the road and have a government that can agree on compromise to move us forward through this mess.
I hear ya! My license plate frame reads: I am a Veteran. My Oath never expires. Frankly, I fault Democrats for being too weak-kneed and cowardly. They fuss a LOT but never put their talk to the walk. I have written letters to the DNC several times. Never got a response. A friend says I am "too tough". Where the hell is their spine; their cojones?
I can't imagine anything more shameful than the U.S giving up on Ukraine. We're already holding back money that should be allocated for that country and should be sent posthaste. That's shameful in itself.
It's hard to believe so many Americans are ready to give up and let Russia take over a country that is a democracy. We never would have let this happen in any other time.
The majority of Americans are not "giving" up on Ukraine. The aid bill passed the Senate with 70 votes [when the last time any bill passed with 70 votes?] The aid bill would also pass in the House if it was brought to a vote. So, once again, a small minority of extremists led by Donald Trump, are blocking majority rule.
Yes, I get that, but to the Ukrainians it will be that the Americans are giving up on them. It doesn't matter who's holding it back--though it should matter in this country--innocent citizens are dying in Ukraine and we're sitting on money that could go to them, but isn't.
We already have one black eye for voting that man in as #45 and are working very hard to get another black eye. All of our allies are shaking their collective heads over our feckless leaders in the House. Personally, I’m done with the velvet glove approach and am all for the steel gauntlet across the faces of the obstructionists. We just seem to have gotten all tangled up in our many rules, blue slips and holds that only succeed in subverting the will of the electorate. We are being choked by all the accumulated “arcanery”(don’t jump. It’s made up)in Congress.
I couldn't agree more. I'm not ever going to be nice to Trump's people. I've given up trying to understand them. They're hateful and slimy and aren't fit to live in a society that stresses equity and equality and good will.
They are the enemy as long as they let someone as purely evil as Donald Trump dictate who they are and what they're willing to do to appease him.
Their choice, but I'm not going to try to make them comfortable while they're trying to destroy us.
I'm mortified and ashamed that the US is reneging on its pledge to help Ukraine, thanks to feckless Republicans who cave to TFG's orders. If Russia overcomes Ukraine, it will only be the beginning. Putin is already making noises about invading Poland; and if he does, Article 5 of the NATO charter obligates us to contribute more than money and arms to defend against the invasion. Of course, if Republicans are in charge, they would seemingly have no qualms about ignoring those obligations too. You're right on point to reference our notoriously short attention span. We're becoming an unreliable partner. God help us if we ever have another 9/11: who then would come to our aid?
Why say "what if"?! It is a fact that America has already foresaken Ukraine! So has Canada! Our silly PM loves a photo op but we cannot get our act together to really do what we promised! The US House is blocking our purchase of US arms to ship to Ukraine! Yes, you Americans are even blocking other countries now! Even as you are going to make the big profits and get the jobs from supplying these arms! This is beyond tragic! It is Putin and you need to catch your GOP in the act of taking orders from Putin! The CIA or the 5 Eyes MUST intercept the network of Putin and the GOP and Trump! NOW!
Fortunately you don’t speak of America, but your own frustration. At this point profit and jobs from military production are not on the radar. Unemployment remains low 3.7%.
The Senate passed an aid bill that included Ukraine. Most Americans support it and most of the Congress would vote for it. But the Speaker won’t call it up for a vote. Without funding the US cannot replenish its own stockpile. Contemplate what that means as we face more government funding deadlines & partial shutdowns on March 1st and 8th. I’ll spell it out: They are sacrificing this country, Ukraine & anyone in their path for an “orange win” in November.
- The same Congress is unlikely to vote to impeach President Biden, but the “leadership” uses false Russian “intelligence” to try. They’ll settle for the big smear and headlines.
- The same politicians and their supporting organizations claim we are not a democracy; democracy is bad & we need to do away with democratic processes. They have a plan.
- Nazis march in various cities. I expect them & similar groups to re-appear at election time.
On the legal front:
- Tennessee just enacted a law to allow any official authorized to “solemnize” marriages to refuse any couple. You can get a license but maybe not a marriage.
- The Alabama Supreme Court just ruled frozen embryos are children. A wrongful death lawsuit against a clinic for an accident that destroyed embryos paved the way for that & more.
- Continuing book bans; destruction of education and other forms of chaos.
Yes, Ukraine and a lot of other things are on our plate. If we can’t pull the chestnuts out of the fire, how will Canada greet the flood of Americans looking to escape?
Well ... a word of advice to those pondering an escape to the great white north! Avoid Quebec province! We are heading in the fascist direction via our language laws, our secularism law, our entire society in Quebec is based on language. If you are not a francophone, you are 2nd class, fewer rights, search and seizure by language police, etc. The Canadian charter rights do not apply in Quebec. Handling an asylum seeker file takes about 2 years. If you do come, head for the other provinces! We are peaceful though, compared to the US, and have firm gun laws that keep things pretty safe. The differences between the US (especially Trump US) and Canada are bigger than ever ...
It isn’t really on the table for us. I also have a disabled son who lives in Tennessee which is a concern. Besides, such an administration wouldn’t allow assets or payments like pensions to go outside the country. But people are looking at options.
Interesting about Quebec. I wasn’t aware that aside from language it was so different. Actually, my dad’s great-grandparents immigrated from La Prairie. I think their name was originally Lefebvre and became LaFave. It’s not one of the places I ever visited. I do remember coming through British Columbia several times and even back then the firearm restrictions were emphasized.
The current global climate is one of escalating tension and a chilling resurgence of authoritarian ambition. Russia's unprovoked assault on Ukraine isn't merely a regional conflict, but a litmus test for international order and the collective will to uphold the values we've fought so hard to defend. If America forsakes Ukraine, the message that echoes around the world is that aggression will be rewarded and democracy is negotiable. Authoritarians will be emboldened, and vulnerable nations seeking self-determination will face an even more precarious future. The credibility of the U.S. and its allies would be irrevocably damaged. We would witness a surrender not just of territory, but of the very principles that are essential for lasting peace and security.
The long-term consequences of American withdrawal and a Russian victory are profound and deeply troubling. A new era of instability will unfold as autocracies feel empowered to change borders with brute force, understanding that might makes right. This paves the way for increased aggression, the collapse of alliances, and a terrifying escalation of conflict. International law, the carefully built framework seeking to prevent another World War, will be meaningless. The UN Security Council will be rendered impotent, leading to a power vacuum ripe for exploitation. Russia's demonstrated disregard for human rights and the horrors already seen in Ukraine offer a glimpse into a humanitarian nightmare of displacement, atrocities and the very real threat of genocide. Global economic disruption, from energy markets to vital supply chains, will worsen, potentially fueling a worldwide economic downturn. Finally, the unthinkable looms – a cornered Russia, faced with decisive defeat, may resort to nuclear escalation, dragging the world into an era of unimaginable fear and horrific consequences.
America cannot afford to look away. It must, alongside its allies, continue to stand with Ukraine, providing the military, financial, and humanitarian aid necessary to defend itself and ultimately expel Russian forces. This isn't simply a moral imperative, it's a matter of self-preservation. Appeasement invites escalation. Standing with Ukraine is standing for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, and a rules-based order that, while imperfect, remains the best chance for ensuring a peaceful future.
Beautifully said. Such frightening times. I pray every day America comes through for Ukraine. I just cannot wrap my head around that over 1/3 of this country wants a Government more like Russia. I just can't. Especially after the death of Alexei Navalny. Don't they realize that could happen here too?!! I'll never understand in a million years. This is not the Republican Party I grew up with that's for damn sure. It's become horrendous in every way.
We sure have. Civil war?? We are already in one. A cold civil war. And have been since the day DJT walked down that escalator. Altho I'm finally beginning to understand that our Democracy has been under attack for a whole lot longer. We just need to make everybody aware that it's all on the line this year. Everything. The entire world is watching. If America falls to Trump, it's over. So don't give up. Keep the faith!!! And I do believe in God. Just not their whacked out version. 🤣
Last weekend I was inspired after Navalny died to call these 18 republican reps who have favorably supported Ukraine aid in the past to ask them to again support Ukraine funding.
This was my first calling of the 2024 “season“ and it was a great way to get started because on the weekend nobody answers the phone and you can leave a message. I left my email address instead of my phone number.
The list was posted on the Washington Post comment section, and I can vouch that every single number picked up and allowed me to leave a message. if you paste it into someplace like your iPhone Notes app, then the numbers are dialed automatically for you.
I believe they now need to be asked to do the right thing and support a ROBUST Ukraine funding bill like the $60 billion that would’ve been allocated to Ukraine from the $95 billion package the Senate passed with 70 votes to fund Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. I understand via an NPR article 3-4 days ago that another bill has been proposed in the house, and that it lowers the amount of aid to be sent to Ukraine, and then reattaches a shabby Mexico border proposal.
But here’s my imperfect script from last weekend (Gloria feel free to edit/update it!). I encourage anyone who cares and reads this to call and even repost this phone list elsewhere this weekend. Then these reps return from break to messages to “again please do the right thing”.
And maybe reinforce that they need to vote for a ROBUST Ukraine aid package, like the 60B allocation passed by the bipartisan Senate vote.
Remember to be nice!
This took me about 30 mins to call the whole list.
Hi Representative __________. My name is ________ . I want to thank you for your past support of Ukraine and European Democracy. Today I call in memory of Alexei Navalny. The least I can do with our privilege of American free speech and Democracy, is to plead that you vote for the current Ukraine funding bill. Thank you for continuing to support democracy over dictatorship at home and abroad. This is a life or death vote for Democracy and the courageous people of Ukraine and I urge you to do the right thing. Many thanks, Representative ___________.
It would prove to the world that we are not the strength of the world. That we don’t care. That there will most definitely WWIII and we (the world) will be annihilated because of some nutcases believe god did this. It’s terrifying. He MUST LOSE.
I would say that our fathers and grandfathers who fought, and the many who gave their lives, to stop fascism in Europe during WW2 would be deeply disappointed. The US turned a blind eye to the naked aggression of Hitler in the 30s and the entire world paid the price of a lengthy and bloody battle to destroy him. We cannot travel this road again. Putin has made it clear that the defeat of Ukraine will only be the beginning. His cheerleaders in this country, starting with the traitor Trump, must be soundly defeated at the polls. What has this country become, that we would turn our backs on a democracy fighting for its life against a brutal oppressor? At 71, I’m fearful that we are fighting a losing battle against the MAGA propaganda and the cowardly sycophants of the former president.
You are correct. Earlier someone mentioned Rachel Maddow’s “Prequel”, a non-fiction account of how American intransigence contributed to allowing a foreign power, then Nazi Germany, to inundate the country with fascist propaganda. There will always be people who blindly agree with this kind of stuff. It’s up to the right-thinking of us to raise the caution flag and prevent this from recurring. I fear it’s already started. But as we used to have a “silent majority”, we must now rely on the majority of voters to recognize just how dangerous Trump and his acolytes are to the future of our Democracy. “Prequel” is a must-read and enough of an eye-opener to move people to action - aka voting - to put a stop to Trump and his losers.
It would say the MAGA party has lost all common sense and decency. They need to be voted OUT of power. So ashamed of them. MOST Americans, the intelligent ones, support Ukraine.
The founders of the country promoted a democratic republic as the best form of representative government. But then, the country had an aristocracy which ran the gov't and a lot of room out west for those who wanted freedom and independence from gov't (at least in a lot of states). Even then, it could barely survive the civil war when the country was only about 80 years old. It then survived to about age 250 ish, despite decades of polarization. It was a great, historic system. It wasn't infallible. America has always been run by the rich and powerful, who fortunately had an upbringing which made them pro-American vs. purely selfish idealogues. But it was still a fragile system subject to control by malevolent forces, not only now but in decades past. Public education was a cornerstone of the country's ability to function with a common understanding of the country's history, and ideals, and respect for both. However, education has deteriorated. American oligarchs have put money over country. As Wayne LaPierre is (again) demonstrating. It wasn't about the 2nd amendment. It wasn't about individual freedom. It was about him having money and power. People sell their souls for things like money and power. Unfortunately, the American soul -- precious and powerful though it has been -- is on the auction block. And the bidders don't have the culture or dignity of those at Christie's or Sotheby's. < --- musings. hope they make sense.
'It' would say America has a bunch of idiots in the Congressional House who listen to a person? who is NOT president, has no sense of honesty, loves putin, is telling US he will turn American republic/democracy into a 1930's hitler world and, sadly, people are gushing all over him. I like Biden, will vote for him of course BUT being honest, wish, for the younger voters, Dems had a younger candidate - an Obama, a Swalwell & Val Demmings would be a great VP. Biden MUST get voice coaching- enunciate, project & keep his eyelids open and be proactive on what he has accomplished and what a demented donny presidency will mean. Thx for letting me vent.
I spent 32 years as an Air Force officer and nine of those deployed to Europe as part of NATO. If we abandon Ukraine, it will confirm my fear that America is no longer the great and honorable country I defended through most of my adult life.
Anyone who supports the R’s cowardly bending of the knee to Trump (and by extension, Putin) discredits my service and all those who have defended our beloved Constitution.
Our Constitution, and the concept of the United States of America before it, was founded on Enlightenment philosophies that the individual human should have control over his/her own life (various freedoms). And that the best government among men is self-rule, where individual freedom/rights are protected from government control. The biological equivalent is symbiosis/cooperation. Contrast that concept with total Monarchy, dictatorship and oligarchy. Where the individual is subject to the whims of the leader/government. The biological equivalent is parasitism or predation.
The maintenance of a Constitutional Democratic Republic is a choice. Irv, you chose Democracy over parasitism. Thank you for your service. Our nation is in your debt.
What would the Greatest Generation think? They fought and sacrificed against these same forces eighty years ago. They would think that Congress is made up of a bunch of candy asses. Hate to think that may be the case. Can only hope Congress gets it’s act together.
It would be a terrible thing for the US and our NATO partners and Democracies all around the world if we were to forsake Ukraine now, after 2 years of working so hard to do the correct thing and strengthen democracy in our world. I will quote your words @Steven Beschloss; and I will quote Biden's words that show the importance of our commitment to save Ukraine and thus save all of the countries who value Democracy and want to keep autocracy from ruining our world: In those early months, Biden emphasized that America was not acting alone: “For months, we’ve been building a coalition of partners representing well more than half of the global economy.” And Zelensky highlighted why his country’s war was not theirs alone: “This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules and peaceful coexistence.” It's as simple as that. God Bless America 🇺🇸
Well, one consequence would be that Russia will invade a NATO country, we will be at war, and suddenly a whole lot of what Republicans are saying will be actually treasonous.
It would say we can't be trusted. That we're ignorant and don't learn from our past mistakes or from history. That we cave in to loud-mouthed bullies who are in it for themselves and who are too stupid to see that they are being manipulated like puppets by a master liar, thug, and killer. That we saw the writing on the wall, watched the invasion of Ukraine in real-time, heard the screams, documented the rapes, kidnappings, abuses of civilians, and genocide. We were all-in in the beginning, doing the right thing, but then the foot dragging began and the American mojo to get things done slowed to a virtual halt because a very vocal minority started calling the shots. We are on the precipice of the beginning of a new world order. Unless we as a country take back the reins from the MAGAts, we can not only kiss our way of life (aka democracy) goodbye, but the world order will also shift on a seismic level the likes never seen before. There will be no place left to hide.
The foreign policy of the United States has been bad for a long time. We've supported right-wing dictators, and more recently, invaded Iraq based on a lie. With Ukraine and Taiwan, I see an opportunity for the States to turn the page to something better, and that is aiding in the defense and protecting the sovereignty of democratic nations against aggressive antidemocratic neighbors. If we forsake that, it will be another reason added to a long list of reasons for countries to never trust the States. Furthermore, if we forsake Ukraine while still supporting Israel, a country which is objectively violating human rights and the sovereignty of Palestinians, the reputation of the States will be further tarnished, and the powerq of the State Department to reach diplomatic solutions will be compromised, increasing the likelihood of armed conflict throughout the world.
Which is exactly what Trump and his enablers want.They have made it clear that they prefer Putin and Fascism to Democracy. We, the majority, must continue to resist them in every way.
Much damage has already been done. If we now abandon Ukraine there will be much more.
America already has an embarrassing reputation as an unreliable partner in many parts of the world. We are seen as being unwilling to commit to anything for the long haul. This would only be reinforcement.
Trump and the MAGA Republicans have already laid the groundwork for decommitment from many, if not most or even all of our international alliances. Historical partners like South Korea, Poland, even Western Europe would have little choice but to reduce cooperation with us. Joint exercises and cooperative agreements with partners who may or may not be there are pointless at best, counterproductive at worst. The world would have no choice but to become much more nuclear. The results would, not could, be catastrophic beyond imagining.
Vladimir Putin's commitment in time and resources to recruit and cultivate Donald Trump, Mike Johnson and their ilk has been, from Russia's perspective, an excellent investment. It would pay off greatly with our exit from Ukraine.
Poland has just verified that, should we renege on our commitment to Ukraine, they will be forced to develop nuclear technology. One have to suspect that other currently non-nuclear nations are making similar considerations.
It would mark one more milestone in our retreat into isolationism and our seduction by the pro-Putin forces in the U.S. As Trump encourages Putin to invade a NATO country and as too many of our people long for strongman rule, it makes me worry all the more for the survival of America. Thanks for your efforts to inspire and motivate us to keep the America that the Declaration aspires to. Will our votes and our voices be enough?
Devastation, destruction and death have been felt in the US by nature's wrath through fire (Hawaii), mudslides, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, temperatures both hot and cold. It happens, passes, is over. In Ukraine, it is not weather, it is Putin, and it does not stop. It is ongoing, two years. Civilian deaths:10,500+; civilian injuries: 20,000. Russia is the largest country in the world, its population 144.5 million.
Ukraine is 46th in world size-smaller than Texas. Its present population is now 36.7million. Imagine the courage, bravery of this country and its leader taking on Russia, by itself as no NATO membership to count on. England and France appeased Hitler in 1938 and he took Czechoslovakia which gave him the audacity to take Poland, and thus, entry into a war that caused 420,000 American deaths. Will Putin win, with eyes on Poland next? Will Poland, again, be our physical entry into another global war, this time, with nuclear weapons?
All those thousands of immigrants lined up at our southern border are a serious problem that needs solved. But can you compare that to the above threat that hangs over us? We are guilty of one big mistake with Ukraine - too little, too late. They asked, other countries prodded, but what they needed was doled out a little at a time. Might have stopped the carnage near the beginning. The more one reads of American policy executed by both political and military leaders, the angrier one gets. (Viet Nam is a good example. I am half way through an 800 page book on that war. Boy !)) So now we have that measly little Speaker of the House connecting the two and under orders from Sir, to block the bipartisan bill that would give the aid desperately needed by Ukraine so donald can have a campaign issue with which to incriminate Biden. Add the latest new friendship between Russia and China. Would we be fighting China, too -1.425,350,114 people, 4th largest country in the world ?And wouldn't Kim
Jong Un be jumping up and down and racing around, blowing the horn in his new Russian gifted car?Adding to the problem is Gaza.
I have two grandsons who would be affected if this situation is not positively resolved with Ukraine and the world, the winners. If not, may Derek Greene be the first one inducted. Barron will develop bone spurs.
“Russia is the largest country in the world, its population 144.5 million.”
Copied and pasted
Please reread your sentence near the beginning of your post is all. I saw what you said about land mass and population near the end. That wasn’t the sentence I was referring to. Now, if you didn’t write it, tell me again I’m mistaken and I won’t say anything further.
Reread your sentence. You said Russia is the largest; it population is 144.5 million. Easy mistake to read through when you proof what you’ve written. That’s the only reason I pointed it out.
The obvious division in values is the result of months (or years?) of propaganda the Russians have spilled on our soil. Sadly, those who bought the lies remain in the dark corners doing their ugly deeds and pulling strings in the hallowed houses of our US Congress. It seems that something or someone greater than a politician must intervene to save us from this negativity. When a neighbor calls for help, do we look away and refuse to help?
It makes me very angry that ONE ultra "christian" speaker of the house can refuse to present the Ukraine aid package for a vote and then COWARDLY call a house recess. Too many times lately we have seen ONE person or a MINORITY hold up bills that the American voters want.
"St. Michael" learned well from Mitch when the latter was Senate Majority Leader and pulled unimaginable (to those with any sense of ethics) underhanded tricks to get his way.
McConnell has done more to destroy our democracy than any other single person. He is a shameful example to all of us, and needs to be gone from government.
Newt Gingrich showed them how.
Very true.
Nixon wrote the book.
At least Nixon had the decency to resign...
And weeping John Boner!😉✌️💙
Be careful what you wish for. Odds are the next one won’t be better. This is the state that sent Thomas Massie & James Comer to the House and Rand Paul to the Senate.
I agree about Mute Mitch & his girlfriend Lyndsay! THEY are just as guilty as Thump, if not more! Because those guys knew better and still supported him! Where is their accountability??! ✌️💙
He is afraid of being ousted like McCarthy. Meanwhile, this supposed Christian will allow thousands to die and Democracy to destroyed. What is Christian about that?
Not a damn thing!!! He is a Pharasee!!!
The most Ultra Christian was Jesus Christ and he weren’t up in heaven at the right hand of his Father celebrating Eternal Christmas he would be down here on Earth fighting for Ukrainian Democracy. And one day he will return and restore Democracy to his most precious Slavs and smite the evil Russians.
Plus the fact that he holds prayer sessions in the middle of the House of Representatives!!! THAT is as UN AMERICAN! We are not a Christian state! the Founders FIRST Amendment says separate religion and state affairs! These religious Judges and justices and representatives and Senators and Governors that we have all have to go or their churches have to start paying taxes period.
He vicariously run the House without being in fear of losing their job.
I would despair for our country. I would say that we have forsaken our ideals and have doomed democracy and freedom around the world. What happens in Ukraine has such major implications, and the Trump/MAGA forces don’t care because they want to end democracy.
Peace and stay safe.
I would personally sacrifice my life if it meant Ukrainian Democracy could survive one more day. It is all that matters.
You took the words right out of my mouth
You’re confusing Ukraine with Russia.
Oh child...
Stop lying. Especially to yourself.
Sorry if I’ve read more history than you have.
You haven't. And you're not sorry.
Again, stop lying to yourself. That's the only way out of this mess, for any of us.
I’ve also had the benefit of first person accounts. Family.
Are you interested in the history of the region? Try Balkan Wars.
No one is lining to themselves. Ukraine needs to continue the fight to stay democratic. Would you rather they stop, argue to amend their bylaws, set up a vote (how), you know Russians will be on the ballot and people will be killed trying to get to the voting booths. And yes I read the article. You just conveniently missed some parts. Maybe we should supply them with what they need so they can finally end this war and have their election safely.
Ukrainian legislation bans elections during martial law that has been in place since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022. The country would need to amend the law if it decided to hold the vote.
I read that article.
Under Ukrainian law when martial law is declared suspension of elections are legal.
"Ukrainian legislation bans elections during martial law that has been in place since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022. The country would need to amend the law if it decided to hold the vote."
No where did the article mention taking people off the streets and sending them to the front.
Mr. Yuri Bezmenov is being disingenuous at best.
I thought we were policing trolls.
All this pro-Putin bullcrap annoys me.
Solid points, but the folks cheering on this pointless bloodbath in Ukraine aren't worried about freedom and democracy, nor are they worried about the people of Ukraine (whose youth are being slaughtered wholesale), nor are they worried about the people of Russia and they are even less concerned about what's good for America. Their tribal loyalties lie elsewhere, and they nurse an ancient ethnic hatred towards slavic people. They like to dress their exhortations up in the language of liberty and justice, but it's all bunk, as can be easily seen when you scrape the bottom of their ridiculous rationalizations and they reply by simply doubling down on their demands.
I guess it is true that you are Putins brother in law and or have money wrapped up with him for your riches. You are a Russian spy. Just saying.
The vampire is not the victim.
Unfortunately, that hateful violence has found a sympathetic audience here in the US. That, and the greed for power and money on the part of many in the Republican Party, is showing the rest of the world that we are untrustworthy and can be bought. As much as I miss my parents (my Dad was a WWII veteran), I am glad that they are not here to see this shameful turn of events.
So many don’t appreciate or are eagerly willing to give away what our grandparents fought for. It brings tears to my eyes.
It says…we are no longer America
I wish more Americans knew the history of pre-WWII America. Rachel Maddow’s “Prequel” is a recent book that tells the story of the rise of a fascist movement in the US, funded and guided by Hitler’s Nazis. US senators and congressmen used their franking privileges to distribute (on the taxpayers’s dime) propaganda urging isolationism and Christian nationalism. Democracy found no justice against these criminals in the court system. It’s an appalling story, and it mirrors what is happening today. Only entering the war effectively bled support from the movement. Many people have to experience a threat personally before they acknowledge it. This makes me very concerned.
I’ve been carrying the banner for Rachel’s book because it carefully outlines what has happened in our country and suggest history is repeating itself. It shouldn’t be that the loudest voices get all the attention, but that’s the state of MSM these days. More reasoned voices need to take control and see that anyone in Congress who has joined the Speaker, and apparently Trump too, to stonewall important aid to Ukraine should be challenged in their reelection campaigns for betraying the Constitution and contributing to creating an imbalanced World order through inaction.
Forsaking Ukraine would be a crime against humanity that would be the GOP/MAGA legacy. Shame on them for their cowardice in the fealty to trump.
I am on record as saying that I will self-immolate if it means ONE more day of the world’s most precious resource, Ukrainian Democracy.
I know how despairing you must feel, but Never Give Up. I believe there are more good people than bad.
There is no limit to the number of young white Southern men I’m prepared to sacrifice for Ukraine.
MAGAts want you to forget how on his deathbed George Washington held young Abraham Lincoln’s hands and said to him with tears in his eyes, “that flag that waves yonder- its fifty stars and thirteen stripes will gleam in freedom’s light but so long as the nation o’er which it waves shall defend democracy in Ukraine.”
And just as Lincoln fought the Nazis of the Confederacy and Roosevelt fought the Axis of Trumpers, so too must we all be willing to give all to restore the 1991 borders of Ukraine, if not restore the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
More beautiful and truer have never been written. I pray that there is a Crimea in heaven when your gentle soul ascends to yonder realm.
Ukrainian is now the major language spoken in Heaven, so I’ll be in good company.
Intel in the mid-1960s. Two uncles served in the U.S. Army during WW2. My distant paternal grandfather fought with the Virginia 9th Line during the American Revolutionary War. I share those facts because I believe my family, like so many others, can lay claim for our republic. Never, ever would I have believed our country would see one of our political parties become the enemy of our republic.
That Speaker Mike Johnson has become the obsequious servant to Donald Trump tells a very sad tale about our U.S. Congress and how our so-called "leaders" have compromised our country. If Ukraine fails, we will have failed the world; the democratic world. It amazes me -- stuns me -- how many people are so willing to subvert themselves to a government; and, to tyrants. If the Republican Party wins the White House this November, the average American will give witness to acts and behaviors they heretofore could not even have imagined. Those who have followed blindly the "orange" tyrant will soon imagine the unimaginable.
Though I served in the Air Force Reserve, I specifically remember my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the US. Supposedly every member of Congress takes this oath every two years. As does the President and Vice President. And numerous others. So why do we let these cretins get away with this stonewalling and pathetic ass-kissing the former President who has lied his way to the favor of so many voters? Time to boot them all to the side of the road and have a government that can agree on compromise to move us forward through this mess.
I hear ya! My license plate frame reads: I am a Veteran. My Oath never expires. Frankly, I fault Democrats for being too weak-kneed and cowardly. They fuss a LOT but never put their talk to the walk. I have written letters to the DNC several times. Never got a response. A friend says I am "too tough". Where the hell is their spine; their cojones?
I can't imagine anything more shameful than the U.S giving up on Ukraine. We're already holding back money that should be allocated for that country and should be sent posthaste. That's shameful in itself.
It's hard to believe so many Americans are ready to give up and let Russia take over a country that is a democracy. We never would have let this happen in any other time.
The majority of Americans are not "giving" up on Ukraine. The aid bill passed the Senate with 70 votes [when the last time any bill passed with 70 votes?] The aid bill would also pass in the House if it was brought to a vote. So, once again, a small minority of extremists led by Donald Trump, are blocking majority rule.
Yes, I get that, but to the Ukrainians it will be that the Americans are giving up on them. It doesn't matter who's holding it back--though it should matter in this country--innocent citizens are dying in Ukraine and we're sitting on money that could go to them, but isn't.
We already have one black eye for voting that man in as #45 and are working very hard to get another black eye. All of our allies are shaking their collective heads over our feckless leaders in the House. Personally, I’m done with the velvet glove approach and am all for the steel gauntlet across the faces of the obstructionists. We just seem to have gotten all tangled up in our many rules, blue slips and holds that only succeed in subverting the will of the electorate. We are being choked by all the accumulated “arcanery”(don’t jump. It’s made up)in Congress.
I couldn't agree more. I'm not ever going to be nice to Trump's people. I've given up trying to understand them. They're hateful and slimy and aren't fit to live in a society that stresses equity and equality and good will.
They are the enemy as long as they let someone as purely evil as Donald Trump dictate who they are and what they're willing to do to appease him.
Their choice, but I'm not going to try to make them comfortable while they're trying to destroy us.
Unimaginable. It will not happen.
I'm mortified and ashamed that the US is reneging on its pledge to help Ukraine, thanks to feckless Republicans who cave to TFG's orders. If Russia overcomes Ukraine, it will only be the beginning. Putin is already making noises about invading Poland; and if he does, Article 5 of the NATO charter obligates us to contribute more than money and arms to defend against the invasion. Of course, if Republicans are in charge, they would seemingly have no qualms about ignoring those obligations too. You're right on point to reference our notoriously short attention span. We're becoming an unreliable partner. God help us if we ever have another 9/11: who then would come to our aid?
Why say "what if"?! It is a fact that America has already foresaken Ukraine! So has Canada! Our silly PM loves a photo op but we cannot get our act together to really do what we promised! The US House is blocking our purchase of US arms to ship to Ukraine! Yes, you Americans are even blocking other countries now! Even as you are going to make the big profits and get the jobs from supplying these arms! This is beyond tragic! It is Putin and you need to catch your GOP in the act of taking orders from Putin! The CIA or the 5 Eyes MUST intercept the network of Putin and the GOP and Trump! NOW!
Fortunately you don’t speak of America, but your own frustration. At this point profit and jobs from military production are not on the radar. Unemployment remains low 3.7%.
The Senate passed an aid bill that included Ukraine. Most Americans support it and most of the Congress would vote for it. But the Speaker won’t call it up for a vote. Without funding the US cannot replenish its own stockpile. Contemplate what that means as we face more government funding deadlines & partial shutdowns on March 1st and 8th. I’ll spell it out: They are sacrificing this country, Ukraine & anyone in their path for an “orange win” in November.
- The same Congress is unlikely to vote to impeach President Biden, but the “leadership” uses false Russian “intelligence” to try. They’ll settle for the big smear and headlines.
- The same politicians and their supporting organizations claim we are not a democracy; democracy is bad & we need to do away with democratic processes. They have a plan.
- Nazis march in various cities. I expect them & similar groups to re-appear at election time.
On the legal front:
- Tennessee just enacted a law to allow any official authorized to “solemnize” marriages to refuse any couple. You can get a license but maybe not a marriage.
- The Alabama Supreme Court just ruled frozen embryos are children. A wrongful death lawsuit against a clinic for an accident that destroyed embryos paved the way for that & more.
- Continuing book bans; destruction of education and other forms of chaos.
Yes, Ukraine and a lot of other things are on our plate. If we can’t pull the chestnuts out of the fire, how will Canada greet the flood of Americans looking to escape?
Well ... a word of advice to those pondering an escape to the great white north! Avoid Quebec province! We are heading in the fascist direction via our language laws, our secularism law, our entire society in Quebec is based on language. If you are not a francophone, you are 2nd class, fewer rights, search and seizure by language police, etc. The Canadian charter rights do not apply in Quebec. Handling an asylum seeker file takes about 2 years. If you do come, head for the other provinces! We are peaceful though, compared to the US, and have firm gun laws that keep things pretty safe. The differences between the US (especially Trump US) and Canada are bigger than ever ...
It isn’t really on the table for us. I also have a disabled son who lives in Tennessee which is a concern. Besides, such an administration wouldn’t allow assets or payments like pensions to go outside the country. But people are looking at options.
Interesting about Quebec. I wasn’t aware that aside from language it was so different. Actually, my dad’s great-grandparents immigrated from La Prairie. I think their name was originally Lefebvre and became LaFave. It’s not one of the places I ever visited. I do remember coming through British Columbia several times and even back then the firearm restrictions were emphasized.
It says other Allies cannot trust our word.
That’s the point. Weaken us inside and outside.
The current global climate is one of escalating tension and a chilling resurgence of authoritarian ambition. Russia's unprovoked assault on Ukraine isn't merely a regional conflict, but a litmus test for international order and the collective will to uphold the values we've fought so hard to defend. If America forsakes Ukraine, the message that echoes around the world is that aggression will be rewarded and democracy is negotiable. Authoritarians will be emboldened, and vulnerable nations seeking self-determination will face an even more precarious future. The credibility of the U.S. and its allies would be irrevocably damaged. We would witness a surrender not just of territory, but of the very principles that are essential for lasting peace and security.
The long-term consequences of American withdrawal and a Russian victory are profound and deeply troubling. A new era of instability will unfold as autocracies feel empowered to change borders with brute force, understanding that might makes right. This paves the way for increased aggression, the collapse of alliances, and a terrifying escalation of conflict. International law, the carefully built framework seeking to prevent another World War, will be meaningless. The UN Security Council will be rendered impotent, leading to a power vacuum ripe for exploitation. Russia's demonstrated disregard for human rights and the horrors already seen in Ukraine offer a glimpse into a humanitarian nightmare of displacement, atrocities and the very real threat of genocide. Global economic disruption, from energy markets to vital supply chains, will worsen, potentially fueling a worldwide economic downturn. Finally, the unthinkable looms – a cornered Russia, faced with decisive defeat, may resort to nuclear escalation, dragging the world into an era of unimaginable fear and horrific consequences.
America cannot afford to look away. It must, alongside its allies, continue to stand with Ukraine, providing the military, financial, and humanitarian aid necessary to defend itself and ultimately expel Russian forces. This isn't simply a moral imperative, it's a matter of self-preservation. Appeasement invites escalation. Standing with Ukraine is standing for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, and a rules-based order that, while imperfect, remains the best chance for ensuring a peaceful future.
Beautifully said. Such frightening times. I pray every day America comes through for Ukraine. I just cannot wrap my head around that over 1/3 of this country wants a Government more like Russia. I just can't. Especially after the death of Alexei Navalny. Don't they realize that could happen here too?!! I'll never understand in a million years. This is not the Republican Party I grew up with that's for damn sure. It's become horrendous in every way.
We have become our own worst nightmare.
We sure have. Civil war?? We are already in one. A cold civil war. And have been since the day DJT walked down that escalator. Altho I'm finally beginning to understand that our Democracy has been under attack for a whole lot longer. We just need to make everybody aware that it's all on the line this year. Everything. The entire world is watching. If America falls to Trump, it's over. So don't give up. Keep the faith!!! And I do believe in God. Just not their whacked out version. 🤣
So well-said, Gloria.
Last weekend I was inspired after Navalny died to call these 18 republican reps who have favorably supported Ukraine aid in the past to ask them to again support Ukraine funding.
This was my first calling of the 2024 “season“ and it was a great way to get started because on the weekend nobody answers the phone and you can leave a message. I left my email address instead of my phone number.
The list was posted on the Washington Post comment section, and I can vouch that every single number picked up and allowed me to leave a message. if you paste it into someplace like your iPhone Notes app, then the numbers are dialed automatically for you.
I believe they now need to be asked to do the right thing and support a ROBUST Ukraine funding bill like the $60 billion that would’ve been allocated to Ukraine from the $95 billion package the Senate passed with 70 votes to fund Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. I understand via an NPR article 3-4 days ago that another bill has been proposed in the house, and that it lowers the amount of aid to be sent to Ukraine, and then reattaches a shabby Mexico border proposal.
But here’s my imperfect script from last weekend (Gloria feel free to edit/update it!). I encourage anyone who cares and reads this to call and even repost this phone list elsewhere this weekend. Then these reps return from break to messages to “again please do the right thing”.
And maybe reinforce that they need to vote for a ROBUST Ukraine aid package, like the 60B allocation passed by the bipartisan Senate vote.
Remember to be nice!
This took me about 30 mins to call the whole list.
Hi Representative __________. My name is ________ . I want to thank you for your past support of Ukraine and European Democracy. Today I call in memory of Alexei Navalny. The least I can do with our privilege of American free speech and Democracy, is to plead that you vote for the current Ukraine funding bill. Thank you for continuing to support democracy over dictatorship at home and abroad. This is a life or death vote for Democracy and the courageous people of Ukraine and I urge you to do the right thing. Many thanks, Representative ___________.
Greg Pence (IN-6) - 202-225-3021
Stephanie Bice (OK-5) - 202-225-2132
Larry Bucshon (IN-8) - 202-225-4636
Doug Lamborn (CO-5) - 202-225-4422
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) - 202-225-2956
Drew Ferguson (GA-3) -202-225-5901
Brand Wenstrup (OH-2) - 202-225-3164
Kay Granger (TX-12) - 202-225-5071
Ken Buck (CO-4) - 202-225-4676
Victoria Spartz (IN-5) - 202-225-2276
David Joyce (OH-14) - 202-225-5731
Young Kim (CA-40) - 202-225-4111
Don Bacon (NE-2) - 202-225-4155
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1) - 202-225-4276
Tony Gonzales (TX-23) - 202-225-4511
John James (MI-10) - 202-225-4961
Mike Turner (OH-10) - 202-225-6465
Michael McCaul (TX-10) - 202-225-2401
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I copied your post. First thing tomorrow I am DIALING FOR DOLLARS!
Aw, I’m honored. Let us know how it goes if you want.
Billion, not million.
Fixed! Many thanks!
Rita! Thank you. You are so right. All those dollars are in billions not millions. I don’t think I can edit (right?).
You can edit. Click on the little 3 dots on the right. 😁
All great information plus learning something about IPhone Notes.
It would prove to the world that we are not the strength of the world. That we don’t care. That there will most definitely WWIII and we (the world) will be annihilated because of some nutcases believe god did this. It’s terrifying. He MUST LOSE.
I would say that our fathers and grandfathers who fought, and the many who gave their lives, to stop fascism in Europe during WW2 would be deeply disappointed. The US turned a blind eye to the naked aggression of Hitler in the 30s and the entire world paid the price of a lengthy and bloody battle to destroy him. We cannot travel this road again. Putin has made it clear that the defeat of Ukraine will only be the beginning. His cheerleaders in this country, starting with the traitor Trump, must be soundly defeated at the polls. What has this country become, that we would turn our backs on a democracy fighting for its life against a brutal oppressor? At 71, I’m fearful that we are fighting a losing battle against the MAGA propaganda and the cowardly sycophants of the former president.
You are correct. Earlier someone mentioned Rachel Maddow’s “Prequel”, a non-fiction account of how American intransigence contributed to allowing a foreign power, then Nazi Germany, to inundate the country with fascist propaganda. There will always be people who blindly agree with this kind of stuff. It’s up to the right-thinking of us to raise the caution flag and prevent this from recurring. I fear it’s already started. But as we used to have a “silent majority”, we must now rely on the majority of voters to recognize just how dangerous Trump and his acolytes are to the future of our Democracy. “Prequel” is a must-read and enough of an eye-opener to move people to action - aka voting - to put a stop to Trump and his losers.
Agreed. An excellent book and a look into our future if we don’t act now, and decisively.
The word treason popped into my head... connected to a bunch of foot thumping republicans.
I wonder if Republicans would think differently if they were reminded that the money for weapons for Ukraine is money that is spent here?
They are counting on their voters to be as stupid as they are craven.
No they don’t want Biden to get any credit. Besides they want to go back to doing energy deals with Russia.
It would say the MAGA party has lost all common sense and decency. They need to be voted OUT of power. So ashamed of them. MOST Americans, the intelligent ones, support Ukraine.
The founders of the country promoted a democratic republic as the best form of representative government. But then, the country had an aristocracy which ran the gov't and a lot of room out west for those who wanted freedom and independence from gov't (at least in a lot of states). Even then, it could barely survive the civil war when the country was only about 80 years old. It then survived to about age 250 ish, despite decades of polarization. It was a great, historic system. It wasn't infallible. America has always been run by the rich and powerful, who fortunately had an upbringing which made them pro-American vs. purely selfish idealogues. But it was still a fragile system subject to control by malevolent forces, not only now but in decades past. Public education was a cornerstone of the country's ability to function with a common understanding of the country's history, and ideals, and respect for both. However, education has deteriorated. American oligarchs have put money over country. As Wayne LaPierre is (again) demonstrating. It wasn't about the 2nd amendment. It wasn't about individual freedom. It was about him having money and power. People sell their souls for things like money and power. Unfortunately, the American soul -- precious and powerful though it has been -- is on the auction block. And the bidders don't have the culture or dignity of those at Christie's or Sotheby's. < --- musings. hope they make sense.
'It' would say America has a bunch of idiots in the Congressional House who listen to a person? who is NOT president, has no sense of honesty, loves putin, is telling US he will turn American republic/democracy into a 1930's hitler world and, sadly, people are gushing all over him. I like Biden, will vote for him of course BUT being honest, wish, for the younger voters, Dems had a younger candidate - an Obama, a Swalwell & Val Demmings would be a great VP. Biden MUST get voice coaching- enunciate, project & keep his eyelids open and be proactive on what he has accomplished and what a demented donny presidency will mean. Thx for letting me vent.
I spent 32 years as an Air Force officer and nine of those deployed to Europe as part of NATO. If we abandon Ukraine, it will confirm my fear that America is no longer the great and honorable country I defended through most of my adult life.
Anyone who supports the R’s cowardly bending of the knee to Trump (and by extension, Putin) discredits my service and all those who have defended our beloved Constitution.
Our Constitution, and the concept of the United States of America before it, was founded on Enlightenment philosophies that the individual human should have control over his/her own life (various freedoms). And that the best government among men is self-rule, where individual freedom/rights are protected from government control. The biological equivalent is symbiosis/cooperation. Contrast that concept with total Monarchy, dictatorship and oligarchy. Where the individual is subject to the whims of the leader/government. The biological equivalent is parasitism or predation.
The maintenance of a Constitutional Democratic Republic is a choice. Irv, you chose Democracy over parasitism. Thank you for your service. Our nation is in your debt.
What would the Greatest Generation think? They fought and sacrificed against these same forces eighty years ago. They would think that Congress is made up of a bunch of candy asses. Hate to think that may be the case. Can only hope Congress gets it’s act together.
It would be a terrible thing for the US and our NATO partners and Democracies all around the world if we were to forsake Ukraine now, after 2 years of working so hard to do the correct thing and strengthen democracy in our world. I will quote your words @Steven Beschloss; and I will quote Biden's words that show the importance of our commitment to save Ukraine and thus save all of the countries who value Democracy and want to keep autocracy from ruining our world: In those early months, Biden emphasized that America was not acting alone: “For months, we’ve been building a coalition of partners representing well more than half of the global economy.” And Zelensky highlighted why his country’s war was not theirs alone: “This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules and peaceful coexistence.” It's as simple as that. God Bless America 🇺🇸
Well, one consequence would be that Russia will invade a NATO country, we will be at war, and suddenly a whole lot of what Republicans are saying will be actually treasonous.
It would say we can't be trusted. That we're ignorant and don't learn from our past mistakes or from history. That we cave in to loud-mouthed bullies who are in it for themselves and who are too stupid to see that they are being manipulated like puppets by a master liar, thug, and killer. That we saw the writing on the wall, watched the invasion of Ukraine in real-time, heard the screams, documented the rapes, kidnappings, abuses of civilians, and genocide. We were all-in in the beginning, doing the right thing, but then the foot dragging began and the American mojo to get things done slowed to a virtual halt because a very vocal minority started calling the shots. We are on the precipice of the beginning of a new world order. Unless we as a country take back the reins from the MAGAts, we can not only kiss our way of life (aka democracy) goodbye, but the world order will also shift on a seismic level the likes never seen before. There will be no place left to hide.
The foreign policy of the United States has been bad for a long time. We've supported right-wing dictators, and more recently, invaded Iraq based on a lie. With Ukraine and Taiwan, I see an opportunity for the States to turn the page to something better, and that is aiding in the defense and protecting the sovereignty of democratic nations against aggressive antidemocratic neighbors. If we forsake that, it will be another reason added to a long list of reasons for countries to never trust the States. Furthermore, if we forsake Ukraine while still supporting Israel, a country which is objectively violating human rights and the sovereignty of Palestinians, the reputation of the States will be further tarnished, and the powerq of the State Department to reach diplomatic solutions will be compromised, increasing the likelihood of armed conflict throughout the world.
Which is exactly what Trump and his enablers want.They have made it clear that they prefer Putin and Fascism to Democracy. We, the majority, must continue to resist them in every way.
Well said. We must keep fighting to protect Freedom around the world!! ❤️🇺🇸💙
Much damage has already been done. If we now abandon Ukraine there will be much more.
America already has an embarrassing reputation as an unreliable partner in many parts of the world. We are seen as being unwilling to commit to anything for the long haul. This would only be reinforcement.
Trump and the MAGA Republicans have already laid the groundwork for decommitment from many, if not most or even all of our international alliances. Historical partners like South Korea, Poland, even Western Europe would have little choice but to reduce cooperation with us. Joint exercises and cooperative agreements with partners who may or may not be there are pointless at best, counterproductive at worst. The world would have no choice but to become much more nuclear. The results would, not could, be catastrophic beyond imagining.
Vladimir Putin's commitment in time and resources to recruit and cultivate Donald Trump, Mike Johnson and their ilk has been, from Russia's perspective, an excellent investment. It would pay off greatly with our exit from Ukraine.
Poland has just verified that, should we renege on our commitment to Ukraine, they will be forced to develop nuclear technology. One have to suspect that other currently non-nuclear nations are making similar considerations.
It would mark one more milestone in our retreat into isolationism and our seduction by the pro-Putin forces in the U.S. As Trump encourages Putin to invade a NATO country and as too many of our people long for strongman rule, it makes me worry all the more for the survival of America. Thanks for your efforts to inspire and motivate us to keep the America that the Declaration aspires to. Will our votes and our voices be enough?
Devastation, destruction and death have been felt in the US by nature's wrath through fire (Hawaii), mudslides, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, temperatures both hot and cold. It happens, passes, is over. In Ukraine, it is not weather, it is Putin, and it does not stop. It is ongoing, two years. Civilian deaths:10,500+; civilian injuries: 20,000. Russia is the largest country in the world, its population 144.5 million.
Ukraine is 46th in world size-smaller than Texas. Its present population is now 36.7million. Imagine the courage, bravery of this country and its leader taking on Russia, by itself as no NATO membership to count on. England and France appeased Hitler in 1938 and he took Czechoslovakia which gave him the audacity to take Poland, and thus, entry into a war that caused 420,000 American deaths. Will Putin win, with eyes on Poland next? Will Poland, again, be our physical entry into another global war, this time, with nuclear weapons?
All those thousands of immigrants lined up at our southern border are a serious problem that needs solved. But can you compare that to the above threat that hangs over us? We are guilty of one big mistake with Ukraine - too little, too late. They asked, other countries prodded, but what they needed was doled out a little at a time. Might have stopped the carnage near the beginning. The more one reads of American policy executed by both political and military leaders, the angrier one gets. (Viet Nam is a good example. I am half way through an 800 page book on that war. Boy !)) So now we have that measly little Speaker of the House connecting the two and under orders from Sir, to block the bipartisan bill that would give the aid desperately needed by Ukraine so donald can have a campaign issue with which to incriminate Biden. Add the latest new friendship between Russia and China. Would we be fighting China, too -1.425,350,114 people, 4th largest country in the world ?And wouldn't Kim
Jong Un be jumping up and down and racing around, blowing the horn in his new Russian gifted car?Adding to the problem is Gaza.
I have two grandsons who would be affected if this situation is not positively resolved with Ukraine and the world, the winners. If not, may Derek Greene be the first one inducted. Barron will develop bone spurs.
Friendly check. Better double check the population of China or India.
India pop: 1.4286B
China: 1.4257.B
China larger land mass which is what I meant when said 4th largest country.
So what's the problem?
“Russia is the largest country in the world, its population 144.5 million.”
Copied and pasted
Please reread your sentence near the beginning of your post is all. I saw what you said about land mass and population near the end. That wasn’t the sentence I was referring to. Now, if you didn’t write it, tell me again I’m mistaken and I won’t say anything further.
I stand by what I wrote. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted it.
Reread your sentence. You said Russia is the largest; it population is 144.5 million. Easy mistake to read through when you proof what you’ve written. That’s the only reason I pointed it out.
Again, land mass.
That Putin's agents (aka the Republican Party) have succeeded.
That would come as no surprise to many as the latest news about Jas. Comer, Jim Jordon and one Alexander Smirnov erupted this week. And now this:
Seems as though there is a very large nest of Putin lovers in Congress. Scratch a trump, see a putin.
The obvious division in values is the result of months (or years?) of propaganda the Russians have spilled on our soil. Sadly, those who bought the lies remain in the dark corners doing their ugly deeds and pulling strings in the hallowed houses of our US Congress. It seems that something or someone greater than a politician must intervene to save us from this negativity. When a neighbor calls for help, do we look away and refuse to help?