Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Towards the end of my career, I started taking a month off a year. I learned the hard way the 1 or 2 weeks was useless. You need at least a week to relax, sleep etc. some vacations were for travel which is always good. Some vacations are just for sitting and watching the waves. And with kids it’s about keeping them occupied or seeing family. So I think it changes with time and circumstance. Still I say give me a beach and I’ll be happy.

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Oh my grandchildren were small vacation and visiting the kids. I have never taken a vacation to just sit on the beach I love exploring new countries and revisiting ones I love talking to people in cafés and restaurants exploring/ not sure I could handle a sit on the beach vacation. Of course I went to graduate school in Hawaii so I might just be beached out!

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Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

It all has its place and time but sometimes you just have to sit or walk on the beach and breathe in the sea air.

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As a photographer vacation usually means exploring observing recording and when I can afford it one cappuccino after another in Italy

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I have numerous cappuccino photos if there’s anyway to post

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Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

vacations vary for different reasons. i love to have a wow moment by visiting very different countries than ours!! Costa Rica eco tour...soooooo beautiful and all the animals in the wild there! wow. thailand has some very beautiful areas but the city...it's a wow moment to see how crowded and different the culture is there! greece and the islands....culture, history and just beautiful in some areas. istanbul turkey...wow...sooooo beautiful and the art! my next trip will be to Africa for a safari and to see this wonderful lands of a very different world and of wild animals....can't wait!!!

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Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Late this summer, I'm driving to PA to visit my daughter and her family, including my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter. Next year, I turn 65, so I'd like to take myself on either a cruise from St. Johns to Lima, if the cruise line makes vaccinations mandatory, or I'll rent a place on Kauai for a month. All depends on COVID, of course. In 2019, I did a cruise from Athens to Dubai, and it was wonderful. I got to see Petra, which is absolutely amazing.

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Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

My ideal vacations are road trips with my dog to see friends at the Washington coast, where I just happen to be right now, surrounded by friends. I live in Idaho, so either the coast or mountains are good for me. That being said, I am getting on a plane! and visiting my sister in Minnesota in September. They live just south of the Canada border, it is a stunning area of this country. I like to travel to different states but Europe is second best.

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I love Canada. Often visit friends in Toronto and Ottawa but adore Montreal Quebec city and a few years ago discovered Victoria

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Jul 3, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Just spent three days in the wood of Harriman State Park in Rockland County, NY. I like woodsy vacations. This one was perfect. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1VP8Wsqv1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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At this time when so much of our nation is tribalized by our politics, I found a most uplifting series of conversations with taxi drivers while spending a 10-day vacation in Washington DC. Throughout my life, I saw dad always strike up a conversation with those he met whether it was at a mall, restaurant, or service station. Like him, I too have much the same attitude when it comes to talking with others as it provides insight into the world around me and seems like a polite way to proceed through life.

So, while in our nation’s Capital I did my own small survey of the roughly dozen taxicab drivers who took us to places around the city. I always started by asking how their day or night was going and then proceeded to ask how long they had been living in the D.C. area. From there I asked where they grew up.

I was heartened that each of the men driving cabs was chatty and open about their life and experiences in this nation. From Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Morocco, Sudan, and Sierra Leone each had strong feelings and all, but one, had language skills that made it easy to convey them. The vast majority were of the Islamic faith and, were as proud to talk about it as anyone would be about their religion. One soft-spoken man from Ethiopia seemed so humble and sincere about his life and outlook that upon leaving the cab I turned and offered the Islamic greeting of “peace be upon you”.

All the men had come to this country to make a better way in life. Most had been here for about 15 years, a couple arrived only about 7 years ago. Some had traveled with family and others came alone. A man who came from India to get an education started his own restaurant. An Ethiopian driver was surprised we knew of some foods from his native land such as Injera and Doro Wat. We told him that in Madison we live close to a restaurant that makes these foods. He smiled and told us that in his land Dor Wat is reserved for special days as it takes lots of ingredients and time to make.

Each of the drivers had made a bold choice of leaving the place of their birth to seek a better life. It required in each case learning a new language, culture, currency, and adapting to the weather. It meant at times, as with the driver from India, leaving every member of his family behind and seeking something different. It is a phenomenal undertaking to make such a journey.

And they work hard. They are not slackers. Most lived in Maryland where rental properties were more affordable. One driver spoke of the rent increases over the past decade where his two-bedroom apartment now costs over $2,000 per month. Other drivers told of their small children. In one case a driver wanted his son to learn his native language at home while also speaking English at school. My husband, James, as a professor of languages, heartily agreed and offered some tips on how to make that process work.

I saw America at its best during the rides past the city sites I so love while conversing with truly inspiring and uplifting reasons why this nation is special.

As dad well knew a person can learn a lot when you take the time to talk to others.

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Lovely reflection. Thanks for sharing.

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I have three daughters, and have always worked long hours. When each turned 16, I took her on a father-daughter trip -- her choice. My oldest chose the west coast; we were not wealthy at the time. My middle child chose Paris. My youngest chose Greece. Now they're gone, and that time I had with each is a treasure. The location is secondary.

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My favorite vacations were to cruise. I'm a Scorpio and love being around water. Still hope to. Maybe next year. Been to the Caribbean (twice), the Panama Canal and Bermuda. Nothing like being spoiled!

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