Although he was FBI, not DOJ, James Comey did not hesitate to inform doubt about Hillary Clinton and her emails. It probably cost her the election, other than the US seems unready to elect a woman president. But he thought it was the right thing to do. For this, he was denounced.

We know the DOJ is at work gathering evidence against trump, and I believe Garland is tenacious enough to see it through, but,now, he is being denounced for the opposite. But boy ! Do I wish he would hurry up. That election is coming up fast. I , for one , wouldn't care if it affected the outcome. trump is just as guilty now as he will be later, and we stand to see McCarthy and McConnell take over the reigns of government and push for a trump or DeSantis win in 2024 I do wish, also, that Democrat leaders would be more aggressive in their condemnation of Republican perfidy There are times when one must fight fire with fire.

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When you compare the allegation that Sec. Clinton “mis-handled” some emails to Trump’s

clandestine theft of hundreds, if not thousands of top secret documents, refused to return them, and is still refusing to return some of them after almost 2 years, whether or not Director Comey thought it was the right thing to do just days before the election to tell the world, just doesn’t work for me. I think it was deliberate, but we’ll never know.

As for AG Garland...I guess DOJ is meticulously gathering evidence and making sure all elements of the crimes Trump will be charged with are proved beyond a reasonable doubt, but in the meantime, Trump is rallying his supporters to be more angry and more unreasonable than ever.

Have you noticed? Magas have stopped pulling their punches.

Now they’ve added Jews to the list of people they hate and Trump encourages them. Folks, we are experiencing a second government overthrow right now. From now until Nov. 8, Trump will gradually escalate the hate & fear among his supporters, working them up into a frenzy of violence. Plus, both Trump and Foxnews are manipulating Magas to be sympathetic to Putin’s war in Ukraine. Trump and Putin are a team. They’ve been a team since before Trump said he was running for President. What do you want to bet that Putin will at least attempt to escalate the war in Ukraine as we close in on Nov. 8?

There’s no doubt that the person who’s driving all of the hostility is Donald Trump. It’s always been Trump. DOJ has two choices. They can keep doing what they’ve been doing, stand by while Trump escalates and let the violence happen when Trump wants it to happen or, they can muzzle Trump and deal with the violence on their terms, instead of his. Think about what would cause the most chaos. Coordinated violence on voting day would probably cause the most chaos,

wouldn’t it? Well, Trump is openly trafficking in sedition right now, right under DOJ’s nose. Think about this, what if Putin decided to use a nuclear weapon...on Nov. 8th?

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I replied, but it did not appear under your dissertation.

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I was not comparing the subjects of investigation but the difference between two men's reactions. Putin & trump are not equal partners. trump would shine Putin's shoes.

Putin will do what he wants, regardless of who wins our elections. Hopefully his downfall will come from within.

I said I wish Garland would hurry up, am very concerned about Democrats staying power, but there are more we than they. Emphasis should be placed on voting. I am not yet ready to be Henny Penny thinking the sky is falling. It didn't.

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I agree Rita, Putin & Trump aren’t equal partners.

To be clear, my intent wasn’t to be critical of what you wrote. I’m very frustrated with DOJ. I’ve seen nothing from them that shows they understand the danger. The sky isn’t falling yet--but I’ve had to deal with people who have the same mental pathology as Trump all my life. They see the world very differently than those who don’t have that mental pathology and there’s no limit to their treachery.

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The legal case has to be beyond reproach and even more beyond a reasonable doubt than usual, given the political - and likely violent - implications. As maddening as it is, this HAS to stick and sink this damnable sociopath.

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I’m a litigation attorney. At this point-and I know this is radical-I think it’s more important to muzzle Trump than worry about prosecuting him.

What he’s doing right now is trying to make sure he’s not in legal jeopardy ever again. He knows he’s been backed into a corner legally, so in his mind, he has nothing to lose by resorting to violence. If he’s left to carry on as he is now, I’m afraid a lot of innocent people will die. Everyone should think of Trump as a psychopath.

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I agree, Susan. We shouldn't underestimate his readiness to do anything to evade justice. The longer this takes, the more this increases the potential for violence.

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I do not disagree but my spider sense is pinging hard...

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As a teacher, realtor and retail worker and a regular observer of human nature, I have dealt with everyone from nuts to saints. That includes psychopaths. Violence has become a daily event in this country. Shootings in schools, movie theaters, grocery stores,cars and trucks purposely running into protestors, and police firing umpteen bullets into innocent people.

These occurred before trump, increased after him. But still existed. The country has always been a violent one, starting with its inception.We have a history of 107 wars, probably more than Russia. Solutions: ban guns, but nobody willing to do that-NRA $, stop media coverage of trump and his acolytes-more followers, more sponsor $, teach useful courses in school-officials banning books,dictating subjects taught, pass term limits on congressmen and the supreme court-like they would ever vote themselves out of jobs, forget celebrities running for government jobs of which they have no knowledge-the Rock??? stop making so many movies, and especially books, about crime, murder-latter now all about small town secrets with murderers in their midst and women detectives.

But then, I still like a pencil and tablet, a land line in addition to cell phone, and Mayberry, Lewis and Martin. I like that Al Capone, John Gotti got their due. trump never has-yet-but I hope, think that he will.

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I would add one thing--make all campaign donations illegal. Allow candidates for public office to use only public money, same amount to each campaign. Their receipts should be collected & double-checked by the fec. When it’s been spent, they’re done.

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The DOJ does seem painfully slow in moving to hold Donald Trump accountable. I believe they are holding their cards close to their chest, and recognise that Trump still has the potential to compromise the country by sharing confidential government information. Through informants, they will learn that he has ALREADY done so, for his own personal aggrandisement. Trump's messenger-boy, man-servant, wing-man adviser Jered Kushner, should be scrutinised under the GOP's microscope. Kuschner jet set around the world, often without government interpreters, and records of his meetings were lacking. He claimed to be on a peace-keeping mission, but given his proclivity to meet with America's adversaries, his agenda was nefarious. There will STILL be classified documents in Donald Trump's possession, possibly at numerous locations. He likes to have the hole card or the metaphorical Ace up his sleeve advantage. He seems to think he can evade accountability with this bargaining chip. Ever the consummate criminal, Trump continues his regular pattern of deception, while a bevy of Lawyers defend his litany of wrong-doing. Crime only pays until the perpetrator gets caught. We await justice.

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It is way past time to try to negotiate compliance. The lead DOJ attorney on this case has to think differently. Every day that this nightmare of missing documents goes on more and more of our sources and methods and people acting for out safety in clandestine ways are put at risk. I keep hearing that the DOJ can't act within 60 days of an election as that would seem politically motivated. However, not acting seems to also be politically motivated, i.e. bending over backward so as not to appear to be putting their thumb on the scale against Trump and his party. However, this has to be weighed against the increasing danger that each day brings (as I mentioned above). Certainly, immediately after the election, which is now less than 30 days away, all of that traditional stay out of sight during an election tradition is no longer relevant. I expect the DOG to no longer continue to put Trump above the law. I strongly hope that the DOJ will take the actions that the evidence suggests. I will no longer give the DOJ excuses after November 8. They must then act with diligent speed. Our national security is at risk. Our nation based on laws is at risk. Our standard that no person is above the law is at risk. Everything our founding fathers fought for is at risk. After election day November 8, the DOJ must act with all due dispatch; and in my opinion, based on the evidence I have seen and studied, the DOJ must indict. And thank you to @StevenBeschloss for giving me this forman within which I can safely speak out.

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I agree, but I want DOJ to act before Nov.8th. I don’t care if there’s protocol or tradition that says DOJ must wait until after Nov.8th. Everything is on the line right now. DOJ must act to preserve our government and our way of life.

What good is tradition or protocol if our govt. no longer exists?

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Actually I agree with you; but the media keeps talking about the pre-election tradition. I’m afraid the Trump cult would use action by DOJ now as a way to whip up their base and sway public opinion against the obvious facts. As certain as the DOJ case appears, if public opinion isn’t with them their facts might get lost in the noise. Maybe I am just being a wimp.

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You’re not being a wimp! Everyone in this country has been battered by Trump’s abuse & bullying. The media is a big part of the problem. It’s a dilemma, no question. I’m now at the point where I think DOJ should proceed as they would against any other criminal suspect. It’s not going to be easy or without some kind of retaliation/violence no matter how it’s done or when it’s done, so let’s get it over with. All Trump does is rant and take money from his supporters who probably need the money far more than he does. But he’s so good at manipulating people (as evidenced by the Secret Service being co-opted into his illegal activities) that he should be treated as a very dangerous person who should be removed from society.

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