Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Chef Jose Andres who goes wherever needed in the world. Also Stacy Abrams who has and continues to fight for voting rights, protecting the vote of POC and doing so with purpose, data and tirelessly.

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Thanks for mentioning both of these inspiring people, Sharyn.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

People who’ve recently passed: Ruth Bader Ginsberg & John Lewis. People actively working to make positive change now: Greta Thunberg & Joe Biden.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I admire and I‘m in awe of the people in Belarus, Hongkong and Myanmar - for defying authoritarian dictators, for standing up for their beliefs, knowing full well they risk jail, torture, rape, gruesome treatment... The same goes for people in Afghanistan who most certainly face dreadful torture and death because they worked for the „enemy“. I admire the people in Africa who undergo hell and have their livelihoods destroyed, suffering in silence... And regardless of all that‘s been said about Aung San Suu Kyi, I still admire this lady and can’t believe hardly anyone is mentioning her. Thank you for your thought inspiring contributions.

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Thank you, Doris, for this thoughtful addition.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Ruth Badder Ginsberg.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

The person right now I most admire is President Biden because he is restoring our faith in the goodness of government and is almost 80.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Admire Doctors Without Borders for the unselfish work they do

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

John Lewis and Jill Biden

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am enamored with Heather Cox Richardson. How I wish I had teachers like her in high school and college who could have helped create a love of learning like she has. Not only do I get a concise report of yesterday’s news, I get lectures on history. I have learned more about the south and the Civil War and its impact on our country today. She is a marvel.

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Wow! How do you select, from so much greatness when you are a Libra?!

Joe Biden. I was so bruised after 4 years with Trump, that first I just needed a hug which he has hugely given all of us. I like his quick and well thought out choices for his entire team and his organized aggressive action to get in there and do the work. Not the least of which is restoring our respect and demeanor in the world.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I admire the contemporary Cuban American artist Coco Fusco for her committed advocacy for artists’ rights in Cuba. She posts regularly on Facebook as Instagram and publishes updates in English. If you don’t know what is going on there, look her up on social media or Google the San Isidro Movement, a group founded by Cuban artists as journalists in Cuba in 2018 to fight artistic censorship and free speech on the island.

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Thanks for noting her, Olga. It's encouraging to know about her good work.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I admire Obama for his empathy and kindness, but it is my friend and union organizer, Kimberly Colbert, whom I lost admire for her heart and courage to continue fighting year after year for racial justice in our society and, particularly, in public education. She champions educators, and centers the individual talents and needs of students—year after year.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Whom I MOST admire…sorry

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Thank you for mentioning her. I appreciate learning about her.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I can't pick one overall. Thank goodness there are many brave, courageous, clear-sighted individuals acting to make the world a better safer place to live. But asked to choose today, I admire the Twitter Resisters, many are older, on fixed incomes, facing physical challenges who see what is happening to our nation, a nation many of us wore the uniform to protect. Resisters who see members of our family swallowing whole the morsels of disinformation proclaimed by FOX/GOP. We are stunned by the treachery of the legal system that we thought couldn't easily be corrupted, by the actions of a political party that a decade ago we never would have believed would turn their collective backs on America's citizens. We should be able to sit back and watch a new generation lead our nation. Instead, we see not only what is happening now but know where it is leading. We are taking the arms we have, our voices, to play Grandpa and Grandma Paul Reveres. The enemy has been exposed and it is fellow citizens/lawmakers. The enemy is within and American democracy is in peril.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Bill McKibben. Early climate activist, humble, appreciative of others, persisted through years of being ignored, brought grassroots climate activism into being.

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Yes, indeed.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Pete Buttigieg

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I admire all the names that are cited in this comment thread. I can include Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams for their determination for a better America. Also Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Harrison, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for their vigilance in leadership. All the Democrat governors and mayors during the pandemic as well as the GOP leaders that did the right thing. Lastly, all of us that protest for equal rights and the activism we demonstrate in our communities when we gather to have our voices heard.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

In this moment, I find myself in admiration of my children. I have watched them grow into kind and compassionate people—something that began in preschool and continues to be the foundation of their entire public school experience thus far. Make no mistake, one cannot mistake their kindness for weakness. I have watched, in utter astonishment and disgust, as the “grown ups” in charge of our government (GOP) behave in ways that would get them kicked out of civil society, as they abuse their power and are actively trying to destroy our democracy. If we fight hard enough now, then perhaps my children's generation can lead us toward unification.

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Jun 5, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I admire nearly all of the names mentioned here and certainly our sitting President and Vice President. In politics, I favor one woman who is a highly effective leader and a humane, compassionate individual. She is Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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Jun 6, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

1.Tommy Douglas who instituted State healthcare, unemployment insurance benefits in Canada; 2. Seretse Kama, first, democratically elected President of Botwsana after renouncing his royal status, who then transformed the country into a well governed, democratic one, applying good governance in Africa; it is one of the best managed countries in Africa. Then ex-aequo, his successor, Ketumile Masire. 4. Nelson Mandela; 5. Patrice Lumumba. 5. Willy Brandt, former German Federal Chancellor, for his "Oestpolitik", i.e rapprochement with the East (USSR and its allies) in the 70s, before Gorbatchev. 6. Olof Palme, former, assassinated Prime minister of Sweden, for his social-democratic policies; 7. President Barack Obama. 8. VP Kamala Harris; 9. Stacey Abrams.

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Former president Jimmy Carter. A man who knows how to restore faith in our republic and democracy.

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On a more local level, I admire all the people who advocate for conservation, particularly in light of climate change, and devote their free time and muscle to maintaining recreational trails. I am proud to be a member of that community with membership and/or leadership roles in the Appalachian Mountain Club, the Connecticut Forest & Park Association, the Guilford Conservation Commission and the Guilford Land Conservation Trust.

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Sorry but Mother Teresa was one of the great con artists. Listen to what Christopher Hitchins says - ‘ MT was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan. Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? The primitive hospice in Calcutta was as run down when she died as it always had been—she preferred California clinics when she got sick herself—and her order always refused to publish any audit. ’

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Yes, I’ve heard the criticisms. I used her photo because she was selected as the most admired person of the 20th Century, as per Gallup. For myself, I’d be most likely to select Martin Luther King from that list.

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