What is particularly abhorrent is that the beliefs of these right-wing lunatics are absolutely antithetical to every word that Christ uttered. Love, forgiveness and inclusivity comprise the foundation of his philosophy. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," Christ proclaimed.

These racist bigots, however, preach hatred, vengeance and apartheid. How dare they claim to speak in Christ's name?

But where are the leaders of the various Christian Churches? Why aren't they denouncing the hate-mongers in the most strident terms? Instead, the idiot of an Archbishop in San Francisco sees fit to bar Nancy Pelosi from communion.

God help us.

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Absolutely. Our democracy hangs on a the thinnest of threads in these midterms. I plan to be as active as possible in key Secretary of State races around the country as suggested in this recent op Ed piece. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/12/opinion/midterms-state-races.html

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It may come as a surprise to your readers, Steven, that here in a small northern Ontario riding Roger Stone -- yes, THAT Roger Stone -- is heavily involved in our upcoming Provincial election, having been hired as a "campaign advisor" by Derek Sloan, the "leader" of the Ontario Party (formed in 2018), who is running on a platform of "Freedom, Family and Faith." Sloan was elected to the Federal parliament in this riding as the Conservative Party candidate five years ago, but was kicked out of the party for his vocal support of conversion therapy, and his very vocal opposition to vaccine and mask mandates. He ran away to Alberta to run in the last federal election this past June, failed to win more than 2% of the vote, and is now back in northern Ontario, supporting the truckers "convoy" and espousing all the same hate-filled values you identify in your piece. Thankfully, the Ontario Party (although running a candidate in 220 of the 224 Ontario ridings!) stands no chance of forming the government. But we MUST ask the questions: what is Roger Stone's interest in our backwater campaign? Who is funding him? Is his presence here as an "advisor" a Trojan Horse operation? Who, actually, is Roger Stone working for? If this all sounds too weird and crazy to believe, please do Google "Derek Sloan & Roger Stone" and you will see articles in all of Canada's mainstream media from late April covering the story. It's here, and it's real, and we ignore it at our own peril.

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None of this is surprising to anyone who has been paying attention. The GOP gave up any pretense of loving democracy when our country had the audacity to twice elect a Black man as president.

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These people are making this country unlivable.

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One of the central concepts in the founding or our country was religious freedom. Yet now the white Christian rule seems to be taking over. It is that belief system than permeates much of Congress, on the GOP side. It is that belief system that dominates a majority on the Supreme Court, a body of government that is supposed to be the most independent, a body of government that claims to interpret the Constitution strictly. I am Jewish; and my belief system lifts up to the highest level the value of life, pikuah nefesh, in Hebrew. Where is there room for my belief system if the Supreme Court will not permit abortion if the life of the mother is at stake. Back to the mass shooting at the Buffalo supermarket. It was motivated by white supremacy thought. So much of the discussion among our elected officials on the right talks about mental illness of the shooter. Where is the discussion of the white supremacy beliefs of the shooter? How can replacement theory take hold in our country that is supposedly free from religious bias? Where is my religious freedom as a Jewish person when my government accepts white Christian rule as the basis for the law of the land in 2022? That belief in white Christian rule led to a death in Charlottesville. That white Christian rule led to the mass shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. So, I ask, where is my religious freedom in our 21st century America?

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