No one said it would be easy. The Revolutionary War lasted more than eight years as the American colonies sought to extricate themselves from British rule and forge an independent nation. No one said it would be perfect. Not women who didn’t win the right to vote until August 18, 1920 with the ratification of the 19th Amendment—and surely not Black Americans who first won the right to vote with the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments after the Civil War and have continued to struggle to exercise their rights with the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and beyond. As Frederick Douglass precisely observed in 1865, ““Slavery is not abolished until the Black man has the ballot.”
Throughout American history, the assumption that democracy is a value and system worth fighting for—a sacred idea that distinguishes the United States from tyrannical rule—has been a defining principle. Democracy has been a shared promise, not only for Americans, but for people the world over. If the American dream has provided a vision of a better economic life, American democracy has represented the potential for free people to determine their own fate. It’s hard to overstate how powerful the first three words of the US Constitution are: ”We the People…”
A commitment to democracy is something that I long treated as a given among Americans. Sadly, not anymore. But rather than focus here on the anti-democratic forces that are working aggressively and methodically to end the American democratic project in an effort to get and keep power, I’d like to focus on the ideas and ideals, the values and principles that make democracy and the right to vote worth fighting for. Why does democracy matter to you?
I am hoping that we can fill the comment section with song—with a chorus of thoughts and feelings, experiences and observations—to reiterate and remind each other why democracy and the passage of voting rights matter so deeply. As always, I am grateful for the contributions of everyone here and the opportunity to learn from each other.
America seems to have always struggled to be a democracy but has strived to follow democratic principles based on the Constitution. What has become starkly apparent is how much corporate influence there is over elected officials and the decisions they make regarding policy and programs for the American people. Does this influence now define the American government which then cannot be called Democracy. I believe in majority rule, with free and fair elections, equal representation, free expression without harm to others and equal economic opportunity. To me this defines Democracy that is worth fighting for!!
I am white, my neighbor is black. We are both worried. I have no children but he has four. I asked him how he thinks this world is turning out for them. The look on his face was sad. I told him that he and everyone has to vote in the midterms. He agreed. I told him I already voted for the Special Election we are having next month. I asked him if he had voted yet. Not yet he replied. Don't wait I told him. We can't wait anymore on any election. He is a laid back kind of person and I am not. I told him that democracy needs involvement on every level especially voting. This is not the time for last minute decisions. Stay aware. He asked how do we get people who don't believe in democracy act differently? I, for once, do not have the answer. Someone smarter than me better have the answer.
Thank you for sharing this story. I think you answered how we can get people to believe in democracy, at least if they are neighbors. Talk to them. Whether they’ll listen given the amount of propaganda mucking up the system is another question.
I finally got to talk to him because he finally got his covid shots. I was so frustrated with him. When I saw him today, I kept my distance as usual and he says I am thoroughly vaccinated. I was so happy and the conversation began again.
I can imagine my country becoming a dictatorship. I was in junior high when JFK was president. He inspired me. A friend's brother was one of the first casualties in Vietnam. My brother had been 17 walking guard duty on the 38th parallel in Korea. I went to college and supported protests against the war, put up signs for Open Housing, still support women's bodies and rights.
I am old, but I will not stop believing we can be better. I will use all my abilities to prevent this war on my country.
Heather Cox Richardson nails it when she goes back to our Declaration of Independence. After delineating various unalienable rights, rights we deem as self-evident / in no need to be otherwise proven, they explain how governments are tolerated.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."
We give our CONSENT to be governed justly. We have a right to a say in how we are governed. We can have a say in self determination. That right is what it is to be human.
That's what our Democracy means to me - the right to be human and have a say in my fate.
JR. Totally agree. The Declaration derived from Locke and Rousseau. And we used to have a democracy although an imperfect one. But what power does the majority have when the electoral college gives the minority significant power over the majority (in the Senate and Pres. elections). And what power does the majority have when those with enormous economic power, oligarchs, co-opt the leaders chosen by the minority of people? Not sure Locke, Rousseau or even Jefferson -- revolutionary though they were -- got that far in their analysis. JBR
I doubt Locke and Rousseau, much less the founders, would have conceived of the confluence of the money, twists to our majority / minority influences and our ability to communicate so broadly, all coming together. In a lot of ways, I think we were lucky to have such an incompetent egomaniac, and a pandemic at this time. I fear they moved the Republican plan up an election or two, and we got to see the attempts to overthrow our system, before they were ready (or competent). So, now we've got a chance to stop it.
They were aware that we would face new obstacles, especially the power of money to distort democracy. We have failed in that we did not change our laws to protect us from the assault of religion and capitalism.
"We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. A Republic cannot stand upon bayonets, and when the day comes when the wealth of the nation will be in the hands of a few, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nations to the changed conditions."
I know two things democracy isn’t. Secured and guaranteed. As sure as I know we are all riled up and determined not to lose it this time, IF we are able to save it from the conspiracy nut jobs who do not believe in equality and critical research, I am sure in enough years, complacency will again become the norm and the deep seated hatred that resides in the hearts of the ill-willed, will again rear it’s truly ugly head to pull us toward autocracy. Because they want what the want and compromise be damned.
This tune definitely comes to mind. It’s the essence of democracy. It has its limits & shortcomings, but in the grand scheme this is what matters— liberty— to be able to think, believe, love, aspire, and be what you want to be. No other political system allows the individual to be that, an individual & pursue their desires & inspirations.
What the founders said was in the preamble their intentions in declaring independence from the monarchy.
"A preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy."
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Form. Establish. Insure. Provide. Promote. Secure. Ordain and Establish.
We have to understand the preamble in order to understand the body of the document.
"We do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
He said this in speaking about our race into space against the Russians. We very much needed to show that our democracy could compete with any other form of government. At that time we could count on the Republican party to at least give lip service to the ideals of democracy, although they have never been wholeheartedly concerned with the general welfare of society. They have always been pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, and pro-party, at the expense of democracy.
"While the Republican Party has long engaged in efforts at voter suppression, the triumph of Trumpism has seen the party embrace the big lie of widespread election fraud. They have been using this lie to push laws aimed at restricting voting and this indicates an explicit rejection of American democracy in favor of securing power through non-democratic means. One could argue that this is consistent with traditional values; at least the tradition of Jim Crow and other anti-democratic efforts over the course of United States history."
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
Abraham Lincoln
I believe democracy is the only best form of government available to society. But, as long as we deny full participation by every member of society, we are not there yet. Overcoming our long-practiced privilege for white, straight, wealthy males will take a lot of work, but it is within our doing and within the call of the declaration of independence.
If Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, LGBTQ+ do not prevail in our two upcoming critical elections, it is near certainty that democracy in America will be dead for the foreseeable future. We will have a dictatorship of some sort, or a theocracy, or maybe some combination of the two. If that scenario plays out, one thing we will not be is free. Pigmentation, sexual identity, political party, or religion will not ensure our once treasured rights.
We already have Christian preachers calling for the execution of Democrats, non-Christian, gay, queer, black, brown, or anyone resisting Trump and the Trumplicans. It seems that they are in competition with ISIS as to who can be the most extreme in their aim for religious domination of the world.
From the beginning the founders, James Madison specifically, called on future generations to use the constitution to keep our laws in line with the needs of society. That's what all those action verbs are meant for. Down through the years we have seen our legislators give more and more authority to capitalists and Christians, allowing them to prescribe legislation detrimental to everyone else. No other religions need to apply for inclusion.
Democracy is like a high-bred woman; It requires a lot of maintenance and constant attention. If you wish to hold on to her, you will have to see to all her needs. If her wardrobe becomes threadbare, if her table is set with subsistence vittles, if her emotional needs are ignored, then she may take flight and leave you wondering what else you could have done.
Mr. Beschloss, I'm sorry about the long-winded, maybe incoherant response, but you did ask, and I'm 80+ years old and I have good reason to wonder what is in store for my children and grandchildren. This is the most I have ever been about the direction our republic is headed in.
Our politics and our religion have been turned into weapons against us. Very formidable weapons.
Thank you for your thoughtful comments here, C.A. I don’t read it as “long-winded,” but a passionate expression of your hope for democracy’s survival. That’s exactly what we need.
Of everything which you can consider, "DEMOCRACY" has had the utmost impact on my life. I often reflect on my great fortune to have been born and lived during that teeniest slice of human history when people governed themselves. Of all the billions and billions of people who have lived and passed on and never, never knew freedom, or success, or even comfort, I lucked out and lived in the United States of America during this brief time. I stand in reverence of the people who secured that for me as well as those who sustained it. Now, when I am navigating the comments and tweets of so many who contrive to tear it all down (and seeing their dangerous proximity to success), I find myself sitting there with involuntary tears suddenly streaming down my face. I cannot help it, it just happens. But the tears are not for me; I have lived the greater part of my life. The tears are for my grandkids who may some day wonder why I could not save that for them. I am NOT silent, I use my voice. I speak out. I vote. I support. But, sometimes it just feels so defeating. (Sorry I am so emotional here - old coot!)
It is good fortune to have been born into a country where democracy has been the guiding principle and where, even now, its survival is attainable. But that’s up to all of us.
I think to me the #1 among so many is that you, your words in this piece and others are allowed and should never be taken for granted. Speaking truth to power or being able to especially when morally, ethically or legally called to do so as we are again now in our history and in this fight to save our countries democracy, liberty and freedoms before being taken over by idiologs who want nothing more than to see democracy fail. That history as you write and as we are witnessing some trying to erase for other false narratives is also worthy of its defense. A country and democracy is nothing If it cannot truthfully deal with its history which includes all the good, the bad and the often very ugly. We need to heed the lessons of Germany and others with determination and resolve to never let those nefarious malicious malfesent inclinations ever take hold or take hold again within our or any other country. Truth to a manelivent power always.
I wrote something, I really did. But while writing, my husband called from the tarmac at SETAC because some of our fellow Americans decided to cause a ruckus about masks and it not being “Biden’s world”. My faith is weak just right this second…………
Don't be weak, and don't threaten to leave the country.
Take heart from the number and kind of people who sign up for such blogs as Mr. Beschloss. We are the majority in this country, and, yes, we all have these concerns or we wouldn't be here.
Take heart in the fact that we had people in our military who refused to be cowed by Trump. They are called soldiers for a reason, and they know what to fight for.
Take heart in all the comments here. I think Beschloss attracts some pretty good people with his on-point commentary.
Take heart in the thought that any authoritarian/religious element that might be in power after the next election will be a short-lived event. I don't doubt that the American people would instantly and as one, rise up against all bigots and despots.
Take heart in the fact that we still have progressive politicians who still fight for the best things for all Americans. Everything in the preamble to the constitution calls for progressive political thinking.
Take heart in the fact that our Black and Brown community are some of the most dedicated battle-worn defenders of democracy. Even when we offend them with our ignorance and insensitivity offend them, they continue to give their best. Our opponents have too many people listed in their "Other" column. A token of the damage our white privilege has caused.
My husband just got home a few minutes ago. He said when the plane went back to the gate, the pilot explained that it was one of EIGHT in that hour that had to do so. Eight plane loads of folks who probably didn’t make their connection!
America seems to have always struggled to be a democracy but has strived to follow democratic principles based on the Constitution. What has become starkly apparent is how much corporate influence there is over elected officials and the decisions they make regarding policy and programs for the American people. Does this influence now define the American government which then cannot be called Democracy. I believe in majority rule, with free and fair elections, equal representation, free expression without harm to others and equal economic opportunity. To me this defines Democracy that is worth fighting for!!
I am white, my neighbor is black. We are both worried. I have no children but he has four. I asked him how he thinks this world is turning out for them. The look on his face was sad. I told him that he and everyone has to vote in the midterms. He agreed. I told him I already voted for the Special Election we are having next month. I asked him if he had voted yet. Not yet he replied. Don't wait I told him. We can't wait anymore on any election. He is a laid back kind of person and I am not. I told him that democracy needs involvement on every level especially voting. This is not the time for last minute decisions. Stay aware. He asked how do we get people who don't believe in democracy act differently? I, for once, do not have the answer. Someone smarter than me better have the answer.
Thank you for sharing this story. I think you answered how we can get people to believe in democracy, at least if they are neighbors. Talk to them. Whether they’ll listen given the amount of propaganda mucking up the system is another question.
I finally got to talk to him because he finally got his covid shots. I was so frustrated with him. When I saw him today, I kept my distance as usual and he says I am thoroughly vaccinated. I was so happy and the conversation began again.
I can imagine my country becoming a dictatorship. I was in junior high when JFK was president. He inspired me. A friend's brother was one of the first casualties in Vietnam. My brother had been 17 walking guard duty on the 38th parallel in Korea. I went to college and supported protests against the war, put up signs for Open Housing, still support women's bodies and rights.
I am old, but I will not stop believing we can be better. I will use all my abilities to prevent this war on my country.
Heather Cox Richardson nails it when she goes back to our Declaration of Independence. After delineating various unalienable rights, rights we deem as self-evident / in no need to be otherwise proven, they explain how governments are tolerated.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."
We give our CONSENT to be governed justly. We have a right to a say in how we are governed. We can have a say in self determination. That right is what it is to be human.
That's what our Democracy means to me - the right to be human and have a say in my fate.
JR. Totally agree. The Declaration derived from Locke and Rousseau. And we used to have a democracy although an imperfect one. But what power does the majority have when the electoral college gives the minority significant power over the majority (in the Senate and Pres. elections). And what power does the majority have when those with enormous economic power, oligarchs, co-opt the leaders chosen by the minority of people? Not sure Locke, Rousseau or even Jefferson -- revolutionary though they were -- got that far in their analysis. JBR
I doubt Locke and Rousseau, much less the founders, would have conceived of the confluence of the money, twists to our majority / minority influences and our ability to communicate so broadly, all coming together. In a lot of ways, I think we were lucky to have such an incompetent egomaniac, and a pandemic at this time. I fear they moved the Republican plan up an election or two, and we got to see the attempts to overthrow our system, before they were ready (or competent). So, now we've got a chance to stop it.
They were aware that we would face new obstacles, especially the power of money to distort democracy. We have failed in that we did not change our laws to protect us from the assault of religion and capitalism.
"We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. A Republic cannot stand upon bayonets, and when the day comes when the wealth of the nation will be in the hands of a few, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nations to the changed conditions."
James Madison
Optimism amidst the rubble! Well said. And thanks for your replying!
You, too!
PS: Instead of inaugural or SOTU addresses, maybe we need recitation of Aristotle's Virtues:
I know two things democracy isn’t. Secured and guaranteed. As sure as I know we are all riled up and determined not to lose it this time, IF we are able to save it from the conspiracy nut jobs who do not believe in equality and critical research, I am sure in enough years, complacency will again become the norm and the deep seated hatred that resides in the hearts of the ill-willed, will again rear it’s truly ugly head to pull us toward autocracy. Because they want what the want and compromise be damned.
This tune definitely comes to mind. It’s the essence of democracy. It has its limits & shortcomings, but in the grand scheme this is what matters— liberty— to be able to think, believe, love, aspire, and be what you want to be. No other political system allows the individual to be that, an individual & pursue their desires & inspirations.
No one said it would be easy.
No one said it would be perfect.
What the founders said was in the preamble their intentions in declaring independence from the monarchy.
"A preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy."
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Form. Establish. Insure. Provide. Promote. Secure. Ordain and Establish.
We have to understand the preamble in order to understand the body of the document.
"We do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
He said this in speaking about our race into space against the Russians. We very much needed to show that our democracy could compete with any other form of government. At that time we could count on the Republican party to at least give lip service to the ideals of democracy, although they have never been wholeheartedly concerned with the general welfare of society. They have always been pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, and pro-party, at the expense of democracy.
"While the Republican Party has long engaged in efforts at voter suppression, the triumph of Trumpism has seen the party embrace the big lie of widespread election fraud. They have been using this lie to push laws aimed at restricting voting and this indicates an explicit rejection of American democracy in favor of securing power through non-democratic means. One could argue that this is consistent with traditional values; at least the tradition of Jim Crow and other anti-democratic efforts over the course of United States history."
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
Abraham Lincoln
I believe democracy is the only best form of government available to society. But, as long as we deny full participation by every member of society, we are not there yet. Overcoming our long-practiced privilege for white, straight, wealthy males will take a lot of work, but it is within our doing and within the call of the declaration of independence.
If Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, LGBTQ+ do not prevail in our two upcoming critical elections, it is near certainty that democracy in America will be dead for the foreseeable future. We will have a dictatorship of some sort, or a theocracy, or maybe some combination of the two. If that scenario plays out, one thing we will not be is free. Pigmentation, sexual identity, political party, or religion will not ensure our once treasured rights.
We already have Christian preachers calling for the execution of Democrats, non-Christian, gay, queer, black, brown, or anyone resisting Trump and the Trumplicans. It seems that they are in competition with ISIS as to who can be the most extreme in their aim for religious domination of the world.
From the beginning the founders, James Madison specifically, called on future generations to use the constitution to keep our laws in line with the needs of society. That's what all those action verbs are meant for. Down through the years we have seen our legislators give more and more authority to capitalists and Christians, allowing them to prescribe legislation detrimental to everyone else. No other religions need to apply for inclusion.
Democracy is like a high-bred woman; It requires a lot of maintenance and constant attention. If you wish to hold on to her, you will have to see to all her needs. If her wardrobe becomes threadbare, if her table is set with subsistence vittles, if her emotional needs are ignored, then she may take flight and leave you wondering what else you could have done.
Mr. Beschloss, I'm sorry about the long-winded, maybe incoherant response, but you did ask, and I'm 80+ years old and I have good reason to wonder what is in store for my children and grandchildren. This is the most I have ever been about the direction our republic is headed in.
Our politics and our religion have been turned into weapons against us. Very formidable weapons.
Thank you for your thoughtful comments here, C.A. I don’t read it as “long-winded,” but a passionate expression of your hope for democracy’s survival. That’s exactly what we need.
Of everything which you can consider, "DEMOCRACY" has had the utmost impact on my life. I often reflect on my great fortune to have been born and lived during that teeniest slice of human history when people governed themselves. Of all the billions and billions of people who have lived and passed on and never, never knew freedom, or success, or even comfort, I lucked out and lived in the United States of America during this brief time. I stand in reverence of the people who secured that for me as well as those who sustained it. Now, when I am navigating the comments and tweets of so many who contrive to tear it all down (and seeing their dangerous proximity to success), I find myself sitting there with involuntary tears suddenly streaming down my face. I cannot help it, it just happens. But the tears are not for me; I have lived the greater part of my life. The tears are for my grandkids who may some day wonder why I could not save that for them. I am NOT silent, I use my voice. I speak out. I vote. I support. But, sometimes it just feels so defeating. (Sorry I am so emotional here - old coot!)
It is good fortune to have been born into a country where democracy has been the guiding principle and where, even now, its survival is attainable. But that’s up to all of us.
I think to me the #1 among so many is that you, your words in this piece and others are allowed and should never be taken for granted. Speaking truth to power or being able to especially when morally, ethically or legally called to do so as we are again now in our history and in this fight to save our countries democracy, liberty and freedoms before being taken over by idiologs who want nothing more than to see democracy fail. That history as you write and as we are witnessing some trying to erase for other false narratives is also worthy of its defense. A country and democracy is nothing If it cannot truthfully deal with its history which includes all the good, the bad and the often very ugly. We need to heed the lessons of Germany and others with determination and resolve to never let those nefarious malicious malfesent inclinations ever take hold or take hold again within our or any other country. Truth to a manelivent power always.
I wrote something, I really did. But while writing, my husband called from the tarmac at SETAC because some of our fellow Americans decided to cause a ruckus about masks and it not being “Biden’s world”. My faith is weak just right this second…………
Don't be weak, and don't threaten to leave the country.
Take heart from the number and kind of people who sign up for such blogs as Mr. Beschloss. We are the majority in this country, and, yes, we all have these concerns or we wouldn't be here.
Take heart in the fact that we had people in our military who refused to be cowed by Trump. They are called soldiers for a reason, and they know what to fight for.
Take heart in all the comments here. I think Beschloss attracts some pretty good people with his on-point commentary.
Take heart in the thought that any authoritarian/religious element that might be in power after the next election will be a short-lived event. I don't doubt that the American people would instantly and as one, rise up against all bigots and despots.
Take heart in the fact that we still have progressive politicians who still fight for the best things for all Americans. Everything in the preamble to the constitution calls for progressive political thinking.
Take heart in the fact that our Black and Brown community are some of the most dedicated battle-worn defenders of democracy. Even when we offend them with our ignorance and insensitivity offend them, they continue to give their best. Our opponents have too many people listed in their "Other" column. A token of the damage our white privilege has caused.
Take heart...
Fortunately, while loud and obnoxious, they're not the majority.
My husband just got home a few minutes ago. He said when the plane went back to the gate, the pilot explained that it was one of EIGHT in that hour that had to do so. Eight plane loads of folks who probably didn’t make their connection!
Good grief.
I know one thing, calling a event an insurrection when it was mostly planned and implemented by the FBI is not democracy.