I watch what the media is doing to Biden and all I can think of is the way the media established trump as a viable candidate way back in the beginning. How many times was he on morning talk shows that were/are considered liberal and the hosts laughed with him and egged him on. The comments now about President Biden being old are in those same shows. Why?

I am 79, 80 in June. I am more physically and mentally able to compete with trump than I could with Joe Biden. I do not know what Biden knows about the world and how to run a government but I know EVERYTHING that Trump knows. I can still ski, walk miles, do yoga every day, run a bit and create art and think straight. Trump can do none of that. I’m sure President Biden can do most of it.

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Feb 10Liked by Steven Beschloss

Quiet competence doesn’t excite viewers or keep eyeballs on screens. So quiet competence loses the media-capitalist battle - that’s the game now.

No commitment to serving the public good - only to succeeding with collecting advertisers and shareholders.

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In two short paragraphs, you summed up the entire situation perfectly. It’s all so totally disgusting, unpatriotic, and dangerous. Mike Pence’s detention of classified documents was written off as unintentional with a one-page note; but President Biden gets 300+ pages of partisan political smears.

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Feb 10Liked by Steven Beschloss

Well, Pence was not assigned a special counsel because he was not in office. Biden only was because he is the President. Garland had no choice and it’s not his fault that the Special Counsel rules require a different reporting than normal DOJ statements about investigations. There is no one to blame for the characterizations in the report than Hur. I also blame the press for highlighting them more than the substantive conclusions of the report itself. It’s long but I learned more from reading it myself when it was made public than I did from the news.

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Actually, some people in Biden’s administration seem to think that it was not necessary to appoint a special counsel, and they are angry at Garland for not editing out the partisan political statements, of which there are many. In any case, the damage is already done, so now the focus should be on Biden‘s team going on the offense and dealing with this nightmare.

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And, yes, the focus should be offensive now!

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Yes, I’ve seen them and I disagree. Respectfully, I think it’s an emotional reaction to an unpleasant reality. Impartiality and transparency are always better IMO. Biden’s age has been a topic of voter concern for over a year. If Biden’s team had dealt with it head on rather than doing things that gave the appearance/impression of there being some truth to the concerns, this wouldn’t be so damaging. It shouldn’t be damaging in a rational, fair, objective world — Biden is not cognitively deficient and he’s know for verbal gaffs because of his stutter — but we don’t live in that world.

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There was no impartiality in that report. They had no business putting any words in there that didn't relate directly to the charge and conclusion. It was all unnecessary and partial. Personally I think it was shameful he was allowed to say all that to the public when he's not a scientist, he's a lawyer pulling levers.

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I am very angry about that too!

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Of course the media did! Think how much $$$$$ they can make!! To hell with our democracy, our citizens. "Greed is good." And thus ends our nation.

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Same with the Mueller report. Democracy requires a population that reads (and writes).

Democracy can not be sustained by disinfotainment.

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This has been going on for far to long now. We need a workable solution asap. I know of course the problem is the need to get the likes and the clicks. People tuning in to the cable news programs also. I stopped watching CNN awhile back because of this. I only turn the channel to MSNBC when they're having a guest appearance that I like. Other than keep calling them out on it I don't have any answers. Even calling them out doesn't do much good because we're mostly talking among ourselves. The message is definitely not getting to the ones who need it the most!

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Perfectly said and so right.

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Sad truth of it all. Always just about the MONEY.

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Also about being entertained. Nothing like egregious, outrageous behavior to get attention. How many kids did you know in school who behaved badly or outrageously just to get attention?? Competence and playing by the rules meant to apply to everyone is boring, it seems.

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Yes, the media artificially keeps us "living in interesting times". I for one would like to get back to normalcy so I can get on with my life.

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Agree with you completely.

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I yearn for the days when News was considered a separate department from entertainment and they expected to take a loss. Advertising allowed that, and the internet broke that. As with most things, nothing is free, and if we want better journalism from the major outlets, we’re going to have to both pay for it and create a bigger demand for it — and we’re going to have to put up with hearing sometimes uncomfortable news outside of out self-selected, partisan and algorithm driven SILOs.

The drumbeat about Biden’s age didn’t only come from the right, it came from the left. It was a concern that should have been addressed with information about age, memory and cognitive ability long before this week. The newspapers didn’t make up the noise around the issue but they and the Democrats did not speak loudly and often enough to drown it out, and whoever made the ridiculous idea to shield Biden from being Biden just made things worse.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 11

So true. There was false confidence that a clown could not become president; the blatant racist launch of the campaign would be rejected. Was there too much confidence that the public was strongly supportive of a free press; that putting reporters in ‘pens’, calling them ‘enemies of the people’, would create a groundswell of revulsion?

We also have a new generation in the news biz who are coming of age in a totally different news model. Each generation wants what is new, more like them & change. I wonder if social stereotypes and generational angst drive the age issue.

In the US there is a strong stream of negativity about older people that runs through society. It is evident in the workplace. Too old; too slow; unable to learn new things; in the way. A more general generational view that older people are to blame for all evils in the world. Personally, I find another hot button the most puzzling: Resentment of the supposed life of ease & assumed accumulated and undeserved wealth that fell into the hands of seniors. (Despite almost 20 yrs from the ‘60s to 80’s of roller coaster record setting inflation, unemployment, interest rates each peaked about 2x as high as the Covid era).

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Also consider that the boomer generation, widely criticized for having all the wealth, was the first that lost guaranteed pensions and had to save with IRAs, Keoghs and 401 plans, despite the reoccurring recessions and stock market crashes.

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Exactly! It's the deprofessionalization of journalism...just like our medical system was eroded so it's administrators and politicians directing medical care, so too much of journalism is now dictated by administrators/CEO's, etc. and becomes entertainment and all opinion and emotion. We need to get back to professionalism, THEN MSM could re-establish itself as the respected Fourth Estate, guardians of our democracy.

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Michael, you managed to express my precise feelings more eloquently and in far fewer words. Well done!

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Right, on the money!

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I too am 79, 80 next week. And you are absolutely right!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

I, too, am 79 this year. My second mother-in-law one day said in frustration: "Everything was FINE until I turned 80!" There appears to be a lot of truth in that. Eighty seems to be somewhat of a milestone in human life. So. I am packing up my travel trailer and hitting the road next week with my two elderly dogs for what may be my "Farewell Tour" journey to see all of my friends and relatives who live in other states! Keep on keepin' on!

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Bravo! Enjoy your trip, Linda.

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That is awesome! Wishing you a fabulous trip! Stop by Sedona. It's a beautiful area you and your furbabies will love it. Safe travel! :)

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I love that you will do that! Have the most wonderful time!💙

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

See, the thing is: there's being alive and then there's living. Always an adventure! And--thanks!

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Morning Joe

'And we have Donald Trump on the line.'

2015, 2016 often daily

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Yes. I remember it well.

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Trump turned on them. They helped him get elected in 2016 with free coverage.

Trump uses everybody.

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So much free coverage and the press has learned nothing. Had they done their jobs from the minute he got off the escalator back in 2015 perhaps the almost 9 years of hell could have been avoided.

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Everything Trump Touches Dies.

Bodies strewn everywhere behind the bus.

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Trump is rather like the “star” of “Weekend at Bernie’s”.

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While walking our dogs together this morning, my neighbor reported to me an overview which she formed from reading The New York Times today.

She felt there was an urgent need to replace Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket this fall. She also expressed uncertainties about the suitability of Kamala Harris as the understudy waiting in the wings for the impending demise of Joe Biden.

It’s very disheartening that a well educated 75-year-old retired CT Suburban kindergarten teacher would be mislead into forming such opinions after reading The New York Times (or CNN) today, notwithstanding the recent 388 page hit job by Robert Hur, who himself is IMO demonstrating signs of early dementia, compromising his professional validity just like his owner, the quisling Very Stable Genius Orange Yam.

I told my neighbor in no uncertain terms that I felt that Joe Biden (based on his lifetime of experence in Government in Washington, plus his currently proven track record eg successfully initiating a New New Deal in the USA…building from the bottom up, and from the middle out), is by far the most qualified American to lead our country for the next four years.

I also explained that a vote for anyone else but Biden for President, is a vote for the Orange quisling Wannabe-Dictator-for-Life.

And I’m canceling my subscription to The New York Rightward Times

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I have cancelled them before. I know I should again. So disheartening.

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We are truly in trouble in more ways than one. Not only are the press like a pack of jackals with Biden, and like wee doves with Trump, we have a partisan hack in the Justice Department who couldn't attack Biden legally and therefore did so politically. Hur should be removed from his post at DOJ.

It seems our choices for President will be: The "Covfefe, punch him in the mouth, grab them by the p#**y, hamberder, inject bleach, poisoning our blood, man, woman, tv camera, witch hunt" fascist or...

"The elderly gentleman with a memory problem", who got shots in arms, stimulated the economy to it's strongest place ever, passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Chips and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, supporting democracy around the world, securing rights for LGBTQ+ Americans, and so much more.

It's no contest. I'll have some more from the "elderly gentleman", please.

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Bravo! I’ll take Joe who fights for the common man, builds the middle class, and has the empathy to understand basic American needs. If not for Republican obstruction, even more widespread accomplishments would be on his list of initiatives!

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I will always go with the gentleman..elderly or not. Also, Garland has shown his true (RED) colors as far as I am concerned.

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Garland has an overly developed sense of fairness. This works well if one is dealing with honorable gentlemen/gentleladies. Unfortunately he is dealing with monsters who lie and steal and take advantage of any opportunity. He has done a lot of damage to our country trying to be fair.

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I’ve sadly come to this conclusion as well.

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Not evil; just a wimp.

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An elderly gentleman’ vs. an “elderly crime boss”? No contest.

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I think Hur is actually now retired from DOJ.

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Good point. He left DOJ in 2021 (for the second time) and joined a private DC firm (for the 2nd time) as a partner. Then was appointed as special counsel. Surely his term has ended and he can take his notoriety back to making the big buck$.

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And his bio says he’s given donations to many republican candidates.

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Here’s a little of what Wikipedia says about the law firm he joined in 2021. I’m guessing he didn’t give up his partnership to become special counsel. (Yes, there is more and most of it is not pretty.)

— Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

The firm was founded in May 1890 by Republican corporate attorney John Bicknel and Democratic litigator Walter Trask. In 1897, Judge James Gibson joined the firm. Six years later, the firm merged with another law firm, belonging to former Los Angeles city attorney William Ellsworth Dunn and assistant city attorney Albert Crutcher. The merger gave the firm its name …

In 2009, Theodore B. Olson, a partner of the firm, successfully argued the case Citizens United v. FEC (2010) in its favor. The verdict sanctioned businesses' limitless campaign spending, which promoted corruption and black money.

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Not a lot of money though. I checked his bio out. :)

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yep. Talk show gigs abounding.

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The craven lust in the media for a story that will simply sell--and Hur's wholesale Trump-pandering and -enabling slander of Biden will sell--is one of the fatal flaws in American public culture. AND it's the way the media covers its fear of Trump by constantly doing his bidding. As Romney reports, Republican Senators did not vote to impeach Trump over the January 6th insurrection because they were advised to "think of your family." Trump sent a violent gang to the Capitol to beat a policeman to within an inch of his life and defecate in the hallways and, if they could find him, lynch Mike Pence for refusing to overthrow the United States government on Trump's orders. Anonymous juries have been admonished NEVER to divulge their being part of convicting Trump of raping and defaming E. Jean Carroll because they can pay for doing so with their lives. But whatever the threats, I believe most members of the press--all of the press, not just those in the dirty sphere of Fox News--would destroy anyone's reputation for a raise and their two shots of limelight. We must find a way to encourage a fair press, but we will not find it in those at the major networks now, for the most part. There are those at MSNBC and CBS, NBC, and CNN who do play fair--and some marvelous commentators--but there is no question we have a very, very serious problem in the slant of seeing Biden's noticeable but minor problems as major and the press's normalizing of Trump's malignant Dark Tetrad violence, sadism, narcissism, Machiavellianism, misogyny, xenophobia, and psychopathy as indicative of power, strength, and savvy. The press fail us daily and, on balance, their effect is to put a big, fat, heavy thumb on the scale of the next presidential election.

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Well said, indeed. MSM has been purchased by DARK MONEY to be used for evil purposes.

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The only thing to remember in this is that Beschloss appears, Weissman appears, and some anchors at the more liberal networks don't play this game. AND many good people, among them Reich et al., have openly worried that the ISSUE of Biden's age, not necessarily any gaffes (to which Biden has been prone his whole life), will sink us in the next election BECAUSE people have made so much fuss about it. And that shocks me because Trump is clinically insane in the worst kind of way: he is a DESTROYER personality, a RAGE FREAK, and a dedicator PUNISHER. And nobody spends a five-parter talking about that.

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I would add that if it was not age it would be something else. There was the China stuff which should have been knocked down by TFG’s own income from China when his tax returns made it to the public eye; the Ukraine prosecutor thing which should have been knocked down due to the Congressional record of bi-partisan support, the US, IMF and EU position & global applause.

Although age is not something that fades from people’s memories because they are reminded when they see a person. The media is more selective about pointing it out in Biden’s case. For now much of the media is letting Nikki Haley point out the weaknesses of Mr. Hamberder as she also ropes in Biden as though he is the same.

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Yes, ma'am! Nikki Haley is a very bad piece of work.

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Trump has succeeded, whether we like it or not, in becoming our very own strongman. With his own army of trolls, he is cowering everyone into not confronting him. The threats of violence are taking their toll. I do not anticipate anyone threatening Doocy about his questions; but a reporter goes hard after Trump and they get harassment. Isn't this the Putin playbook? No one likes getting harassed or intimidated and so the majority stays quiet and hopes the threat goes away.

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Sounds cowardly to me. If one does not stand up to a bully..he only gets worse and more powerful. Everyone should have learned this in elementary school, for heaven’s sake!

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Just like the spineless Republicans in Congress?

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I call them the Red Russian Republican Party. Because that is who they actually are.

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Most of Congressional Republicans have become the “Handmaidens” of Trump including the men. It’s dangerous and disgusting

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Yes they would rather incite the mob to attack others than risk paying a personal or political price.

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Bullies are not strong, they are weak and cowardly. Doesn't say much for the majority of the Republican Party members.

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I call them the eunuch party now for their cowardice and lack of certain anatomy.

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The Russian troll farm still operates also - although without its creator.

It isn’t only the harassment and death threats. The orange wonder has called for the government to punish MSNBC for their unflattering coverage. (Their coverage continues) There is also the demographic and $$ facto. For instance, CNN pivoted after Fox settled their defamation case trying to pick up maga leaning viewers who felt homeless. A rather pathetic turn of events.

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Well it also helps to fight with argument and not just resort to calling people stupid yokels. There is real intelligent, strategic power behind Trump’s embrace.

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A certain guy named Leonard Leo has a few hundred million dollars to play with. Dark money

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Glad to see this. I’m so damn angry at NYT and other mainstream media. Hur was playing politics but the media highlighting the question rather than focusing on djt’s obvious mental decline is infuriating

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That’s ironic, the NY Times comment. I’ve been pointing out how it’s front page news in the Times, and if it wasn’t, the right would be crying “coverup!”

The fact is, Biden’s age is an issue.

A big one.

His mental capacity is almost irrelevant next to voter perceptions. Sad fact, and if not addressed will be one more negative. Biden can not afford that negative, more importantly, neither can the Democrats.

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And tRump’s age ISN’T?

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

This Stack was discussing Biden and how the press portrays him, so I didn’t think Trump had to come into the discussion. For that reason and the fact Trump is a Clown Car on a Crazy Train circling the bottom of a Burning Dumpster.

Where to start?

Another thing, unfortunate as it may be, optics play into the age comparison between Biden and Trump. The fire hose that is “TrumpSpeak”, tends to mask his true mental capacity - all the while showcasing it!

To cite a much overused expression, “You can’t make this up.”

It’s rapid fire word salad scattershot insanity, but it doesn’t portray frailty. That’s Biden’s key weakness. I don’t think it can be denied. Even if it’s only perception, that’s what matters.

It’s the World we’re in, or at least as I see it.

Trump’s appeal is a topic so fraught with interpretation it’s bound for a University Course. Degree maybe? We don’t have the time, nor is this the place.

I understand Biden has a lifetime of wisdom to lead with, and I know that having a train of thought derail, and confusing the names of world leaders is no cause for disqualification, (we do it with our children and the dog, and we know them!), but that doesn’t negate the fact Biden is frail, and may have those minor lapses more than we like to admit. What we do know is, it’s not getting better.

Finally, in my humble estimation, seriously, I think the electorate is much more looking for a reason to avoid another Trump Circus than is recognized, by everyone. Well, except me, which is why I’m trying to stay humble.

Biden is not helping convince voters that he is a better alternative. Sad fact, he looks too old.

He is too old, Trump notwithstanding.

Biden’s achievements, whether judged to be notable or even considerable, are all being overshadowed by his physical stature. In this election the incumbent’s record is being ignored.

That too can be reversed if the voters have a different choice.

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This is the most important question for the press corps - are they being threatened by Trump and afraid? Are their editors forcing them to attack rather than interview all candidates? What’s in it for them? Click Bait? Followers? Book deals? Podcast interview? Always follow the money, I am afraid to say even for journalists, they want the fame and fortune too.

A win for those who seek total power - control the media and you control everything. Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave.

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MSM is being controlled by DARK MONEY.

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I don’t think it’s about fear. They are entertained by Trump and genuinely do not like Biden—a negativity going back years, but most visible when he announced his candidacy. They had nothing to attack until the Afghanistan withdrawal, and from then on the floodgates opened.

Political reporters have demonstrated their biases for years, going back to Carter. It’s only gotten worse since. They and their organizations are the people normalizing the crazy and dangerous. Thankfully, enough regular people, and some of the reporters’ colleagues in the media, are recognizing and calling it out. It is detrimental to the health of our nation.

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It's the framing they've always done of Republicans representing the *Real* America and Democrats as the plucky radicals. Now that reality has flipped upside down from that framing, you get absurd shit like this. My God, they want an *old* man to be President! How dare they?

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Beats a traitor, poodle to Putin, hands down

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Put aside the Trump vs. Biden issues for the moment, and just look at the behavior of that press group. They were shouting over each other to yell out their gotcha questions like a pack of howling hyenas. Whatever happened to the decorum and respectability of the White House press? I'm afraid that event was symbolic of the overall decay of journalism and media in our nation. Not only sad, but dangerous...

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I noticed that as well. Maybe some rules of decorum need to be established by the office of the press secretary? The press corp can write what it damn well pleases BUT when there is someone at the podium who is there to answer questions, the press is expected to act in a courteous manner or they will find themselves outside until they can behave. Act like a brat, expect to be treated as such.

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Helen Thomas rolls over in her grave every damn day lately. And rightly so. Love her or hate her, she was a stalwart for decorum, fairness, toughness and general badassery.

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She was one tough cookie, wasn’t she?

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Absolutely true.

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Mr. Beschloss

Yes Trump has neutered the press. I recognize the problem he poses for the legit press; Trump takes advantage of their attempt to be “fair and balanced.” The Press is forced into false equivalencies. Simply repeating his attacks legitimizes Trumps “facts.” Those suspect assertions and out and out lies then become reports Trump cites as fact and any effort to correct or point out a lie is treated as bias which the press dutifully reports. Meantime the Putin fed army of online trolls and the physical army of loyalists practice threats and intimidation.

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So true. Exactly why democracy is suffering a high threat level and knowledgeable Americans must stand and fight to keep our rights and values!

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As that American HERO said…”LET’S ROLL!” Remember?

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It is now the Red Russian Republican Party. So obvious.

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The press is clearly intimidated by Trump and his supporters. They’re bullied and they think they can gain favor by appeasing the bully. This, after years of Republicans crying liberal media bias has led to a press that treats Biden like this while kowtowing to Trump. Trump’s speech last night was yet another disaster where he was confused by what day of the week it is.

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All that blathering about PENNSYLVANIA!!! Beyond weird.

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I am so ticked off by this unfair obsessive coverage, I made a donation to Joe & Kamala and invite you all to do the same.

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This is not new. The media has undervalued, underplayed, and under appreciated Biden since he was VP. I guess when profit and clicks ate what really drive airtime/readership, almost every outlet does this. I was a Warren/Buttegieg supporter, but when Biden won the nomination I was all in for Biden/Harris. They’ve brought dignity and seriousness back to the White House and the US government - it’s more than a shame that trumpers outright refuse to actually look at the facts about all they’ve accomplished to actually help American citizens and make the US a respected force on the world stage again.

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Oh wouldn't it have been something else if EW or Mayor Pete had won?! We can dream can't we?!! Great comment. ❤️💙

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This comment begs the question of why so many mostly normal people now worship a criminal convicted rapist, traitor dotard.

Or maybe it answers it?

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I refer us all back to the comedy genius of "Blazing Saddles": "... you know - morons".

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The press/media will be woefully saddened if Trump becomes president again. Trump will go after the press/media with a vengeance. Why they attack Biden is a huge question that seems to have no rational answer. Add to that how Robert Hur the Cur of DOJ went after Biden's memory all the while attacking his sense of loss of his son Beau. James Comey played that same card, aiding and abetting Hillary Clinton's defeat. One must begin to ponder if the fascists are already staking their ground in America's history. Robert Hur is suspected of cowing before The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation, an agent of both perhaps. Once again I lean on my comic strip hero Pogo: "I have seen the enemy, and he is us."

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Pogo is correct, unfortunately.

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Here's another of my favorites: Ancient Chinese philosopher/Warrior Sun Tzu said, "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." ...

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Facts about aging and memory. Both the left and the right need to get their facts straight on this. Ageism is a pretty ugly look no matter who it’s coming from.

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“There’s evidence that older adults can strategically focus memory” on the most important information, Schacter said.

Older brains often become more adept than younger brains at filtering irrelevant information or at making connections between experiences, the researchers agreed, because they’ve had more of them.

“An older brain is a wiser brain. It has experience to draw on,” Miller said.

Thanks for gifting this article, Trich - it’s really useful and reassuring. I have watched my growing inability to recall names, faces and dates with some humor, as I have always had these problems. Yet I have good place memory (if I saw your keys, I remember where you left them). Know that there are more than a dozen discrete types of memory and you are not equally adept at all of them.

Biden has put a lot of information into that grey noggin over the years. He may have occasional trouble with names and dates, but he is still a brilliant strategist. And his moral standards have not diminished with age.

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Thank you for the article. It explains the things that trouble me about my own memory. It’s not shocking that 20-something’s have great memory “power” as they don’t have all that much to keep track of. I hope I’m as on top of things as Biden is if I make it to 80.

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I would definitely like responses from the Attorney General and the Special Counsel on the very blatant pollicization of the report with the adding of comments not germane to the topic of the classified documents... Also, the press needs to fact check, report and be impartial on covering President Biden and Citizen Trump...

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Apparently, Garland does not believe in doublechecking a report like that. So, what does that mean? His true feelings came out. Who thought he was the best person for the DOJ job, anyhow?

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I think at this current juncture in the "horse race" it should seem a foregone conclusion that Trump will lose, is a loser, and hopefully will end up in prison.

In the meantime, they need to keep trying to make the race look closer than it is or should be in order to validate their jobs and sell papers/clicks.

The Press is addicted to drama and this is easy drama that doesn't actually take any journalistic skills or effort. I really think part of the solution is ending the 24/7 news cycle. We don't need a constant diet of EVERYTHING that has ever happened with commentary and analysis. We need "just the facts" about the things that actually matter. Having to fill too much time with garbage has rotted their sense of what journalism is and why it's supposed to matter.

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It creates headlines. Trump talking back to a reporter and making a verbal gaffe is just another Tuesday. Everyone knows he's a child who can't control his temper. The level-headed, adult-in-the-room Biden doing the same is an event.

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Trump, a child? I have children and they were never this NASTY. Remember, even Trump’s own mother did not love him. She recognized a Bad Seed when she saw one.

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The elite beltway media has always gone after Democratic politicians much more forcefully that Republicans. Think about the reverence they showed to Reagan and the way they help Nancy cover up his obvious dementia. Think about the soft touch on both Bushes, especially with W. I think it's all about access. If they question Republicans forcefully with real follow up questions, Republicans will cut them off and black ball them. And this terrifies most of them.

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I think you’ve pointed out the iceberg under the surface. I remember the GW Bush administration. If you tuned in FOX they would have WH news a day or so ahead of when it was put out officially to the media. Then for “privacy” and so on that administration banned reporters from photographing caskets returning from Iraq. They also instituted a media policy that reporters were embedded with the military to report on the war. https://www.britannica.com/topic/embedded-journalism

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Feb 10Liked by Steven Beschloss

don’t usually comment on political issues, even though I obviously have my own opinions. This is an observation, as a trained journalist and teacher of journalism for many years: the way that the mass media is reporting this very important and complicated event is appalling to say the least. They are looking for headlines and clicks and not for complete understanding of the issue or the facts. (I’m referring to you New York TImes!) The WaPo article fact checks the coverage and is the best example of objective, factual coverage that I could find. We need better quality reporting and actual READING of the primary sources before blasting click bait headlines.

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Very well said as always Steven. That is a big question I've wondered for a long time. Frankly it makes me nauseous. I'm so glad President Biden stood up to the press this time. I hope the gloves stay off and continue to stay off. It's time to start fighting back. You know they are!!!

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Those who have already commented have eloquently expressed my perspective on this. The former so-called President controls an army of followers willing to do his bidding, even resorting to threats and violence. All we have to do is look yet again at the events of January 6 and the violence they were willing to do on his behalf for a false claim of a stolen election. Who knows how many countless threats are received by those who do not fall in line with the false narrative that the demented former guy keeps pushing. He can’t tell the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley? he thinks E. Jean Carroll’s picture is of his 2nd wife? And myriad other gaffs made every single day. I get the fear of violence. Where are the brave ones willing to call this out for what it is—gaslighting? And as an aside, whoa did Merrick Garland lose his mind in appointing the former guy’s appointee to investigate this?

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I was never impressed with Garland and now I know was correct to be suspicious.

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In retrospect thank the Lord he's not S Ct judge. He's afraid of his shadow. Bright but Barney Fife without the charm.

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Just now on CNN…. « How can Biden dig himself out ». It’s this kind of BS that has people in a lather.

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I gave up CNN many years ago. Others should also.

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CNN is terrible. Their legal “experts” are terrible. Compare Weissmann to ANY of them.

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CNN really HAS gotten worse over the course of the last 3-4 years.

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As a European, I have progressively started to ignore most of the US media and papers, apart from a few individual journalists, since Trump was president, not because Trump bullied them but because of how they were sucking up to him because being anti-Trump was bad for business. That is still the same. As CCN admitted a few years ago, they are not reporting news, they are creating news and sensation to suit their business needs, not necessarily the truth which is what the viewers want. Trump causes sensation and controversion which is good for the News business. Biden doing a good job is boring which is bad for business.

Trump's tax policies are good for big business, which most media is and for their rich owners and shareholders. Trump's propaganda machine seems very skilful and effective and even we outside the US are getting bombarded with his lies and twists with the truth. The Democratic propaganda machine seems far less effective and merely focuses on all the (boring) good achievements they are proud of. It seems to me that only since the start of this year we noticed the Democrats more forcefully attacking Trump and GOP propaganda and the acts of pure sabotage of the Biden government, seemingly to create chaos. For Biden to win, the Democrats need to step up their propaganda and attacks on GOP and Trump big time. Maybe they actually could learn some tricks from Trump's propaganda tactics but please don't start to threaten, deliberately lie and mislead the public. A united and very public front of all Democrats behind Biden also seems to be lacking, at least not very visible to us. Create more hype so the media cannot ignore it!!! Good luck and please keep Trump out of the WH for us.

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We are trying our damnest

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I thought trump should have been laughed off the stage when he came down the escalator (Palin too). It’s only the media treating him like a viable serious candidate that allowed him to lie his way into the WH, lies reported without fact checking by media more interested in clicks than facts. I’m old enough to remember real journalists reporting stories checked for accuracy before being allowed into print or onto the air. The fourth estate has failed us all miserably and became a de facto part of the ongoing coup to destroy democracy, even if that was not their original aim. Once great icons like NYT and WaPo have squandered a hard earned reputation and legacy. The absolute bias against Biden and in favor of trump is blatantly obvious. No attention to all the many accomplishments of Biden against constant strong headwinds that benefit Americans, rather, beating the drum of supposed mental capacity instead, all while totally ignoring the public descent into blathering gibberish of the career criminal whose charges and trials are so numerous they require an Excel sheet to keep track.

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The press is playing its part, a great part, in destroying our democracy. Watching Trump get a pass for vulgar, evil, literally insane words and actions every day has been unbelievable. He has broken and poisoned our country and the press has totally failed to respond and call him out as any mature and stable society would have done—-and has failed over and over again. It is not even “both sides” anymore. Trump is immune and therefore normal. He has no accountability. I fear we are lost as a democratic and certainly as a compassionate and decent country. Congrats to the vile Steve Bannon’s, Stephen Miller’s, Charlie Kirk’s and all the rest. They are soon in charge, and no one cares. As long as those woke and “liberal” people are out and bad, bring on the Fuhrer. Congrats to the billionaires, the “deplorables,” and a special shout out to my fellow “Christians” who all love who I honestly believe could be the “Antichrist”—-DJT. Our country is crazy right now, and the media are clueless or complicit or both. Fox is a cancer but it goes way beyond Fox now to MSM for sure. 70 years of living did not prepare me for this in the USA.

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Same here.

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For most of the press in America, it has become a fight for ratings and breaking news. Fortunately we have a President that is focused on running our country and keeping us safe. I control two things. One, what I believe, and two, the TV remote control.

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Trump is money in their and their company's pockets. When money talks, accountability and integrity walks.

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My guess ... they have so little to attack him with they go for crumbs to make news. Desperate for headlines. DJT rprtrs get air time ever day. Lisa Rubin has a career reporting on DJT daily legal problems. All WH press corps has is MSN who leads the free world ... successfully and suffered tragic events ... occasionally misspeaks. The illusion of news. Ducey is under pressure from fox to make their slanders appear to have merit.

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Thankful for Lisa Rubin, anyway.

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Yes, indeed.

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man. Not MSN.

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I’m going to say something that isn’t popular here. But first, let me say that there is NOBODY with Biden’s experience, sense of patriotism or duty to this country and I fully support him. That said, I allowed myself to engage in a little re-imagining, so please take these comments in the spirit in which they are intended.

Strategically, if the democrats wanted to play ‘hard ball’, they could ask Biden at the convention to step aside and bring in a younger candidate, like Josh Shapiro, who has been very successful in Pennsylvania, which would pull the rug out from under the ageism compaign the Republicans are waging. Biden is a true patriot and knows what’s at stake, which is why he is running…for the good of the country.

Republicans are elevating their vicious attacks and building their messaging on it. We live in desperate times and cannot afford to lose this election. We all know Biden is incredible and under-appreciated, but I hope that all our hard work to re-elect him isn’t scuttled by these mean-spirited, delusional MAGA people. Please don’t throw tomatoes. I’m just casting about for solutions. I’m hoping we can dilute this message, but the media is NOT helping!!

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Feb 11Liked by Steven Beschloss

Hur's report was dirty pool. It should have been vetted by the DOJ before release. The subjective statements referring to age as a reason for innocencr??!! Biden's statement was not clumsy as reported. Even NPR gave Biden no credit for managing to show up for two five hoir sessions. Yes, I am oitraged.

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The media's obsession with Biden's age is a clear example of their shallow and superficial approach to reporting. Instead of recognizing the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that comes with years of public service, they choose to demean him based solely on his age.

Biden's decades-long career in politics has provided him with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of governance. Yet, rather than celebrating this wisdom, the media continuously portrays his age as a liability, suggesting that he is out of touch or incapable of keeping up with the demands of the modern world.

This narrow-minded focus on age ignores the fact that Biden's age brings with it a unique perspective and a wealth of institutional knowledge. His years of service have allowed him to build relationships, navigate the intricacies of legislation, and develop a nuanced understanding of the issues facing our nation. These are invaluable qualities that should be recognized and celebrated.

It is disheartening to see the media reducing Biden's capabilities and dismissing his accomplishments based solely on his age. It is a disservice not only to him but also to the American people who deserve a fair and accurate representation of their leaders.

It is important to remember that age does not define a person's ability to lead or make sound decisions. Wisdom and experience should be valued and respected, regardless of age. The media should focus on the substance of Biden's actions and policies rather than perpetuating ageist stereotypes that undermine the importance of his knowledge and expertise.

Here is a minuscule list of major accomplishments throughout President Biden's political career:

1. The Affordable Care Act: As Vice President under President Obama, Biden played a crucial role in the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. This landmark legislation expanded access to healthcare for millions of Americans and introduced important reforms to the healthcare system.

2. Violence Against Women Act: Biden was instrumental in the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, during his time as a U.S. Senator. This legislation provided funding for programs aimed at preventing and responding to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It has been reauthorized multiple times since its initial passage.

3. Economic Recovery Act: In response to the 2008 financial crisis, Biden played a key role in crafting and passing the Economic Recovery Act. This legislation aimed to stimulate the economy and create jobs through infrastructure projects, tax cuts, and investments in various sectors.

4. Paris Climate Agreement: As President, one of Biden's early accomplishments was rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. This international agreement aims to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By rejoining, Biden demonstrated a commitment to global cooperation in addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

It is important to note that political achievements are often the result of collaborative efforts involving many individuals and organizations. With his experience and finesse, Biden consistently crossed the aisle and united leaders to vote for the good of all Americans.

Now, name one positive thing Trump did our country. No? Can’t think of anything? Me, either.

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The media forgets that if tfg is elected, journalists are the first to be shut down by a dictator. It seems to me they should be shouting his failures far and wide. They seem to think he’s just entertainment, when he tells them exactly what he’s going to do .

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My opinion is that much of the MSM has been purchased by DARK MONEY and being used mainly as propaganda rags for their particular agenda. When I think about this..always say to myself…”SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES.”

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Since 2015, the media has been incredibly pro-Trump to the point that they give him a pass on almost everything he does. And they are pro-Trump once again in 2024. Why? I think it's because Trump sells more newspapers and TV advertisements. And why would you support President Biden when his reelection will cut off the gravy train?

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Exhibit A was morning Joe. Their original sin. The guilt never fades. Fortunately they have a new business model.

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And they were not alone. Even Schumer took pride in knowing how to deal with him. Until he failed.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

I have yet to hear anyone mention that Biden, being a humble and honest man, has

no need to pretend he remembers or knows something that he doesn’t. Whereas, the arrogant, bloviating, delusional liar will just make up 💩💩😳 Tffg couldn’t be honest if his daughter’s life depended on it. Why? Because he’s psychotically delusional.

The other question I have is: has tffg even be questioned by a prosecutor about his stolen classified records?? Hmmmm, why is that??? Let’s do it and then compare the two in public. Please!! Yes! ASAP

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Why indeed!!! Peter Doocy's paycheck requires him to not be a reporter... but the rest? The traitors supporting the destruction of our constitution are well organized, I'm sure they have moles in every press organization. That does not excuse the pure ageism elicited by Hur's vicious attach on one of the best president we have had. My mind is racing with 4 letter words. Biden has done wonders.

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Bribes paid to the corporate media owners like what happened with Univision. Its kind of obvious

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Why did AG Merrick Garland sign off on the three hundred page report about Joe Biden as he did the single page report on Mike Pence, when the former report was so clearly in breach of DOJ protocols?

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Because Merrick Garland is complicit. Period.

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I’ve watch the White House press briefings. I’ve also watched kids bullying other kids at school. To my disgust, I see the same dynamic. One reporter is rude & insulting, and then the rest pile on, trying to out rude each other.

They openly delight in being rude at the press briefings. It’s like the trolls on the internet. They aren’t asking real questions, they’re yelling accusations phrased as a question, like the old trope “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

It’s disgusting. I believe it’s the result of letting an entertainment company pretending it’s a “news” show have a press pass. I think they’ve polluted the press pool.

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The only way out of this mess is to vote every single MAGA supporter out of office. And, Trump can never, ever see the interior of the White House again. The mission is clear. Vote Blue all the way.

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When reporters go after the calm Biden, even if he “zings” them with his answer, he doesn’t have goons that will hound said reporter and threaten him/her. Dump does and those that have actually asked him the hard questions and refused to let him slither out from under are thrown out of whatever venue and them harassed by his Brown Shirts. And let’s not forget who owns the networks. Chaos brings in ratings. And ratings matter more than responsible journalism. I am 71 and remember when the news was delivered without slant or bias.

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There used to be editorial comments at the end of many news programs. They were labeled as such.

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Media is owned by corporations and they fear Biden’s trust busting second term.

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That seems unlikely considering how scattered and fragmented media is today.

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On social media perhaps but not TV, radio and newspapers which are owned by a few conglomerates - mostly entertainment or digital media businesses.


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I understand that argument. Dated in my opinion.

Legacy media platforms are shrinking, and getting back to the point I was commenting on, I do not see an argument for there being a monopoly or need for “anti-trust” action from regulators.

The television networks are increasingly looking like dinosaurs, and as much as they still hold sway, most people supplement their information diet with alternative sources.

The NY Times has adapted and is growing, but again, who relies on that publication exclusively?

It’s along the lines of another comment I’ve made lately, here and elsewhere, the terms “mainstream” or “legacy”, used in a derogatory manner, often to insult, are becoming meaningless now.

Those insults are being hurled about on social or alternate media platforms, like Substack, so the person being insulted is not using “mainstream media”, at least not exclusively, just like the person using “mainstream media” as an insult.

It’s irony at this point.

Not in a way intended.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Ah yes. “Dated.” How quaint.

I never knew a time people did not rely on more than one source. TV news; newspapers, radio & magazines. Local TV and newspaper reporting was much more robust. It is now all controlled by the conglomerates and reporters are scarce as is local reporting. Of course magazines went digital or extinct. — In the world of ‘alternative sources’ where anyone can be a source of “reporting” or call themselves a “journalist” and what they report “news” the benefit is counterweighted by the “alternative facts”. It is all here to stay.

As for fear of Biden going after them … they should be much more afraid of the blatant calls by DJT for the government to punish MSNBC, the journalist database his administration used to harass reporters and being branded by him as the enemy of the people.


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Feb 10·edited Feb 11

I remember that time as well.

I think a lot can be said for “gate keeping.” That notion is considered an anathema now.

Talk of hegemony in the news business is naive I think. Polarized, yes.

Plenty of baloney dressed up as news too, as stated by many here.

I think continuing education in anything you want to stay current with is more important than the source of information. I’m sure you know that’s obvious, but the idea may have left with the gatekeepers.

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I think trump completely cowed the press; first with all the fabulous and over the top lies and then with their “alternative facts” stance. IMO, they just decided to take notes, hunker down and write books later about how horrible the trump White House was. There was something else at play too. Newspapers were being bought up and consolidated or shuttered putting bunches of journalists out of work so it was either write the party line or find work elsewhere. In spite of nazis, I’m thrilled to have Substack for my news sources. I’m now up to nine paid on this platform plus one other on a different platform. It’s pricy but the writers are excellent and trustworthy which makes them priceless.

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That’s why I sample so many here before financially supporting. I can get crap free elsewhere!

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The cowardly gambit is to go soft on djt and hope it makes them safe in case he wins. Biden can be attacked because he plays by the rules; no one will be targeted because Joe doesn't control stochastic minions

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I don't trust the mainstream media anymore. They just want headlines. You just have to tune it all out. Remember age is just a number. President Biden is by far the best man for the job. Please make sure you all vote.

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If Trump publicly molested a woman on the same day Biden tripped out of a car, the headlines would read, "Is Biden fit to be President?".

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1: A close race sells copy. If the truth about Trump's cognitive issues was widely disseminated, it wouldn't be close.

2: An outrageous, incompetent president sells copy whereas a quietly competent president is boring (give me more boredom).

3: Should Trump win, the press wants access. Those critical of Trump won't get it. Should Biden win, they know they'll get access either way.

4: The physical hazard of criticizing Trump should not be underestimated.

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It’s corporate owned media. Republicans have partnered with corporations. The deal-as best as I can make out-is that when republicans are in power

they’ll do all they can to increase corporate profits

in exchange for kickbacks, otherwise known as campaign donations and other perks similar to the perks Justice Thomas got & presumably still gets

for voting the “right way.”

So what exactly do corporations get? They get

increasingly lower tax rates, they get liberated from having to pay into social security on behalf of their employees, they eventually get no regulations eating

into their profit margins, and in dire times, like when we’re coping with a pandemic, they get treated to windfall cash infusions before regular people get

them—if there’s any money left over.

So I think we have to assume that reporters and

journalists working for corporate owned media

are told, or are somehow made aware, that they had

better do all they can to make sure whomever the

republican candidate for president is, gets elected.

The same is probably true for all republican candidates for office.

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President Biden is a mystery. tRump has been captured, probed, discected, and he is a well-known factor. President Biden's reluctance to attack, his genuine humanity, and the mystery of why so many Americans love him as a person, baffles the press today. Most of the press is the youth who have grown up with violence, sarcasm, and titilating entertainment. They are unable to solve the puzzle of a kind and thoughtful leader, therefore, they are exploring age as the explanation for their inability to grasp constant civility. The way of the world seems to have simply become accepted aggressive attacks as legitimate journalism.

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