Perhaps the only thing I don’t totally agree with in this piece is that Mr Trump’s followers are mislead. They are going right where they want to go and THAT is discouraging on steroids

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Hi James

I share your concern regarding many of Trump supporters. However, unfortunately, I somewhat recently discovered my favorite cousin has embraced the hypnotic repetitive lies from “Conservative” media. He at least finally started taking with me at my urging. I heard them all; all the phenomenal lies he believed. James, he and his family are loving kind devout Catholics brought up totally with Catholic educations. They didn’t study the Constitution or functions of government or Separation of Powers, nor did they learn about the January 6th Committee findings. They are honest and couldn’t believe their Conservative media or that Tyrump would lie to them. They don’t lie so surely he wasn’t. It’s taken a year but he is starting to believe me. We’ve always been close but this did place a strain on us for a while. Little by little once or twice a week I would send him resources.//../

This experience has driven home to me how vitally critical a THOROUGH Truthful education is!!!..//

And NOW the Republicans want end the Education Department; end school lunches which help children LEARN;; Fund private schools such as Catholic Schools, ban certain books, increase the cost of or banish higher education, and CONTROL EDUCATION;…//

As Tyrump has publicly often stated: He loves the undereducated!!!! ( Because they will be more likely to believe his lies?)

So, you can imagine how heartbreaking it is for me that people I love in my east coast family have believed his lies and the lies of other Republicans.

I will still try to calmly (!) help them understand

Thanks James for listening

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Thank you for well written and insightful comment

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People also have a tendency to tune out what they don't like and tell themselves they never saw it or that it's unimportant. Misled? Sure, some are. But most are simply selfish people who lack a sense of responsibility to their communities. For example, I'm an older woman but you can bet your ass I care about the end of reproductive rights, removal of books from school libraries, people not getting adequate health care. There are too many people who care only about their own little selves and not about others.

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I am your fellow “old woman” that is heartbroken and frankly stunned by the section of our country that has crawled out from under their rocks.

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Democracy depends on a shared vision to survive. We have lost that vision. We need to get it back or else lose it forever.

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I don’t think they’re misled. I think Trump gave them license to be their worst selves.

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I believe it is more complicated than that because the real question is, Why did he appeal to them? In the bigger picture it is the same reason other populists with similar messages and goals are able to gain followings. Grievance laden speeches appeal to people with grievances. So-called tough guys appeal to people who have lost hope and feel taken advantage of & don‘t trust politicians’ etc.

While he has the curiosity and attention of people who are anxious, frustrated and denigrated his messages are designed to “enrage and engage.” Once enraged & engaged they became part of something ‘important’; a member of a new community that gave them an identity.

There isn’t a lot of reasoning involved in politics. Being captivated by negative messages is the reverse of being attracted to hopeful messages. Both are emotional responses. There is a lot of psychology in communication.

In 1992 and 1996 Bill Clinton carried both KY and WV. The region felt the ticket understood them. In 2016 a lot of things had changed including how Dems delivered their messages. In 2016 renewable energy was dropped into the conversation with comments like this:

— So for example, I’m the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. Because we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business, right, Tim? —

That message says “you are expendable”. There’s no cleanup on Aisle 5 for that.


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The giant has been awakened, and once again filled with resolve. A positive, enthusiastic campaign could be the antidote to the grimness and despair of the last decade. But tone and rhetoric alone will not be sufficient. It must be backed with solid policy that lifts those who have been disenfranchised and disillusioned by the malign and mean spirited actions of the right.

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And six or seven swing states sending voters to the polls will decide the fate of over 330 million of us here in the USA, and by implication, the broad contours of world politics for many years.

What a stupid, outdated system.

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It should be a popular vote, in my opinion.

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What would you put in this system's place?

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How about starting with the person who wins the Nation wide popular vote wins the election. It may not be perfect. but it's a far cry better than the electoral college.

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Would you put anything in place so the large coastal states don't always decide the fate of the smaller, more rural, breadbasket states?

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National popular vote. One person, one vote. And a Senate with the same structure as the House.

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Get rid of:

Electoral College(ridiculous holdover)

Overlong election cycle(6 months max)

Citizens United

This would be a good start.

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Steve, I am going to say the same thing to you as I do everyone stop listening to the talking heads of MSM. What they are reporting is inaccurate and biased. There is a major movement across this country of grassroots voters. The numbers are staggering of people joining groups on social media. I have personally joined several I am thrilled at the activity and excitement. I am going to recommend a group that was started by GenZ. In several days the group grew to 70K https://www.facebook.com/groups/Defeattrump2020/

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Truth... and the polls? My god... unless you pay them they won't record your answers.. madness and the msm broadcasts these polls like they were gold...but the gold is only in the pockets of the pollsters

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If not MSM, where do you get information? None, or few, witness events. We rely on sources we trust to tell us what is going on. It's not that I like everything, some sources are terrible, some okay, some usually pretty good. To move totally into the echo chamber of any 'only liberal' groups seems like the worst option... even though progressive is my bent.

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True. Where do non-mainstream news outlets get their news? From the wire services. They don't have reporters in Gaza or in rural Nebraska, they don't have people sitting in on sessions of Congress.

The problem with social media groups is that they are circle jerks.

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One of the reasons people voted for Biden was because of the stark contrast with Trump. Biden is a caring, compassionate man whereas Trump is a sociopath and a petty old puke who makes cruel remarks about the way people look, talk and may have disabilities. It was 9 years ago when he made fun of a journalist with cerebral palsy, and I never forgot it. That Americans voted for this ugly little man is a dirty smear on our country. That he's running for president again is even worse. I ask myself, what has become of us?

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I reflect on how Kamala took on Biden directly during the 2020 campaign with her personal history of busing school children and implying how it helped her and his opposition to this measure in the 1970s. Much was made of her "attack." I think Biden not only was able to process the attack but able to get to know Kamala Harris beyond debate stage sound-bytes, and choose her as his running mate. This vignette says so much about the character of both of them. The nation will continue to be in capable and good (at the most fundamental level) hands.

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First of all, thank you for your outstanding newsletter, the decency it shows in all its posts and for your dedication to helping win this election for democracy. I would like to ask your help in alerting people to a more deeply hidden danger, and one that even Heather Cox Richardson says frightens her. Yes, it looks like we will win this election, perhaps decisively, in votes. But there is a nefarious plot to cast so much confusion that the election is thrown into the House of Representatives. I've read several stories on this, but this posting on Substack explains it in great detail. Please help to let people know and also how we can implement countermeasures. https://donmoynihan.substack.com/p/will-voters-decide-the-2024-election?r=6o957&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true

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I have to wonder what kind of country we really have. We rank 23rd in the World Happiness Report. We can blame trump for sure for the chaos, unhappiness, name calling starting around 2015. But what made people through these past years latch on to his bitterness? History reveals some unsightly things in our past. Treatment of American Indians, slavery, 2 bombs dropped on Japan that killed 70,000 + people and never used by any other country, turning away a ship full of German Jews trying to escape sure death, 13% of citizens are black yet 37% of prisoners are, the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II, our CIA has directly or indirectly had a hand in the actual and attempts of assassinations-Castro, Kim Jong Un, Gaddafi, Hussein, Lumumba , Trujillo, Sukarno, Diem, Allende. Yes, most people present themselves as friendly, caring people, but even in babies, toddlers, selfishness in sharing is inherent. We should not forget these things anymore than Republicans wanting us to not teach the evil of slavery. Unfortunately, the unhappiest among us are the young who rate the US the 62nd happiest country.

The latter seem to be gaining some semblance of hope, a desire to eliminate acts of transgresssions, a way to move forward from the depressions, suicides among so many since the pandemic.

I believe a woman who now will represent us with thoughts of compassion, acts of kindness, equal treatment, words of hope will make the world smile. I don't know that trump feels afraid of her. He is so much into himself, he cannot imagine anyone beating him. Why, he was even the best baseball player in the state of New York ! Pretended and now has convinced himself he is chosen by God, himself, to rule and be adored.

We should also not forget the upcoming election is very important for Congress membership. Without a majority to support Democrat legislation, we will continue to have the legislature continue at a standstill. Only they can change the Supreme Court, only they can prevent the cruelty to women, the continuance of world allies, a better education for our children, better wages, better health care.

There is a song that goes-It seems like happiness is just a thing called Joe. We will now need to change the name to Kamala.

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Thank you, Steven. Your articles give me hope and joy. I'll forever be that Flower Child of the ‘60s, carrying a bouquet and wearing a shirt that says " Peace and Love." I am elated with the feelings I am experiencing since a "positive and forward-looking campaign" has taken over this election.

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Steven Beschloss excerpts from his words today! 👏💙🇺🇸

It’s still remarkable to me that Donald Trump has succeeded in convincing so many Americans to indulge their darkest selves and feel empowered by his cruelty, hatefulness and bigotry. The last nine years with Trump on the political stage have provided a painful lesson for all of us who believed that most people are essentially good and want to make life better for all. (!!)


More on Trump

This is simply a malignant human who’s incapable of acting with decency—or even the tiniest iota of respect for the office of the presidency. I think we should continue referencing the sad fact that his utter absence of character fuels his planned agenda of retribution, carnage and hostility toward all those who he despises. (!!)

….Then on Kamala Harris

Among her first words (she spoke before introducing the president-elect) were these:

America's democracy is not guaranteed. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. To guard it and never take it for granted. And protecting our democracy takes struggle. It takes sacrifice. But there is joy in it. And there is progress. Because we, the people, have the power to build a better future….

(Kamala Harris)


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I am afraid that decency and compassion are not part of the Trump lexicon, and never will be. What is more upsetting is the acceptance of this grossly malicious and fact-denying political party is cheered by those who may suffer most from a second more autocratic and chaotic Trump term. Every word Trump speaks lacks truth and coherence. I cannot remember a single non-malicious remark he has made about anyone other than one of his sycophantic enablers. When he disappears, hopefully this coming November, the GOP may come to its senses and realize most people want a discussion of policies that will affect their lives, not an idiotic and cruel grievance list by a flawed, mentally challenged liar. In the meantime, while we wait for that miracle, we may have to contend with another violent denial of election results.

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What you write here really hits home with me. "The last nine years with Trump on the political stage have provided a painful lesson for all of us who believed that most people are essentially good and want to make life better for all."

I hope and pray, and will do what I can, to save our democracy on Nov 5. But the painful lesson you speak of here will probably stay with me the rest of my life. I always knew there was a segment of this darkness in our society, as there is in all societies, but never imagined it was so powerful here, and that such cruelty and corruption could appeal to so many. The last 9 years haven't been about policy or ideological differences; it's been about something much more basic, the soul of our country. The fact that we're even having to fight this battle yet again shows how much work will remain after Nov. 5, regardless of the result, to restore that soul.

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Agree. The work won’t end in November. It will be years and years to repair.

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More than once in the last 8 years I’ve thought it

may take a loss of our rights for large swathes of

our population to understand what their lives would be like without them. I now have hope that will not

be the case.

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I’ve sometimes wondered if some people seem so eager to throw away democracy for a dictator, may be because they’ve never actually lived under a dictator. The ones that support this think they’ll be safe and all their “enemies” will just disappear and it’ll all be wonderful. They have no idea what it’s actually like in Russia, Hungary, N Korea etc. It’s not a picnic. Even the tip top oligarchs have to pay attention or they’ll find themselves falling off the ledge of a tall building or having an unfortunate plane accident.

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The November Elections is the time when we select America’s Leaders. Although the process isn’t exactly decided by the populace…but the Electoral College…this is a subject best discussed at another time. In any event, it WAS a relatively straight forward process…and I would venture to say…honest. Unfortunately…that was yesterday! Today, an election’s results are cast into doubt or challenged, some legitimately, but the majority…with, threats and intimidation against Voters, cheating, lying, manipulation of voting laws and eligibility lists. Simply conspiring to deny the honest outcomes. Ineffective, frivolous allegations being brought to the Courts with most, if not all, being dismissed. Now with the 2024 elections fast approaching…threats of more of the same virtually being promised by MAGot related pols…especially tRump, LCF. Also on the downside, the Judiciary is not to be counted on for fairness regarding any MAGot related issues, in light of their recent complicit decisions.

The 2024 Election…is going to be a, “Make or Break” situation for America. If the MAGots win, or…actually more to the point…America Loses!!!!! It may cost us our Democracy!!!

America’s future is definitely in the Hands of the American Voter like no other time!!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE…and do so intelligently!!!!!!!

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I have been reflecting on Steven's question of what will I do to elect Harris. I have decided that writing postcards to get the Democratic community to the polls is what I will do. I just ordered postcards from a well established organization Blue Wave Postcard Movement. Current campaign is to get Pennsylvania voters to apply for their absentee ballots. If this matches your personality and inclination check it out at:


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I’ve just finished mailing off my 2nd batch of 200 blue wave postcards and am now working on postcards to swing states. (Turnoutpac.org)! Field team 6 has a lot of options too.

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Just ordered mine. Thank you!

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Whether we vote to keep our Republic or not is front and center on the ballot this election. But these two sentences, one from the beginning of this newsletter and the other from the end, describe the other unmentioned ballot measure.

"The last nine years with Trump on the political stage have provided a painful lesson for all of us who believed that most people are essentially good and want to make life better for all."

"In November, America can prove what kind of country this really is."

Hope springs eternal.

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