Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I would never vote for trump. I knew little about Kamala and started to follow her speeches. She began to impress me with her values and her commitment. Her speech at the convention showed that she is a very strong leader. I truly believe that she will be a great president. I have never been active politically. Now, at age 86, I am wearing her shirts and writing postcards!

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Just about 80 here, we golden warriors will not stop until there is a President Kamala Harris.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am so aligned with you. Not quite at the magic 80 yet but at 74 I have to say I have been politically interested but not politically active. This is the first time in my life that I want to jump up and get in the fray. And yes, Kamala will make a great president. Don’t even get me started on how much I adore Tim Walz and Gus is my new adopted grandson (not that I wouldn’t make Hope my adopted granddaughter - would love that as well).

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Wow, Grey Hair for Kamala! I'm 78 and found her to be fresh air, confident, and tough. I hope she laughs her usual belly laugh at his name-calling or belittling her and that would be the most upsetting thing for him. She gave us HOPE and her choice running mate Tim Walz gave us JOY. Hope and Joy for the White House! Yesh! However, no matter what Kamala does may not change minds of the opposition because they may have lost them a long time ago when the golden escalator came down.

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74 here! My husband was donating to Kamala when she ran for President in 2020. We Californians love her! I was donating to Biden from the day he announced his run in 2020 and she was my second choice overall. How wonderful to watch them lead us out of the ditch Trump left us in! Now we are both excited to support Harris and Watz! Let’s do this!!!

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Linda, thank you for doing more than voting. This is how you win elections! We are not going back! In solidarity, Ken.

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83 here and I find Kamala and Tim to be that magical breath of fresh air I’ve been waiting for from the Democrats for so long! Joe did a wonderful job in most ways, especially with the Congress he had. I was going to support him again until that abysmal debate performance. After that, I removed my Biden sticker from my car, though I could never vote for Trump. Now I need to find a Harris/Walz sticker and a yard sign - even here in Mississippi!

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Ditto from another 74 yr old!

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I just happened to be reading through these comments, out of curiosity re the answers. I am aged 82, American-born (and v interested in the election) but have lived in the UK for 50+ years with my English husband. Wondered if you would be interested in a Substack by someone close to your age. I write about being an older woman, but about a lot of other things too. Not politics. Just a thought.

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I’m 84, and Kamala has my fervent support. I never thought, after Hillary lost the EC, that I would be around to see a woman as president, but I’m thrilled at the prospect.

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Funnily enough, I am not interested in her gender. I am interested in her joy!

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I’m 65 and I would be really interested in what you have to say about anything. In my 50s, I had a therapist who was 80 and gained significant insight from her.

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Come have a look at The Granny Who Stands on her Head. I write about loads of different things.

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I read London-based, US born, Rose Levinson's "Emerging Voices" https://www.emergingvoices.co.uk/about which does feature older women's voices. So yes, interested in voices of older women because too many don't hear us. Thanks from a 77 y.o. US resident.

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Sure. You aren’t the only senior here. You’d be surprised I think.

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No, I know that there are a few, especially in their 70s.

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Thanks for sharing. Interesting to me as I came from a politically aware upbringing and I keep forgetting that that is the exception not the norm! Good for you!

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Before Biden dropped out, I was worried that the party would not get behind her if he did drop out. I have been pleased and amazed to see the support she has gotten. I liked her better and better over the last few weeks and her convention speech cemented my faith that we will finally get rid of the orange menace.

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Do you think President Biden's conditions for resigning included full democratic support for Kamala? He does not seem like a man who would have stepped down without paving the path to victory.

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I feel certain he made decisions on what steps to take, right down to the timing to ensure a smooth transition to Kamala. Just the amount of time after announcing he would step down to endorsing Kamala. Brilliant politician!

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Agree, Linda. Do you notice that the timing--announcing right after the RNC--took all the wind out of their sails? The media didn't cover whatever it was that they said; they all covered Biden's stepping down and endorsing Harris. Brilliant on Biden's part! Not an accident.

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Yes, it seems very strategic. It was also while he was finalizing the prisoner swap. The Biden/Harris campaign had done polling on her which fed all kinds of speculation. And the timing with his endorsement made an open convention or ‘mini-primary’ unrealistic. Plus, because her name was on the ticket she was the only candidate who would have easy access to the campaign funds & ground game that the Biden/Harris campaign had been building for over a year.

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No, it definitely didn’t change my view of her. I liked her then, I like her now, and I’ll like in the future. I’ll bet most of your readers feel the same way. The next 75 days are going to be tough enough without adding daily “popularity charts”!

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Not popularity, but fresh insights.

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Other than those who live in California and who have followed her when she became a Senator, many had NO insights! If one followed her in the Senate - and I did - one could see that she was tough, fair, and had the strength to lead. My insights were more to observe how she operates in different spheres - as a wife/partner, as a political partner, as a "momala", aunt, sister, s-i-l, friend. Trump requires loyalty; Harris gains loyalty with who she is. That is an insight I hope others have too.

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Well said.

The energy was already up with the Harris/Walz ticket, and the last days at the DNC surged that energy even more. Kamala's acceptance of the Democratic nomination marks a historic milestone and sets a powerful tone for the campaign. It's going to go down in history as one of the most important ever! The joy, fun, good vibes, excitement, celebration, and information. Bask in the moment, and then the work continues!

I’m donating more today and challenge everyone to do what they can.

Also, I ordered this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt 👇 🤣


Let’s carry this energy forward and continue fighting for the future we believe in!

A lot of work needs to be done to secure a Blue Wave for November.

Can’t wait to say “Madam President.” 😎

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

It didn’t change my perception of her either. I’ve been a fan since she took a stand on reproductive rights. Her speech reinforced my views of her abilities, and especially her soundness for the job of president.

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Harris largely kept out of the limelight during the Biden administration, as Vice Presidents typically do. So the DNC was the first opportunity for the low engagement and undecided voters to get to know her. She did a great job with her acceptance speech, including content, modulation, appearance, etc. The DNC itself was masterfully done. She should receive a significant boost.

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I do not feel that Kamala was kept out of the limelight. It was mainstream media who refused to give her any kudos for the hard work she did.

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Sorry, but it's very much typical for VPs to garner little if any attention. This was not a new phenomenon set out to slight her. Other than W's VP Cheney, who was selected to be W's henchman, what other VPs have there been in our lifetimes who stood out? Heck, the first ladies have gotten more attention, albeit still not very much, than VPs for as long as I can remember.

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President Biden when he was President Obamas V.P. "stood out" if I remember correctly. But traditionally VP's don't get near the attention of an administration in power. Sometimes they get much more negative attention. Dan Quayle comes to mind as does Spiro Agnew. Good Grief those dudes were so weird too.

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Perhaps "stood out" is a little too ambiguous. I don't mean it in the way that implies they did nothing, but rather how you phrased your second sentence regarding attention and just not new with current VP (and hopefully soon to be President!) Harris. Appreciate the assist to clarify. Quayle? LOL, Mr. Potato Head or is that Potatoe?? 🤣🤣

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I would argue that VP Cheney was puppet master for W, because W didn't have what it takes to be POTUS. That's why Cheney was unusually in the spotlight as VP. So yes it is typical for VPs to be in the background, BUT, the MSM was overly critical of anything Harris did say or do. I also agree that the MSM didn't give attention or kudos for Harris or Biden. MSM was too busy highlighting MAGA lies and misinformation.

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I agree. Unless of course something went south.

But there were some who not only did not cover her activities but then criticized her for not being more public & appearing to be doing nothing. I saw a group of commentators discussing. I think it was Jonathan Capehart who responded to the remarks by pointing out that her office sent her daily schedule to all of them. If they thought she should have more coverage …

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Gore. I feel he was a genuine partner of Clinton.

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Right. She was the leading edge for the administration for women’s rights. If anyone is counting on learning anything about Democrats, the Biden/Harris administration or the Harris/Walz campaign, the last place to go is most of the large media outlets. Sad state of affairs but true. Were it not for many of the Substack writers and a few trusted You Tube sources I would be in the dark. I will check Huff-Po, The Guardian, AP and Pro Publica as well.

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yes, sadly Washington Post has been Biden bashing for some time and now trying to head that was. Told them not to renew. Hope Jennifer Rubin and a few others leave/go somewhere else.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am voting for Harris. My landlord and friend is a Trump supporter. She is religious and is particularly animated around abortion. Women’s bodily autonomy is my primary issue. I am 74 years old. I lived through the civil rights movement, Vietnam, women having no civil rights except what fathers and husbands gave us. I went through the women’s movement and the gay liberation movement. I know what no choice means. When I graduated from college women could choose nurse, wife, mother, secretary. Not kidding with a degree. I chose flight attendant in the 70’s. I know what no choice feels like and people underestimating fifty years of right wing effort to plunge women back into the kitchen again is a mistake. Regardless of how you feel about Harris and the convention be aware of the existential fight we are in. Nothing is guaranteed. My landlord votes.My landlord is an immigrant. She came here in 1995. My family has been here since the American Revolution. I worked through six presidents. I am a political activist in the red state of Georgia. A blue dot in a red state. Yes we were purple briefly. In 2020 and 2021 but I can’t live my life freely without the loud obnoxious voices on the right. So I think Harris did a great job but we have to win in numbers that cannot be overturned in court. We know where the Supreme Court stands. They want Project 2025.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Just a month ago I said that America was not ready for a female president. I have changed my mind. However, it looks like there's still plenty of racism and misogyny out there so yes, we need as many votes as it's possible to get.

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There are also zealots and idealogues who mask as normal. They are invested in convincing you that your beliefs are wrong and they are right. That is what I am up against. A nice church lady who votes Republican. I live with her though. I know radical thought when I see it. I do not talk politics with anyone in my red state. I have like minded people like you to talk to.

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It’s almost as if people in the US had never heard of Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Benazir Bhutto, Angela Merkel; women leaders on the world stage doing their jobs as women do. There is absolutely no reason under the sun to think women can’t do the job of President of these sort of United States. Look at the mess so many men have made over our existence.

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Exactly. And the MAGA party will do it's worst to keep any woman from ever having power.

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The lengths MAGA men are willing to go to to control women is shocking. They have to know on some level that the backlash against them by women will be epic. Election after election women will save us.They will keep losing until

we defeat them all. Donald Trump is out after this one.

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It’s the women who are against progress that shock me.

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Mary, I so feel everything you wrote. I am two things, a Never Trumper and now an avid fan of Harris/Walz. I grieved when Joe stepped aside and wondered how we were going to get from there to here and now, in what, six short weeks here we are. I too have cautious optimism after having just visited my grandson in South Georgia, driving by all the Trump signs in every single yard I passed. I too am 74 having grown up in WA state, then at the ripe old age of 18 moving to Tallahassee FL and being thrown into the new-old south. So much contradiction there but it was the late 60s and the world was alive with protests and change. I never ceased to be amazed that miles away there were separate black and white restrooms, black and white water fountains, people living in shanties and dirt floors, a whole different world and culture shock on steroids. Add to this the movements we fought so hard for and now, to watch them being dismantled piece-by-piece. My point being that you reminded me that my young husband had to sign for almost everything I did because I wasn’t yet 21. Truthfully I worked too long and hard for what I have and who I am that I am not going back. The Walz/Harris campaign encompasses all of this and more.

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We have each other you and I. My landlord has a captive audience to push her agenda to. We live in the same house. I never know how an innocuous day to day comment is going to turn out with her getting on her soapbox and ranting. If you passed her on the street you would never guess in a million years. And of all things to go off on is abortion. For every woman that is a private issue. Every woman feels differently. We are not a monolith. My biggest problem with her is that she is invested in this election in getting me to vote for Trump which she knows I will never do. So when you see the anti Harris ads on tv just know that there are millions of my landlord who will vote for him. Particularly women.

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I know all of this to be honest, true, and mystifying, sadly enough. We used to own a small apartment building. We lived there as well. Our tenants were an interesting, eclectic group but to the one I think they were all Trump voters and for the ones we stay in touch with, they still are. Abortion aside, I always felt this was so weird because these are the folks you would expect would always vote Independent or Democrat to serve their best interests. Not so; they inevitably and unwaveringly vote for Trump and against their self interests. I could NEVER figure it out. I have theories but it’s a puzzler.

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People are not what they seem. You never know anyone until you are in a living situation with them. I read this quote once “you never know the heart of another person.” What is on the surface is not all there is. Trump was a showman. He is not now. He is a deminished old tired racist traitor. None of his supporters can wrap their mind around who he really is.

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I haven’t been this excited since Bernie!

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For real!

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kudos to you

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I agree with you on all points. I also remember going to college (the first time) when women were not allowed into programs or some vocations like engineering. General Motors Institute, its engineering school, didn’t accept a female student until 1965. That was because of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Several years later less than 5% were female students.

Late 60s and 70’s we were steered to teaching, nursing & general ed. My advisor was an English professor. I was tutoring some of his Vietnam veteran students. I wanted to major in political science and he wanted me to major in English. I left after 2 yrs.

I also remember when women attorneys were allowed to take the lead in cases and began showing up in ‘pantsuits.’ Judges would not allow them in courtrooms.

Yes, us older folks carry a lot of memories. We’re not going back. We’re not opening the door for the women who come after us to be pushed back.

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Going back as far as we have because of Supreme Court abuse of power is going to take decades to undo.

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Our leaders need to find a shorter route. With the immunity ruling and Chevron, it would take a flawed candidate just one term to turn the country on its head.

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When have churches and the papal patriarchy EVER EVER EVER been a friend to women? And the question is, why don't "religious women" see through it?

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Why don’t women writ large see through MAGA. Women vote for Donald Trump.

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A vote FOR Don-Old is a vote against women, so these women have been brainwashed, probably going back generations. Their ancestors could be the women accusing other women of being witches.

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Wow, Mary, what a story, what a series of stances! You go, girl!

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I’ll echo Gammyjill—no, my opinion on the Vice President was not changed by her speech. I believed in her before, I believe in her now, and I believe she will be a transformative president. What her convention speech DID do for me, was make me incredibly proud of her. She is an amazing standard-bearer for the Democratic party and will be an AMAZING standard-bearer for America when she gains the Oval Office. But I am also proud of the Democratic party, and its leaders, who put on an amazing week that clearly showed the world the stark contrast between the two governing parties, and the two candidates. This would not have occurred had President Biden not made the ultimate sacrifice for a political leader—to relinquish power. So, I am incredibly proud of Joe Biden too.

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Wrote this on Twitter/X yesterday and meant it:

I think I understand @KamalaHarris much better after she told us that her tiny Indian-American immigrant mom, who came to the US at 19, blew off an arranged marriage, became a scientist, and wanted to cure cancer, advised her daughters: "Never do anything half-assed."


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Can you imagine the drive and courage of her mother? She is her mother's daughter (as is her sister, apparently!)

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I thought the speech was masterful and flawlessly delivered. I was already a supporter but am even more energized now. I grieved for a week after President Biden stepped aside. I understand the concerns but have been so impressed by his presidency. But after a bit I got out my ‘chucks and pearls’ and jumped on the Kamala train. What her speech, and the whole convention really, did for me was deepen my determination, admiration and hope. I signed up immediately afterward to volunteer!

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I thought as you do about the convention. It was masterful. Whoever created it and all of its bells and whistles did so flawlessly. Every possible detail was covered without a blip. And if you watched it you could not come away without feeling proud and fulfilled. They nailed it!

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Thank you! The convention is in MY state - and Gov. J B Pritzker did a dang good job. He may not be the most eloquent person but he works for us - our roads and streets and highways are up to snuff. I'm in the middle of the state, far away from Chicago, but our city has done well for infrastructure. The Convention was incredible. The crowd size was real!!

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whoever that nameless person is, they deserve the Oscar for Best Picture! A brilliant creative effort that came off flawlessly with devastating effectiveness. It has the MAGA people running scared. It even showed me that real Republicans support Harris, Democrats support Harris, Independents like Oprah Winfrey support Harris. It's only 30 million eminently defeatable MAGA people that support Trump. They are not Republicans, really. They are MAGA extremists. The convention taught me that Republicans don't necessarily like or agree with them. You're either a Republican, or a MAGA person. Not both!

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Deadline conducted an interview with DNC producer Ricky Kirshner and how he pulled off those marvelous four nights. You can read it here: https://deadline.com/2024/08/dnc-producer-interview-harris-1236047924/

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RNC = Festivus

DNC = Festival … (with substance)

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I started watching Harris when she became the District Attorney in San Francisco. She has been both marked for success and underestimated (gender? race? state of origin) for years. Her speech was above all, confirming.

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Odd isn’t it? Recently there was talk about the GOP having its eye on Kamala in 2010 when she ran for AG. The GOP chorus points to it as an election squeaker won by a weak candidate.

The truth is quite different. Karl Rove recognized her talent and tried very hard nip her career. That was back in the days when the GOP was not spending much $$ on state elections. But in 2010 the GOP had $$ to play with & Rove was planning ahead, years ahead. Lawrence O’Donnell talked about it during the DNC convention.

Underestimation is part of all the issues you mention. It is an attempt to brand candidates as unworthy of the job & your vote. Kamala won in 2010 by less than a 1%. Not because she was a weak candidate. She won because she was a tough savvy candidate who beat Karl Rove in her 1st statewide race. In 2024 Rove is once again warning the GOP that she could beat them.

During the 2010 campaign she outed the attackers and their funders.


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Likewise. Remember chanting her name at a gay parade and she walked over and shook our hands. Remember someone in our group saying, watch her she’s going places.

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interesting. Thanks.

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Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech did not change my view of her, it strengthened it, and I welcome that very much. She was in charge firmly and confidently the entire time, she clearly and concisely stated her positions on all the really important issues, and kept it all moving expertly. Very presidential!

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Nope-It just confirmed it but now I am really excited to do everything I can to get her & Tim Walz elected

Having been on the front lines of the Roe v Wade fight in 1973, I will work everyday to ensure my daughters, granddaughters & all women have the same rights we have had

As she said when she grilled Brett Kavanaugh: "Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?"






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I fought for choice in 1973 too, I had already borne all of my four children, but I knew a woman who almost died , so it was personal for me.

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The entire convention helped a lot, especially the up-beat tone and the patriotism. We need to take back the flag for liberty and justice for ALL. Kamala’s speech was better than I expected. She showed both compassion and toughness. She will be our auntie and our protector in ways no other president could. It’s way too early, but she could be the president who transforms the 21st century. But we have to make sure she wins.

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"...make sure she wins." and the use public pressure to make sure she can stay on the path to transforming us into a more perfect union.

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Over the past year, have been on the fence about Harris. After the Walz speech, I thought it would be hard for her to do better than his. Boy was I wrong. She is more than capable. And she is ready. I have revised my priors.

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When Kamala ran for president, my sister kept refusing to believe that she would carry any weight. She also said, at that time, she did not have the personality to carry that off. Boy, was I angry! She’s kinda eating cake now, which I lovingly tease her about. I am a San Francisco Bay Area girl who has had the privilege of watching Kamala succeed. She spoke at my daughter’s and her niece’s, Meena, graduation ceremony at SF State in 2001.

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Vice President Harris sounded like a world leader. She focused on issues and concerns that voters want to understand. I will vote for her and promote her election to those who are still undecided.

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Yes. Harris hit all the notes. Telling her own story, she showed her humanity and her connection to us. Her specificity regarding policies and her command of domestic and foreign policy showed her capable and ready. Her reverence for our troops struck home for a lot of us.

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These are all great questions. For me, as someone who follows politics and has always had a positive view of her, it absolutely did take my support of her to a new level. The convention, especially Kamala's family, did a wonderful job of introducing her to those who do not follow politics, or have not turned attention to her.

I wonder about these "undecided" voters though. The only way I see voters being undecided in this election is if they have been paying zero attention to politics over the last several years. And if that's the case, did they even watch her speech?

Frankly, my sense is that we pay a bit too much attention to independents and undecided voters. The outcome will be decided on turnout. And Kamala, her family, Coach, and all the wonderful speakers at the convention all did a GREAT job of firing up democrats. And they did it in a tone that is positive and welcoming, giving the party the best possible chance of growing the tent.

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I would have supported her against the psychopath under any circumstances. But I was extremely impressed by her clarity, her political savvy, her ability to prosecute the case against an unserious but none the less dangerous man. I was happy with her foreign policy statements, particularly on Israel. Also impressed with the flawlessness of the convention which speaks well for the organization of the democrats! She seems to have organized a good staff very quickly! Much more hopeful than I was 6 weeks ago.

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Yes, the speech and her comport in her rallies and speeches since she was nominated by President Biden has convinced me even more to support her for the presidency! I thought she was not tough enough before but that speech at the convention proved to me that I was wrong and that she will be a tough and effective President of the United States!

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Ha ha, about Harris' toughness: I have a neighbor and friend who used to live in California. He told me he "did not like Kamala Harris," because when she was Attorney General in California "she was too tough on criminals!" I look forward to the Sept. 10 debate: the prosecutor against the criminal. I think she will be tough. An iron fist in a velvet glove. Love that radiant smile, that joyous laugh, and that iron fist that will come down on evildoers like Maxwell's silver hammer!

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YES Kamala's speech changed my view of her. It took me from a 9.5 on the Enthusiasm Scale to a 13.

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I already had a high opinion of her, but her speech took it to the next level for me. She has become a much better communicator than she was when she ran for president in 2020. Back then, she was afraid to lean into her prosecutorial background for fear the left wing would abandon her. Now, she is being true to herself, a tough, no nonsense defender of the law but with an positive, optimistic vision of what this country can be if we all work together. Who would not want this?

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Her speech just reinforced my determination to make this a win I. Nov. So excited, she will be in Savannah, GA next Thursday and I am going🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉

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GO Kamala, GO!

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I'm from Calif ...@ 2007 (I think ) we realized JO Morgan had ripped us off badly ,along with Beneficial Finance and Transamerica on our mortgage. We went to legal aid and since I had paid numerous times with cash in the 80-90s . I didn't have all receipts. Everytime the bank sold or transferred the loan of $142,000. They rewrote the loan without our knowledge....then they lost all records. We were told it not only looked really corrupt but smelled corrupt and so they said forward it to the State Atty Gen which we did . Kamala Harris straightened it out for a pay off but since their wasn't any record keeping she could only do that ...but ..she started a lawsuit against the banks for predatory lending and the bank settled the loan . We were the first to bring this up and she not only jumped to the action but it opened up the predatory lending by banks suit. Because she showed action ,compassion and empathy we were able to get out of a 15 year loan that had gone over 20 years of fraud chgs . She charged them for elderly predatory lending. For that she proved herself and I am indebted to her . For this and this alone

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My honest answer is, "Yes." Much of what I remember about her oratory during most of her Vice Presidential service was mild in tone and sometimes vapid. Once Joe had passed the torch, her first bolt out of the political stable was electrifying and has been ever since. I was against Joe's forced retirement until I heard him speaking after the disastrous debate. Both times he seemed frail. The Democratic bench, as they say, is deep. That has been a revelation as well. I feel very confident about our chances for a full Dem. sweep, of the Executive and the Legislative branches. Everyone, please vote and encourage others to so, too!

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On the one hand it’s good that there are people who legitimately want to check all the boxes and evaluate candidates for their ability to express themselves in such a way as to create a bond with voters. And to decide whether what they say is more than “political speak”. Is it sincere? Is it substantive? Does the candidate have the experience and chops to get the job done? While the eight voter pool for the CNN question isn’t a representative sample, it does give you an idea of the exuberance of the candidate and how she created exuberance among voters. To me there never was a question on any of the boxes. And while I believe there is a chance that Joe Biden bided his time in making the ultimate sacrifice to step aside, he did it with impeccable timing and aplomb. Further, in choosing Kamala Harris for his running mate for the 2020 election, he showed his incredible wisdom and experience and political savvy. And she’s lived up to his expectations and mine. She’s the right person for this job and the times and challenges our country faces, and more important she may be the best person to challenge Trump and along with Tim Walz, Vance as well. Now all America has to do is vote in huge numbers as if the future of our country and its democracy depends on it. Because it does.

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I was very impressed with her speech and found her demeanor genuine, purposeful and committed to the concept that the working man, the middle class deserves to be supported and every opportunity should be given to every person to realize their full potential. I commented on social media that she was truly Presidential and that the stage when she was joined by her family and by Tim Walz and his family looked like the true image of America. Her life story, in fact, IS the American story. America has always been a “melting pot” of black, brown, red, yellow and white; of immigrant and native born; of able bodied and challenged; a mix of generations. I compared it with what I saw on the stage at the end of the Republican Convention and felt then that Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters have no idea what the true America is.

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working men and working women

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First of all, those "undecided" voters were not all undecided. Turns out one of them is MAGA who was upset that Pence didn't overturn the election. He was the one saying now he would vote for Trump. CNN, come on, do a better job in "vetting" your panel!!!

Second, while Kamala's speech didn't change my opinion as I have been squarely in her camp for some time now, to me the better news is that of my three political friends who would have voted for a "rabid rat" over Trump (as one of them told me), their enthusiasm for Harris is now off the charts.

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I think she learned a lot from her failed presidential campaign and three years working with a senatorial Jedi Master. I’m in California and I’ve been following her career with interest for years. I think this padiwan is ready. Let’s see what she can do.

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I've always thought she was eminently qualified to be president, but I've been blown away by the these first weeks of her candidacy. Her acceptance speech was just perfect, and there were a ton of great speeches to compare it to.

One thing about the CNN panel of "undecided voters"; Meidas Touch Network has discovered that one of the "undecided" voters on the panel has been posting pro Trump sentiments on social media accounts for years.


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Disgusting, and just goes to prove that CNN, like NYT, WaPo, Fox, and even NPR, are now all the MAGA "mainstream" (quotes for irony) media. Don't read them or watch them. Read substack for your news.

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Did not change my view of her, because I was already convinced she’ll be a terrific President. But the past 2 weeks and particularly the convention gave me a much better feeling about the Democratic Party learning how coalesce to fight the maga party dirty politics!

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When Karl Rove is worried you know the Dems are doing everything right.

KR says the GOP falls in line. Dems fall in love.

But this time Dems have done both - fallen in love and in line.

He’s been worried about Kamala making it to the national stage since at least 2010 when he tried to cut her career short and failed. She was running for AG and Rove/GOP spent tons of effort and money on her opponent. Lucky for all of us, she won.

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As others have said, her speech only changed my mind to like her even more. one thing that showed through to me was her strength. I think she showed her backbone, and she’s going to b a strong leader. To those (not here, but doubters in other places) who point to how poorly she did in her 2020 try, I will offer an comment I heard - for 4 years, she has been in training in plain sight. This woman is ready.

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Not change, more like reinforce my existing opinion.

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I think it is not clear the September 10 debate on ABC will take place! Three weeks ago he said that she has agreed to debate on Fox on September 3. He knows that she will be a very tough opponent before a huge national audience and that if he doesn’t win convincingly, the election is done! So does he take that chance on September 10 or does he (the liar in chief) do the following: 1) insist on September 3 that she show up on Fox? 2) And when she obviously refuses because she never agreed to a setup on Fox before a live audience of his supporters, he calls her a loser and a cheat! 3) he then claims that because she has “backed out” of the Fox debate, there is no point in going forward with the ABC debate because she’s a “coward” etc etc! He has hinted that this will be the scenario so fasten your seat belts and let’s see what happens? If he pulls this off, his side will scream “coward” on September 3 and all the way to November 5 but the rest of the country will see it for what it is and we will win in a landslide not only in the battleground states but also in NC, GA, FL and retake the House with big wins in NY and CA plus expand control of the Senate with big wins in MIssouri and Florida! Yea, I know, Longshot Lechner!

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I believe that she has stood firm in her resolve to show up for the Sept. 10th debate on ABC, whether or not Trump shows up at all.

The Fox News bullshit is just that, another lie and attempted manipulation by the Giant Orange Pervert.

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Mazel Tov, Ira! Having been exposed to Kamala for over 30 years because I live in the Bay Area, Kamala never backs away from a good fight. She is the epitome of John Lewis’ “make good trouble”.

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Indeed! She loves the battle!

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No matter where they debate, and how many times they meet, she will skewer him.

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Harris should turn up on Sept. 10 even if Trump bails, and debate a computer-generated hologram of him that can be programmed to spout his lies and hate speech.

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She said she would be there. I doubt that has changed.

I see your idea of a hologram as a better more modern version of the “empty chair.”

Well selected organized moments with his “policy statements”; flip flops and shark stories interspersed with Kamala’s live in person responses.

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Whoever is losing in an election needs a debate. It’s the only reason Donnie agreed to one with her - and of course it was disingenuous. He knows she can clean his clock just like she made AG Jeff Sessions “nervous”; Brett Kavanaugh evasive & tongue tied, and AG Bill Barr grapple “with the word suggest.”

Here’s to the Longshot on election night! Winning big in so many places it can’t be ignored.

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You suggest that he knows she could take him on in debate but will proceed to debate on ABC anyway! I respectfully disagree because that’s about 55 days before election and if she shows him up as a loser, the game would be over then? So he has to figure that this course of action is too risky! He needs to throw her off balance and then hammer her with lies for 55 days? So I suggest that he will stick to his story that she agreed to debate on Fox, she chickened out like a coward, and he’s not going to fall for her insisting on the ABC debate and so on and so on! Just guessing but he’s in a jam and knows it so he needs to explode the action by taking the offensive on September 5, showing up on Fox, calling her a coward and trashing her from then on with no debates! Who knows?

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I read your original comment also and do not disagree. He began tap dancing when Kamala said she would keep the ABC agreement - with its terms. Suggesting 9/5 on Fox fits your scenario because it would need to be before the ABC and an unsavory alternative to be sure Harris would refuse. His fans have never believed he lost a debate. It’s his own fear that is getting in his way.

It leaves him with another problem. If he does an empty chair debate on Fox on the 5th he gets the first laugh and his talking point. But Harris gets the last laugh. She can remind everyone she is there for the only debate agreed to by both; rebut what she chooses & use the free air time productively.

I said only losers need to agree to a debate. That why he agreed “and of course it was disingenuous”.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yes, my view of Kamala Harris did improve. She seems to be that she will be tough when she needs to be, and will be compassionate and caring when needed. I think most of her policies can and should be done. We need to do our part and vote Democrat up and down the ballot.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I liked her before but I like her a lot more after convention and her acceptance speech. I feel like I know her and her values a lot more than when she was on debate stage years ago (when she was still one of 3 favorites). The joy and the patriotism and being able to say I love my country is a good thing instead of ceding it to Republican party. Biden chose well in making her VP.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

It was a beautiful and abundantly relevant speech. And my opinion of Kamala Harris has been sky-high since I became aware of her years ago.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Her speech confirmed my belief that she’s ready to lead our country (and protect our democracy)

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven: I think she proved her toughness, I was a little concerned about that. Her acceptance speech resolved the toughness issue. Looking

forward to the debate. Not sure that Trump will show up!

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I firmly believe Kamala Harris will make a good president. It was interesting reading over the comments of today’s commentary. I know, even in this day and age, there are quite a few who will have trouble voting for a Woman. During my work career I worked with/for a few women. Not just hourly either, mostly middle management. Most were very capable, some were a bit more demanding than the average male in similar roles, but many worked under more demanding circumstances than their male counter parts did. The time will come when two individuals, male and female, equally experienced and trained, show up for an interview. The one selected will be based on being, the best person for the job.

On a more positive note, resulting from what’s going on the Country today and the less than positive comments on the value of replacement VPs…perhaps a lesson will be learned. Could it be that…VP Harris will be sure that her VP will be truly be an “understudy” in all vestiges of the leadership role He/She may be called on to fulfill, much the same manner Harris was. Which might occur in an emergency situation. Which doesn’t allow for a warm-up, something she wasn’t forced to do. Nor faced the loss of a much admired and experienced Mentor. All of which might be the case next time. In it’s own way…this whole experience could be very beneficial for America. Theoretically, we prepare for the threat…but how seriously? To employ a Sports metaphor, to be really sure of the depth of our Bench. Many of today’s commenters didn’t express confidence in the readiness of our leadership replacements. Imagine if you will…tRump, LCF, as President (god forbid) and the next guy’s aim is better and Vance stepped up. OMG…my hand is shaking at the mere thought of it!!!! Hopefully you see my point.

Many commenting spoke about the Speeches…pardon my cynicism…but talk is….you know…whatever! Hitler was a powerful orator…look at the number of people he got to happily sign their own death certificates! On the other hand…Kamala Harris comes with an impressive portfolio. Other than state Governors, many candidates just don’t have the experience of working within the intricacies of large Government.

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I already loved her, but her speech made me admire her even more.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I would have voted for my friend’s dog over the orange menace, but I already saw Harris favorably and thought the speech was amazing! She showed that the excitement and joy are warranted, and I hope we can spread it.

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As a 71-year-old female, who is still grieving over 2016, I was angry about the movement to remove Joe Biden from the ticket. I was convinced that our country would not elect a woman and that we then would be stuck with Trump winning. Then I watched VP Harris, always with respect and gratitude to President Biden, select a fantastic running mate and give SRO rally speeches in PA, WI, and MI. I started to see that Democrats were really on board with this ticket. The convention was a well-executed display of the diverse super-strong bench-strength of never-before-in-the-history-of-our-country Democratic leaders . And it was fun. The content of VP Kamala Harris's acceptance speech was masterful. When she said "the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the Whitehouse are very serious!" I felt dread and fear creep back into my heart, but at the same time, I felt calm in knowing that Kamala Harris was the perfect choice for President of the United States. I was voting Democrat no matter who the candidate, but now...I'm not voting for Harris because she is a woman, I am voting for her because I am.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

I'm in the debates are worthless a 19th century anachronism camp. But it seems this one is shaping up to be real. Not that it matters, tangeranus could take dump on the podium and puke in the corner and nyt et al will declare him the winner as sure as the sun rises in the east, like they do in every debate I can remember. So I'm still in that camp.

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Need to get viewership up so that those “undecideds” engage long enough to be exposed to her strengths and solid reputation as a fierce fighter “for the people”!

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Right, so right! They are still referring to "Biden's disastrous debate performance" without any remark or reference to Trump's "insane, deranged, 100% lying debate performance." The NYT is the MAGA media personified.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

Tangeranus will puke in the corner on national television September tenth as Madam Vice President tears his bully body limb-from-limb. Bigger is not better when it comes to bullies; for “the bigger the harder they fall”!

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

She's a winner, plain and simple. And we're going to see to it that she gets the Oval.

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Aug 24Liked by Steven Beschloss

I thought her speech was brilliant and so was her delivery of it. I’m not just saying that either. I listened to it twice. The second time I marveled at

how she made certain points without being the least bit confrontational or argumentative or pandering.

There aren’t a whole lot of people who can do that.

I’ve been a fan of hers since her Senate days.

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I was going to vote for Biden. Now I'm voting for Harris. She could have had a bad night. One speech would not made a difference. Trump not providing PPE to the country, shutting down the gov't because he didn't want to work w/ Democrats, and his storming the capitol proved over & over he wasn't then & isn't fit now to be in charge of anything more than choosing which underwear to wear in the morning.

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I too was for Biden, and because Biden was a such a patriot, top notch man and politician…I definitely believe and value his endorsement of Ms. Harris which clearly demonstrates to me he believes she’s more than up for the job. Regarding “Speeches” they are over rated. I firmly believe actions speak louder than words. Kamala Harris came to the VP job with a substantial resume…that counts in my book. On to the despicable tRUmp, LCF, he is a useless piece of Dung!!! His incompetence and dishonesty was responsible for the majority of deaths from Covid 19. It’s personal with me. Especially regarding the PPE issue. My Granddaughter is a nurse…during the height of the Pandemic she was working in a metro Boston Hospital. Doctors and Nurses, as well support staff were working 12+ hours, sometimes even 24 hours on and very few off…weeks on end! They had no PPE equipment. They were working with plastic garbage bags as aprons, plastic bags as Gloves and Booties. Regarding masks…her Mother and Father would drive to the Hospital with masks and gowns they washed at home and picked dirty ones. When our Governor arranged for a shipment that A%&Hole tRump actually stole the shipment…as they did to countless others. Up till then I never had wished a bad death on anyone…that changed. One evening during a News Conference A&%Hole tRump talked about drinking Bleach as a cure…I wished he would do so in front of all the people who had someone die because of him!!

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OMG. That's a true horror story, and a long one. I am so sorry. Your granddaughter and her parents are American heroes. Trump deserves Leavenworth for the rest of his miserable life. And those acts of hate he did don't even make it to his rap sheet, as someone at the convention said. That only includes serial liar, rapist, fraudster, cheat, thief, convicted felon, and draft dodger.

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oh, I forgot: "insurrectionist."

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Bob, I’m glad someone other than me remembers

all of that. I’m an RN who worked in a large hospital ER & intensive care, years ago. When I heard what nurses and other hospital workers were going through—having to use plastic garbage bags to protect themselves, I was appalled. Not only did Trump totally mismanage the pandemic, it’s as if he wanted to make it worse! He sent people to confiscate personal protective equipment that had already been paid for as it was en route to the hospitals that bought it! And, I don’t know this for a fact, but I think Jared was selling the confiscated

(stolen) equipment it out of a condo in DC and splitting the proceeds with Trump. Not only that, he made states bid against each other for ventilators!!! People were telling him to invoke the wartime production act to convert manufacturing facilities so they could make more ventilators and he refused to do it! He was using the pandemic as a money-making opportunity and a shortage of life-saving equipment meant a bigger profit! I still can’t believe he got away with it, but he did.

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I remember reading about the diversion of shipments. 😡

As for speeches, they are important especially for a candidate like Kamala. They tell voters what is on a candidate’s mind & their priorities. A lot of what warned us (and still does) about DJT came out of his mouth.

She’s not been president. She must set out her priorities; differentiate her ideas from her opponent and Biden. Plus, a lot of voters have no idea about her resume except as VP she was not in charge. She has to connect the dots between her experience & her vision in a way that makes people understand and see she is an effective leader. A big part of her speeches is about connecting those dots.

It is not an easy thing to do. About 19 VPs have been candidates to be president. 6 or 7 were successful.

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I think he’d have trouble with that too. The man has no redeeming qualities as a human being let alone the potential leader of the country

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I would argue that the members of the America, America community, all other Americans supporting her who saw this speech received a boost of reassurance that Kamala Harris is the right choice come November. It is unimaginable to me that any critical thinking person is still undecided.

However, they are out there. After Thursday night’s speech their numbers dwindled down. And when she crushes Trump at that debate she will have closed the sale for any remaining.

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Don't underestimate the plain silliness and lack of focus of the undecided voter. I have a neighbor who told me yesterday: "The idea of giving home buyers a $25,000 credit will just force home sellers to buy a more expensive house, drive the market up, and then it will crash in two years." Honest! And the man from Shamokin, PA, interviewed after the RNC, who said he voted for Trump since 2016 and will again because "he's a working class guy just like us." Honest! Don't overestimate these people. Go out and talk to them gently and persuasively. They just don't think! They need our help between now and Nov. 5, without upsetting them or driving them deeper into their un-thought-through silliness.

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Yes, it made me feel even better about her capabilities to lead our nation.

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I have supported her since day one, once I knew she had Biden’s endorsement, support, and blessings I was all in.

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My favorable views of her haven’t changed over the years and was happy to see her continuing to raise the bar in all of us.

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