I truly don't know how people can listen to that word salad and flight of ideas and think "this is a man I trust to run the country". Most of the time the man can't string words together into complete sentences that form a coherent thought. This is a man who other world leaders laughed at during a speech at the United Nations. As long as I live, I will never understand how so many Americans have embraced this insanity.

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You and me both! 🤬🤦‍♀️

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Add me to that group!!

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Yes, this is what has spewed out of his ugly mouth for years. His followers think he is strong, yet he actually despises them. They don't know what real grievance is, but they'll find out if he gets back in office.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 12Liked by Steven Beschloss

Perfect. I can see it now as a SNL skit of entirely quotations. Tina Fey said Sarah Palin's interview with Katy Couric was the first time they did a skit without changing a word of the original. Trump could be the second.

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Yes. I would like to watch that. I especially liked his word salad the other day when he boasted that his "connection" at MIT said that the orange sadist's questioning whether it would be better to be electrocuted or attacked by a shark was a question that no one had ever posited before. (In other words, brilliant.)

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Yes, as you say, Tyrumps chronic dangerous whining lies and people sadly believe them.

Just Tyrumps open blatant admiration for cruel dictators, Russias Putin, China’s Xi and Kim Jong Un of North Korea should end his support in itself.

Of course, Conservative news does not reveal many of these incriminating words, so many never know he said them.

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Recently I said to a friend a really good reason to not vote for him is that you’d have to listen to this same old, same old. But then even if he loses in a landslide these silly little entitled so called journalists will lap at his every word like hungry little puppies. At least buy them all thesauruses or The College Writers Guide to Resources.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

And how did this mentally deranged person ever become President? Will this be the tragic and sad ending of our Democracy, or a rally to save it and never let it happen again?

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A great sum up covering years of trumplandian fairy tales, denials and vitriol.

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As we know, trump is an immature man who needs to be the center of attention, blames others, lies, bullies, and calls others names, most likely traits learned in childhood. He rec'd no love from his mother (her middle name was Christ), his father was abusive to his sons and his wife, used donald to belittle brother Freddie, stood for racism, was in the KKK, a penny pincher,, even said he was of Scottish origin when in fact, was German (original name-Drumpf)-donald tells people Fred was born in Germany. To gain favor, donald imitated Dad, even competed with him-was glad Fred not interested in NYC, so that made donald happy that he, alone, could take over the city. Personalities are generally formed by age of 5-Freud. Thus, we have a man who knows nothing of truth, kindness, honesty, and certainly,not of governing a country. Fred developed dementia.donald seems headed that way.

People who feel they have been deprived in life, belittled, are uneducated, have few friends, have found a group to which they can belong, will never admit to being wrong.Think trump will lift them up. In fact, they will be the first to feel his cruelty. He tells them he loves them when, indeed, he feels nothing for them-or even for those like Pence, Rudy,Meadows,etc who were loyal to him. Others are desperate to retain power, have same personalities, or are afraid of him.And many have families who have always been Republicans and are delusional as to what the original party values were.

On a smaller scale, I encounter people like trump.As I have said, I have a part time job in a main grocery chain, not yet ready for rocking chair and knitting. There are customers who will argue till the cows come home, that they are wrongly charged. They see BOGO and sale signs but never read the small print, dispute even when a picture is taken and shown to them. Not their fault, sign old, in wrong place. Disappoints me when some who should deny them, give in to them, encourage them to repeat performances. Some also hide items. I discovered a pile of greeting cards 2 inches thick under a woman's purse. Excuses were made.

I think this example shows there lies a defect in the character of many people. They are in their own way, trumps.

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There has never been a word of truth, decency or integrity from this loser’s mouth EVER. Nor will there ever be.

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All of the circumstances surrounding the damage he has wrought and the threat Trump represents to the future of the country has been incompetently mismanaged, mishandled and has failed to meet the moment. The United States was attacked on January 6th 2021, planned and executed by the sitting President of the United States at the time. And nothing was done about it. So many people have been writing and speaking about this in a bubble ever since, and look where we are. Weak and feckless in the eyes of the world, divided and broken at home. Our Pro Democracy coalition has allowed one man to destabilize our nation, it’s Democracy and the Rule of Law to a point that nearly half of the population, of poorly educated, ill equipped to critically think citizens believe the vitriolic nonsensical rhetoric they are being peddled. I’m getting to the point where I have to entertain the notion that Trump is doing what he is doing because he is getting a deliberate pass to continue the chaos. The actions that should have been taken post J6 never came. We are in a quagmire of our own making because no one had the will to do the job of protecting our country!

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Democrat Party needs to fire and hire. Ineffective campaigning.Forget Michelle Obama's

When they go low, we go high. Not a winning strategy. My opinion anyway.

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We now have an easy test for voter qualification after this coup has been squelched... if a person votes for this guy in 2024 they obviously lack basic discernment. In the future, proof of discernment would be required to register to vote. I'm joking folks, but, this is more reasonable than what the repubs are doing.

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yup the government was after him 20 years ago when he "slept" with stormy... the "dog ate his homework" mentality doesn't work when you are an "adult" which even that is a questionable description of him

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I’m so sick of his being in the national spotlight! I hope I live long enough to see America heal from Donald Trump!

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I had an interesting thought this morning and would love to hear some feedback. I suggest there be debates/town halls with the prospective 2025 majority leaders of the House and Senate. Not only does the president wield power but our legislators have tremendous power over our daily lives. Bringing these prospective leaders to debate each other and layout their party platforms could be very informative to the public and further shed light on the directions each party intends to take. I don't understand why most Americans agree with Democratic party ideas - access to abortion, lowering prices, protecting social security and freedom of speech and religion, equality, etc. why are they so supportive of Trump and the Republicans?

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Bc they hate the same people…it’s that simple.

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Because they don’t believe he’ll really go that far and it won’t affect them; only those he hates.

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That he is this way is not unbelievable. We all know people who are never wrong. They are generally found to be hyper annoying. The unbelievable is that so many people LIKE it from him. Somehow he appeals to the secret side of people who WANT to be never wrong and think they actually never are, but don't dare express it because, well, everyone finds it hyper annoying. It is very like his permission to be racist.

Perhaps history will know him as the Magnet of Id.

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Your subtitle fit my local trump husband, before Jesus and I won his heart just recently emersed.

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