A patriot supports a free , unbiased, truthful public education where all children can learn about the past & be prepared to meet the future with knowledge, honesty & belief that all people have worth & dignity. A patriot knows that behind every ordinary & extraordinary citizen stands a dedicated teacher who deserves respect, credit & fair reward.

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Thank you for stating this so well, Rita, and for drawing attention to the role - as vital as breath itself - that public education pays in advancing truth in a free and just society. You've taken the words out of my mouth.

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Thank you.

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I didn’t need to be motivated to support and vote for Joe. I don’t need to be motivated to support and vote for Kamala. My admiration for Joe, already substantial, has grown. Let’s now make and change history. Let’s save democracy. Let’s rid ourselves of this stench.

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Great writing. So proud of people like you who stand up for freedom and democracy and justice for all. It is writers like you that give me hope for our great country. Thank you for all your hard work.

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I’ll second that! 🤩

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Thank you, too!

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Thanks very much.

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Care deeply about the future of the planet and all its diverse creation and strive for pragmatic pathways to roll back the warming of the planet.

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Be a dedicated citizen of the world while holding fast to the values that make one an American

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You might add: vote as if your life as you know it is threatened.

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Patriots are those who grieve when our nation suffers a mass shooting and helps those affect through their loss and not make it about themselves.

Patriots are those who work to ensure all Americans have the resources they need to thrive and not someone who sells shoes and mugs and T-shirts for his own aggrandizement.

Patriots are those don't tell billionaires that if they donate to him, he'll cut their taxes.

Patriots are those who tell the truth, even when it hurts them.

Patriots are those who aren't Republicans or MAGA cult members.

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Superb summary of patriotic characteristics AND the qualities that have made Biden such a great President. This is not an inconsequential musing; it is the definition of ethics and morality in politics; a keeper, for sure. Thank you, Steven.

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I sure feel a greater appreciation for true patriotism when Trump and MAGA vividly show us what it is NOT. A US president wrapping himself around a US flag and making out with it is NOT patriotic! A bunch of burly guys in cammo marching down the street chanting USA, USA while waving American flags together with racist, hateful signs is NOT patriotic! A former president vying for reelection who describes the nation using dark terms such as "carnage," "vermin," and "plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction ..." is NOT patriotic! Let's reclaim the true meaning of patriotism, as so many commenters here have eloquently done.

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The erosion of free and fair elections has been ongoing for decades. The electoral college has been Gerry mandered such that it allows the minority to “rule”. Republicans only win when they cheat.

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I saw online a button that said, "Nothing says 'traitor' like a trump flag". Perfect!

It makes me sad that tffg supporters have corrupted the meaning of the American flag. I used to be happy to see it, but now just feel depressed, figuring I'm seeing yet another tffg fan. I wish true patriots could take it back.

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I hung our flag on July 4th and have kept it flying. Bush tried to change the meaning of the flag in 2003, and tfg in 2016. I’m taking it back as a symbol of democracy, not despotic ambitions.

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It does not belong to tfg and his law breaking supporters, it belongs to us, as citizens of this great country. They have defiled it, break the code of the flag at every opportunity, and defy the promise of the Constitution that the flag represents. Fly it proudly, you must look at it as ours, and recognize that they are just plain wrong.

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The Stars and Stripes are flying over our door 24 hours a day (lighted at night). There is no way I would relinquish this symbol to CFDT, the Heritage and Federalist traitors, SCOTUS trumpies, or anyone else who wants to sell America to the highest bidder or loves Putin's bare chest.

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When I'm feeling pessimistic about the hateful rhetoric of the Republican party, I always listen to (and watch) the erudite and heartfelt speech given by Michael Douglas as President Andrew Shepard in The film The American President

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship."


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And this one from Sydney Ellen Wade: How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can't stand Americans?

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Love that film. Everyone in that movie is pitch perfect. Michael Douglas would have made a great President.

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And as you also say, Steven:

“It’s up to all of us to prove that love of country can triumph over the hunger for carnage and retribution. We can thank Joe Biden for providing us such a powerful model of patriotism.”


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Great list, Steven! I think this one is my favorite: "Cry when the highest court in the land bows to the will of a convicted felon and rules to give him near-total immunity, as if he were king."

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President Biden has proven great leadership. Sadly, we citizen have failed in our duty of equal followship of a great leader. Will we deserve another great leader? Not until we learn the difference between substance and hot air.

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Steven, this list has moved us this morning as nothing else these last few days. Thank you! The prevaricating, fat guy felon has no concept of decency or democracy.

As yesterday was unfolding could not help but think of a favorite OT verse:

"... what does Lord require of you but to do JUSTICE, to love KINDNESS & walk HUMBLY w your God" Fat Guy - zero. Joe Biden - gazillion+.

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