This past month when I felt overwhelmed by a family member’s What? financial issues I made a list of all the things that are good for me personally, and day by day, added them back into my life, hiking in the desert -babysitting- hanging out with my adorable 4 1/2 year-old great grandson Who in a 24 hour period went with me to a playground the library - which he calls the “ book museum” -McDonald’s for fries and ice cream. His first live theater play – Elf Junior, which he sar through with the aid of several small suckers I had in my purse. Thrn , eating plain noodles at a local Chinese restaurant, in addition to playing with his new microscope discovering that “buggies” are the best things in the world. Then, with no little buddy around on Sunday morning, I got myself back to the lap pool for the first time in two years. It was imperative for me to go to get back to my things -my joy-my self-care.

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Steven, your honesty about exhaustion brought me some relief, as I feel many of us are going through this and we need to be able to communicate about it and to consider how to restore ourselves. Taking time to 'just be' -what a great reminder! Doing will naturally arise from Being. Being is like the center of a wagon wheel and if we get pulled out to the outer rim, we may go for a tumultuous ride.

Take time to rest, to do new things, or just be, and to enjoy yourself. Thank you. Best, Lisa

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am troubled by the news that is absent from the political landscape. The news that does not exist; of young people fighting for their democracy.

Call me old-fashioned but throughout history change only happened when people took it to the streets. Literally take it to the streets. I do not see hundreds of thousands of young people marching on our capital, confronting the Republican positions. My malaise with this whole political climate is in that and that alone.

Why should I continue to fight for the future of our democracy at 66 years old when young people continue to sit on the sidelines? Would the Vietnam war have ended if it were not for the people marching on the streets? Would women have gained the right to vote if it weren’t for women taking it to the streets? Would abortion have become a mainstay in American society if it weren’t for women taking it to the streets? Would are country have gained independence from England if it weren’t for people taking it to the streets?

I am still of the opinion that politicians could give a shit about 10,000 emails, but they would give a shit about confronting tens of thousands of protesters every day in Washington. Call it optics if you may. I call it historical truth.

What the young people of our society need today are leaders who turn off their emails, purchase a megaphone and take it to the streets. That is the news I wish I could hear, I have to hear, I want to see, but I have yet to see.

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Because you have to be that stealth secret weapon please ! We know you are there ! We aren’t taking any of your support for granted ! Trust me !

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

So true. You are a wise and generous human. Yesterday I took a break after a hectic week. I read and napped. Today I feel great. We news nuts must give ourselves time and space to think, be, and recharge. I need that often. Safe journey.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am so exhausted by world events that I cannot bring myself to write a blog post. After reading your post, I decided that I am going to gather my favorite sunrise, sunset, cloud photos and simply share those today. Nature gives me the gift of peace.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

I’ve just moved to a rural part of Canada’s capital and your comment made me feel right at home. I love nature, acre lots and I missed my 1850s log house nestled in a forest from years gone by. This house is more modern, but provides me with the same sense of being one with nature. I love it, and it will be be my last move, guaranteed.

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I am one of those people, who has to know what the enemies are expressing / writing / ranting about. It gives me Italian heart burn -Agitato

The Part that is exhausting is the HYPOCRISY - Hypocrisy was just a word - back in the day, it was frowned upon to be a hypocrite. Today, Hypocrisy is a well fed demonic entity - And for those who are sensitive, who know better, who cannot just shrug it off? It becomes exhausting .

In my humble Opinion, Hypocrisy along with the consistent lying. Not just the lying / but the fabrication of bullshit. Is really scary.

I am not in the position to change anyones mind / I do not have a strong following on any social media . All I can do is VOTE / knock on doors / and keep my fingers crossed .

I will say this though ..it is glaring to any one who sees ...that what Netanyahu has done?


to Help trump get re elected. . Biden is done if he does ..Done if he doesn't . He is in a very very difficult place ..Netanyahu Knows this . Netanyahu is DIABOLICAL

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yes Steven, Rejuvenation is an essential part of our wellbeing and survival. Hopefully each of us will find, or has found ways to refresh and recharge. We are fortunate to live on the coast, and a walk on the beach is part of our wellbeing every day. Experiencing the different moods of Nature each day is very helpful and an important part of keeping our focus on the important things.

Please know that for me, and I'm sure many of us, this site provides a safe place to meet and share, which is of value to my wellbeing as well. Sharing and learning from each other can help release the anger and uncertainty of the times. Thank you for providing this place, and enjoy your time to refresh.

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So nice to hear. Thank you.

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Have a relaxing time away. Sadly all this will still be here. Have a merry Christmas and be safe on the road .

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven, you clearly deserve a break. I understand your need to turn the page on this year and take time to reflect on the highs and lows. As I look forward to a new year, please accept my warm wishes of hope and your continued vision in battling the burning fires set by those who want to bring fascism to your great country. Happy Holidays to you and your family and may the New Year bring you joy and good health. Carole Ann

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Thank you. And to you, too.

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I understand the exhaustion. I can feel it creeping in too, and it is eerily reminiscent of 2016 and 2020...in fact, every election since 2016. The grief I experienced at Trump’s first election has only been amplified these past months, with the prospect of his winning the Republican primary. I try to ignore the unmistakeable stench of Trumpism, but with each passing day it grows unavoidably stronger. Republicans are trying hard to cement the perception that Biden is old, our elections are rigged, and the Biden family is corrupt, while of course, the only corruption that’s in full view is Trump’s. It’s a hard thing to realize that some people will swallow any toxic brew these liars can produce.

Not even our holidays have been spared. Chanukah has been bloodied by war and anti-semitism and tragedy. Christmas has been hijacked by those who have distorted its message and who demand fealty not to the Messenger of Peace, but to those who bend the knee to power and greed.

Where is the light? Whatever happened to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world)? I applaud you, Michael, for going to find it...in nature, in family, and within your self. May you and yours be blessed with good health, joy wherever you can find it, and prosperity in the coming year. As a privileged witness to your compassion and carefully crafted messages, Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

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Happy holidays to you too !

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Steven, I am a recent follower of yours and I agree wholeheartedly. For me, that the burnout creeps upon you, messing with your mind before you see it. It has been a recent realization that the developing community of kindred souls in the various Substack comments gives those of us who care a sense of belonging that goes a long way in helping us remain focussed, and, as Joyce so aptly says it, "We are in this together". That goes a long way in taming the burnout fueled by the sense of futility. Screaming into the howling wind until exhausted. Not knowing if anyone hears or is even listening.

Have a very pleasant escape and enjoy a big dose of holliday family fun.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Rest well with your family, recharge, and come back when you're ready. After Thanksgiving, I needed a break from the turmoil. Taking a break doesn't weaken any resolve, it just re-energizes us to be stronger and better! Take care and "see" you later.

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Thank you, Kathy.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

"Shelter from the storm. That sounds to me like the antidote to the condition, a chance to take a break from the madness outside, a change of scene, a moment to get warm before returning to the ravaging elements. " Rejuvenation / Act of growing young again / Mother hold me close

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Have a truly wonderful time with your family, and enjoying nature! No need to write anything until 2024. (I'm actually finding it very wearing to try to keep up with all of the substacks to which I subscribe!) That can be your gift to us! Read you in the New Year!

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Yes, Steven, a break is needed for us. After all, haven’t the R’s in the House been taking breaks! I’d like to break their necks, but that’s another story. Have a wonderful time with family!

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

So true. You are a wise and generous human. Have a restful and joyful break. I had a good one yesterday after a hectic week. I read and napped. Today I feel great. We need nuts must do this more often. Safe journey.

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Thank you kindly, Anne. The best to you, too.

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