Voting FOR democracy, meaning voting for Harris, is essential! Trump and his VP pick are frightening. Are you ready to work to keep our democratic values, moving our country forward?

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Just reregistered yesterday! I’m an ex-pat so wasn’t really sure even if I could vote but my local Board of Elections was extremely helpful so I am ready to vote BLUE all the way.

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When I lived in Egypt I went to the US embassy. They handle that stuff too, plus they'll make sure your ballot gets to where it needs to go.

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It is critical, as you say, Steven, that we prevail in overwhelming numbers so that the legitimacy of the outcome cannot be denied by Trump's enablers on the Supreme Court.

It is also going to be critical that Merrick Garland brings the full weight of the DoJ to bear in supporting our legal processes and in holding those who seek to subvert them to immediate account. Or is that wishful thinking on my part?

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His reticence has been an ongoing problem.

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Merrick Garland's reticence to act with urgency following the outrage of Jan. 6 has catalyzed this entire sorry mess. Let's hope he has learnt from that debacle.

I hate resorting to cliches, but "justice delayed is justice denied" has never been truer. Perhaps he finds comfort in his forbearance, but this nation has been paying a dreadful price.

The good news, if any, is that the lack of any serious consequences has encouraged the malevolent MAGA forces to come out into the open and trumpet their agenda to destroy democracy. We cannot claim that we have not been warned. It is incumbent on all of us to ensure that we, who represent the forces of justice and freedom, prevail.

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It's back to the Maya Angelou quote : When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Should he resume the presidency, we will lose everything and live in a nightmare world of fright,chaos,misery,shame & alone, grovelling to the likes of Putin, Orban etc. And since those ruthless men are way more intelligent than trump, we will be at their mercy. His defenders may lie, think they can control him. Didn't work in 1930s Germany, won't here. Sadly, millions do not comprehend the depraved mind behind those alligator eyes. His past fake electors are now in legitimate placement, & havoc will reign. Vote & be prepared for what might happen.

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This is horrifying and Trump is saying the Dictator Dream out loud. I enjoy your succinct video commentaries.

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Thanks, Gloria.

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Steven, this video was short and to the point. Thank you.

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These Republican sell outs are telling themselves lies and all of us are caught in their web of propaganda and deception.

But we have a way out . If we vote for Kamala we’re voting for our democracy . If we don’t we’ll see Trump in power for some of us until we die.

We cannot let that happen .

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Ms Lane, While I agree 100%. This Election (2024) will be like none we’ve ever experienced previously. The MAGots will have learned (none of it good) from their 2020 tactics. They’re not shy about talking about it. Remember…we won’t have the Judiciary to support the rule of Law anymore. If tRump, LCF gets in he’s not going to leave…not on his own anyway!

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Well I agree which is why we have to do everything in our power to prevent trump from winning the presidential election . I understand they will fight w everything they have , it’s not just Trump anymore it’s the SC and the Heritage Foundation and Federalist s Society .

These people with money backing their power .

I sincerely hope the Democrats in a position in this administration is taking this seriously and putting things in order to meet their Maga mercenary tricks.

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They’ve learned, but so have we. I’m just hoping if we can get out the vote for Kamala, lawyers and politicians a lot smarter than me will take care of the wayward electors. Hoping they will be better prepared than last time. At least we have Biden still as President, not Trump this time.

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Yes, we should have learned by now what he says is what he wants to do.

You’ve told us that and our mission is clear. Thank you.

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Star Wars

Watching his political rally lull

I kept getting flashes of Jabba

the Hutt, wet, lulling around in a tub

burbling, I give no second chances...

A slug-like alien burping, "Vote for me,

and you’ll never have to vote again..."

The arena cheered his entrance, though

the thrill of the race proved not entertaining

enough to keep Jabba awake. Here he was,

huge mouth agape snoring his ominous

words, "No second chance, vote for me,

and you’ll never have to vote again..."

Jabba’s laugh recalled his massive rancor…

Soon a victim of his own hubris and vengeful

ways. Choked by a woman until he let out

one last gasp, "No second chance, vote for me,

and you’ll never have to vote again."

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Has anyone heard of True To Vote? The organization uses an app called IV3. No one knows how the algorithm works. It collects information from USPS and the IRS and then challenges your registration. I imagine they are targeting swing states. Please look up your registration. In some states, if your registration is challenged on election day, you won't be able to the vote. Pass the word.

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I think that is “True The Vote.”

Voter rolls and party registration are available in many if not most states. Campaigns buy them. I think this group claims to check them against deaths and maybe USPS for change of address along with some wilder claims. When push comes to shove, they fail.

The more important thing is for people to check their registration (as you said) and check their state laws. Then you will know if what to do if you are challenged at the polls. Provisional ballots are explained here: https://ballotpedia.org/State_by_State_Provisional_Ballot_Laws

True The Vote activities:


• They’ve also been suspected of misusing donations and misusing their charitable status (engaging in politics). https://apnews.com/article/georgia-elections-true-vote-ballot-stuffing-199113b47bc2df79c63fdf007cd23115

• And going back even further were jailed for contempt of court.


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Everyone needs to keep rechecking their registrations to vote. People are getting kicked off the rolls for no reason other than Rs playing dirty tricks and you will only know if it happens to you if you keep checking every week to make sure you’re still registered . . Also: Does anyone know if the FBI is working on preventing the plans to replace slates of electors if Dems win a state?

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All of the GOP enablers of tfg play down his words, but we have learned that when he says “you won’t have to vote again“, he means it. He tried to stay in power the last time, we cannot give him another chance.

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Even trumps best numbers at his magat party he couldn’t draw the crowds that Kamala is drawing in. Thanks Steven for your video.

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Thank you. Let’s get out the vote. We will not go back !!

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Today, Trump was invited to speak at the National Association of Black Journalists. He revealed himself as the bigot his daddy taught him how to be. Steven, I know you will have something to say about this but he literally stood out like a sore fascist thumb and I was glad. The three journalists asked him pointed questions to which he never answered. But what he did do was tried to rake Kamala over the coals by mispronouncing her name and questioning whether she was Black or not. HE is a pig.

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Keep at it Steven and I will do the same. Been listening to you for years when Rachael Maddow days. VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY !

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You’re thinking of my brother, but thanks.

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Steve, This comment is a few degrees off point from Today’s discussion…but we are being bombarded by so much daily…I didn’t feel it would be a serious distraction. I obtained the address for a Podcast (see below, hopefully it’s correct?) that is beginning a series that plans on describing the workings of Project 25. While listening to today’s episode something that jumped out at me was…the historical parallel that is starting to take place here in America. The term…Project 2025 is being freely bantered about by many…but I truly believe very few have a easy, understandable, interpretation at hand. When the first episode concluded…I actually shuddered at what I heard. Irrespective of what that Goon tRump says, “it will be his manifesto for a second Term.” To better know what he is planning…understanding Project 2025’s motives should be mandatory reading.

The historical parallel I see forming is as follows;

>Then…Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” (my struggle) or, aka, My blueprint that led to the eventual destruction of Germany. Financed by…who knows anymore!

>Present day…tRump LCF, and Project 2025, brings us, “My blueprint that will lead to the eventual destruction of America’s Democracy.” Financed by a pack of self aggrandized, power hungry, self centered rich guys…with a very focused agenda!


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The denials of Trump’s statement about never voting again reminds me of the camps where they told people they were going to the “showers”.

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