This latest installment of our short video series, “Media Misses,” looks at a Politico Magazine essay in which Asli Aydintasbas, a former journalist from Turkey, assures us that Donald Trump couldn’t become a dictator in just four years—and that we shouldn’t panic.
Yes, let’s not panic. But also let’s not downplay the damage he can and will cause to our democracy and country. Far too many voters remain unaware, indifferent or doubtful of Trump’s intentions and the potential harm that he and his committed enablers can cause. A magazine piece that discourages people from worrying too much—even while thoughtfully explaining the potentials for resistance and the need to organize the opposition—is aiding and abetting a grave danger to America’s democratic future.
Once again, “Media Misses” pairs me with Mark Jacob, a former editor of the Chicago Tribune and author of the excellent Stop the Presses newsletter.
You can check out our short conversation here:
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Media Misses: Politico Minimizes the Danger of Dictatorship